Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1576 The Protagonist Returns

The desolate and silent crater is mostly because there is no atmosphere on the surface of the planet. And there won't be any change for tens of millions of years. But at this moment, there was a commotion.

The crawler tracks crushed the ground, raising huge amounts of sand and dust. Compared to the earth, the gravity here is lower, and the flying dust fell to the ground more slowly.

But because there is no air here, the dust will fall like a solid iron block faithfully following the acceleration of gravity.

As a result, the tracks drove temporary sandstorms across the land. The roar of the machinery could not be transmitted along the air, but was transmitted along the ground to all directions.

Wearing a spacesuit and standing on the ground, you can vaguely hear it through your bones. The roaring roar in the distance. Of course, if the body is developed to a fairly developed level, the bones in the legs will be densely wrapped in nerves. That can be achieved through slight vibrations on the soles of the feet. Determine how many six-wheeled crawler vehicles are busy working on this hill.

Although the moon's soil composition is much simpler than that of terrestrial planets like Douluo, the minerals on the moon's surface are not evenly distributed. To establish a base on the moon, you need not only the massive helium-3 on the planet's surface, but also a large amount of it. of metals and other minerals.

Cheng Ying stepped on the ground with his feet, relying only on the vibrations from his soles. To determine what these engineering machines are excavating, artificial intelligence will direct these machines, but that is not necessarily the optimal solution, because even artificial intelligence cannot understand every inch of the moon.

But Chengying can. He once served as the will of Gaia on the moon, and his spiritual power once enveloped every corner of the moon. Even the arrangement of every atom is in his memory, feeling the minerals being mined by unmanned machines and returning to the edges of his body.

Cheng Ying gave a change of command and directed these busy little guys to the very center of the crater, where there was a hill that was much lower than the outer ring.

This is because during the process of meteorite falling, impacting the moon's surface will melt the rocks, and the liquid-like surface of the planet will also exhibit fluid characteristics. The circle mountains of the crater are the ripples that spread out after being hit, and the hill in the center is the Worthington jet in which the liquid earth quickly rebounds. After solidification, it becomes the hill in the center of the crater.

Usually these places are harder than other places due to high-temperature melting and solidification, and are not good mineral mining sites. However, meteorites from the sky often bring some unexpected surprises.

No one can predict what kind of minerals will be carried in meteorites. Without precise information, mining such hills is like spending huge resources to open a blind box. It is possible to get something good out of the box, but the greater possibility is to get nothing at all.

If it is artificial intelligence. He would not choose such a risky strategy, but the current situation is different. Chengying knows every structural detail of the moon.

It has been verified before, although the background settings are many different. But the topography of the planet's surface and the general mineral distribution are the same.

Therefore, Chengying's experience is very important. This ability does not sound too exaggerated. But just give an example to understand how big an advantage this is. It's like in modern history, you suddenly have a global mineral distribution map, and you can tell where the rich minerals are with just a finger.

If you drive a ship, you can go to Australia to dig for iron ore, and if you occupy the Middle East, you can dig for oil. This kind of foresight is foresight. In the social environment of modern history, it can definitely be regarded as a very huge golden finger.

And Chengying summoned these automatic machines to come here precisely because the huge meteorites that fell here are rich in minerals such as pure aluminum and iron. The purity is very high. It only needs a very simple refinement to dig out and it can be used to build a base. Material.

It is not that more advanced and stronger materials cannot be used in the construction of the lunar base, but the development of materials science also requires the support of an industrial base, and the raw materials required to produce those materials are complex. The industrial system is extremely huge. If you want to establish such an industrial system on the surface of the moon, it cannot be done in a short time. To use such materials, people will need to constantly travel back and forth between Douluo and the moon, which will make the cost higher. .

Although it is true that such construction can be done when necessary, the purpose of the two people in the positive ninth space is to verify the self-sufficiency and self-development capabilities of the lunar base, and to transport a large amount of materials will actually affect the effect of the test. Therefore, the complete industrial system of the moon is almost all completed by the base vehicle itself. Chengying and Yake will only give the simplest instructions and perform some of the simplest repairs and maintenance.

The mining car at the base blasted open the hard shell of the hill, consuming a small amount of explosive reserves, but the harvest was also satisfactory. Within the hill, a large amount of much-needed minerals added more machinery and equipment to the base.

The machinery in the base was running intensively, and in the process of Cheng Ying identifying important mineral storage locations one by one, the base quickly became fuller.

The craters created by meteorites are like pimples on the surface of the moon. Cheng Ying is like a skilled pimple popper. He can easily judge which pimple contains good things to squeeze, allowing the base to successfully survive the most difficult period. of that period.

"Let's get started!" Cheng Ying pressed the button representing the system upgrade in the base. After the base is upgraded for the first time, various systems can maintain relatively stable and self-consistent operation.

A large amount of reserve resources were transported out by automatic machinery and placed on the lunar surface. A large circle was expanded outside the base, and the internal production lines were linked together to form a perfect closed loop.

Cheng Ying checked around the busy machinery, nodded and said: "Next, as long as there is no direct impact from the meteorite, this base can operate on its own. It can still develop happily outside Douluo Planet, and there is no need to invest a huge amount of money." resources are wasted in unnecessary arms races.”

This is also true. There are no foreign enemies on the moon, and there is no conflict with any force. It is like opening up a virgin land. For a long time, it can develop peacefully without worrying about armaments.

When the development is advanced enough, it will be easy to bear the originally heavy consumption of weapons.

"Indeed, it's a pity that mobilizing resources across boundaries is not easy. Otherwise, we don't need to return to Space Zero at all. We can use this place as a base for production."

Yake said helplessly: "At present, we can only use storage soul guides to carry a small amount of materials across space. If we want to transport large-scale machinery and equipment, there is no channel at all."

"Whether you go back or not, it doesn't make much difference! Moreover, it's time for us to push forward the development of the plot. After we hide behind the scenes, you have to return Huo Yuhao's identity to Space Zero." Cheng Ying shrugged.

"If you don't return this identity, you will have to find a way to contact Wang Dong'er yourself. That will be a big trouble. If you don't contact her personally, I'm afraid Lord Poseidon will come down in person to urge the marriage. After all, From his way of thinking, apart from marriage, there is basically no way to control a person stably.

Otherwise, even if you swear allegiance to him in person, he might be able to believe it. "

Yak felt a headache when he thought about having to deal with a little girl of thirteen or fourteen years old. No matter how long he had been living, he would still have a headache when he encountered a naughty child.

However, the two people had already planned their retreat plan before. They needed someone to take over their identity and act as a hidden genius. After sharpening their character for several years, they would soar into the sky and show off their talents.

Originally, Yak was planning to make a random clone of himself, but now his genes have exceeded the scope of human beings. If he were randomly cloned, his body would be filled with strong radiation when he was born, and he would be the kind of person who would die. type.

In this fantasy world, if you don't know the principle, you will definitely be regarded as the carrier of the curse, the evil star. Even if such a clone is implanted with thoughts, it will be difficult to create the protagonist of this world.

Fortunately, this chess game world is divided into multi-layered spaces, which provides a solution to this problem. By cloning Huo Yuhao's body in other worlds and implanting a relatively reasonable memory, the replacement can be completed.

In the training warehouse, Huo Yuhao slowly opened his eyes, and the unforgettable hatred flashed in the depths of his pupils. As he grew older and more experienced, he had gradually learned to restrain his sharpness.

He has restrained his unforgettable hatred for the White Tiger Duke. He now has the strength to take revenge, but killing the White Tiger Duke is not his purpose. What he wants is to kill someone and kill his heart!

It was obvious that the Huo Yuhao in front of him was a clone with memories implanted in him. He did not know his identity, but he possessed almost all of Huo Yuhao's memories.

Tianmeng and Ice Emperor live in the sea of ​​​​spirits, but these two are very advanced artificial intelligences. The origin of Tianmeng was replaced by the original soul power and implanted into Huo Yuhao's body.

Huo Yuhao's memory after merging with Tianmeng was rewritten. First of all, after meeting Beibei of the Tang Sect, he learned the Tang Sect's secret skills, but he did not forget to take revenge.

He found that his talent was not good enough and he could not avenge himself simply by practicing, so he chose the soul guidance system, and studied the soul guidance technology assiduously, studied hard, and worked hard to combine the soul guidance device technology with the Tang Sect's unique skills. At the same time, I also worked hard to study mathematics, physics and chemistry, especially mathematics. I learned calculus, non-Euclidean geometry, linear algebra, discrete mathematics, probability theory and mathematical statistics...

Although it was just a memory, Huo Yuhao couldn't help but roll on the floor in pain every time he recalled these memories. This knowledge was really too complicated. The instilled memories could not be fully understood. They had to be skillfully applied. Only then will you wake up from your memory and become something completely your own. This process must be painful, just like when you are faced with a whole paper of test questions, you can’t even understand the questions, and you are so angry that you scratch the wall in despair. .

However, after learning these techniques, the subsequent memories became more enjoyable for him.

Relying on this knowledge, he personally created the strongest person among ordinary people, created the world's richest man, and monopolized the low-end soul tool manufacturing industry.

That guy named Ma Huayun. When facing a titled Douluo, he could be neither humble nor arrogant, talk freely, communicate as equals, and even hired two titled Douluo as bodyguards, but when facing him, he treated him with respect and respect as a teacher.

Just hearing this is a pleasure. This kind of achievement is naturally inferior to the status of the White Tiger Duke. However, the status of the White Tiger Duke is inherited hereditary, but his abilities are obtained through his own hard work. , at least in his own memory, it was like this, which made him start to have some sense of superiority towards the White Tiger Duke.

Not only that, everything that happened before was just the beginning of his legendary life. As his strength grew stronger, he began to establish contact with the Holy Spirit from another world that was lodged in his body. Because of the Holy Law of the Dead, the Natural Disaster of the Undead, and Lex's super necromancy god became his teacher and taught him all he had learned throughout his life, allowing him to possess powerful necromancy skills even if his cultivation was low.

The next memory was one he didn't want to recall. His beloved teacher, Electrolux, who taught him the art of necromancy, burned his own soul to protect him when he was in danger, and exhausted all his vitality. The remaining souls in this world were wiped out and killed. The hostile evil soul master took away the evil soul master's powerful summons. And that summoned object has now become his.

Relying on his proficient soul guidance technology, he transformed the giant dragon that originally had only a skeleton into a powerful mechanical war dragon. During the competition, he drove it to compete with the super Douluo-strength Old Xuan. He did not fall into a disadvantage and showed that he can become a strong person without being a genius.

And his current enemy is not only the White Tiger Duke, but also the powerful and rampant Holy Spirit Sect. Those evil soul masters are the culprits who killed his beloved teacher. They must all pay the price and be punished by law for what they have done. sanctions.

Regarding the evil soul master organization, Huo Yuhao's attitude was to eradicate it completely and judge every member of the evil soul master organization in accordance with the law. However, his attitude towards the White Tiger Duke was to kill people and punish their hearts.

If Duke White Tiger asked Huo Yuhao whether it was me or money, then Huo Yuhao would definitely shake his head and say, neither you nor money are important. Without you, it is very important to me!

What he wanted to do to kill people was not to naively obtain a higher title than the White Tiger Duke to prove that he was more capable, as in the original work, but to completely eradicate the legacy of the aristocratic system so that the nobility no longer had any privileges. Let children like you who come from poor backgrounds never have to suffer such tragic persecution from me again! This is what is called killing! Heart-breaking!

There is no doubt that the implanted memories of Cheng Ying and Yake are mixed with a little bit of personal information...

[To be continued]

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