Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1564 Ragnarok

The battle between the poisonous immortals and the gods was unexpectedly fierce. The poisonous immortals had already been fully strengthened twice. In terms of soul power alone, they were already close to the level of the main god, and their various physical abilities were far beyond those of the gods. god.

But in front of the Supreme God, his combat effectiveness is still inferior. Facing Tang San, who had two divine positions, he had to retreat during the battle and choose to deal with it.

The Shura Divine Sword can break through this defense, and the Poseidon Trident can temporarily restrict his movements. These two props are the most troublesome existence for him.

Several times, he was chopped off, leaving only one arm or one leg. He relied on his ability to carry people at super speed and regenerate with blood, hiding part of his body before resurrecting.

However, the gods did not feel comfortable either. This battle could be said to be dark and dark. Countless gods have fallen.

Among the seven elemental gods who are the pillars of the divine world, four were seriously injured and three died. Even so, the poisonous immortal was still not killed. On the contrary, it made him continue to become stronger.

Elemental attacks could not destroy his body. On the contrary, the fire and water made his body harder. Although it is said that the body of the immortal has basically broken away from the category of human beings, the method of exercise can still make him stronger. The over-compensation setting still exists for his body.

Constantly withstood various attacks. As a result, his ability to resist blows has also become stronger. After becoming familiar with the abilities of the gods, he began to construct mathematical models of these gods in his mind. This was not done by his own knowledge, but by the structure of his brain that led him to turn this behavior of thinking and modeling into an instinct.

Weaving between attacks one after another, he began to become more and more comfortable, while Tang San became more and more anxious.

The world of gods is not monolithic. This can be seen from the original legend of the world of gods. The gods did not know that the opposition between the factions was also very serious.

The two gods, good and evil, have just changed their successors. It has not yet adapted to its own strength. It is relatively weak among the five supreme gods and remains neutral.

In contrast, the God of Destruction and the God of Shura formed two camps. The Goddess of Life wavers between the two camps. In comparison, she prefers the side of God Shura, but there is no clear team.

And because of this opposition, the Lord God had to choose his own camp. The seven elemental gods and the seven original sin gods are in the same spirit. They chose the camp of God Shura and the camp of God of Destruction respectively.

As a result, Tang San could only bring people from his own camp with him when he launched a massive crusade against Poisonous Immortals, and three main gods had just fallen, which was a huge blow to him. If this battle cannot capture enough fruits of victory, then there will be a confrontation with the God of Destruction. He will undoubtedly be at a disadvantage.

However, he was just anxious, and did not reach the point of being furious. After all, the seven main gods were not his true direct descendants, even though they had taken refuge in him. But he is basically only used as a tool.

The ones he really trusts are still the Shrek Seven Monsters. Although those people are only second-level gods, they can play a huge role in the battle because of their various special abilities.

In the original work, he also relied on the Shrek Seven Monsters to successfully defeat the God of Destruction. Tang San has always been suspicious, and the gods have lived for too long, and he doesn't understand these people's past at all. It is even more impossible to talk about it and believe them. Even if these people who cannot trust him turn to him, they will just be cannon fodder in the future.

But even if you are cannon fodder, you will feel distressed if you die too much. Tang San decided to take some measures to resolve this battle as soon as possible. At first, he wanted to catch the poison alive, but now it seems that it is too difficult to catch the opponent alive. Big. This is a guy who only has one finger left and can use this finger to be reborn. Only by forcing him to a desperate situation, to the point where he is about to be wiped out, can he possibly reveal the secret of his becoming stronger.

As a result, he no longer held back. As a supreme god with two divine positions at the same time, he was still a little stronger than ordinary supreme gods.

Use Deposeidon's strongest control skill again, Uncertain Storm. But this time, his skill failed to hit again, and the poison was not dead. He had established a relatively accurate mathematical model. The moment the skill was activated, he had teleported and left the place.

At the same time, the atmosphere is manipulated to form a huge lens. The refracted sunlight focused on Tang San. The gods do not have a clear entity. They are in a state of being human when they gather and when they disperse, they become qi. Therefore, physical attacks are very ineffective against them. But simple high temperature can still cause huge harm to them.

Even a miraculous creation like soul power is still unable to withstand the terrifying power of entropy. Half of Douluo felt that the sky was getting darker. It was the shadow of the sunlight in the sky being refracted, and the terrifying heat was all focused on Tang San. Even as the supreme god, he couldn't help but scream.

The power of the star was so powerful that even the tiniest bit of radiation, when focused on him alone, caused huge damage.

"Asshole! Do you really think I can't kill you?" Tang San no longer held back at all, nor did he try to control him. Directly transformed into a blood-red sword. Fusing himself with the Shura Divine Sword.

This was originally the starting point for the ultimate move of the gods in the divine world and the prototype of the Sword of Judgment of the Three Realms. He used it directly.

As the bearer of the Sword of Judgment of the Three Realms, he is the only one who can exert the certain power of this move alone. The bitch feels sharp, and his eyes will feel stinging even if he glances at it from a distance. Painful, Poisonous immediately gave up control of the lens in the sky.

A strong premonition of danger caused him to instantly transfer to the other side of the planet. However, it was already too late. As the most flexible of the seven elemental gods, the God of Space also had the strongest life-saving ability. In the battle just now, it was just Suffered relatively minor injuries.

While the poisonous immortal teleported, he also opened the door to space, allowing the scarlet sword to pass through.

Opposite the space door is the poisonous immortal who has just escaped from the teleportation. Facing the deadly weapons that are coming straight at him. No matter how many calculations are performed, it is too late to dodge, and the poison will not kill you. You can only control your strongest special ability. A pair of reincarnated eyes burst out with bright light.

The self-taught giant sword condensed the first golden light in his hand. The blade fell from the sky and collided with the Shura Divine Sword of God Shura.

Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explodes!

The fusion energy in the poisonous body was frantically providing energy for his reincarnated eye. The surging energy was continuously input into his eyes, making the golden sword in his hand shine even more goldenly.

His brain was running at high speed, emitting smoke like an overloaded CPU. The powerful computing power allowed him to constantly restrain this energy and focus it on one point to resist the opponent's attack.

This time is a real collision of energy, the most primitive collision of the total energy and control ability of both sides. The poison will not kill him, and there is no room for escape, because even if the aftermath of this attack hits him, it is enough to annihilate him. Every cell in the body.

The location where the two sides collided was on the coast of a wild continent. This may be the future Star Luo Continent, or it may be the future Tiandao Continent, but at this time it has not been developed at all. The primitive jungle covers the entire land, but in In the aftermath of the battle between the two, the forest was reduced to ashes, and the trees were uprooted from the earth like weeds by the hurricane.

The battle scenes looked like the end of the world, but in reality they were almost the same. The powerful energy that fell from the sky pushed the sea surface down by three meters, and the sea level for hundreds of miles around was under strong pressure. Forced, it had to sink downwards.

It's like being in a bathtub and a naughty child claps his hands at the water. When the water surface drops, it will naturally cause the water surface in other areas to rise. The waves turn into tsunamis and spread on the sea. Even if the battle ends here, the terrifying tsunami will engulf the coastlines of the surrounding continents. Tsunamis of hundreds or even thousands of meters will destroy everything along the coast.

Titled Douluo and even Ultimate Douluo, all looked extremely small and powerless in front of this natural disaster-like tsunami.

Faced with such a collision, the gods immediately chose to escape. They knew very well what kind of power such a collision had? If they still stay where they are, the next explosion is likely to take them away together. The gap between the Supreme God and the Lord God is also huge. After helping their boss catch the enemy, there is no other meaning for them to stay here.

The golden and blood-red giant swords collided in the sky, and the strong pressure finally made the two giant swords no longer able to maintain their original shapes and began to twist. The point where the sword blades meet. It began to twist and deform, expanding into a huge ball of light. It was like two pieces of hot metal plasticine, squeezed together. Gold and blood red form an extremely weird spherical light group. Even the most primitive creatures will try their best to escape when they see the light ball full of destructive aura, but escaping has no meaning at this time. Because the explosion is unavoidable.

Cheng Ying and Yake were frantically digging underground at this time. As early as when they designed their own vehicles, they designed convenient digging functions for the vehicles to quickly drill underground.

This aspect is based on Tang San's skills when he escaped from Qian Renxue's pursuit. Although the predecessor Xue at that time had just grown up, he was already a powerful main god himself. Even so, in the underground environment protected by the earth, it was difficult to kill Tang San who was running away like crazy. This was enough to show the earth's ability to isolate attacks.

At the beginning of the battle, the two people realized that there would be an extremely violent explosion, and hiding underground was the safest option, and this was proven to be the case.

In the end, both Du BuShu and Tang San were completely unable to control their own power. But just now, they have input too much energy. Even if the poison doesn't kill him, he is constantly squeezing the hydrogen element from the air to help him complete fusion. In a short period of time, he has converted an unknown amount of matter into energy.

Tang San, on the other hand, constantly squeezed out the power of soul power and faith, relying on the huge energy inherited by the Supreme God. It also released a huge amount of destructive power.

After the two collided and compressed, they accidentally formed a terrifying super bomb, and the explosion... began!

The shock wave formed into a ball and spread, as if nothing could stop it. The ground was pushed apart like plasticine. From a distance, it looks like being kneaded by the hands of a naughty child.

But for the existence on the earth, such a change is simply devastating. Huge surface changes that can even deform the planet have essentially penetrated the earth's crust. For a planet, the earth's crust is as thin and fragile as an egg shell, and the circle of living things on the surface is much more fragile than the earth's crust.

Directly below the explosion, the life there had fallen into destruction without knowing what happened. Even the hemisphere where the explosion was located was completely destroyed by the subsequent shock wave. All life on the surface was wiped out and disappeared. . Even microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses destroyed their own structures in violent shocks.

Even on the other side of the planet, few survivors could survive such a disaster. The earth was crushed, causing a global super earthquake. The magma in the soft layer is squeezed wildly. Heading toward the surface is like squeezing water out of a leaky bag. The water will spurt out from those holes like crazy. This is reflected on the planet in the form of terrifying super volcanic eruptions. Whether it is an active volcano or an extinct volcano, they all erupted at this moment.

Countless new volcanoes are also in the process of forming. The land plates have broken into countless pieces. Brand-new volcanic and seismic zones are forming. Originally a lush, blue-green planet. At this moment, it turned into a dark red lava hell.

The smell of sulfur and fire swallowed up all life, and the ecological circle was almost destroyed. It may take millions of years for the planet to recover.

Cheng Ying sighed, although this was not the Douluo level they were on, or even the entire chess game, the world might be virtual. But having one's own participation in such an ecocide-like event is still a huge test for people's psychological quality.

"After all, we have mastered too much power and acted recklessly."

Yak and Cheng Ying were silent. The only thing to be thankful for was that this layer had lost the projection connection with all levels above and below. This kind of destruction would not spread downward to countless worlds.

The explosion seemed to end with the death of both parties. Just when Chengying was about to search for the desert ruins on this broken planet and leave, a strange scene happened. The whole planet began to become hazy and dreamy. The lush forest and semi-transparent shadows reappeared, covering the surface of the lava hell-like planet, as if two translucent layers on the canvas were overlapped...

[To be continued]

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