Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,566 The world’s richest businessman asks for help

As the host of the super-large fused version of the Tenseigan, Yake himself has the original spirit of the eye. His compatibility with the Tenseigan is higher than that of the Poison Immortal. Using the same powerful body, the combat power he can display will be even more exaggerated.

It's just that the upgrade process is obviously not that smooth. The genetic material is not your own, not even that of carbon-based organisms. In the process of transformation, adaptation and running-in are necessary. It can only be divided into multiple stages. You can continue after adapting. .

At present, only the first stage of transformation has been completed. Yak is still somewhat unable to restrain his own power. From time to time, he releases a beam of radiation, causing the reform counter in the room to alarm wildly.

A week of hard practice in junior high school allowed him to barely adapt to this physical change. In a room full of detectors, Yak quietly looked at the data, intensive calculations, and, so to speak, experimental improvement plans.

The lights on all the detectors flashed regularly without any alarm. This is a test of his self-control ability. If he does not leak any harmful effects such as radiation for more than 24 hours, he can be regarded as passing the test.

Only after doing this can you interact naturally with the outside world. Otherwise, you must wear heavy protective clothing. The purpose of wearing protective clothing is not to protect yourself, but to protect others and allow yourself to release radiation and life. It will not spread out and affect other people.

The power of this body has exceeded the understanding of ordinary people, and the source of energy has become extremely wide. Even on barren glaciers, energy can be extracted.

He can release strange fields that affect everything around him, destroy stable structures, and obtain energy at the expense of increased entropy. This ability can be freely controlled, and he can control what entropy is increased to gain energy for himself.

However, if the genetic material is not fully adapted, this kind of control may fail. If there is no control at all, the death of surrounding life forms will be very unsuitable for children. The reason is very simple: life is the most perfect. A low-entropy body, if not controlled, will be the first to drain the entropy of life.

The living body will age rapidly, then rot and smell, and finally turn into withered bones. The whole process will be very fast, and the skin will rot the fastest, so if you are lucky, you can see the organs and internal organs flowing from the broken skin. Come out and collapse on the ground.

In short, this way of death will be quite unsettling, in order to avoid such accidents. Yake had to go through rigorous training to confirm that he could control his own abilities before he could contact other people.


With the sound of the rice cooker timer reaching the end of time, Yak jumped out of his chair with a sudden thud. He managed to keep it up for 24 hours without releasing any radiation, which meant that he could finally do it next. Get out of this damn isolation room.

Although he is not an out-of-the-box young man, anyone who has experienced home isolation knows that even just staying at home is already a very uncomfortable experience.

As soon as Yake jumped up, a series of instruments such as Geiger and counters in the room began to call the police frantically.

"Stop! I think you need to stay here for testing. When you are emotional, it seems difficult to control your own power." Cheng Ying quickly stopped Yake who was about to rush out. But this time Yake didn't listen.

"I was promised that I can stay for 24 hours without releasing any radiation, and then I can go out and live a normal life. Although I was a little excited just now, the amount of radiation released is completely within the safe range. Even if I don't have any physical enhancement, Ordinary people, under this level of radiation and life field, will not suffer any disease unless they are in this environment for a long time," Yake argued.

After a brief hesitation, Cheng Ying decided not to interfere too much in this issue. Low doses of radiation, while still harmful, are not unacceptable. There are a lot of radioactive things. Mobile phones and computers are nothing. There is still radioactive material in the fire alarm. As long as you don't eat it, there will be no problem. Going out to bask in the sun every day exposes you to radiation. Definitely a lot. It is indeed not less than what Yake has inadvertently leaked now.

They still have a lot of work to do now, and the experimental samples collected from higher levels are still waiting to be analyzed.

It's just that a peaceful life is not that easy to last. Just after working quietly in the laboratory for a few days, someone came to the door.

Originally, the two people did not want to meet. The experimental project was more important than most things that happened on this continent. What's more, if there were frequent activities on the continent, it would be more likely to attract the attention of people in the God Realm.

Although these people are very insensitive to social changes and technological development, they are extremely sensitive to individual combat effectiveness and cultivation talents. If they are exposed even a little bit, they will swarm to fight for the successor, and they don't know why they want someone to take over their position so much.

In Chengying's world, the gods want to escape from the prison of the God Realm. The so-called inheritance is just the key to the prison, but different worlds have different worldviews. Under this Douluo's worldview, there may be another explanation. .

However, this is not important. What is important is that if you make too much limelight on the road, you will be recorded in the notebooks by the gods.

Only this time, the people they found, with ordinary identities, actually bypassed the many guards of Shrek Academy and found them directly. This is not because of how strong the person is or how latent he is. The real reason is because this person is very rich.

Relying on his money power, he easily let all the guards pass. Although Cheng Ying also had his own people guarding the door, the other party was still bribed by his terrifying money power. Although no one was let in, a telegram was sent. Notice, what happened to the two of them?

It turned out that the person who came to see them this time was Ma Huayun, the emerging world's richest man, who was known as the world's most mortal man. He had two bodyguards at the Douluo level, all of whom were powerful and could be regarded as the best on the mainland. strong emerging force.

But this time, Ma Huayun looked very embarrassed. He had always been in public places in the past, and his ease and ease were gone. Appearing confused and frightened.

Seeing that it was their former disciple who was begging for an audience, the two of them thought for a moment and decided to let him in to hear what he had to do. It would probably be a big deal for the world's richest man to come to see him. I think it must be related. to the situation on the entire continent. Things that are not within the scope of the original plot.

Through the camera, the two people saw that Ma Huayun was relieved and breathed a sigh of relief after learning that he could be interviewed.

He became the richest man in the world in a short period of time, speaking on various occasions. He also appeared quite reserved. Like a true noble with a long history. There is a new elegance and propriety, not like a nouveau riche. Blindly showing off one's wealth.

It's just that no matter how humble and self-restrained he is. It can't be changed, he is indeed drifting. Secretly seeking revenge against his boss who once bullied him. The soul master who stole his childhood sweetheart showed a considerable degree of arrogance towards the soul master who approached him for business cooperation.

But how can he float? I can't stand up in front of my former teacher. Because he knew very well that everything he did was just picking up other people's wisdom. Almost all the knowledge he mastered came from his two teachers.

He knew very well that the teacher still had many things that he didn't have, so he handed them over directly. Those things are definitely much higher than the technology they have now. If Cheng Ying and the others want to do the same thing, they can definitely do it better than him. Let alone becoming the richest man in the world, even becoming a big trust that controls all industrial capital is also easy.

Therefore, even if his teacher did not show any wealth and his own cultivation level was only level 20, he did not dare to look down upon him in the slightest and maintained the utmost respect and caution when asking to see him.

Cheng Ying didn't pay attention to these details, but noticed his embarrassed appearance. Although it could be tidied up, his clothes that were wet with sweat and his somewhat messy hairstyle showed that he was in a hurry. Obviously, the new world's richest man encountered something urgent.

So when he opened his mouth, Cheng Ying immediately cut off the nonsense and said, "If you have anything to do, just tell me directly. From the look on your face, you should be very anxious."

Ma Huayun was stunned for a moment, but he quickly came to his senses. This straight-to-the-point style is indeed in line with his mentor's personality. It would be more abnormal if he didn't have this style.

"Then let me tell you directly. I came here this time to ask the teacher to come out and help me. My wife and daughter were taken away. On this continent, except for the two teachers, I am afraid no one can save them. "

Chengying and Yake looked at each other, and Chengying spoke: "Can you tell me in detail what happened? I at least want to know what kind of opponent I will face if I take action."

Facing his two unfathomable masters, Ma Huayun did not dare to hide anything and explained exactly what happened at that time.

The matter started a month ago. Ever since it controlled the participation of civilians in the industrial production of soul tools, Huayun Group had monopolized the low-end soul tool market in the Douluo Three Kingdoms.

But capital is undoubtedly greedy, and Ma Huayun himself is never willing to settle for the status quo, so he is ready to open up markets to the Sun and Moon Empire, which is more enlightened and richer.

There, soul guides have begun to be gradually used in the lives of mortals. The demand is greater and the market is broader. If we can occupy and monopolize the market there, the profits will be unimaginable.

It’s just that Ma Huayun obviously underestimated the backlash of local forces. At first, there were only sporadic resistance and protests. These had no effect in the face of money offensives and mercenaries. Those small workshops and soul masters that resisted did not disappear silently. , that is, it was acquired.

Things should have been going smoothly, but after the factory was established, a group of people suddenly came. After rushing into the factory, they began to smash, loot, and burn. The workers suffered heavy casualties and the property damage was even more shocking.

Those who sneak attack are powerful. Not only that, they can also spread plague, collect flesh and blood, and create terrible undead. There is no doubt that these are the notorious evil soul masters on the mainland.

But these are nothing to be afraid of. The reputation of evil soul masters will be notorious on the mainland, which means that they are not the mainstream, and their force is definitely not dominant on the mainland, otherwise they would not be called evil. head, but a legal organization.

Relying on the strong men he hired, he easily solved the attack problem. After repelling the attackers several times in a row, the other party finally seemed to be annoyed. A super powerful guy came, and a soul cannon instantly killed a Titled Douluo who was protecting Ma Huayun. Another Titled Douluo was also seriously injured in the process of protecting Ma Huayun. After realizing that it was not at all. The opponent then turned around and ran away.

So much so that Ma Huayun's wife and daughter were all kidnapped and are now hostages, being used to threaten him.

Ma Huayun believed that such an opponent needed at least someone close to Ultimate Douluo's combat power to be able to defeat him, so he could only come to these two people, because among his connections, these two were the only ones who had Close to the strength.

Cheng Ying briefly reviewed what happened and basically summarized the context of what happened. That is, when Ma Huayun expanded his industry into the Sun and Moon Empire, he offended the local forces. In order to retaliate against him, the local forces invited evil soul masters, the Holy Spirit Cult that was very rampant in the Sun and Moon Empire.

The Holy Spirit Cult is legal in the Sun and Moon Empire, so its combat effectiveness is also quite strong, causing considerable losses to Ma Huayun's factory. However, Ma Huayun did not realize the seriousness of the problem and chose to fight with force.

As a result, the result of not giving face was to attract an attack from the stronger members of the Holy Spirit Sect. Although I'm not sure who this person is, judging from the fact that he can instantly kill a Titled Douluo, he probably has the combat power of an Extreme Douluo. In addition, the attack method used is a soul guide, so it can be basically inferred that the person who did it is Ye Xi. water.

As a result, there are indeed not many people that Ma Huayun can find. However, he said that he wanted to find Cheng Ying to help him rescue his wife and children, so his credibility was only average.

Judging from Ma Huayun's calm and resolute way of acting, if his wife or daughter is caught and threatened by the enemy, the answer is probably to give me a bite.

What really makes him choose to ask for help is probably his own life and the threat to his factory from superpowers. If he can't find someone to solve this serious problem, let alone expand the Sun and Moon Empire, even if he is fighting The factories here in Luo Sanguo may all be threatened, and the Ultimate Douluo will definitely come and leave at will and cannot be guarded against.

The arrest of her wife and daughter just provided her with a good excuse to come for help, but these are not important to Cheng Ying and Yake. What is important is, will helping Ma Huayun expand, will it be beneficial to the subsequent development of the situation?

[To be continued]

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