Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1574 Space Test

Now that the control terminal is known, other supporting facilities must also follow. However, any equipment must undergo multiple and long-term verification and testing after production. Even if facilities such as space stations and spacecrafts have rich design experience, they also have many very mature design configurations.

Considering the different physical parameters between different worlds, this kind of testing is also very necessary. Just testing it in your own world is obviously not safe.

The God Realm of this world is far more dangerous than other worlds, because another traveler-level opponent is hidden there. If you test here, the possibility of being driven by the opponent is very high. You must know that before the opponent enters the main god space, he will also Modern people have even seen the state of tulips after their high development.

You may not have much knowledge stored in your mind, but you definitely have a lot of insights. What does it mean when unidentified man-made flying objects appear in space? He understands much better than those old antiques living in the God Realm.

At that time, a head-on conflict will definitely be unavoidable, and Yak's strength and the power at hand are not enough to compete head-on with the God Realm for the time being.

So...the ninth level of space, this troubled space, was once again visited by two guys. Although the martial spirit here can be seen, there is actually no difference in terms of physical rules. It's just that some phenomena have changed from being invisible and uncognizable to being visible and understandable.

In the ocean of this space, an underwater base is being constructed rapidly. The choice of the ocean was carefully considered. The entire Douluo, including the God Realm, has a very weak awareness of sea power. In their cognition In , the ocean does not have any right of ownership. Even the Poseidon only makes the ocean his own territory in a general way. He does not make any administrative plans for the ocean, nor does he carry out any institutionalized management.

This has resulted in the ocean being in a barbaric state so far, with the most basic system of preying on the weak. Humanity has not developed the vast sea area, which has also led to the lack of highly intelligent and high-quality believers on the sea. It is a piece of tasteless food for the gods and it is a pity to discard it.

Any experiments conducted here are the least likely to attract attention. It is extremely difficult for humans in this world to build any facilities underwater.

On the one hand, seawater will corrode most building materials, especially all types of metals. In a harsh environment like seawater, it will oxidize quickly.

Another point is that human beings, as builders, have difficulty breathing underwater and withstanding the high pressure in the water. As a result, construction work must be carried out by high-end experts, and it is impossible to expect these people to condescend to move bricks on the construction site.

But these are not problems for Cheng Ying. On the one hand, for him, building materials do not necessarily have to be metal. In terms of biochemical technology, Tulip has already been very involved in it when it first emerged. Even if we start from a new world and climb up the technology tree, the technology in this area will not fall behind.

As long as the building frame is made with inducing factors, the plant life forms used in the building will grow rapidly with the nutrients in the ocean, forming a strong and sealed structure along the building frame.

After building a strong and sealed frame and draining the seawater inside, the next operation will become much easier. Under the support of the accurately calculated internal support structure, the underwater biochemical building is as stable as a mountain. Even if a tsunami passes by, it will not be damaged at all.

From the outside, there is no clue that this building was originally a living thing. Among the layers of natural evolution, many of the strong ones who survive the fittest exist based on the beauty of mathematics, just like the perfect ruler of a conch. The standard spiral structure in drawings, or the manifestation of Fibonacci numbers in living things such as sunflowers, all prove that life also follows geometric laws, and as long as it is properly utilized, extremely regular buildings can be constructed.

From the outside, the main building looks like it is made up of hexagons, shining with metallic reflections, but it is actually a special organic material.

In the center of the overall hexagonal building is the rocket launch port. When launching, the launch port will open, and the shield will drain away the surrounding seawater, forming a cavity in the ocean, allowing the rocket to be launched into the air normally.

The same cavity can also act as a gun barrel to a certain extent, increasing the acceleration of the rocket.

Many robots, as builders of outer space space stations, are much more capable of withstanding overloads than ordinary humans. Therefore, when designing rockets, the acceleration process can also be faster. In a sense, this makes the rocket become Got to be cheaper.

The initial purpose of Chengying's space experiment was to test the establishment of a base on the moon. After leaving this planet, the attention of the divine world could no longer be shrouded in it.

Whether a self-sufficient base can be established on the moon is related to the future. Can it be completely separated from the control of the divine world?

In fact, this is the same as the development idea of ​​tulips. They all develop on land at the beginning, and then develop to a certain extent. Either by chance or by deliberate decision to leave the mainland and come to space, where this place is completely unmonitored by the gods, it develops unscrupulously.

The difference is that when Tulip landed on the moon, the technology was not enough. At best, it was barely self-sufficient. It was difficult for automated factories to cope with such a complex situation. It takes so many sacrifices with a large population to complete space immigration.

Now Cheng Ying and Yake are like old players who have already cleared the game once and are starting the second game. Although the equipment and other levels are gone, the experience is still there.

Many mistakes can be avoided, and many technical difficulties can be solved with shortcuts. This leads to. This time they only need two people and a lot of automatons. There is a chance. Complete self-sufficiency on the moon.

At most, a certain number of immigrants need to be transported to space regularly and trained into high-quality engineers to complete the daily maintenance of the base and expand and develop other planets.

After the construction of the undersea base was completed, intensive rocket construction began, and the materials were all packaged. Just complete the assembly here. The size of the rocket is extremely huge, even larger than the Saturn V that originally manned the moon.

The carrying capacity is several times greater than that of the original manned moon landing. The reason is very simple. There are storage soul guides in this world, which can easily carry fuel to the sky.

Regardless of the fact that there is no need to store fuel, the difference in consumption is actually extremely huge.

The process of sending a rocket into space is actually very similar to an ancient empire's expedition. The fuel of the rocket is equivalent to the army's food and supplies. If the expeditionary army wants to ensure smooth logistics, it often needs more logistics troops than the army. And as the distance increases, the logistical pressure also increases exponentially.

Because the horses and people who transport food also need to eat, the greater the amount of transportation and the farther the distance, the more people are needed, and more people need to eat more food, which leads to the need to transport The volume is larger, which leads to a geometric increase in logistical pressure.

People also face the same problem on rockets propelled by working fluid. To propel a larger rocket, more fuel is needed, and the fuel itself also needs to be propelled. Therefore, the volume of the rocket is getting larger and larger, and it may be able to carry quality, but the increase is extremely limited.

But when there is a storage soul guide, there is no need to consider this issue.

All you need to consider is whether the rocket can carry the payload. The fuel does not take up any space at all and does not provide additional mass, allowing a rocket of the same volume to transport materials exponentially higher.

Almost half of the space inside the rocket can be used to transport supplies, which makes pioneering the moon a lot easier. It only takes about 3 to 5 launches to accumulate enough supplies for development.

However, their purpose is not only to test whether the rocket can be launched normally, or to test whether the lunar base can be constructed normally, but also needs to be tested, as well as the stealth capability of the rocket.

The gods in this world don't pay much attention to the launch of rockets, but there are travelers in the zero space where they are located. If they are noticed by the other party, the strategy of avoiding the moon and developing safely will not be possible.

Therefore, the concealment ability of the rocket is the most critical indicator of this test, if it can successfully become invisible. So even if there is a probability of launch failure, the problem of insufficient supplies that often occurs when establishing a base on the moon can be solved by launching a few more launches.

Faced with various problems, Chengying and Yake designed dozens of plans, and Chengying personally served as the tester using a mental amplification device.

With the assistance of equipment, Cheng Ying's reconnaissance ability will be no less than that of the world's supreme god, and all he needs to do is to conduct reconnaissance in the sky and try to find the rocket.

If he cannot detect it, it proves that the stealth system on the rocket is perfect enough, has been tested in actual combat, and can be put into use. If it is discovered, further improvements must be made. And summarize the problem in a way that was not discovered.

When the first launch vehicle was launched, there were only slight ripples on the sponge. After the rocket left the water, it quickly activated its optical camouflage. Even if you stare at it, you can only see a hazy and twisted air.

Optical camouflage is only the most basic. Anti-radar and anti-sonar invisibility are also being launched one after another. This part is not to defend against the gods, but to defend against chess players hidden in the divine world. The opponent has modern aerospace. It is very possible to try to use radar scanning based on the concept of radar.

However, the threat in this area is relatively small. Given almost the same technical starting conditions, Chengying did not feel that he would lose to his opponent in a relatively hard-core technology such as radar technology.

The most alarming thing is actually the detection of mental power. In this regard, the gods of the divine world have a huge inherent advantage. With a higher starting point, the limit of technology is likely to reach the limit of two people, or even exceed it. level.

Cheng Ying used his mental power in the air to search like a net, even searching directly on the track where he estimated that there might be a rocket launch.

But the sky of the planet is too vast. It is not easy to search for it. Chengying can only try his best to ensure that the range covered by his mental power is large enough and move at high speed. Try to increase the probability of encountering a rocket as much as possible.

About thirteen minutes after the rocket was launched, Chengying lost his mental power. An abnormal flame was detected, and based on the direction and trajectory of the flame, the rocket's position was locked.

"The experiment failed. There was a problem with the wake concealment of the first set of rockets. It is likely that the material release rate of the storage soul guide was uneven, resulting in incomplete combustion.

After I discovered the rocket, I found a weak track in the rear. Our fuel was burning and the reaction was not sufficient. If someone deliberately conducts reconnaissance on this point, it is very likely that the problem will be discovered.

But ours. Heat diffusion technology is mature enough. I use infrared detection. Observation revealed that only a small area at the rear of the rocket showed abnormally high temperatures. Anomalies of this level would be difficult to detect at a distance of more than five kilometers. "

After receiving the report from the ground, Yake continued to guide the launch of the rocket, allowing the rocket to continue accelerating after entering low-Earth orbit. Arriving at the Earth-Moon transfer orbit, it was eventually captured by the moon's gravity.

This process still took some time, so the two discussed how to improve the second round of rocket launches.

"The fuel we use needs to be improved to a certain extent. It is difficult to use ion propulsion in the atmosphere. Although we have mastered relatively mature technology in Tulip, the thrust of this technology here is still quite small and cannot afford the rocket. Advance.

My suggestion is to use electromagnetic orbits to assist launch. God Realm has almost no monitoring of electromagnetic signals. The entire God Realm system does not have any electromagnetic spells. We can reduce the demand for fuel thrust and expand the demand for fuel thrust through electromagnetic standard auxiliary propulsion. Our selection of fuels. "

Cheng Ying nodded upon hearing this and continued to monitor the rocket. After locking on the rocket, various problems popped up one by one.

It's like if you meet a cross-dressing guy passing by you on the street, you may not see the problem at all, and you may even think he looks good. But when you know he is a man, and take a closer look, you will find that he actually has There are problems everywhere, how do you look like a man?

Cheng Ying pointed out these problems one by one and made improvements if necessary. If not, he recorded them and tried them as one of the breakthrough points for the next investigation.

The real situation is that although Cheng Ying discovered one flaw after another, the gods in this world did not see anything. Not only did they not see it, even the Poseidon did not discover that there was something in the ocean. Every bit of anomaly.

[To be continued]

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