Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1577 Huo Yuhao’s Memory

Cheng Ying has always regarded the people in this world as help, not as a burden. His people-oriented thinking has never changed, but if he wants these people to become his help, he must first awaken himself.

This cannot be done in one or two speeches or one or two lessons. The development of history has its own inevitability. Ignoring the guidance of the historical process often requires paying a greater price to correct the mistakes in society.

In fact, there have been serious mistakes in the development of Tulip. When Chengying first became a time traveler, he overestimated the influence of modern ideas on this feudal and conservative era. Personality worship is regarded as the yearning for a new era.

The group of people on the World's End are not so much people who believe in a fairer social order and enlightened technological concepts, but rather believe in great sages who never make mistakes and can protect them from wind and rain.

If Cheng Ying fails to correct this wrong trend of thought in time and let go of social development to a certain extent, such a social system will collapse and gradually be corrupted and disintegrated after he leaves.

In front of Sanbai, when Cheng Ying disappears, Tulip will most likely be defeated without William taking action.

After Chengying traveled around the world and witnessed the incomplete industrial revolution in the Sun and Moon Continent, which resulted in a more lasting complacency, as well as the ten thousand years of professional classification of soul teachers, he realized that the existence of each social stage has its own characteristics. of necessity.

On the one hand, this is related to the matching between the development of productive forces and social processes, and on the other hand, it is also related to the accumulation and expansion of cultural heritage.

The former is reflected in the production relations corresponding to different productive forces, while the latter is reflected in all aspects of production and life.

When both parties have the same credibility, when arguing about an unknown matter, it is often necessary to follow long-standing precedents and enumerate allusions to determine the winner, and this is an important manifestation of cultural heritage.

For example, sleeping on firewood and tasting courage, or standing upright at city gates are simple examples that can convince people, because these have happened in history, or at least most people believe that they have happened in history.

If you want to prove that a social system is wrong, pure reasoning and deduction, pure preaching and speeches are useless. People will still follow their immediate short-term interests and the inertia of reality and continue to live.

Only when they see for themselves the decadence and backwardness of the old system, and truly feel that their own interests will be infringed upon if the world remains unchanged, will they believe it and be willing to contribute to social change.

Therefore, there is a short-lived capital era in Tulip. When Rui Wenwen first came to the Tulip Principality, the taxi driver even told her about the slave labor team going to the subtropical areas in the south to capture indentured workers and buy them to northern capitalists in factories. A case study of ten years of labor.

Those indentured workers who regained their freedom and the proletarians who suffered from the pain were the main force in the subsequent social development and change. It was they, under the secret guidance of Cheng Ying, who completed the transformation of capital within Tulip and the transformation of capital. monitor.

And this historical process will definitely not end in a short time. Cheng Ying still has to climb the technological tree and does not have time to personally guide the development of society, but he can leave a fire, a person who is burning with the old in his heart. Huo Yuhao, the flame of social revenge.

However, Huo Yuhao is still the same as people of this era. The goal of struggle is confused, the will to fight is wavering, and the method of struggle is wrong. It takes a series of setbacks to understand that changing the society of today's world The form is not to treat guests to dinner, or to play the role of one-sided parents. If you use the mentality of personal revenge to guide social change, you will usher in inevitable failure and a fierce counterattack from the conservative forces in society.

Now Huo Yuhao is still proud of his achievements. He has obtained a million-year soul ring and a 400,000-year soul ring (actually both are forged, but they can exert the corresponding power of soul skills).

In addition, he also acquired powerful undead spells. Although he was still at level 20, his combat power was already comparable to that of some powerful soul masters.

And in his memory, the reason why he was stuck at level 20 for so long was not because he neglected his practice and became slack after having a powerful fighter, but because he was regulating his meridians to make the originally weak body stronger. The meridians become wide and neat.

In this way, his future cultivation speed will become faster and the limit of achievements will become higher. What he is most proud of is not these, but the ability to adjust the meridians in the body, which can be applied to any In humans, many mortals only need to go through fairly simple adjustments of meridians to achieve the conditions for generating soul power. Even those whose cultivation is too poor and whose meridians are tangled can be transformed into soul masters with patient adjustment. Become a soul master.

At present, Huo Yuhao has not thought carefully about how he can break the monopoly of social resources by the privileged class. He just felt that he had been able to make mortals become soul masters. In the future, countless people would follow him and help him overthrow the White Tiger Duke, and even the entire aristocratic system.

His idea is obviously too naive. People who become soul masters will soon change their judgments about their status. The principle that the butt determines the head is practical most of the time.

Now Huo Yuhao is still in a state of consciousness where he is fighting for the moment. After he has almost adjusted his meridians, he is finally ready to show off his talent. As the saying goes, if you don't make a sound, you will be a blockbuster.

This is another legendary three-year period, and the story of welcoming the return of the Dragon King has arrived, in his own memory. His process of developing this technology was fraught with misunderstanding and discrimination.

It turned out that he was favored by the mechanical war dragon. When you are young, you have most of the power that is impossible to obtain in a lifetime. How can this prevent people from feeling jealous? And jealousy will keep finding fault.

Huo Yuhao had not obtained the second soul ring for two full years. Stuck at level 20. He was considered by everyone to be unlearned and unskilled. Relying on the fact that you have a powerful guardian and not paying attention to your own cultivation at all is an act of ignorance that is fundamentally stupid.

During this period of time, although no one dared to tell him openly, he was ridiculed and ridiculed too much.

And now it was finally time for him to slap these taunts back in the face. He wants to prove to everyone that what he has done in the past two years is not in vain. Instead, we developed a technology that could change the times.

Chengying and Yake were on the sea platform of the satellite launch base in the ocean, looking at the sea level for a long time. They would say goodbye to this blue ocean in the near future, probably for a long time. Neither will return to this blue planet.

"Let's set off with reserves! Huo Yuhao is on the right track, and he should be able to show his talents smoothly. I have given him the key to changing the times. But how to do it, and whether it can be done? That is his own business. If he can do this, he will be the founder of a new era.

Failing that, he will also let people of this era understand how stubborn and cruel the forces of the old guard really are. Let's go! the subsequent historical process. It is up to people of this era to make their own way. Let's end this fight! The real battlefield should not be on this planet. "

Cheng Ying said that the two people had already boarded the cockpit of the spacecraft. The adjustment of the rocket will be completed by intelligent machinery on the ground. At that time, the two people will take the rocket to the lunar base that has been initially constructed.

For a long time to come, the two of them will probably not return. The protagonists of the mainland will once again become the home court of geniuses.

Huo Yuhao's release from seclusion has attracted considerable attention on the mainland. His current reputation is basically equivalent to that of Fang Zhongyong. He has great talent but doesn't cherish it. As a result, this talent was ultimately wasted. Now he has become a typical example for many big families to criticize their unmotivated disciples.

At this time, Huo Yuhao came out of seclusion, and everyone looked at him like a joke. If you don't practice hard when you are young, it will not be that easy to catch up when your cultivation is significantly behind your peers.

Relying on his own powerful thugs and being unscrupulous, he will definitely pay the price when he grows up. I don't know how many people want to dismantle his thugs and kill the mechanical dragon. Then watch this stupid guy being humiliated and even killed in a chaotic world.

Many soul masters with average talents have this kind of sour grape mentality. If it weren't for the mechanical fighting dragon's combat power, there were only a few people on the whole road who were qualified to challenge it, and Huo Yuhao would have been in big trouble.

Nowadays, many soul masters with low cultivation level and average talent use Huo Yuhao as self-comfort. Although my cultivation level is not high and my cultivation speed is not fast, at least I am not like some people who do not strive for improvement and have mastered it. After gaining great power, one forgets that becoming stronger is the fundamental thing.

Now Huo Yuhao suddenly woke up and wanted to increase his strength, but it was too late. I don't know how many people were gloating about this.

However, they soon stopped laughing. Huo Yuhao's actions attracted the attention of countless people, and he brought his mechanical dragon to the Star Dou Forest with great fanfare, and slapped a spirit that had been cultivated for ten thousand years to death. Soul beast.

This scene made countless people curse him for overestimating his capabilities, thinking that he had a powerful summoned beast and was a peerless genius. How could this be possible?

Second Soul Ring Absorbing a thousand-year soul ring is only possible for geniuses among geniuses. Absorbing a ten-thousand-year soul ring is simply nonsense.

However, Huo Yuhao chose to absorb the soul ring under the mocking eyes of these people. This was not the effect of adjusting his meridians. Even if he adjusted the condition of his meridians to the best, with his current cultivation level, he could only Absorb about three thousand years of soul rings.

The fact that he is able to absorb the ten-thousand-year soul ring is actually because he has eaten fairy grass and strengthened it with the gold of living things in his body. The living carving knife was left in Huo Yuhao's body.

Although living gold is precious, for Cheng Ying who can already mass-produce it, it is only slightly more precious than ordinary materials. He can already control the sandstorms composed of living gold and does not care about a knife as big as a carving knife. a small piece.

It is precisely because of the huge enhancement of vitality that his body can withstand the soul ring for 10,000 years.

But he himself didn't know that under Cheng Ying's settings, the soul beasts he hunted with his second soul ring would still provide him with simulated soul skills.

Cheng Ying, who has read the original work, can only say that many of Huo Yuhao's first martial arts skills are quite impractical. If it were not for the purpose of forcibly showing off his skills, he would not even use them at all.

The only skill that was very useful until the end was really this simulated soul skill, so no matter what soul skills Huo Yuhao acquired from other soul rings, this simulation must stay.

Taking a closer look at the soul power in Huo Yuhao's original work, the third soul skill group is weak and basically non-existent. No matter how it has been used, the effect is minimal when used in actual combat. The fourth soul skill is mentally chaotic, and this control soul skill is even more confusing. It has basically no reliable effect. Even Huo Yuhao himself doesn't like this soul skill.

The fifth soul skill is Ginyingmon's rubbing. This is one of the few soul skills that is somewhat useful. It can copy other people's skills like the Sharingan. However, he himself is not very good at using this skill. During the battle, Xuan Ming Displacement is basically copied and used to switch positions with the opponent.

None of the subsequent soul rings are weaker than 100,000 Years, so let’s not mention them. The skills are powerful not because they are well matched with themselves, but because the soul beast itself is powerful and the skills given to it are also very strong.

In contrast, only the soul skill of simulation is useful at the beginning, and it is also useful in the later stages. The strength of the soul beast is not high, but it is truly practical.

Huo Yuhao still didn't know Cheng Ying's good intentions, but after absorbing the ten-thousand-year soul ring, he felt that his soul power was increasing rapidly. In the process of adjusting his veins, his soul power was also increasing through constant cultivation.

According to the master's theory, even if a soul master reaches a bottleneck, his training will not be in vain. His soul power will continue to accumulate until he obtains a soul ring, and it will explode all at once.

After Huo Yuhao obtained the second soul ring, he reached level 30 in an instant, which means that his current total soul power is definitely more than level 30.

Those who were watching the joke, some of them with keen senses, had already sensed Huo Yuhao's soul power after his breakthrough. After the news spread, many people were ready to watch the joke and watch the genius fall. They all looked like chickens being strangled by their throats. Can't make a sound.

At this age, one can reach level 30. It can be considered as a genius, and Huo Yuhao has just been upgraded and is stuck at level 30, which means that his cultivation will never reach level 30. It is this state of uncertainty that makes everyone even more panicked. , everyone is afraid that after he gets another soul ring, he will directly become level 40, and the slap in the face will be too painful.

[To be continued]

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