Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1571 God of Destruction

After Ye Xishui realized that the clothes on his body were turned into fly ash by the green sand, he was even more frightened than when he found out that he was not killed, and let out a scream that was so sharp that it was comparable to an attack.

Yak wanted to complain about an old woman who is almost 300 years old, but what about that? But after thinking about it, I realized that I was already an old man over three hundred years old. It seems that I am not qualified to complain about this.

"I can only say it's average." Yake shook his head, after the Death Soul Guidance Device was destroyed. There was nothing that could stop him. Then it's his show time. As a qualified time traveler, how can you forget not to last a last hit?

The principle of hitting a snake and not dying, but suffering from it. Still understand.

It's just that sometimes, some people just don't deserve to die. Just as Yak gathered the power within his body and prepared to unleash a bare-handed atomic breath, he suddenly felt a sense of crisis coming from the sky.

Based on his intuition, he aimed his attack at the sky, and sixteen spikes protruded from the spine of his back. These spikes were like radar antennas, or some kind of energy gathering device.

A strange dark red light gathered on it. Flow in the direction of the spine. And in Yake's chest, the dark red light condensed to the extreme, turned into a beam of light, and rose into the sky. Its power seemed to be no less than that of the Death Soul Guidance Device.


At the moment when the dark red light beam shot up into the sky, a gap opened in the void, and a guy holding a pair of hammers was shot with a light cannon in his face.

With a confused look on his face, Zhou Weiqing flew high into the sky. He couldn't figure out why he received such a powerful attack just after he came to the human world? In the world governed by the God Realm, is it said that the ultimate combat power is the level of the Ultimate Douluo? This attack just now, tell me, is this something Extreme Douluo can unleash?

Zhou Xiaopang can be regarded as a relatively special existence in the God Realm. His deity is called the God of Destruction, and he is considered to be quite powerful in combat among the main gods.

However, because of his position as a god, he seems to be more inclined toward chaos and evil, so he is naturally placed in the camp of the God of Destruction.

But what the God of Destruction didn't know was that before this Zhou Xiaopang became a god, he actually had a relationship with Tang San. At that time, Zhou Xiaopang was facing an enemy at the level of a major god. He and his wife Even if we join forces, we can't defeat them.

In fact, he had tried his best before, even using the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger's native ability to shrink the enemy to a juvenile body, and finally defeated the agent of this god-level enemy.

Facing an opponent of this level, he originally had no chance of winning. He relied on the holy power of the child born in his wife's belly to have a chance of survival.

Yes, this was the person who used the child to block the knife, although the situation at the scene was not so cruel. But the conclusion is that he used his son to block the fatal blow of a powerful opponent.

In the end, he failed to defeat the powerful enemy with his own hands. It was Tang San who took action, relying on the powerful power of the vocational high god to defeat his opponent by crushing him.

At that time, Tang San had invited Zhou Xiaopang to come to the God Realm. However, at that time, Zhou Xiaopang thought that it would be a good ending for him to live freely in the human world for a hundred years and then die and be buried with his wives. So I refused.

But in the story of the legend of the gods, this Zhou Xiaopang has become the God of Destruction. He simply said that because of the passage of time and the approach of death, he finally had to accept himself. He was still afraid of the fact of death and chose Come to the God Realm and see it for a long time.

But this ignores a very strange question, that is, where has Zhou Xiaopang’s son gone?

You must know that Zhou Xiaopang's son was born with the purest holy power, which was the strongest power in the world and a power comparable to the power of the gods. This power is powerful enough to block the strongest villain with a full blow.

He had such a level of talent when he was born, why didn't he become a god? This is quite an intriguing question. The flow of time in the divine world is much slower than that in the human world, and when the legendary stories in the divine world happened, Zhou Xiaopang, that world may have been thousands of years ago.

Thousands of years are definitely enough time for a child born with supernatural powers to become a god. And he is a very powerful god. But none of this happened. Although there should be no conspiracy theories, it is hard not to think of something like this. Something very bad. For example, some things about a father being kind and a son being filial, and being filial to the whole family.

But these are not important. How did Zhou Xiaopang, who missed his best years, regain his youth and become a god? It has no decisive impact on the current situation.

What is truly intriguing is the identity in which he came to Douluo.

When he saw the two hammers, Yake was reminded by Cheng Ying. Realized the identity of the God who came this time. In the plot mentioned before. Tang San had come into contact with this God of Destruction very early on. There is even a life-saving grace.

On the surface, Zhou Xiaopang, as the God of Destruction, stands in the camp of the God of Destruction. But what is the real situation? Zhou Xiaopang was actually on Tang San's side.

And this guy came to the world. Still heading straight for Yake, the purpose was obviously the same as Tang San's purpose of personally descending to earth in the ninth level space. I came here to explore what exactly is the principle of this powerful body. But this time, the strength Yak showed was not too outrageous. The overall strength seems not even as good as the Lord God. It didn't attract much attention.

Therefore, only Zhou Xiaopang came down to check. Yake thought for a while and roughly figured out the current situation. The one who covets his own power is probably the God of Destruction. But Tang San definitely had a hand in this, otherwise the one who was photographed couldn't have happened to be this undercover agent.

While Yake's attention was attracted by Zhou Xiaopang, Long Xiaoyao and Ye Xishui had already escaped. The intervention of the gods allowed them to save their lives.

Yake did not continue to pursue him, and the priority of killing the two of them was not particularly high.

The top priority right now is how to deal with this God of Destruction? Zhou Xiaopang's fighting ability is still quite strong. He simply relies on his poisonous body that has been strengthened in the first round to defeat him. It's really difficult. The bottom line is, beating this guy isn't the goal.

The most important thing is not to expose your identity. The identity of a relative of the Du Bu Shang family is very useful. If the other party reminds the other party of Huo Yuhao, it will be very dangerous for Ya Ke and Cheng Ying.

After briefly calculating the pros and cons, Yakdu came to a very simple conclusion. The best solution now is to run. Don't worry about anything, just run away.

As long as he is not caught or asked for his identity, with the abilities and information he has now exposed, it is difficult to think of the two geniuses here at Shrek Academy.

Now the whole continent still thinks that these two geniuses were lucky enough to pick up the silver dragon in the ancient ruins. And because of a coincidence, he gained control of the silver dragon, so that he could rely on the power of the dragon. Rampant and unbridled.

However, these two children are uneducated and have yet to obtain soul rings after reaching level 20. They are considered to be resting on their laurels and not wanting to make progress. Sooner or later, you will reap the bitter fruits of your current laziness.

In this way, these two people are very closely associated with powerful men who can fight against two Extreme Douluo.

Zhou Weiqing was slightly injured after being blasted into the sky by a cannon. But this injury was insignificant to him. He lowered his head and was about to look at the bastard who attacked him, when he saw the opponent's feet on the ground and ran away as if he were flying.

Suddenly, my emotions were no longer coherent. You were so reckless just now. You just fired a light cannon at the sky. Not only that, the attack power of the light cannon was quite strong. It almost sent away the main god. After taking one look at himself, he turned around and ran away very fast. What the hell is this?

Although Yak was running on land, his speed was even more ridiculous than flying. With such strength, he should have bounced himself up long ago when he stepped on the ground. He relied on the diagonal downward thrust to force himself to stay on the ground, which was like the rear wing of a racing car. It will rely on airflow to provide extra grip to the tires of the racing car.

If the force is enough and the surface is flat enough, supersonic speeds can actually be achieved on the ground. In a sense, running close to the ground. Probably faster than flying at full speed. At least in terms of acceleration. Is such that.

Yak was like a cannonball being discharged. Quickly disappearing at the end of the horizon. How could Zhou Xiaopang let him go when he saw this? He chased after him equally quickly.

Both sides were chasing each other, both breaking out at the fastest speed. However, as the main god, Zhou Xiaopang found that his speed could not keep up with the guy in front of him. The other party was able to handle it with ease, and even had time to come back and take a look. After a while, the two guys ran from the mainland into the sea.

Zhou Xiaopang originally thought that there was no land on the sea, and with such a solid leverage point, the speed should be at least slowed down. Wherever he thought of Yak, he flew straight up.

It's not that he doesn't know how to waste, he just feels that it's faster to accelerate on the ground. If you maintain the cruising speed, it will of course be easier in the air.

Above the sea, his speed did not slow down at all. Zhou Xiaopang flew with all his strength, but he could only watch as the distance between the two sides became farther and farther.

If this continues, he will definitely pursue his goal. Although the spiritual power of the gods is powerful and can explore a considerable range, it cannot cover the entire planet. Even the Supreme God cannot do it. Only Cheng Ying, who had a brain defect back then, would clone his own brain and cultivate it to be as huge as the core of the planet, allowing his mental power to envelope the entire earth-moon system.

If Zhou Xiaopang continues to chase like this, Yake will soon be beyond the detection range of his mental power. Helpless, he could only use his own unique skills.

As the God of Destruction, Zhou Xiaopang has an extremely simple ability, which is extremely pure power. His own strength is extremely powerful, and the artifact on his body is the most critical part of his strength.

The artifact called the Earth-Hate Ringless Suit only hates that there is no ring on the earth. Otherwise, it would definitely be able to lift up the entire earth. This is used to describe the powerful power of this suit.

Before Zhou Xiaopang became a god, there were already eleven pieces of this suit. Each of the first ten pieces could double his power. After ten times of increase, it would be 1024 times. And in the end One piece can directly increase his strength tenfold. That is more than 10,000 times.

Kaioken didn't dare to be as crazy as him. After becoming a god, his suit items were increased. If you think about it, you will know that every suit added after becoming a god will increase the power tenfold.

Although there is only one additional piece, the increase in strength has reached 100,000 times. Even a weak ordinary person can instantly transform into a one-punch superman after putting on this set of equipment, and can defeat Douluo with one punch. Part of the strong.

With the increase of the Hateful Ringless Suit, Zhou Xiaoran, who was already powerful, reached an incredible level of strength. With this power, he kicked down and the earth shattered directly, and his whole body was shot like a cannonball. Got out.

Yake's expression was twitching, and the power increased by 100,000 times made Zhou Xiaopang seem to be omnipotent, although his application of this power was very superficial.

But every step was accelerating crazily, getting closer and closer to Yak. This acceleration caused huge damage to the environment. Every step on the sea would trigger a tsunami.

Running at a speed that almost exceeded the speed of the first universe, Zhou Xiaopang could hardly control the direction. Yake also noticed this, grew auxiliary wings on his back, and made a flexible turn.

Little Fatty was in trouble this week. He had no time to turn and crashed into the iceberg. The iceberg split into pieces and Zhou Weiqing was knocked unconscious.

"It's gone! Keep messing around, if you get caught!" Yake ran for so long in order to establish a stable connection with Cheng Ying. With Cheng Ying's mental power shrouded in it, even a god would find it difficult to find him. .

Zhou Xiaopang, who had just been hit and was dizzy, opened his eyes and felt that everything in his field of vision was a double image. He blinked and found that the guy he was chasing before had disappeared. His mental power bloomed, covering a large area of ​​​​the sea. Yak was nowhere to be found.

"Damn it! Where did you go?" Zhou Xiaopang hammered the sea surface hard, causing huge waves with a force of 100,000 times. Who could be hurt by such a blind attack?

Yak stood behind Zhou Weiqing and backed away slowly. Even at such a close distance, Zhou Weiqing could not detect them. On the one hand, he had just hit an iceberg and knocked himself blind. The control of his power has reached an extremely outrageous level. If he is given soul master level mental power, even a titled Douluo can be deceived by him.

And what he is using now is the mental power of Tianmeng Ice Silkworm. It is not an exaggeration to say that its strength is the best in the world. It is still very easy to deceive a main god who is not good at mental power. And they did not leave immediately. The important reason is that they are exploring the Ringless Suit of Hatred.

[To be continued]

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