Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1570: Stronger without the mecha

In the original work, Ye Xishui left, and the Death God Soul Guidance Device's combat effectiveness did not decrease at all. It was quite a showmanship to beat a group of titled Douluo to cry for their fathers and mothers.

And Yak's operation today was even more arrogant. He was driving a mecha, but he actually couldn't exert his own combat effectiveness. For him, the mecha was actually equivalent to a control platform, and its biggest role was to control and coordinate other things. Combat units, including unmanned reconnaissance drones in the sky. Unmanned airships in the sky, route aircraft on the ground, and even in the distance. Signal base stations and radars have long been installed on the top of the mountain.

If these things are simply connected by mental power, it will consume a lot of money and be inconvenient. Therefore, a flexible and mobile combat platform is needed, that is, a mecha. This is a tactic designed before encountering the poison, with the mecha as the core. A tactical group.

The combat effectiveness of the mecha itself is not particularly outrageous. It is more about its strong defensive capabilities. It can survive an enemy's attack for a longer period of time, waiting for other units to coordinate operations and rescue the commander.

As for Yak's current combat power, staying in the mecha is a kind of constraint. If he wants to conquer his ability, the mecha must be redesigned and tailor-made for him.

Long Xiaoyao didn't understand what it meant that the battle had just begun? He thought that his opponent was unwilling to resist after losing the battle, so he persuaded him: "You don't need to continue fighting.

But if you do it for money, you have done enough. As a soul engineer, it is irrational to think about challenging an extreme Douluo after losing his weapon.

Your talents should be applied in more useful fields. Whether it is the Sun-Moon Empire or the Holy Spirit Cult, they all need talents like you. I do not want to hurt you in this battle. "

Yake tilted his neck and did some simple warm-up exercises. His neck made a crackling sound: "It seems that what I meant was misunderstood. Are you pitying me?"

There is no need for this. I have inherited most of the abilities of Poison Immortal. I am not a weak soul master at all. If you are careful, you will be beaten to death by me! "

Yake's words were not only meant for Long Xiaoyao, but also for those in the God Realm who might be monitoring the Douluo. The battle between Extreme Douluo was very likely to attract the attention of the God Realm, and In order to clear oneself out of suspicion, one must disguise oneself as a legal identity, and a relative while studying is obviously a very good choice.

The talent of the Poisonous Immortal Clan is very good. His brother is the Ultimate Douluo. He almost killed Munn back then. Even if he didn't kill him, he was disabled for life and couldn't straighten his back for the rest of his life. At this time, he jumped out A younger brother, it’s not surprising that he is an older brother.

Especially the shape of Yake, the Hulk. Compared with Poison, the only thing that has more hair is his hair. When he said this, Long Xiaoyao observed carefully. This figure, this physique, and that green skin. Except that the hair is a little thicker and the poison is not dead, it is really the same.

"I see. It seems that an excellent soul mentor has emerged from the body. It's really rare. But if you do this, you won't be able to survive!" Long Xiaoyao's eyes burst out with strong murderous intent.

He is more than two hundred years old and rarely gets angry, but if Yake is a member of the Noumenon Sect, he must be solved. The logic of the matter is very simple. If the Sun and Moon Empire wants to unify the continent, it must confront the Noumenon Sect. , and the Holy Spirit Cult has such a high status in the Sun and Moon Empire, all because they are the pawns supported by the Sun and Moon Empire, just to fight against top sects such as Shrek Academy and Noumenon Sect.

In this way, Ye Xishui and the strong man in his body will face each other sooner or later. And this time is the opportunity for this strong man from the Noumenon Sect to be alone. Take advantage of this opportunity to kill him and take advantage of him when he is not commanding his team of soul engineers and they are at their most vulnerable. This will save a lot of people in the future. Hidden dangers, Ye Xishui will be safer.

In a Douluo where everyone controls his wife, killing someone for the sake of a woman is nothing short of normal.

Yak was a little confused and didn't understand why Long Xiaoyao suddenly had such a strong murderous intention towards him, but he didn't think too much. While he was here to help Ma Huayun solve his troubles this time, he also needed to adapt to his new body. An Extreme Douluo was indeed a good whetstone.

Can you let him see how far he can't find his current body?

"Since you want to kill me, then come on! Let me see what you are capable of. That weak attack just now couldn't even break my skin!"

As Yake spoke, he had already punched the dragon's claw. His fist was not damaged at all, but the dragon's claw, which was larger than his entire body, had a crack on the nail.

Long Xiaoyao's expression was solemn. The power of the blow just now made him realize that the green monster in front of him was even more powerful than the man who died studying. Although he claims to have inherited the power of Poison, it seems that he has made full use of this power. His current strength is only stronger than Poison.

Long Xiaoyao knew that he had to go all out and show himself stronger than he was now. Then I saw the nine soul rings on his body, beating as fast as playing a piano. These people also have some high-end soul power application skills.

The huge dragon's body shrank rapidly under his movements, as if it was being compressed by a 10,000-ton hydraulic press. A huge body that was originally nearly 100 meters tall. It was actually compressed to just over 2m tall, only a little taller than an ordinary person.

But the light reflected by the scales on the surface contains an aura that makes people feel extremely dangerous. Yake is extremely familiar with this aura, which feels like radiation.

Long Xiaoyao's body was also emitting radiation uncontrollably at this time. It seemed that the material on the body surface was highly compressed, causing some strange changes.

Although this kind of compression without any skills cannot create a strong and solid structure on the body surface like Edelman alloy, the enhancement to the defense is undoubtedly huge. The huge mass is condensed into such a small volume. , the power and lethality erupted will also increase exponentially.

Just like Ant-Man in the Marvel superhero movies, making himself smaller without changing his mass is also a terrifying superpower.

The fists and claws of both sides collided again. Yak was far from mastering all the power of the poisonous immortality in the high-level world, but in this collision, he still had the upper hand. The same compressed material was on Yak's body surface. What was formed was a regular and complex structure, while on Long Xiaoyao's body surface it was just a chaotic pile-up.

After the collision between the two parties, only a few shallow marks were left on the surface of the green fist. But there were mottled cracks on the dark dragon claws.

"You can't do this. If you don't have some unique abilities, you will definitely lose this battle!"

Under the collision of power, Long Xiaoyao's body was completely at a disadvantage. Yake's fist came over with a hammer, very fast, as if it was divided into hundreds.

Long Xiaoyao was in a state of embarrassment, and he was about to lose his support. During a confrontation, the pitch-black dark realm was destroyed. Long Xiaoyao hit a mountain peak so hard that the top of the mountain collapsed.

The wolf was just picked out from the smoke, but he didn't feel any loss or panic. Instead, he pointed at Yake and said: "A martial artist who only knows how to be rough and use strength. Take a good look at you!"

Yak looked at it and saw that the green skin he used to camouflage was already entangled with black stripes. These stripes made him look like a strangely colored tiger, but they were tightly attached to his body. Tangled like chains.

To other strong men, these dark powers are like gangrene attached to their bones, which cannot be removed or solved by ordinary means. During the battle, they will continue to corrode their bodies. causing them to become weaker and weaker. Gradually he was unable to exert his own strength.

But Yak just glanced at these black markings, shook his head and said: "You may have some misunderstanding about my body surface defense? Then what you think you can't break with your fists can be corroded by these dark forces." ?

Under materials with strong interaction, even the soul power cannot penetrate my skin without my permission. How can your dark power do it? "

Yake tore off one of his tops, and then wiped it on his skin as if scrubbing his body in a bathhouse. The strange dark power disappeared, and the top looked like a stained rag. Just like that, in the next moment, it was eroded by the power of darkness and was completely destroyed.

The curse that was supposed to be as stubborn as gangrene was wiped away casually. Long Xiaoyao realized that the monster in front of him was either extremely strong or extremely restrained and continued to fight with him. There was absolutely nothing good he could do. end.

He had already taken action and no longer cared about two versus one. Without even saying a harsh word, he turned around and ran towards Ye Xishui.

Run away if you can't fight. This is what a long-lived strong man should understand. When Yak saw this scene, he was a little confused. He didn't expect Long Xiaoyao to run so decisively.

Unexpectedly, due to a moment of confusion, he missed the best pursuit opportunity, and the direction in which Long Xiaoyao escaped was within the coverage of the Death Soul Guide. Here, even Yake could not attack without restraint.

The Death Soul Guidance Device is also a considerable threat to him. Although his defense is extremely powerful, the strong interaction material is only concentrated on the surface of the skin. If the defense is broken, the defense will be repaired on the surface of the body. Before that, he will enter a period of vulnerability for a long time.

The power of the Death Soul Guidance Device is very likely to penetrate this thin layer of defense. Seeing Yake's hesitation, Long Xiaoyao felt that his choice was correct. Under the cover of the Death Soul Guidance Device, he and this strange Only the Green Giant has a chance of winning the battle.

Sure enough, the mixed doubles between husband and wife is more powerful.

Yak only hesitated for a moment and quickly chased after him. He used machines to fight Ye Xishui before, but he was just happy to see the quite advanced tactical concepts and wanted to experience the Douluo people's understanding of war. .

But it's different now. Ye Xishui's tactical literacy is not as high as expected. After experiencing it, it feels like it's just that. If it's a real battle, he has other very useful trump cards.

After Yake came to Ye Xishui's attack range, Ye Xishui, who had been suppressed by the long-range kite flying, finally felt proud and prepared to launch a fierce counterattack to let his opponent understand the power of the soul guidance position.

However, before she could take action, Yak raised his hand, like a fairy releasing a magic weapon in mythology, and scattered a large amount of green dust. The dust soon formed a green sandstorm, covering the sky and the sun. It enveloped the entire soul guidance position.

Ye Xishui was stunned for a moment when he saw this scene. It was like when two masters were fighting, and suddenly someone threw a handful of lime. The two masters were the same as the supreme beings in the martial arts. When fighting, they were still What use will it be?

There is no way that this dust can blind Ye Xishui's mental detection of the outside world. It seems to be blocking his field of vision, but in fact it has no effect at all. Moreover, it is not even as dense as an ordinary sandstorm, and its speed is not particularly fast. They cannot be counted on at all. What a powerful lethality.

However, Ye Xishui soon realized his mistake. The green dust in the air was a hundred times more terrifying than the sandstorm.

Wherever the green dust passed, the mountain peaks turned into flying ash and disappeared. Ye Xishui helplessly looked at a huge mountain peak made of rocks. When the green sand is blown by, it turns into fly ash, and a gray sandstorm is formed when the wind blows.

Wherever the green dust passed, nothing was spared, and almost in the blink of an eye, the sand arrived at the soul guide position. The sandstorm was so pervasive that it could not be resisted by shields. The soul guide on the mountain peak was Under the sand and dust, in the blink of an eye, it turned into fly ash, which could not be sustained for a moment before disappearing.

Ye Xishui watched helplessly as the soul guides scattered all over the mountaintop lost contact with him one by one and were swallowed up by the green sand. He finally showed a look of fear.

She didn't know that the green sand and dust were actually the gold of living beings. They would only swallow the vitality of dead objects and would not have any lethality to living creatures. Instead, they would release a large amount of vitality to nourish living creatures when they swallowed dead objects.

Ye Xishui found that no attack could stop the swallowing of the sand. For a moment, he even worried that he would be swallowed up. He watched helplessly as the death soul guide was wiped out in front of his eyes, not even the last bit of residue left. Just as she closed her eyes and waited to die, the green dust passed by, but it just flowed over her body like a breeze blowing across her face, causing no harm.

Ye Xishui opened his eyes from fear and was about to sigh about the rest of his life when he suddenly felt a chill on his body. Apparently, clothes were also a kind of dead thing.

[To be continued]

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