Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1561 All 9 Rings

After the death of a 100,000-year-old soul beast, a soul ring will soon emerge, and this process is the best opportunity to record data. During the formation of the soul ring, the density of information gradually increases.

During this process, the order in which the information in the soul ring is arranged can be directly retrieved.

"The recording equipment is operating normally and is being analyzed. Redundant bytes are being eliminated and the algorithm is being re-planned..." As the equipment continued to send out reports, Cheng Ying watched helplessly as the soul ring information was being recorded. The amount of data was huge, making it difficult for him to He was a little stunned.

"This amount of data is difficult to store in a short time even if I use all my mental power. The soul rings of this world do not need to be stored. There is such a large amount of data in history."

Yake nodded: "I also have some doubts. So far, we have not been able to decipher all the information stored in the soul rings in this world. Have you seen the redundant information that has been blocked? Those are the ones that we cannot decipher, and the same is true. Even if the parts that are difficult to affect the soul skill are removed, it will not affect the generation of the soul skill or the life of the soul ring.

The content of this part far exceeds the amount required for the redundant module. In theory, it should have other functions. "Yak shrugged, saying that this world has just been explored. Although the settings are all Douluo, there should still be big differences.

"Well...the data about soul skills is much simpler. If it is such a simple data, wouldn't we just write it directly?" Cheng Ying was confused.

"No, if you look carefully at the data about soul skills, there are password-like settings at the beginning and at the end. Of course, this is my guess. This part has no practical meaning, and the length is not particularly long, but after removing it, it will Even if the soul ring is generated, it cannot be absorbed.

So I have reason to guess that this part of the content is related to the existence of passwords and the like. Because the cost of cracking the work is huge, we haven't made much progress here, so a 100,000-year-old soul beast is very necessary as a blueprint. Copy the contents of this section directly. It can achieve similar effects to a 100,000-year soul ring.

Next, we only need to inject huge soul power, and in this world, the most indispensable thing is soul power. " Yake said, having already installed several simple soul power collection devices.

The soul power floating in the atmosphere began to be collected, and a torrent more terrifying than the full output of Titled Douluo was injected into the unformed data flow. The carrier of the data was also soul power. Under the injection of the same source of power, it soon showed a slightly luminous white color.

As the injected energy increases, the color begins to gradually change from white to yellow. From yellow to purple again. This process is the same as the process of increasing the life span of a soul ring. From purple to black, the black gradually becomes darker. Eventually it turns an eerie red color.

At this point, it is difficult to distinguish between two 100,000-year-old soul rings. The only difference may be the soul bone, a left arm bone. Although it is not very outstanding among 100,000-year-old soul bones, the 100,000-year-old soul ring , the soul bone itself is already superior to most soul bones.

And the soul bone does not need to be copied like the 100,000-year-old soul ring. After all, this thing will explode after death. In other words, if the poisonous soul completes the transfer of the body, it can be obtained from his own body. Take out the soul bones and transplant them to yourself, and so on. You can use the same set of soul bones no matter how many times you change your body.

After copying is complete and the process is confirmed to be repeatable. The clone has begun to absorb the second soul ring. Even a hundred thousand year soul ring is not a serious burden for a clone with such physical fitness.

In just a moment, the absorption process was over, and the clone's age and physical fitness began to be further adjusted. The 100,000-year-old soul ring strengthened various body functions in an all-round way, and it was already beyond the scope of human beings. The body is further strengthened, and if it continues to be strengthened, the martial soul will become a template for becoming stronger.

Although I dare not say that I have thoroughly understood the original martial spirit, judging from the poisonous spirit alone, the original martial spirit is an optimized template for my body.

The martial soul will always be one level stronger than the body, and if it continues to develop, the body will become like the martial soul, and the martial soul will continue to plan stronger forms based on this process.

This change is very suitable for strengthening living bodies and pushing them to their limits. And when the strength of the body reaches the limit of this species, the changes in the martial soul will become more and more obvious.

It is no longer possible for a simple human body to continue to become stronger. Therefore, more organs begin to appear on this body. At first, they just heat the air and create water vapor to provide stronger power for the muscles.

As evolution progresses further, the changes within the body become more intense, and more sophisticated mechanical structures begin to appear. There are even organs that can use fusion energy.

From the beginning, the body will release radiation, and we can see the clues in this regard. A powerful body requires a stronger energy source. Pure chemical energy can no longer sustain such a high-power brain and high-consuming body movements. .

What’s interesting is that soul power, which is most likely to be the source of energy, has never been chosen by Wuhun. It seems that in terms of physical strengthening, Wuhun doesn’t know the existence of soul power at all. Maybe this is some kind of thing in this world. Fantasy setting.

After absorbing the fourth 100,000-year-old soul ring and reaching the Soul King level, a stable nuclear fusion core was finally formed in the clone's body. Located on his shoulder blades, there are two symmetrical reactors. The energy is directed to the propeller on the back, and the remaining energy is given priority to the brain.

From the focus of evolution, it is not difficult to see that the evolution of the main martial soul focuses more on judgment and reaction. The eyes and brain collect information and make judgments, while the body can respond to external information at high speed and move.

But this is different from the assassins in soul masters. If it is an assassin-like body, then the body will probably evolve a multi-stage elastic structure that can store energy. For example, by compressing the muscle structure segment by segment and fixing it together by the mechanical structure, the power released in an instant can cause horrific damage to the enemy. This kind of attack on the slope is far more powerful than accelerating the entire body to collide. Lethality.

The evolutionary choice of the main martial soul is not so much to enhance one's agility as to enhance one's survivability. It seems more like evolution following the laws of nature, but it is just a natural law that contains extraordinary abilities to a certain extent. .

"Do you think there is a possibility? The Wuhun body is actually some kind of human being living in ancient times or on other planets. But to survive there, competition has evolved to a quite fierce level, forcing the human body to evolve to this level. To survive, Cheng Ying was very imaginative.

"Under normal circumstances, the natural environment will indeed force life to evolve higher, faster, and stronger. The ability to move will become stronger and stronger. This is just like in ancient times, life was just a wriggling meat ball in the ocean. Now Can be as agile as a cheetah.

It’s just that it’s difficult to naturally evolve to this level. At least in my opinion, the evolutionary potential of every living thing is limited. Just like the evolutionary potential of animals that we don’t have, it’s actually almost reaching its limit.

We have only four limbs and even have to give up one pair of limbs used for walking in order to use tools. This is proof of evolutionary potential, almost hard work. It is not difficult for us to see this from the fossils of organisms from different eras. New organs often need to be replaced by old organs.

As for these brand-new organs in the original martial soul, they almost all grew out of thin air. It is difficult for me to find signs of evolution among them. Compared with humans, the evolutionary potential of other animals is actually much higher, especially arthropods, such as insects, which have three pairs of legs and two pairs of wings, which is an extremely luxurious configuration.

Some Coleoptera can even extravagantly evolve one pair of wings into a carapace to protect their other pair of wings. Allow yourself to live in dark, cramped corners or damp areas.

If they evolve myelin and have a respiratory system that is stronger than mammals and independent of blood circulation, they may even have the chance to evolve to be larger than most vertebrates and have more developed intelligence.

At that time, they only needed a spare pair of legs or even the amputation of their mouthparts to evolve the ability to use tools. And their many limbs provide infinite possibilities for their evolution. "

Cheng Ying nodded: "This is indeed not like natural evolution, but it is so, frantically developing the human body's potential. If there really is any real prototype of the original martial soul, then their social structure must be very strange.

Hmm... maybe it's the worldview of the mutant type, just like the brainwashed "Shan Hai Jing" game advertisement. Devouring can make you stronger. After devouring the genes of other creatures, you can gain stronger evolutionary potential. In such a In an environment like refining gu, it is indeed possible for such strange creatures to evolve. "

Yake was stunned for a moment, and then showed a thoughtful expression: "If you say that, it is really possible! Devouring the world view of mutants can ignore the limitations of evolutionary potential and learn from other creatures. And just before the emergence of nuclear power, the organs on this guy did have some characteristics of other creatures. It can be said that the reference is quite obvious. If you put it like that, the prototype of the original martial spirit might really live in such a place. In an environment of cruel competition and devouring evolution.

But has the late-stage combat effectiveness of that world collapsed to this extent? Maintaining a human form, the body is actually a reactor. The thrusters can instantly accelerate people to the speed of sound, and even maintain a cruising speed of six or seven times the speed of sound. Moreover, the nervous response system can also be as flexible as walking at this speed, just like walking. Relying on speed and strength, without using any other superpowers in the body, he could beat the titled Douluo to the point where he didn't even know how he died. "

Cheng Ying shrugged and shook his head: "Who knows? Maybe there are some ancient secrets involved. We are Douluo people. I don't need to analyze it for you. The existence of Wuhun is so strange! Cognition determines Wuhun. I’m afraid there won’t be a perfect explanation for this weird phenomenon even if it’s 300 years later!”

Yake also agrees with this statement, and at the same time also wants to know how far the original martial soul can achieve? And verify everything. The simplest way is to continuously strengthen the strength of Poisonous Soul and its main body.

After being given the seventh 100,000-year soul ring, this body has begun to emit light visible to the naked eye. If it evolves naturally, this phenomenon means that this creature has already reached the status of a predator and can , don’t worry so much about hiding yourself.

The radiation around his body has become extremely strong. Hundreds of meters around him have even become a restricted area for life. This radiation has also become a force that it can control. A single thought can make this area without enough resistance. The life machine gene of ability collapses.

And the ability to contain this radiation is also a necessary ability to live in a normal society without being poisoned. Otherwise, we would have to endure such strong radiation. It was simply a lone star of evil, and anyone who saw it would die. Even a titled Douluo couldn't bear to deal with such people every day. If he dared to marry a wife, he would have reached the ultimate Douluo level. Get along day and night. In less than a year, there will be a hiccup.

When the final ninth soul ring is added, even without the use of martial souls or any soul power, the body has become terrifyingly strong. Not only the various attributes of the body, the reaction ability of the brain, and the ability of thinking The speed can also keep up with the body. Delicate manipulation of the body. It can also match this power.

Next, inject soul power, transplant the soul core, and combine it with one breath to upgrade this body to the ultimate Douluo level. It can be said that this is the strongest body ever among Douluo soul masters.

Cheng Ying controlled the nerves of the body, absorbed the released radiation, put it into a container and transported it back quickly. The weight of this thing was astonishing, and the body had exceeded the density of most conventional substances. It was moving towards simplicity. Although the gap in the development trend of parallel matter is still extremely huge, the gap between atomic nuclei has begun to gradually be compressed. After continuing to strengthen for a few more rounds, it might really be possible to obtain a degenerate material body that evolved naturally.

After he cooperated with the research, Du Bushui has been curious about what kind of mission these two sudden uninvited guests carry for him? Why did he entrust them with such an important secret even if he lost his memory?

He had a hunch that this matter was extremely important to him, but for a while he couldn't figure out why this hunch came about. It wasn't until a body with a face exactly like his, but a completely different temperament, appeared in front of him that he realized what his strange premonition meant.

[To be continued]

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