Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,569 Modern Warfare Model

Missiles fell from the sky from all directions. This scene was beyond Ye Xishui's expectation. When she tried to lock on these missiles and open the shield to protect important targets, she was shocked to find that the missiles that had locked on their protection targets suddenly turned around. For other targets, launch concentrated fire.

This scene surprised Ye Xishui. In fact, things beyond her expectation started as early as the launch of the missile. She never expected that someone would accumulate seven to eight hundred rounds of seven to eight levels. Customized soul-guided artillery shells of varying levels, are they robbing the arsenal of the Sun and Moon Empire? In a single-player duel, you can launch so many at once? This is not a fight, this is a waste of money!

And these fixed soul-guided cannonballs are not only fired, but also change their flight trajectories midway, which is even more weird.

Without any time to defend, Ye Xishui's position suffered a heavy blow. Fires were everywhere and a large number of soul guidance devices, especially those used for reconnaissance, were destroyed.

In Yak's battle mode, the first thing that needs to be destroyed is the enemy's detection equipment. Weapons that cannot accurately locate enemy units are just decorations in modern warfare. No matter how strong the attack is, it is useless if it cannot hit.

Ye Xishui in the soul guidance camp felt her eyes go dark. The soul guidance devices she had used to expand her perception had all been destroyed. She could only rely on her own mental power to vaguely perceive the surrounding area of ​​thirty to fifty kilometers. .

This is already very far for a unit like a soul master who is good at melee combat. No soul master has the ability to accurately attack targets fifty kilometers away. Even the Death Soul Guide, which has one of the best attack ranges, can only attack for ten seconds at best. Target several kilometers away.

However, if the attack range is only a dozen kilometers, in terms of modern warfare, it is not much different from being deaf and blind.

Yake maneuvered around the edge of Ye Xishui's detection range, and was covered by a round of artillery fire. He could only detect Ye Xishui who was guiding the warhead's flight path. He had no time to react, and was shot down a large number of important facilities.

Ye Xishui, who had been bullying others with the long attack range of the Death Soul Guidance Device, finally realized what it was like to be flown as a kite, especially since her soul guidance device was riveted and spread out on the top of the mountain, unable to move. He became a fixed target and couldn't even dodge. He was so depressed that he died.

Faced with the current situation that his detection range was insufficient, Ye Xishui had no choice but to rely on vision and vague mental detection to shoot manually.

A large amount of regular energy from the auxiliary soul guide is sent to the Death God soul guide, which is the tallest and has the most shield defense.

Although Tulip often builds wonders, Yak knows very well that wonders can be built, but they must not be relied on. Gambling the destiny of the country on one or two decisive weapons will never end well. History has proven this countless times.

The Death Soul Guidance Device began to gather energy. More than fifty kilometers away, Yak began to maneuver irregularly. At three times the effective range and outside the detection range, the difficulty of hitting an irregularly moving object was probably equivalent to that of flicking a ball at random. A booger just happened to knock down the flies flying around the room.

But Ye Xishui just didn't believe in evil. Even though the probability of hitting was slim, he still pressed the launch button at the moment when his aim coincided and poured his soul power into it.

Although a soul power storage device such as a milk bottle soul guide can store a large amount of soul power, the main energy source of the Death Soul Guide is still the soul power of the Ultimate Douluo controlled inside. Therefore, in the original work, Ye Xishui An extremely cool operation was performed.

That is, Huo Yuhao finally led a group of people to resist an attack from the Death God's Soul Guidance Device by relying on Di Tian's death-free gold medal. He led a group of titled Douluo to the top of the mountain and prepared to destroy the Soul Guidance Device. Suddenly, Ye Xishui's body I jumped out of the Death Soul Guidance Device. Are you surprised? Is it surprising? After smashing the soul guide, an even more ruthless one jumped out.

But this time, this operation was obviously useless. The range of the Death Soul Guidance Device was not enough to hit the opponent. When her body jumped out, the attack range was even more insufficient.

There is no choice but to directly launch the soul guide to attack. The huge soul power and the power of death, mixed with an unintentional number of resentful souls, converge into the strongest attack of the tenth-level soul guide, which is currently the strongest on the continent.

The dark red light stream washed away everything within sight, and the mountains were penetrated by this light. The attack path was straight, without any bend or drop, and it could even tilt and turn after being launched, like a broom. Wipe out everything within the attack range.

The mountain peaks swept by the dark red beam were cut into two sections. If there was a titled Douluo within the range of such an attack, he would not have a skill or two to save his life. He will definitely fall under this powerful attack.

But it's still the same problem as at the beginning, no matter how strong the attack is, if it can't hit, what's the use? Although the beam worked hard to sweep across, covering a larger range.

But space is three-dimensional. Although ground-effect aircraft fly low, they can still take off when necessary. Among the aircraft flying around like bees in the sky, only one was hit. The remaining aircraft released missiles again.

They launched an intensive counterattack against the Death Soul Guidance Device that had just been launched once. The missile's warhead is equipped with an independent guidance system. Many targets are locked internally and the shield can be identified by itself.

After realizing that the target is protected by a shield, it will automatically switch targets. Intelligently adjust the trajectory and bomb towards new targets. Ye Xishui relied on his own mental power and brain to operate, but his opponent was countless cold artificial intelligences. This was not the confrontation between the artificial team and the mechanical team in I Love Inventions. The human brain had no chance of winning.

A large number of soul guides were hit again. What's even more terrible is that the ones hit this time were all hubs that provide energy for the Death Soul Guide. During the launch just now, the launch process of the Death Soul Guide had been blocked by the sky. The unmanned reconnaissance drone captured clearly what equipment was used to launch the Death Soul Guidance Device. All of them were marked and used as key targets.

The Death Soul Guidance Device is protected by a solid shield, and there are more than one level nine defensive soul guidance devices protecting it. Covered by firepower, it is very difficult to break through from the front. A better way is to cut off his energy source. Even if his body is not destroyed, the power he can exert will be greatly reduced.

Ye Xishui also discovered this, but was unable to do anything. They may have used such a powerful shield to protect many devices at the same time. After all, some equipment was not important enough and needed to be abandoned.

Yake relied on a small team to maintain the upper hand with minimal losses. This made Ye Xishui realize that his opponent was a master of soul tools, and even more so. Master tactician.

It would be difficult to win this battle simply by relying on one's own strength. Even if oneself fights in person, there is no way to win victory under the enemy's kite-flying tactics.

Not only her, but another Extreme Douluo also realized the same thing. Long Xiaoyao also realized that the enemy this time was difficult to deal with. Although he was not a soul guide, he was influenced by the soul guide in the Sun and Moon Empire. He knew a lot about the technology of weapons, and he was probably the only one in the Sun and Moon Empire who could create such a flexible soul guidance device with such powerful attack capabilities. Kong Deming, who was the mainstay, could do it.

Only this guy, with the help of the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Group, could suppress Extreme Douluo on the frontal battlefield. Facing such a terrifying opponent, Long Xiaoyao knew very well and continued to maintain the reserve of a titled Douluo. Still insisting on one-on-one fighting, there is no chance of winning.

So he actually started taking action very early. He is just a person and occupies a very small space. Under deliberate concealment, it is difficult for long-range high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft to detect him.

And before Ye Xishui activated the Death Soul Guidance Device, he had already sneaked into the other side of Yake, forming a two-sided trap. What he had to do was very simple, that is, rely on his own extreme strength. , drive his opponent out, drive him into the attack range of the Death Soul Guidance Device, and then let Ye Xishui kill with one hit, eliminating the enemy hidden in the humanoid Soul Guidance Device in the middle.

At present, they are still unclear. Looking at the mecha driven by electronic technology and artificial intelligence, they only regard it as a special humanoid soul guide.

Yake did not notice Long Xiaoyao at first. If he went all out to conceal his aura and whereabouts, it would be difficult to find Long Xiaoyao, even if there were a large number of high-altitude reconnaissance planes searching for him.

However, when he unleashed his soul power and prepared to attack from a distance, Yak realized it and saw through the opponent's strategic intention immediately.

It is indeed a good tactic to drive him to the direction of Ye Xishui and face the threat of the Death Soul Guide. The premise of implementing this tactic is that Long Xiaoyao can threaten Yak's body and defeat Yak. It can be regarded as having the ability to drive him away.

If he couldn't beat him in a one-on-one fight, Yak would just fight him head-on and it would be over.

So Long Xiaoyao was shocked to see that Yake drove his own soul guide and rushed over alone. As for the equipment behind him that was suspected of being a ninth-level compound soul guide, they continued to circle Ye Xishui's The reconnaissance range was extremely wide, and the fixed soul guidance shells were launched to harass and destroy Ye Xishui's soul guidance position.

This scene made Long Xiaoyao extremely angry. As an Ultimate Douluo, he felt that he had been underestimated, underestimated by a soul master. The fragile soul master actually tried to challenge an Ultimate Douluo on a frontal battlefield. This For him, it can no longer be described as knowing the heights of the world.

He wanted this arrogant soul master to understand. The pride of the soul master!

In order to show his strength, Long Xiaoyao went all out. He immediately displayed his martial spirit true form, and not only that, but even went a step further, almost directly transforming into the dark holy dragon in myths and legends.

The Dark Holy Dragon is also a golden-eyed black dragon. The difference is that Ditian is the golden-eyed black dragon king, and the dark holy dragon is the great elder of the golden-eyed black dragon. Therefore, no matter how hard Long Xiaoyao works, he is still no match for Ditian, not even as good as Mu Well, it will be suppressed instead.

But his status as a martial soul also means that after he shows his full strength, he will be extremely powerful. Even compared to Di Tian, ​​there will not be much difference.

At this moment, the battle entered a white-hot stage. Long Xiaoyao, who transformed into the Dark Holy Dragon, used his ninth soul skill, and a pitch-black realm enveloped the entire place.

Yake's mecha was shrouded in it, and the hexagonal force field, shrouded in the dark realm, could only barely support a piece of pure land. This was the mecha's domain, and it could be maintained even without a pilot. But the strength is still lacking, and it cannot compete head-on with the realm of Extreme Douluo.

However, being able to open a piece of pure land in the domain already means that the battle can continue. Long Xiaoyao marveled at the power of this strange humanoid soul guide. At the same time, it did not relax at all, and the continuous attacks fell. Dragon claws, dragon teeth, dragon tail, and dragon wings take turns to release powerful attacks. The rich dark attribute shrouded it. So the earth was eroded into deep canyons.

The mecha, on the other hand, just held the beam saber and barely resisted, seemingly losing ground. But the damage suffered has been limited. No important parts were harmed.

The nanomachines inside are collecting materials from the storage soul guide, replacing damaged parts, and quickly repairing the damaged parts of the mecha.

He was like a metal Wolverine with super-speed regeneration ability. His injured body was repaired quickly. Although he looked very embarrassed, he was still able to persist in the violent storm attack after the Ultimate Douluo displayed his domain. Wield your saber and even occasionally fight back.

But as Long Xiaoyao gradually adapted to the mecha's preset programs and various capabilities, the mecha began to gradually fall into a disadvantage. The mecha's structure could make inhuman movements. The head is not a weak point, it is just one of the observers, equipped with various weapons, which can be used to counterattack unexpectedly during the process of blocking.

All of these caused certain troubles for Long Xiaoyao, but these troubles were all due to the first sight of killing. When he saw these abilities for the first time, he always suffered a small loss, but after getting used to it, he gradually mastered the rhythm of the battle. Long Xiaoyao You will no longer be fooled by these little tricks of mechas.

In terms of hard power, he is ultimately stronger than this man-made creature.

"It's over! You are a very talented soul mentor, but you chose the wrong enemy." The dragon claw fell, and the dark blade crushed the armor of the mecha.

Long Xiaoyao finally won the battle, but after grabbing his profit, he felt something was wrong in his hand, as if he had grabbed a steel cable and cut the outer rubber, only to find that there was something inside. Harder metal.

That's Yak's skin...

Because the mecha is an old model, it has not yet been made using this new material. So it's not even as strong as Yak's body.

"No! It's not over yet, to be exact, the battle has just begun!"

[To be continued]

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