Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1565 The Refreshed Douluo

Cheng Ying, who was about to run away, was stunned after seeing this scene. The scene in front of him was too weird, and the whole world was changing. In the previous battle, everything that was destroyed seemed to be restored instantly, reappearing in the form of translucent projections. This translucent projection also condensed step by step as time went by.

The magma on the earth, which originally flowed like a lava hell, gradually became less and less illusory, as if it were two layers of coating covering each other. The hellish layer's opacity gradually increases, while the lush, thriving layer's opacity decreases.

If this trend continues, the replacement of the two will be completed soon.

Cheng Ying knew that the changes in front of him must be related to a huge secret. Right in front of you is the best opportunity for observation. No matter what happens on record, this moment of change is the most important.

But soon, he and Yak discovered an even weirder phenomenon. Various instruments they brought with them. The recorded parameters were all thrown into chaos, even if they risked being assimilated and personally contacted the two overlapping worlds. The information their brains feed back to them is also confusing. When touching the ground, it's like touching lava and green grass at the same time.

That weird feeling is beyond the scope of human perception. Cheng Ying could only desperately record this feeling in his mind, hoping that after this replacement, he could use his own memory to analyze the process of change.

It's just that his brain is still producing chaotic information, until this change gradually ends, and a brand new, vibrant world replaces the original dilapidated world that fell into doomsday destruction.

Only then did the two people's perceptions return to normal, and they could interact with the outside world normally and receive correct information feedback.

"What's going on?" Cheng Ying and Yake asked this question at the same time. It seemed like nothing happened around them, no war, no death, and no ruined planet.

Through their powerful mental power, they were able to sense that there were still many soul beasts active in the distant forest, and there were soul masters waiting for opportunities in the forest to hunt the soul beasts.

There are still people living in the city, and there are people selling and begging on the streets. It is busy and chaotic. Everything seems to be back to the past. It seems to be the most ordinary Douluo here. Nothing unusual happens, and there is no interference from any strange people.

"We need some evidence to verify whether we have interfered in this world?" Cheng Ying took the first step and calmed down. As the former leader of Tulip, he had experienced enough strange things. What I see before me is just another new expansion of the worldview.

Just accept it and try it, understand it.

Yake also regained his composure, and the two of them flew high into the sky together, looking for the original location of Shrek Academy. When they arrived near Shrek Academy, they could see falling meteorites around the city, and smoke was still rising.

The surrounding mountains, rivers and vegetation also have horrific scenes that have been corroded by toxins. Obviously, there were terrifying strong men wreaking havoc here before. However, no excessive radiation was detected here, and there were no traces left by other electronic equipment.

"Well... the timeline is almost the same. I can tell that it should be shortly after the battle between Du Bushu and Xuan Lao. The people from the Noumenon Sect tried to snatch Huo Yuhao away, but failed.

From the traces left by the battle here, it can be seen that we were not involved in this battle. It is strange that this seems to be the normal historical trajectory on the mainland.

This is not enough, we need more evidence, go find him and poison him, don't meet him, just observe him secretly. ” Yak suggested.

Cheng Ying agreed, and the two set off immediately. They had been to the headquarters in the main body before, so they knew where it was. Although the place was heavily guarded, Cheng Ying's body in this world was still the Tianmeng Ice Silkworm. The extremely huge and vast mental power makes his simulation skills as powerful as before coming to the chess world, and he can easily interfere with the minds of people here. Sneaking in silently, even the Ultimate Douluo cannot detect it.

With the help of Cheng Ying's invisibility, the two of them found the poisonous immortal who was in seclusion in the secret room. At this time, he was entering the realm of Extreme Douluo. He still had an extremely strengthened soul ring in his body. Obviously, he had not customized the ten-day dry stone and the ten-day dry stone. Two Earthly Branches Tumor Package.

"In this world, we have never been exposed to poison.'s not like going back. Time has changed. If we follow the normal flow of time, Shitai should have just developed to where we are now. It's a bit like the plot of the past. inertia.

It's just that this time, the world that has changed too much has been brought back on track. " Cheng Ying guessed.

Yake shook his head: "I don't think so. If it is really due to the power of historical correction, then the two of us are the culprits. They should be the highest priority targets.

This situation where all existence has been refreshed and only the two of us have retained the memory without any changes is very unreasonable. From the world view of this world, it is more likely that overwriting or copying between levels has occurred. "

Cheng Ying nodded when he heard the words: "It is possible in this regard. By the way, this can also be verified. We have left marks on each level, which can just detect whether the upper layer covers the lower layer, or vice versa."

Out of caution, they will leave certain marks when they reach each level. It won't make huge changes to the history of this layer. But through these marks, they can easily tell which layer it is, and will not get lost because they can't tell which layer they are on.

As soon as they left, the two people left the Noumenon Sect without any hesitation and went to other areas to check.

They left the mark near the desert, and the content was extremely simple, just the numbers on each layer. The original world they were in was level zero, so it was the number zero.

Going up is plus one, and going down is minus one. By analogy, the level they were on should have been the ninth level, and the highest level they explored and marked was the 17th level. If the mark of the eighth layer is found on this layer, it is most likely that the lower layer is covering the upper layer. If the mark of the tenth layer is found, it means that the upper layer is covering downward. Of course, if the It was still nine. The uncle explained that their previous guess might be wrong and there was another explanation.

The entrance to the canyon of the desert ruins is marked by them here. It is an extremely solid stone slab. These stone slabs that make up the maze are considered to be treasures of heaven and earth on this continent. They are almost the strongest in nature. At present, only Chengying and the others can leave clear and fair traces on matter. This basically eliminates the possibility of others carving numbers on it and playing pranks.

At this time, at the entrance of the maze on this floor, the number marked was no longer nine, but became ten. This is already very illustrative.

"There seems to be downward coverage between levels. We need to determine another thing now." Cheng Ying frowned.

Yak immediately understood what he meant: "You mean, we need to determine whether the ninth layer has disappeared or is covered by the tenth layer."

Cheng Ying nodded: "That's it. I'm not sure if the ninth level has disappeared. If it really has disappeared, we have to find out what triggered this situation."

It is easy to witness the situation on the ninth floor. As long as they go to the tenth floor to check it out. If the marked number changes from ten to eleven, it means that the ninth level has disappeared for some reason. If no change occurs, the number remains ten. That means there is an extra tenth level. What happens at the ninth level is copying and overwriting.

Fortunately, the passages in different levels can still be used, and two people can still reach the tenth floor. This time they left the maze feeling a little uneasy. This seems to be related to the essential issue of the world.

At the entrance of the maze, there was still a peaceful desert, and the number carved on the stone slab was ten.

"The ninth layer has not disappeared. Judging from the current situation, this layer should have been covered for some reason. It is just a kind of refresh." Cheng Ying thought:

"If we extrapolate based on our previous experience, this refreshing mechanism is probably because... our actions have eliminated all intelligent life on the surface of the planet, resulting in no observers on the planet."

This was the most reasonable possibility he could imagine for the time being. Because in previous attempts, it has been confirmed that in the absence of observers, it is possible for different levels to interfere with each other. Although the conclusion has been drawn before, the world has been greatly changed by the time travellers. Contact with higher levels will be severed. But this is just a rule based on experience, not an unbreakable law. The situation at hand probably means that the isolation of mutual influence between different levels is not absolute. Eliminating all observation seems to reestablish this connection.

However, Cheng Ying would never do repeated experiments to verify this. Who said that this kind of refresh was so absolute that even the soul was refreshed and reset. In theory, it is no different from resurrection. But this kind of thing is too unethical. Even if ethics can be ignored to a certain extent in the chess game world, this act of exterminating life on an entire planet is a bit too much.

"Currently we can only confirm that the phenomenon of refreshing exists. We have no choice but to repeat the verification. We cannot take advantage of this phenomenon for the time being. However, our data has not been refreshed after all. There is still some uncertainty about the potential and direction of human evolution in this world. Under control.

Let's go back! Let’s digest the knowledge we gained this time. Try to transform and guide human evolution in our world. We will not live in the chess game world forever.

Explore the nature of this world. It does help us win the chess game, but it is not a decisive factor. " Cheng Ying quickly sorted out his mood. The top priority was to win the chess game and solve the current crisis that Tulip was encountering.

Although he was extremely curious about the world's view of the world, he was just curious and could not delay business because of this.

The two people who returned to Space Zero returned to Shrek Academy quietly. No one knew that they had been involved in a shocking case that almost destroyed a world. Even the people in that almost destroyed world People don't know this.

But as far as the actual situation is concerned, what they gained was enough to justify the risks they took this time. Next, they faced the threat from the God Realm again, and they finally had some resistance.

They have already collected the data of Poisonous Immortal's second enhanced spirit. It can be said that they can almost copy a super Poisonous Immortal as a thug. Of course, the combat effectiveness will be much inferior, but it doesn't matter. If the quality is insufficient, it’s absolutely fine, just make up for the quantity. What's more, this points out a direction for human evolution. Continue the transformation in this direction. It may not be impossible to transcend the level of poison.

Du Bushu from Space Zero couldn't help but sneeze. He always felt that he seemed to have missed something important. There was an opportunity to make himself invincible in front of him, but he failed to seize it. Now he regrets nothing. And, it’s useless.

In the laboratory, Yak's transformation is being carried out in an orderly manner. The difficulty of this transformation is much more difficult than that of poisoning him to death. The transformation of poisonous immortality, whether it is body or soul, is all his own. To seize the house, you don't even need the assistance of external equipment.

But Yake couldn't. He had to adjust his genes step by step to make his genetic information consistent with his poisonous body. This process must be gradual, not accomplished overnight. In the process, there is also the risk of failure. However, it is extremely necessary to choose himself as the object of transformation.

On the one hand, it is a safety issue. As the core of the chess world, Yak cannot die. If he dies, no matter how powerful others are and kill their opponents, the chess game will be considered lost.

Therefore, his body must have strong fighting power, or at least extremely strong vitality.

In addition, you also need to consider the issue of trust. In the final analysis, your own power is the most trustworthy. People in this world have not yet liberated their minds. It is almost impossible to get them to sacrifice their lives for their ideals.

The last point is that the Tsangikan is extremely compatible with the poisonous immortality gene, and its immortal fighting power is quite different from that of the Supreme God. During the battle, he was once suppressed by Tang San, but after the final blow of the confrontation, In the middle, Poison Immortal has the right to use the power of the reincarnation eye, and uses the ultimate move Jinlun Reincarnation Explosion, and he and Tang San die together, showing a power that is not inferior to that of a profound all-out blow. You can't tell that the compatibility between the two is extremely outrageous. , to the extent that one plus one is greater than two.

[To be continued]

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