Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1568 Death Soul Guidance Device

I had to worry a lot about Ye Xi Shuilong Xiaoyao, who was considered the least carefree among the Ultimate Douluo. If he didn't rely on him to survive, his own combat effectiveness would actually be the lowest.

Of course, Ye Xishui's potential is actually the highest among all Extreme Douluo. She is a rare person on the mainland who has twin martial spirits, but in the end she only cultivated one of them.

Moreover, his two twin martial souls are both top-grade martial souls. If she is willing to practice the other one, she may be the best Douluo in the world now, but in general, his talents can still be used. To describe it as Zhuo Jue, even if he did not practice the second martial soul and converted to a soul guide, his achievements still exceeded the vast majority of souls. Although the mentor relied on the soul master's ability and evil rituals, it must be admitted that , the first level ten soul guidance device in the continent, the Death Soul Guidance Device was made by her.

Compared with the ninth-level soul guide, the power has undergone earth-shaking changes. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a qualitative change. In comparison, the eleventh-level soul guide that appeared later is not as powerful as the tenth-level soul guide. The quality has changed.

However, it is precisely because of her dual use of distraction that her actual strength is not particularly outrageous. If you are attacked by someone or ambushed, it is still very likely that you will die due to the fragility of your body.

This is why in the second half of the original work, the Emperor of the Sun and Moon Empire, Xu Tianran, designed a trap and placed more than a dozen level nine custom-made soul-guided artillery shells in the shield that was wrapped inward. When one of them imploded, the result was The two Ultimate Douluo were all killed because Long Xiaoyao had been secretly protecting Ye Xishui.

But this time, it was obviously another time when the heartbroken Ultimate Douluo came out to do some work. However, they obviously underestimated the difficulty of their opponents this time.

They judged from the description sent by their subordinates not long ago. The enemy this time is most likely a level 97 or 98 Super Douluo. Although opponents of this level are troublesome, they can be easily solved by Extreme Douluo.

Especially the opponent's Hulk look. It is easy to think of the poison in the body. If not himself, it might be his relative. If the ability is familiar, it will be much easier to deal with. One of the important factors in overcoming the challenge of extreme counter-attack is the asymmetry in intelligence between the two sides. Relying on the advantage of information investigation, it is possible to win by surprise.

In contrast, a familiar opponent is much easier to deal with. Even if the familiar opponent is stronger than the unknown enemy, the possibility of overturning is much smaller when the abilities are clear to each other.

Extreme Douluo's mobility is very strong, and it only took half a day to reach the scene of the crime. The factories here have restored order to a certain extent. Not back to work yet though. But the count of victims of the cleanup at the scene has been basically completed. Next, basically only the pension process remains.

Yake was guarding the door of the factory, waiting for the people from the Holy Spirit Cult to come and take revenge. In the final analysis, evil soul masters were still a destabilizing factor for this continent. The influence of their martial arts on the spirit was actually not difficult to solve.

For Yake and Chengying, this kind of spiritual impact can be easily solved from a technical perspective, but the organization's own philosophy is to lead people to evil. Even ordinary soul masters, under their guidance, can Most likely he will become an evil soul master.

It is difficult to change this atmosphere if it is not completely eradicated and reformed. It is true that there are many poor people among evil soul masters, but the unfair treatment they encounter should not be transformed into violence against others.

The fact that their demands cannot be resolved is ultimately the fault of today's social system.

Yake will not let the Holy Spirit Church continue to expand. This kind of destruction of order is the biggest enemy of a healthy social system, so no matter how many enemies come this time, he will personally deal with them.

As the opponent approaches, the sky gradually becomes cloudy. The evil soul master entangled too many souls due to excessive killing. Their dying cries turned into echoes and accumulated on the evil soul master's body, forming an evil aura. Even from a distance, the aura was filled with blood and violence, making people tremble with fear. , just enveloped it.

All the workers present who were responsible for counting casualties and cleaning up the scene fled. Only Yake walked against the direction of the flow of people, towards the direction where the dark clouds were coming.

"Let's start! Let me see what kind of strength the world's top Ultimate Douluo has?" Yake stood on the ground without taking off, looking at the dark clouds in the sky and landing on a mountain not far away.

A dark tower with blood-red lines was placed on the top of the mountain. The steel jungle grew rapidly like a Cybertronian and turned into a soul guidance position covering the hill.

Anyone who dares to get close to the mountain will be baptized with iron blood. The intensive artillery fire will tell the intruder what the power of the soul guide is. In terms of the range of killing capabilities, Ye Xishui has surpassed other Extreme Douluo to reach to another level.

There is a reason why she seems so cautious. At first, she only thought that she was facing brothers and sisters who could not be killed by poison, or even by poison.

Poison Buushi, the quasi-limit Douluo who was closest to a limit douluo, was no match for her, and if it were his brothers and sisters, it would be even less possible for him to beat her.

But as the two sides got closer, the completely different auras made him realize that his enemy this time might not be poisonous. Although the pressure in terms of soul power was not strong, it could even be said to be weak, but the instinct above told him She, the enemy she faced this time, was extremely dangerous.

This is why she is so cautious now. The opponent this time is worthy of her to expand her soul guidance position, and only in this position can she exert her strongest strength.

Yake, who was watching this scene from a distance, nodded: "It's a bit interesting. Although it is still bound by the inherent thinking of this era, this fighting method is already considered an improvement."

Cheng Ying also nodded secretly in the air. If it was in a healthy and not deformed society, Ye Xishui's development method would be the most reasonable.

Human power is sometimes limited. Even if you can borrow soul power, in the final analysis, there is a limit. If you want to break through this limit, the easiest way is to borrow tools.

This point has been repeatedly emphasized in Tulip's education. A gentleman is born with no differences, and good deeds are better than things. The ancients thousands of years ago understood this truth, but because of their soul power, thousands of people in this world have Thousands of years of misunderstanding.

Although the soul master is powerful, it is absolutely wrong to use external objects. A powerful soul master needs to be matched with more powerful tools. Soul power and mental power are like invisible hands. They can help the soul master as an individual. To control more and stronger tools, make these tools more accurate, more efficient, and more harmonious.

Ye Xishui integrated his mental and soul power into the entire soul guidance position, turning the soul guidance position into a part of his body. This was a very orthodox method of using tools.

Her biggest problem now is that, limited by the influence of traditional thinking, she has not expanded the scope of this tool. Soul guides are still only used as tools. Of course, this is also due to the lag in the development of non-soul weapons.

"Now that you have used your own tools, let me teach you how humans use tools to fight!" Yake's nature has risen. The soul guidance position on the opposite commanding heights gave him a fighting spirit. meaning.

"First of all, your biggest mistake is to choose to stick to it!" Yake said, having already released his own mecha from the mix. At the same time, there were more than a dozen unmanned remote-controlled ground effect aircraft.

"The biggest advantage of soul guides is that most of them have no recoil. Therefore, they do not need to be like traditional artillery. Fixed on a stable platform, soul guides are more suitable for mobile shooting than traditional gunpowder weapons. ”

As he spoke, he was already driving the mecha and soaring into the sky. He was simultaneously distracted and controlling the ground-effect aircraft behind him, arranged in a loose formation, and launched a charge.

The staggered formations and flexible avoidance made it difficult for the soul guides on the hillside to hit, and these ground-effect aircraft. Then they covered each other and continuously released soul guidance rays, hitting the soul guidance positions on the hillside.

"Your second problem is that the design of weapons only focuses on power and not accuracy. Your attack must be covered by firepower in order to hit my army. But the obvious turning and locking movements of your turrets have already Already under surveillance by reconnaissance aircraft.

Information on the battlefield is changing rapidly, and if you do not have sufficient reconnaissance capabilities, your so-called fire coverage is nothing more than a cannon to swat mosquitoes. "

The deep hills of Yak were almost flattened, but not a single attack landed on him, including the aircraft behind him, which also spread out their auxiliary wings beside the oval body and turned at high speed to avoid attacks.

Compared with the inability of the Soul Guidance Position in long-range attacks, Yake's flight formation is much more accurate in terms of long-range firepower. Almost every time a burst is fired, a turret will be scrapped and reconnaissance in the high altitude Under the detection of the aircraft, the precise coordinates of each enemy fire point were reported.

At this time, the disadvantage of the immovable fixed position became apparent. Rou, who was hit by fire, had no way to avoid it.

Ye Xishui seemed to be aware of this problem and began to concentrate on mobilizing the energy of the soul guidance position. She also learned during the battle. Most of the high-altitude soul guides of the Sun and Moon Empire are bulky guys that use anti-gravity or air buoyancy to fly. It is difficult for them to be as flexible and maneuverable as the fixed-wing flying princess. However, the light emitted by the soul guides is still very obvious. Although she There is no fire control system installed in the position, and there is no supporting auxiliary computer. But relying on his strong mental power to calculate, he can still get the location of the attack point.

Therefore, the ground effect aircraft's burst fire started at the beginning, and after reaching a certain victory, every subsequent attack launch would inevitably have a shield waiting there.

An attack of this intensity cannot penetrate the shield, so it is difficult to cause damage in a short period of time.

"Yes, there is progress. Without computer assistance, you rely on your own strong reaction ability to carry out point-to-point targeted defense. In terms of tactical literacy, you are not the kind of guy who sticks to the rules.

If you had just released a wide-area shield when you were defending, the concentrated fire of the soul-guiding ray would have directly penetrated your shield. This would have been a waste of energy and no defensive effect.

However, many times, the gap in equipment cannot be made up by relying on personal ability. If your skills are too poor, strong ability will only make you more unwilling to lose. "While speaking, Yak was already ready for the next round of attacks.

Compared to him who was fighting back while being in the mood to comment on the opponent's response, Ye Xishui's forehead had veins popping up. On the one hand, it was caused by the opponent's cunning attack, and on the other hand, she was now calculating with all her strength, a lot of Consume physical and mental energy.

"How on earth did this guy control so many level nine soul guides at the same time." The ground effect aircraft was regarded by Ye Xishui as a kind of combined soul guide. It moved at high speed and was like a flat shooting platform on rugged terrain. She regarded it as an eighth-level soul guidance device, and those weapons that continuously released soul guidance rays were regarded by her as a rapid-fire ninth-level soul guidance device.

The one that Yak personally piloted was a humanoid soul guidance device with no apparent grade. It was also a soul guidance device that the Sun and Moon Empire had recently invested a lot of resources in developing.

Ye Xishui didn't understand how Ya Ke was able to control so many soul guides by one person at the same time. It was as if she was fighting against a dozen top ninth-level soul guides at the same time, and these dozen people cooperated tacitly. , advance and retreat in a controlled manner, just like the dozen brothers who have lived together since childhood.

She definitely can't understand now what a fire control system is, what automation is, and what artificial intelligence is.

Each of these ground-effect aircraft only requires a few simple instructions to coordinate perfectly under the calculation of the program, and to complete the set tactical goals under the control of the commander.

A dozen is not the limit of control. There is no problem in controlling thousands of them at the same time. It's just that Yak only has a dozen with him.

And even if there is no intelligent system, it is not impossible for Yiyake to inherit Cheng Ying's strong mental power, multi-purpose, and control every detail of more than a dozen tanks.

In this battle with generational differences in technology, even if Ye Xishui used his shrewd operations to make up for it, he could not reverse the tilt of the war balance.

A large number of missiles flew out from Yak's aircraft, scattering flowers in all directions. Under the guidance of the missile's internal radar, they focused fire on the enemy's positions from all directions.

Ye Xishui's computing power is very strong, and he can easily deal with more than a dozen attacks at the same time, but hundreds of missiles coming from all directions cannot be dealt with by adapting to circumstances.

[To be continued]

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