Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1575 Return to the Moon

Stealth technology that is difficult for even Cheng Ying to detect is basically invisible to the God Realm. This level of stealth technology seems a bit too cautious when used on rockets that can only be launched a limited number of times.

However, the outcome of the war cannot be tolerated by carelessness, and victory must not be pinned on the opponent's stupidity. Chengying silently continued to check the invisible loopholes on the next rocket.

And Yak I has completed the rocket's separation from the atmosphere. The rocket that left the atmosphere did not disintegrate and fall, releasing the satellites inside, like it did on the earth.

Instead, it continues to maintain strong thrust, continues to accelerate the orbit, and elevates itself to the earth-moon transfer orbit. At the balance point between the gravity of the planet and the satellite, it switches orbits and is captured by the moon.

It turned out to be a rocket with loopholes that might be discovered by investigation. But the spacecraft he carried inside. and alien planet development bases are all real. By taking root on the ground, production can be completed on the lunar surface. On the one hand, this can improve the reality of the simulation. On the other hand, it also avoids the waste of resources, even for rockets that fail to stealth. Still plays a role in testing.

The moon has always been an extremely confusing existence for Cheng Ying who traveled through Douluo. From any aspect, this satellite is surprisingly large. They are exactly the same as the moon on Earth.

Obviously this is unreasonable. The geological environment of Douluo Planet is very different from that of the Earth. How come its satellites are exactly the same as the moon.

In fact, when he was reading the original work, he had already had similar doubts. If he really came to a different world, then he might not even have the concept of the moon.

This is a very simple truth. The moon is a huge satellite for the earth. In the entire solar system, only Pluto and Charon can compare to the combination of the earth and the moon.

This combination is very rare, and the size and distance of the moon are also very coincidental. The ratio of the distance between the Earth and the Moon to the distance between the Earth and the Sun is exactly the ratio of the diameter of the Moon to the diameter of the Sun.

In short, they are two similar triangles, which results in the moon being exactly the same size as the sun when viewed from the ground. This also makes the earth the only one in the entire solar system that can see a perfect total solar eclipse created by its own satellite. planet.

In short, many factors led people on earth to create the concept of the moon and to juxtapose the sun and the moon.

If it is a normal terrestrial planet, it probably does not have a satellite that is so large that it is exactly the same size as a star when viewed from the ground.

Therefore, it is basically impossible for people living on that planet to have the concept of the moon, let alone to put the sun and the moon side by side.

The Douluo people obviously have the concept of the moon. Not only that, their moon is still juxtaposed with the sun, that is, it looks to be the same size. This is also mentioned in the original work, and it is not the sun and the sun mentioned. moon. But the martial soul mentioned.

There are people in this world whose martial souls are the sun and others who are the moon. However, the original book mentions that they are two almost identical martial souls, which proves that the sun and the moon are equal in size.

Cheng Ying, who witnessed all this with his own eyes, confirmed this through measurements, and asked Douluo why there are 365 days in a year, why the length of a journey is 40,000 miles, and why the acceleration of gravity is 9.8m per second? Together with the unsolved mysteries.

Douluo's moon is still silvery-white when viewed from a distance. The seemingly flawless surface is dotted with huge craters, which are all traces left by falling meteorites.

Yake controlled the rocket to gradually decelerate in the lunar orbit and lower its altitude to get closer to the lunar orbit. He is already very skilled in delivering materials across planets.

As an immortal who has lived for more than three hundred years and experienced the rise and fall of civilizations and empires, Yak has mastered so many technologies that even he was surprised.

In a country where learning is a legal obligation, the knowledge accumulated over time is enough for him to accurately control the landing of the spacecraft.

This time, the rocket was completely separated from the spacecraft. The landing spacecraft showed a streamlined shape, and on the belly of the spacecraft, there was a disc-shaped base.

It is somewhat similar to the base vehicle in games such as Red Alert, but smaller.

They will establish a take-off and landing platform on the surface of the planet. This is the task of the first round of landing spacecraft. They need to be responsible for guiding the landing of the new round of launch vehicles to ensure that the next round of rockets can carry more material. Smooth and safe landing.

The surface of the moon is rugged and uneven, and it is not easy to find a flat landing site.

Fortunately, Yak had stored the data on the moon's surface in his memory. When Tulip first developed the moon, it conducted a complete survey and mapping of the entire planet. Include local soil structure. Precise tests have been carried out to find out which minerals are distributed where? The bases suitable for construction are all clear.

Cheng Ying never thought that these records could be used on another Douluo's moon, and would also be quite helpful in their development of the moon.

According to the recorded terrain, the spacecraft flew close to the ground and took the base vehicle with it to an area rich in resources and suitable for base expansion.

The mini base, which is less than ten meters in length and width and just over 4 meters in height, is spread out in the center of a flat crater with a large number of palm-sized spider robots. Released by the base vehicle.

Quickly run to the location of the various calibrated minerals formed in the ring, followed closely by larger excavation equipment with crawler tracks, which will come to the location of the minerals for excavation and refining.

The simply refined ore ingots will be transported back to the base vehicle for simple processing. The parts that became the lifting and landing platform were carried away and spliced ​​together by more densely packed robots.

A base vehicle alone cannot complete such a complex task of being self-sufficient on the lunar surface, so its main purpose is to build a stable take-off and landing platform to assist the landing of larger mechanical equipment.

The next four rockets will divide the packed and compressed base vehicle into four, taking up as little space as possible and launch it to the lunar surface. The function of the first base vehicle is to search for these parts that have fallen behind after collision. And the packaged parts were partially disassembled and reassembled into a large base vehicle. If this big machine operates well, it will be possible to meet the needs of self-sufficiency on the lunar surface and even expand production.

And as long as this step is completed, it means that even if a large amount of materials are not exported from Douluo, the base in outer space can be developed step by step. If Chengying and Yake go there, they can even put the people on Douluo there. Everything is slowly rebuilt.

Soon, the second round of rockets was launched. The launch vehicle launched this time is heavier and larger than the largest launch vehicle ever launched by humans on earth. It can store fuel without taking up space and mass. As a result, the bigger the rocket is, the more efficient it is and the more materials it can transport at one time.

The big thing, which exceeds 1,500 tons, is packed and loaded onto the launch vehicle. Three more such rockets will be launched in the future, carrying a total of more than 6,000 tons of materials, which is enough to open up a quite complete base on the moon. .

During the launch of the second giant carrier rocket, some weak hidden loopholes once again appeared and were identified by Chengying in mid-air. The next rocket needs to make up for these loopholes and continue launching. It was absolutely safe until even Cheng Ying couldn't find them in the air.

This action is no better than a small fight on the ground. Even if you have gained the strength of an Ultimate Douluo on the surface of the planet, it is just a piece of fun for the gods.

There are all geniuses in the world. If they really want to choose a successor, there are many ways to turn a loser into a genius. The most typical one is Huo Yuhao. There is basically no difference between his initial panel and useless wood, and the opportunities and benefits he obtains can all be bestowed by audit. In this case, it is not difficult to create a successor at random.

In this way, genius in the world is nothing more than amusement to all sentient beings. In contrast, even if they are not aware of the threat of building bases in space, just imagine what will happen if a high-temperature-resistant stone is dropped from the orbit of the planet? Do you know what kind of threats they pose to the bases built in space? Even if the gods are not aware of this, the time-travelers hidden among them will remind them.

Cheng Ying sighed, it was already the third rocket, but there were still some loopholes that had not been discovered. I don't know if it's because his reconnaissance ability is too strong, or if they designed the rocket with a decisive flaw.

But in the final analysis, the concealment effect is getting better and better. Every time, he finds the rocket later and later. If he continues to strengthen it like this, even if it cannot be done, it will not be discovered at all. It is also a great improvement in concealment ability.

You know, Chengying knows all the weaknesses of the spacecraft's hidden system and searches for these weaknesses. It is impossible for the gods to know these weaknesses. Even if they have the same level of search capabilities and the same patient monitoring, it will be difficult to detect them so keenly. Someone has invaded the sky.

At least from the fact that the audit of this world is completely indifferent, it can be seen that the gods without the prompts of the travelers are still extremely lax about the methods of space.

As the fifth spacecraft was discovered only after it arrived in low-Earth orbit in outer space, the concealment system of the spacecraft has been almost transformed. As the last part of the packaged base landed, the first round of landing base vehicles also began. Intense assembly.

The containers that package these parts are designed to be pushed back and cushioned when landing. The parts inside were not damaged at all. The base vehicle sent a special collection robot to collect the four large hexagonal cans.

They were brought together to the vicinity of the take-off and landing platform from before. As the unfolding command was given, the six-prism airtight compartment squeaked and air flow erupted. Although this sound could not be heard on the moon, people who saw this scene would also imagine it. When he came out, there was still a loud sound of six heavy steel plates hitting the ground.

After the steel plates of the external container were removed, there were packed and sorted parts inside. The six-wheel crawler car waved its manipulator to remove the large parts from the shelf.

The spider robot climbed onto the shelf and carried down the smaller parts stored on it. Although none of the many intelligent robots were humanoid, they seemed to be a team that worked well together.

After quickly assembling these equipment, a 50m-diameter, honeycomb-like hemispherical base structure began to gradually appear next to the take-off and landing platform.

At the same time, inside the shell of the base, equipment and production lines began to be assembled. It's like the base vehicle is unfolding. A large number of new automatic machines came into operation. Manufacture previously refined minerals into brand new equipment.

However, this base is still not perfectly self-sufficient. Without engineers to maintain it, it will be inevitable that the base will continue to operate for up to fifty years. Major problems arise because some minor mechanical failure cannot be repaired.

But all this is not a problem for Chengying. First of all, in the past 50 years, the base has accumulated a large amount of materials, although it has a service life. But if the service life has really expired, then the base must have accumulated a large amount of refined minerals. Send a new base over again, and the start will be much better than the current situation.

In addition, Chengying and Yake will definitely go there and personally participate in the expansion and maintenance of the base. As long as engineers continue to maintain it, it is normal for the base vehicle to maintain normal operation for the first half of the year.

In fact, the effective life of this machine will not exceed ten years, because within ten years there will inevitably be a more advanced machine that is more suitable for the lunar environment to replace it.

This first base on the moon will most likely end up being upgraded or rebuilt. Of course, if the resources are sufficient and there are no foreign enemies in the surrounding strategic environment, he may also be dragged to the Space Museum for display.

Just like the End of the World when tulips first sailed, it was displayed on a display stand. Let countless future generations marvel at the determination and perseverance of their predecessors to explore the end of the world and prove that the planet is round.

As the base was successfully established, the internal equipment was started one after another, and production activities began. Cheng Ying and Yake also landed at the sea base, looked at each other, and both showed relatively satisfied expressions.

Next, we only need to verify the various capabilities of the base, transport a few supplies, and verify its compatibility with the performance of the rocket. Then we can build an ecological environment internally. At that time, we can directly transport living bodies to use storage soul guides. Carry larger amounts of supplies.

This is considered one of the technical bottlenecks in this world, that is, automated machinery cannot freely access the material in the soul guide, and can only set up the effect of regularly and quantitatively leaking the material during manufacturing to serve as the fuel tank of the engine. This kind of The result is that it is difficult to transport large amounts of supplies without anyone.

[To be continued]

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