Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1567 Ye Xishui’s displeasure

Will helping Ma Huayun be beneficial to the development of the situation? The answer is obviously yes. No matter how dark the big capitalists are, they are still stronger than the big feudal lords. And the progress of society is generally beneficial to Cheng Ying and the others. Power no longer belongs to individuals. Only the advantage of such a guy hidden in the God Realm can will be continuously diluted.

In this way, Ma Huayun's motives no longer matter. Whether he really wants to protect his wife and children or is worried about the loss of his property is irrelevant.

After analyzing the pros and cons, Chengying immediately decided to set out to help Ma Huayun deal with the threat of the Holy Spirit Cult. However, one problem was that this time, the opponent they faced was Extreme Douluo. If you don't use large weapons, you want to fight against an opponent of this level. Yake must take action himself.

Otherwise, in terms of individual combat effectiveness, Cheng Ying, who had simply undergone certain mechanical modifications, would not be Ye Xishui's opponent.

"Well... are you sure you can still control your own radiation during the fierce battle? It won't affect the pond fish and cause large-scale ecological extinction, right?" Cheng Ying looked at Yake worriedly.

If his radiation and life field were released uncontrollably, the area within hundreds of miles might become barren, and even this area would become a restricted area for life in the next few hundred years.

Yake shook his head: "Don't worry, even if it's a fierce battle, I will release it, and the radiation will only affect people near my body at most. If the distance is no more than 1km, there will basically not be much harm.

What's more, the enemies we face this time are a group of anti-social people, even though they are called evil soul masters. To a certain extent, the reason is that they are ostracized and slandered by orthodox soul masters, but to be fair, for what they have done, under the judgment of most laws, the death penalty is not an exaggeration.

I think it shouldn't be a problem if it affects them during the battle. "

Cheng Ying sighed, there was indeed some truth to what he said, so he agreed with Yak to take action himself.

After learning that his two teachers actually planned to personally help him solve the problem, Ma Huayun showed an overjoyed expression. When he thought about it, if his two mysterious and powerful teachers took action, nothing would be possible. It's hard to get them.

Although thinking this way, there is some overconfidence in it, but if you don't consider the world of gods, there are indeed very few things that can defeat them on this continent.

"Let's go! Without further ado, let's set off now. Where is the factory you were ransacked and occupied? Let's go there. It's too troublesome to directly find the evil soul master's lair. Let's cut off its extended claws. Yes, he will come over naturally."

Cheng Ying did not take the vehicle that Ma Huayun used when he came. Although the latest tool, the soul guide car, was not slow, the speed of progress on the ground was still too worrying.

The two of them led Ma Huayun, who looked confused, to the top of the underground base. Here, there is a streamlined stealth fighter, which looks full of science fiction from any angle.

Although the excellent aerodynamic shape looks weird, it is full of a unique beauty. That's the beauty of mathematics.

Yake patted the fighter plane and said: "Get on the plane, you show us the way, and we will take you there. But the two of us will not act with our true identities. We will pretend to be other masters on the mainland, and you will also Don't expose our identities. It's not a good thing to be in the limelight on this continent.

Just look at your own fate and you will know. Although ordinary people like you can spend money to hire experts to protect you, if you are too pushy, you will be targeted. "

Ma Huayun can understand the mentality of his two teachers. People are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong. If he is too famous, he is often easily targeted, even if he does not know the existence of the God Realm. I also know the benefits of being low-key.

But after getting money, in the final analysis, I still couldn't help but feel a little wandering. I didn't estimate the gap between my own strength and the Sun and Moon Empire, didn't coordinate my own internal strength, and didn't establish a complete grassroots organization. I just wanted to rely on It is almost impossible to single-handedly become a big trust that monopolizes an entire continent.

Ma Huayun climbed onto the fighter plane cautiously and found that although it looked small from the outside, the space inside the plane was actually not that small. And it feels quite comfortable when you sit in it, and the chair fits your back perfectly.

Ergonomics is of great significance to mechanical design. No matter how gorgeous and beautiful a tool is, if it is not easy to use, it is not a qualified product.

After the three of them boarded the fighter plane one after another, the transparent hatch above closed, and the roar of the engine sounded. A strong pushing sensation pressed Ma Huayun tightly on the chair. He only felt that the scenery outside the window was retreating rapidly. Although The flight was very smooth, with little trembling, but it was still the first time he experienced such a high-speed flight, which still frightened him.

From the outside, it looked like the fighter plane had just taken off and entered stealth mode. Even the gods could not detect the plane's location.

Depart from Shrek Academy in the center of Douluo Three Kingdoms. It only took less than half an hour to fly towards the Sun and Moon Empire. They came to the sky above the Sun and Moon Empire. The speed of the fighter plane slowly decreased, allowing Ma Huayun to see the picture on the ground. By comparing it with the map, he could quickly find where he wanted to go.

It should be mentioned here that although the mathematics of the Douluo people is ridiculously poor, they are still quite detailed in drawing maps. This is not because of their strong surveying and mapping technology, but because of the strong people at the Titled Douluo level. Can fly very high into the air. And hover here steadily.

Relying on their strong eyesight, they can draw quite accurate maps at high altitudes. By putting many pieces of the map together like a puzzle, the final result is a quite accurate map of the continent.

There may be a lot of deviations in the first-generation map, but after generations of powerful Title Douluo-level corrections and additions, the map still appears to be quite accurate.

This makes it easier for the two of them to find where they want to go. Although Ma Huayun's factory is a factory in name, its management system is not as advanced as a modern production line, and it is better than a manual factory. But the scale is already quite large.

Looking down from the sky, it is a quite large group of buildings, with fighter planes hovering in mid-air. Ma Huayun and Cheng Ying were left in the fighter plane, while Yake jumped out and came to the factory to make some noise.

Although he fell from an altitude of several thousand meters, relying on the control of gravity, he landed silently, as light as a feather.

Even the people around him didn't notice that there was one more person here. The workers in the factory had already fled to who knows where. The existence of the evil soul master on the mainland is the type that can stop children from crying at night. The deterrent effect on ordinary people is unparalleled. As long as they hear the name of the evil soul master, most ordinary people will be scared and run away.

And here, it has been occupied by members of the Holy Spirit Cult. Now there are many evil soul masters coming in and out here, carrying materials in the warehouse. Although the production here only lasted for a month, the efficiency of the assembly line operation was incomparable to the efficiency of the previous soul master's workshop. Even if it's just a month. There is still a lot of wealth accumulated here.

Soul masters also need money. Even evil soul masters cannot give away their wealth to others. After driving away the owner here, they naturally regard the wealth here as their own. Even the workers here are regarded as slaves they captured.

Those workers who had no time to escape were all put in chains, whipped and driven like livestock, following behind the carriage, moving forward like zombies.

They know very well that they have no future. Being captured by the evil soul master, death is already the best outcome. The most likely outcome is to become a test subject, have their souls extracted, and fall into the terrible ending of never being reincarnated.

But even though they were extremely frightened, they did not dare to resist. Countless experiences in history told them that resisting a soul master would never end well.

An eleven or twelve-year-old evil soul master who had just obtained his second soul ring waved his whip fiercely at the chained workers, with a happy smile on his face.

The power of the evil soul master is not evil, just like the gun is not evil, the evil is the person who shoots it, but he lives in this environment all year round. Even if they are exposed to this distorted world view from birth, no matter how pure a child is, it is impossible for them to survive in this kind of environment.

Yak frowned and watched this scene, raised his hand and pulled the whip-wielding child up with gravity, and threw him to the square in the distance. The young soul master's screams attracted the attention of all the evil soul masters present. Only then did they notice that there was an uninvited guest in the square.

So they all turned their heads and glanced at Yak with hostile eyes.

The image Yak used at this time was not that of Huo Yuhao, but a muscular man with green skin, a bit like a poisonous man, but in fact he was designed according to the image of the Hulk.

Facing the sturdy Yake, another person who looked like a foreman sneered and stood up from the pile of supplies: "Another guy who wants to be famous and crazy, and doesn't even ask who we are? We are not the evil soul masters you call us. Look! We are the Holy Spirit Sect, the legal religion of the Sun and Moon Empire! Haha! Brothers, I want to make him alive! Puppet! This muscular body is so addictive.”

Yak instinctively felt that the last two sentences of this guy were quite bad. Although there was no chance of losing, being raped by a skinny and ugly man still gave people goosebumps.

So the moment everyone took action, Yake chose his homework and the first target of attack.

A simple punch, but it turned the air into a liquid state. With a punch from a distance, the skinny evil soul master was knocked away as if he was suddenly hit from the front by a locomotive. He had no ability to resist at all. go out.

This scene immediately stunned the other soul masters who rushed up. For a moment, they were there, neither advancing nor retreating. But Yak wouldn't stop. He was holding back when he punched him. The man in charge just now was a Contra Soul Douluo. He was only seriously injured when he punched him, and he was running away at this time.

It was enough to leave him alive and escape back to report the news, but there was no need to leave the others alive.

Yake has lived for almost 400 years. Normally, he has a relatively gentle personality. When he can be reasonable, he will basically be reasonable. But if he is facing a guy who completely ignores human nature, then there is no need to be reasonable. .


Thunder exploded from his body. Facing these enemies who were not even Titled Douluo, Yake chose the most efficient way to kill the enemies, which was to use electric current to directly stimulate their nerves and cause cardiopulmonary arrest.

It consumes less energy and causes less damage. It will not affect the ordinary people captured by them, and they can leave no one alive.

The explosion of thunder did not bring about such a gorgeous light and shadow effect, and even the person who was hit did not feel much pain, just a slight numbness in his body, and he was completely unable to move.

Their hearts stopped beating, causing them to scratch their chests in pain, but to no avail. After just a few breaths, they were unable to continue struggling, and fell to the ground in pain, twitching, and losing the breath of life.

Although their deaths looked unsettling, there was absolutely no trauma other than their own scratching.

Contra, who thought he was lucky enough to escape, looked back and saw that his younger brothers died suddenly on the spot without any resistance at all. He was so frightened that the dead souls ran faster, and disappeared into the horizon in a short while. The end.

More than five hundred members of the Holy Spirit Cult were wiped out. Although 300 of them were ordinary people, nearly two hundred soul masters were killed, which was still a considerable loss.

Especially for the enemy who appeared this time, the last attack method was extremely weird. You killed hundreds of them instantly and silently. You must know that among these hundreds of people, the one with the highest cultivation level was a Soul Douluo. He couldn't resist at all, even an ordinary titled Douluo thought it was possible.

After a simple analysis, it is easy to conclude that the person who attacked this time has a minimum cultivation level of no less than level 97, and may even be higher.

It was almost impossible to solve this problem smoothly without dispatching the elders of the Holy Spirit Sect. Ye Xishui slapped the table. His expression was grim. He was originally responsible for that factory. At that time, he also took action to kill a titled Douluo in seconds, but there was still a short-sighted person who came to stir up trouble. This obviously did not take her seriously.

"I will solve this matter. Then I will see who the blind guy is. He dares to run wild on my territory." After saying that, Ye Xishui left the venue directly and headed to the factory resolutely. , solve this matter.

When Long Xiaoyao saw this scene, he sighed helplessly and followed silently behind him to ensure that Ye Xishui would not have an accident this time.

[To be continued]

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