Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1563 Encirclement and Suppression in the God Realm

It is normal for Du Bushit to be targeted by the God Realm. His combat power is really too strong and has exceeded the strength range of Douluo. If he continues to tolerate his existence and this unreasonable increase in strength, it is likely to cause the God Realm to suffer. Encountered a pretty bad situation.

Not to mention anything else, the four soul cores in the body are an extremely outrageous configuration. As mentioned in the second part, having three soul cores can rival the gods. Four soul cores are not weak even among the gods.

After two rounds of complete strengthening, Du Busui's strongest thing is not his soul power, but his body. After the second round of strengthening, he has completely completed the hybrid base, carbon-silicon double base, and some of his body structures have appeared. Due to the characteristics of strongly interacting materials, the atoms on the surface of the skin are restrained by the force field, and the nuclei are in close contact, gaining extremely powerful defense capabilities.

Although it is not as good as the degenerate material body used by the God of Greed in the past, it is powerful enough for this era.

And this is just defense. In addition, he also has many special abilities, such as the most basic super-speed regeneration. Every cell records most of the information of this life form, and it is not an exaggeration to be reborn with a drop of blood.

Teleportation, the organs in the body are constructed into micro-wormhole generators, which can instantly teleport at will within a planet-level distance.

Internal energy control involves releasing a force field to control the intensity of thermal motion of molecules, that is, controlling temperature. This aspect is a common ability, and it is not about controlling the entropy value in the area. The entire process requires the consumption of a huge amount of energy.

Electromagnetic force control is a macro-level ability. The ability to directly control electromagnetic force is equivalent to directly disintegrating all things. An ability of that level cannot be evolved so easily.

Gravity control, the principle of which is unknown, was a sudden idea from Yake, who transplanted a pair of his Byakugan into a pair of poisonous eyes. Although there is no giant reincarnation eye to provide chakra, poisonous immortality itself does not lack energy.

It can provide a huge amount of energy for one's own reincarnation, allowing this powerful ability to be fully utilized. As for many other abilities, they can also be of great help in combat, but they are basically conventional physical abilities.

Although people in the God Realm cannot make accurate judgments about his physical strength, nor can they clearly perceive how strong he is? But the strength of soul power is still easy to judge. The strength of Poison's soul power has approached that of a first-level god, that is, the main god.

This is very dangerous. If you are a strong person who has accepted the God Realm and inherited it within their system, reaching this level is not a problem. But the poison won't kill him, and he didn't accept any inheritance from the gods at all. They are people outside the system. In short, disobeying discipline.

The God Realm made a choice that the ruling body should make, which is to send people down to solve this problem and try to find the secret of his becoming stronger. If he can't be poisoned and is willing to cooperate with them, he can be recruited and accepted by God. Characters like Bi Mawen.

There is a saying that Bi Mawen, who was recruited as a monkey, is actually not a small official. He has important military training materials in Heaven. If he works hard, he will actually be quite rich.

If Poison is willing to cooperate, he will receive similar treatment. However, unfortunately, he obviously does not have the conditions to cooperate. The secret of his becoming stronger is to constantly take away his own body. If others find out, just take his body away and that's it. It's his turn to go to the God Realm.

Hence this unexpected encounter. It was destined to develop into a conflict.

The gods of the divine world appear in a very grand manner, which is necessary to shock the mortals who are governed by the divine realm. To ensure that gods have enough faith, they must maintain their strong character.

So when they arrived, there were thousands of rays of light and thousands of auspicious colors. Standing on the clouds and mist, looking down at all living beings, it was unlucky to be poisoned, and they directly attracted Tang San.

I saw the person standing at the front above the clouds, holding a trident, with long blue hair hanging behind his head. If his chest were not flat enough, people might mistake him for a woman.

The conversation that followed was quite boring. Tang San stood in the air, and a majestic pressure came down.

"The poison won't kill you, do you know what crime you should be guilty of!" If you want to add guilt, there is no excuse. Tang San's approach is a bit like the American shit stick, and what follows is a series of high-sounding charges.

"Are you aware of your sin! Come with me to the God Realm to reflect quickly. If you can achieve positive results, you can be forgiven. If you resist the law and don't obey, then I can only do justice for heaven!"

Du BuShu feels very sad inside. He is a thousand-year-old fox, why are you just playing with me here? No one knows what he wants to do, but he is just trying to talk about ways to become stronger. At this time, there is no other possibility except to start fighting.

"Courageless gangster, since you call yourself a god, why are you afraid of me, a mortal? If you want to take away my things, then do it yourself. I want to see what you are capable of!"

Poisonous Death was already ready to fight, and his brain began to work rapidly. The battle is far more than just the surge of energy and the collision of bodies. The battle has already started before both sides take action.

The reincarnation eye moves quickly, and data is read out one by one. The distance between the two parties, the body parameters of the other party, the energy flow in the body, the weak points, and every move are all fed back to the poisonous brain, and the calculations are performed quickly And processing, more than that. The object of observation is not only the enemy, but also the surrounding environment.

Observe, calculate and influence, fight with the power of nature.

The ground beneath his feet began to tremble slightly. Under the influence of gravity, the rocks in the underground were easily torn apart by finding weak points, and the crust beneath his feet cracked. Hot magma was pouring out of my brother's body, rapidly rising upwards.

The invisible soul power turns into threads that conduct heat better than metal to gather the high temperature, and the battle is about to break out.

The high-temperature burning spread all the way upward, burning through the earth. The melted crust was like a long barrel, and the high-temperature and high-pressure underground magma suddenly rushed out under the compression of the surrounding plate collapse.

It was an impact more terrifying than a super volcanic eruption, hundreds of times more powerful than Ivan the Great, and the energy required to create such an explosion was less than one ten millionth of this explosion.

All of this depends on precise calculations. and meticulous control, the explosion drowned the gods on the clouds, but such a scattered attack was not enough to kill them.

In the midst of the flames and magma, Poseidon raised the trident in his hand, and Wan Ruo summoned a tsunami-like seawater, engulfing the magma and turning it into a solid basalt mountain, as if he was reborn from the fire.

The battle officially began. Tang San's habit of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger made him not take out the Shura Divine Sword immediately. Instead, he raised the Poseidon Trident and used the No. 1 control skill in the God Realm, Uncertain Storm!

Cheng Ying and Yake chose to run away as soon as the battle broke out. On the one hand, the intensity of the battle had exceeded the scope of their participation, and on the other hand, the gods and humans on this level were fighting. It will not affect their own level. It will not change the outcome of this chess game. There is no benefit in participating. It is enough for them to get the two strengthened body spirit samples.

The battle will not stop because of their departure, but will only intensify. Du BuShu knows that the man with the trident in his hand is his primary target. Circles of golden halo surround Du BuShu's body, trapping him. Control in place.

Then the 108,000-pound trident hit him at a super high speed of four to five times the speed of sound.

Du Bushu didn't choose to defend or counterattack, he just stared at Tang San's reaction as if he wanted to die with Tang San. As soon as the control was lifted, he would launch an attack as soon as possible.

The Poseidon Trident-class obviously hit it first. It weighs 108,000 kilograms, which sounds very heavy, but when converted into tons, it is only fifty-four tons. Even if it hits it at five times the speed of sound, the poisonous layer has already been exposed to a strong interaction. It's basically the same as scratching the skin.

Although there had been a violent explosion for a long time, he rushed out unscathed in the smoke and dust of the explosion. Close-range gravity control directly manipulated Tang San's body, heart, brain, and nerves. Every weak spot in his body was cut by tiny gravity blades.

At the same time, electrical signals are running wild inside the body, causing the body to attack itself completely uncontrollably.


Tang San's heart and brain exploded, and his body instantly torn apart. This kind of attack originating from the body is controlled to a wonderful level. It was something he had never experienced before. An attack targeting almost every cell, although not much energy was expended. But it left him completely defenseless.


Poseidon reappeared intact in the blood mist of the explosion. Of course Tang San couldn't be killed so easily. Although the gods' use of power was very inefficient, the energy contained in their life forms and bodies, It was indeed very powerful, and the poison could not kill him. It only killed Tang San's body. After becoming a god, the body was not important. Most of the gods did not have their own bodies, or they only used their bodies as toys.

The same is true for Tang San, but the body is still extremely precious to him, even when using the human body, the senses will be subject to many restrictions. His movements are not as flexible as a body made of soul power, but a human body can bring him a lot of happiness.

Just like many strong indigenous people are unwilling to change their life forms even if they gain great power, because after they are no longer human, many human beings will not be able to experience happiness.

Tang San, whose body was destroyed, was extremely angry, and finally tore off his disguise, no longer pretending to be a pig to eat the tiger, and used the power of the Poseidon.

The Shura Divine Sword appeared in his hand. As the most powerful artifact in the God Realm, even if the body is now poisoned, it is extremely difficult to resist this kind of damage that goes deep into the microscopic level.


The blade fell, and Du Fushu's chest was split open, and his upper body almost became two sections. But after all, he has a powerful ability to regenerate at a super speed. Even if he suffered such a serious injury, he did not die, but his body flew very fast. The repair is as good as before in just the blink of an eye.

At the same time, the control of gravity and electromagnetic force was activated again, but this time there was no structure for him to cut in the body composed of soul power. The attack lost its effect, and instead he was besieged by the gods.

Earth, fire, water, wind, light, and darkness are extremely primitive attributes, but their destructive power is not weak at all. At this time, the gods no longer care about single combat, and they go together shoulder to shoulder.

Although the gods have many shortcomings in terms of energy utilization, there is at least one truth that they understand, that is, power is justice, and it does not matter if the power is used poorly. As long as the power is large enough, the enemy can still be killed.

A violent explosion occurred on the surface of the planet. This will be a battle that does not take into account the survival of surface creatures. The extinction of creatures on a small half of the continent is already expected.

Shrek Academy, Moon flew out of the golden tree in shock. Among the entire academy, he was the only one who could still fly. The rest, even the 98th-level Elder Xuan, could not lift their heads under the powerful pressure of the gods.

In the Sun and Moon Empire, Long Xiaoyao also looked at the battlefield. As the strongest man in the mainland, he never thought that one day he would be as weak as an ant. Even if the aftermath of the battle in the distance affected him, It is possible to kill him instantly.

Ye Xishui's eyes also showed deep fear. Holding the Death Soul Guidance Device in her hand, she could not feel the slightest sense of security. Facing the battle that would change the terrain of the continent, the so-called tenth-level soul guidance device, but It's just a toy.

In the Star Dou Forest, in order to avoid the attack of the Shura Divine Sword, Du Buushi moved instantly, appeared above the forest, and disappeared instantly. Tang San's reaction speed could keep up with him, so the sword blade was not pointed at the Star Dou Forest, but the other gods But no.

The attack had been released, and there was no time to retract it. In an instant, one-third of the stars and the forest were reduced to ashes, with no grass growing. The high-temperature explosion burned the earth like glass. In the face of such an explosion, a 100,000-year-old soul beast was as different as an ordinary one. There is no difference between wild animals.

Di Tian clenched his fists and floated above the Lake of Life. Finally he landed helplessly and concealed his aura. The gods were too strong for him. He was just a guard, guarding the resurrection of the Silver Dragon King in the hands of humans. He had reached his limit. Faced with the gods who broke the rules and came down, all he could do was to try his best to hide and prevent himself from being discovered.

Cheng Ying, who didn't know how far he ran, opened his shield, watched the battle from a distance, licked his lips, and said with lingering fear: "The gods seem to be more sensitive than we thought. After we go back, we will build We need to slow down a little, otherwise if we provoke them, our opponents will reap the benefits. "

Yak nodded. Their opponent this time was not the gods, but another chess player hiding in the dark. But now they finally got some decisive chips! The combat effectiveness shown by Poisonous Death has proved that it is actually possible to fight against the God Realm with current technical means.

[To be continued]

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