Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1558 Perfect Human

The very embarrassing thing about the original Wuhun is that the Wuhun is just a body and has no clothes. If your martial spirit is just a part of your body, it might seem a bit strange at best. For example, arms, head, eyes, toes, etc. But if your martial spirit is a whole person, then a person without clothes will appear. Because clothes are indeed not part of the martial spirit.

Cheng Ying wasn't quite sure what was happening behind him. How can you complete normal daily life without being poisoned? This is the ultimate social terrorist. But after looking at his size, Cheng Ying suddenly suspected that he did it on purpose. Otherwise, why would there be a mistress who can’t even write a list? I'm afraid that this fucking gang of girls is not, but they are also interested in sex.

"What kind of test are you going to do? My martial spirit is here. I haven't heard of any test that can be directly used on the martial spirit." Du Bushu was a little curious, Cheng Ying and the two had always been Too mysterious.

"We have our own method for this. Since it can be observed, it must be able to feedback to the outside world at some physical level. This is enough." Cheng Ying did not explain too deeply and said too much. Even if you are poisoned, you will not understand.

He just pulled out various scanning equipment. Try mixed teams. In-depth scanning and analysis, different devices analyze different data. And there are always one or two that can collect data.

"Well... our guess should be correct. This body martial soul is still the main body of the human body and still has a cellular structure, but every cell is extremely powerful. Although we cannot directly sample it. But with this level observations, to recover its genetic map. It should be possible to try to replicate it," Yak will share the data. That is extremely detailed data, detailing the structure of almost every cell. It can be inferred from these data that genetic mapping is not particularly difficult.

"In that case, let's give it a try! If we can normalize it, we can have a relatively cheap and efficient body modification drug.

Another question is, is there any difference between the strength of the martial soul and the strength of the poisonous body? Cheng Ying asked.

"The difference in this aspect is quite obvious. The strength of the martial spirit is far greater than the strength of the main body. It is the kind of all-round transcendence. If I have to make an analogy, then the martial spirit is the perfect upgraded version of me." Yake explained .

At the same time, both of them couldn't help but have some speculations about the nature of the original martial soul. Perhaps the original martial spirit was different from what they had imagined.

He does not have a fixed appearance, unlike the beast spirit, which has a certain template.

Rather, it is constantly adjusted as the individual becomes stronger, always in a state where the individual has been fully strengthened, which is also the most suitable path for the individual to continue to strengthen.

This is probably an important reason why the main body's martial soul has great potential, and the so-called second awakening may completely transform into the form of the martial soul in a short period of time, possessing power that comprehensively surpasses its own body.

But these are all speculations and are not very important for the time being. The most important thing now is that the genetic map of the body with the strongest martial spirit has been recorded. They can try to clone it and create the corresponding genetically modified medicine.

"We can first try to clone a mindless body. I came up with an idea. Do you think we can let Du Bushit seize the body that cloned his martial spirit?

Since the source of genes and body structure is his martial spirit. Come to think of it, his soul can fit in with it. If this happens, what changes will happen to his martial soul? "Yake's idea can be said to be extremely big, but it does have certain feasibility.

"Your idea is feasible. Perhaps we can use this method to get a stronger spirit body than now, and then repeat the process. However, there is a loophole in this method, that is, the clone needs to grow up from childhood. Of course we can speed up this process, but if he cultivates to Ultimate Douluo, this process probably cannot be speeded up.

The world of Douluo is very weird. Without surgical modification, every tenth level, the cultivation level will not be improved at all. You must obtain a soul ring. Even with surgery. There is no way to make the clone stronger than it is now by practicing the acquired power. I'm afraid it's not an easy thing.

Even though the potential of this body is even greater. Soul power can also be enhanced through surgery, but soul rings must be obtained step by step. And to reach the current strength, at least two 100,000-year-old soul rings are needed. And 100,000-year-old soul bones. These things are hard to come by.

Even if we really try this, there will only be one or two chances at most to push the spirit to transcend the current level through this method. But if it really works out, just once or twice, it should be worth it. "While Cheng Ying was speaking, the genetic sequence had been encoded into a cloned embryo. It had been formed in a petri dish.

The embryo develops rapidly. He turned into a human form and quickly grew to be almost six years old.

"It's almost there, let's stop for a moment. This age is already the age for awakening the martial soul. If nothing else happens, his martial soul should still be his body. And the strength is probably at the level of innate full soul power.

We have to make preparations for obtaining the first soul ring. The first thing is to strengthen his physical fitness. Try not to do anything too outrageous. Although it is not difficult for us to absorb the ten-thousand-year soul ring for the first soul ring. , but that kind of enhancement has probably affected the genetic level. will interfere with the accuracy of our experiments. Therefore, it is enough to strengthen it as much as possible until the first soul ring absorbs it for a thousand years. "

Yak nodded, controlled the robotic arm, and injected some liquid into the back of the neck of the child who looked to be only six years old. Then he watched as the child, who originally looked a little thin, suddenly turned into a devilish muscleman. Except for the fact that his bald head has not changed, his whole body is much stronger than before. It looks like he can kill a cow with one punch.

"The first soul ring of this level can be absorbed for about five thousand years. We have already found a suitable soul beast for him! Let's go! Go to the Star Dou Forest and make the noise less. The next nine soul rings will all be obtained in this way .

It would be best if you could get a 100,000-year soul ring! Hmm... thinking about it, it's hard to refuse the temptation of such a powerful body even if it's poisonous! "

The two people left at once, poisoned the young bodies in the culture tank to death, packed them up and took them away. They drove their vehicles and headed straight for the Star Dou Forest.

[To be continued]

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