Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,562 Interference from the Divine Realm

Although this body has the same appearance as Poisonous Death, even a powerful Extreme Douluo can feel great pressure when facing this body. This is still when this body has not awakened and has no subjective consciousness.

The source of this pressure is not the powerful pressure of soul power. A body without independent consciousness will not release the pressure. The poisonous person will feel pressure entirely because of the powerful energy reaction brought about by the vigorous nuclear reaction in this body.

That was explosive power. Extreme Douluo's powerful intuition realized the danger of this power. Even an explosion that was completely beyond the control of subjective will would cause serious harm to him at this distance.

"What on earth is this? Why does he look exactly like me? What on earth did you do to me?" Although they have established initial trust in Chengying and the two, after seeing such a thing, they are still poisonous. I was shocked.

"This is your clone. You may not understand what cloning is. It means using something from your body to create another version of you. This sounds incredible. But I think you should also know, Some organisms with very simple structures can be split into two by cutting them in half.

What we do is similar, but it is much more difficult for complex creatures like humans to do this, and the process is much more complicated.

In theory, your soul should be able to fit perfectly with this body and seize it. "Cheng Ying controlled the computer, activated the pipeline inserted into the clone's back, controlled it, and released his soul ring.

As nine purple and eight red soul rings with extremely weird colors were released, the powerful limit, Douluo's pressure shrouded. As a quasi-limit Douluo who could compete with the real limit Douluo, I felt suffocated even if I couldn't die from poison. When he faced his brother and Munn back then, he had never felt such strong oppression. He was facing a titled Douluo who was much more powerful than himself.

"Why is he so strong? What did you do? Why did I tell you those secrets at that time? Was this my original plan?" There was a trace of greed in Du Bu Shai's eyes, but he still retained his last vigilance.

This body has no soul, he can easily sense this. But he fears it's a trap. What if these two people just want to wait for him to attack him when he is at his weakest in the process of seizing his body?

This is very possible. He can't be killed by poison, and he has six soul bones in his body, and each one is a very precious and top-grade soul bone. There are even two, 100,000-year-old soul bones. The configuration of this life is enough to make most people on the mainland covet it.

"We know what you are worried about, Your Majesty. But we can't tell you the truth yet. Knowing the truth will only bring you danger if you are not strong enough. Our mission is to help you become stronger. Only when you become strong enough , in order to safely restore the original memory.

We can help you with up to two more enhancements of the same magnitude. This is what we can do to strengthen you to your limit. After that, no matter whether you become strong enough or not, you will have to face the next step. crisis.

As the first transaction where we build trust. During the process of changing your body, we will stay away and you can choose someone you trust to protect yourself. After successfully seizing the body, don't waste the soul bone of the original body. There is a 100,000-year-old soul bone here. You can consider replacing the one on your body.

After how much ends? Come to us at this address and we will customize the next reinforcement for you. "

Du Bushui finally couldn't help it anymore and swallowed his saliva. The strength of the body in front of him really made him envious. It could be seen that the volume of this body was about the same as it, but its mass was ten times higher than its own. More than twice as much.

You know, in order to enhance his fighting power, he constantly exercises his body and tempers his bones to make them denser. He can also exercise them up to about three times that of ordinary people. Higher density is no longer Carbon-based organisms can achieve.

As a qualified and powerful soul master, he is very aware of the impact of his own quality on strength and the huge impact of human form combat effectiveness. Not to mention the more powerful soul power of this body, and the mixture of the two. The body alone has been strengthened several times. It was enough to make him salivate.

Seeing these two mysterious guys leaving as soon as they said they would, Du Bushu began to really believe in himself. He had encountered some magical adventure. These two people should be his most loyal subordinates who helped him keep secrets and preserve his benefits. , otherwise, why don’t they use this kind of strengthening opportunity on themselves?

When the two of them were finally far away from each other, Du Bu Shou called his current confidants to protect him. He finally couldn't help it and started to seize the body.

This body was cloned from the genetic information of his martial soul, and his martial soul was the future of his body. It could perfectly accommodate his soul. It didn't even need the assistance of any equipment. As long as his forehead was close, He can control this body.

Taking the body is an extremely smooth process, without any rejection reaction. The soul will even think that this is its own body, and it only takes a short time to adapt to its soaring power.

In this regard, Cheng Ying left very detailed instructions and was forced to read them to death. He fully understood the instructions in this aspect, such as how to control the radiation of this body and how to actively regulate the operating power of various organs in his body? Within what threshold can overloading oneself cause irreversible damage? What kind of damage may be fatal? What are the weaknesses of the new body? All of these are written down in the manual one by one. After confirming that they were not dead, they wrote everything down, and then the two of them left.

If this is not confirmed, and the radiation released from the body cannot be well controlled after the body is taken away, the disaster will not be much worse than Chernobyl.

Not only the nearby civilians may be harmed, but the master responsible for protecting him may also suffer from genetic collapse in a short period of time. When the time comes, he feels that he has been plotted and terminates the cooperation, which will be troublesome to explain.

After Du Busui memorized the manual, the fusion process became much smoother. The intense radiation only bloomed for a moment and then subsided. At the same time, he could feel an extra eye on his forehead, which was the occurrence of gravitational waves. Although he didn't even know what gravitational waves were, he did have an extremely wonderful perception. It is as novel as a blind man seeing the world for the first time.

But what impressed him most deeply was not the majestic soul power in his body. It's not a sudden increase in power by countless times, but the most intuitive change in sensory abilities.

Seeing things becomes clearer, hearing sounds becomes keener, and the sense of smell can distinguish more tastes. These are the most intuitive feelings, including infrared rays that can be seen in the field of vision, and sonar positioning that can be used by one's own hearing. .

Everything was immediately fed back to his brain, making him feel that the world was before his eyes with unprecedented clarity. If he were allowed to return to his original body, he would feel like he was trapped in an extremely depressing bag. If you are used to the current feeling, returning to your original body can even be considered a kind of torture.

It is as painful as ordinary people being deprived of vision and hearing.

Poisonous Death became better than ever before, but what he didn't notice was that his martial soul also strengthened with this wave. And once again it has evolved to an even more incredible level.

Du Buushi felt that he alone could defeat all the Extreme Douluo in the whole continent, but he didn't understand why Cheng Ying said that there were still two rounds of the same enhancement. If he continued to strengthen at this rate, there would be two more rounds. wheel. He has no problem challenging the entire continent alone, so where is the danger?

Du Buushi couldn't help but shudder. Eight blood-red soul rings could not bring him any sense of security.

Unknowingly, he began to long for the other two strengthenings. At the same time, Cheng Ying was also summarizing his gains.

"In the first enhancement, we achieved very significant results. We collected very interesting gene sequences, and it was valuable experience in transitioning from carbon-based organisms to mixed-based organisms. During the second enhancement, we need to update the database. and some technologies.

The gene sequence of silicon-based life is hugely different from ours. Although the genetic element is as simple as DNA, the targeting markers and various recognition sites are all very different. The way of recording and encoding is also different.

After all, silicon has weaker binding ability for outer electrons, and as a genetic factor, it is more prone to mutations. Judging from our current observations, the genetic material of the poisonous silicon-based living parts is dynamically changing, maintaining stability within a certain limit by a seemingly coincidental necessity.

This kind of gene, in a stable and safe environment, is not as stable and safe as carbon-based organisms, but this attribute of being more prone to mutation will have a stronger advantage when dealing with harsh and changing environments. "

When Cheng Ying said this, he couldn't help but frown. He remembered his previous guess, that the body of the poisonous martial spirit actually lived in a world that devoured each other like the "Book of Mountains and Seas". Perhaps only in that kind of world Only in this world can life forms that are so adaptable to environmental changes evolve.

However, this is just a guess. Before there is concrete evidence, all guesses are just guesses. The objectivity of the experiment cannot be based on these subjective guesses.

And soon, the two people confirmed how far Poisonous had been completed, and even completed the absorption of soul bones. The reason was very simple. The pillar of soul power rising into the sky in the main body was too obvious. It seemed like It's like announcing to the world after an Ultimate Douluo's promotion.

And Poison's strong declaration seemed to tell all the powerful people on the continent that he was the strongest person on the continent now.

Hmm... He can probably only be regarded as the strongest human being. After replacing his new body, he is indeed very strong, but facing Ditian, the outcome is still unpredictable. After all, no matter how strong the body is, it only depends on the strength of the soul. In addition, the strength of this body has surpassed Di Tian by many.

But because there are no settings, the three soul cores do not use the complementary configuration of yin and yang, the soul power strength is still weaker than Di Tian. Perhaps fighting in outer space without soul power environment, the poison is not fatal, and Di Tian can be defeated easily. , but in an atmosphere with sufficient soul power, the outcome can only be known after fighting.

But it doesn't matter, he still has follow-up strengthening. After the first experience and the trust established, Du Bushu has almost dispelled all his doubts. When I found the two of them again, they became much more attentive.

"Um...when will our second chat start? Can you give me one more soul core this time?" Du Bu Shou felt that Extreme Douluo's weak soul power was not worthy of his powerful body. .

"Wait a moment. After we complete the silicon-based gene sequencing of your body, we can proceed to the next step of enhancement." Yak said in a business-like manner, wearing white gloves.

Although there is only one silicon-based biological sample, the process of changing its genetic sequence is also worth recording.

"As for adding an extra soul core to you, of course there is no problem. You are welcome to customize our Heavenly Stems Ten Stones Package and Earthly Branches Twelve Tumor Packages."

Poison will not kill you: "..."

It was very heartbreaking to be poisoned, he only wanted three. And he doesn’t want stones! That thing is a soul core!

In short, he felt that it was absolutely unreliable to install more than a dozen soul cores in the body. Even if the two of them were safe in San, he would only increase the number of his souls to four. This was what he thought he could guarantee. It's the limit of your own safety.

So, a new round of strengthening began. This time, it took a while to sequence the genetic information of Wuhun. The genetic factors of silicon-based organisms were more complicated than Chengying imagined. Different from the fixed genetic factors of silicon-based viruses that have been very clearly analyzed in the world they live in, this kind of dynamic genetic information is quite unexpected in terms of algorithms. Fortunately, the martial spirit is there, and the embryonic genes collapse and regenerate. Until the soul can be combined with the poisonous immortal, this embryo will be considered a success.

Du Buushi looked at the translucent embryo with a reflective metal skeleton growing in its body. He had the urge to seize the body directly now. However, he still forcibly resisted. Cheng Ying had explained that he couldn't take the body at this time. To the greatest benefit.

This body can fully withstand nine hundred thousand year soul rings. Under the new round of soul ring fusion, his soul power will become unparalleledly powerful. Coupled with the four-core super system, he feels that even a god may not be able to withstand it. He was helpless.

But it turns out that people can't stand up, and poison can't kill them. It took a lot of effort to wait until this body was completely integrated with nine 100,000-year-old soul rings. After I shot more of this body, I was targeted. Its power has exceeded the limit that some guys can tolerate...

[To be continued]

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