Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1578 Soul System

After Huo Yuhao absorbed the second soul ring, he directly reached level 30, which shocked everyone who was prepared to laugh. It also seemed to announce to the whole world that he had not lost the initiative to practice because he had gained powerful power.

But this is still the initial stage of this storm, and more incredible things are happening.

Huo Yuhao's third soul ring was aimed directly at the hundred thousand year soul beast.

Yes, when the mechanical dragon knocked on the door of a 100,000-year-old soul beast, all the guys who followed to watch the excitement were in a state of silence. They did not dare to approach or make a sound. At this distance, no matter it was 10 The Ten Thousand Year Soul Beast or the Mechanical War Dragon are both fatal to them.

What makes them even more confused is why Huo Yuhao chose the 100,000-year-old soul beast? No matter from any angle of analysis, it is impossible for a level 30 cultivation level to absorb a 100,000-year-old soul ring.

Even if the six soul bones are complete, it is absolutely impossible to strengthen the physical fitness to that point. Huo Yuhao seems to have opened a bigger cheat than the one in the original work.

While everyone was astonished, he also started a conversation with the 100,000-year-old soul beast in the cave. The 100,000-year-old soul beast with a flamboyant personality and powerful strength is often extremely active and rarely lives in the cave.

But not all soul beasts are like this. The passage of time will leave irreparable traces on even this powerful being. After all, the majority of soul beasts are not talented enough to break through the 100,000-year solid state. And when they reach the end of their lives, they are often unwilling to do so.

Huo Yuhao asked the mechanical war dragon to open the door of the cave and walked in front of the soul beast in person. The two sides were calm beyond expectation. Opposite Huo Yuhao was a huge white dove. Although a few years ago, the dove still represented peace. , but with the invasion of foreign cultures brought by some people, when it comes to pigeons, everyone only thinks of coo coo...

This white pigeon, which was larger than an ordinary eagle, should have been able to kill Huo Yuhao instantly, but it did not take action. It also looked at the mechanical dragon outside without showing any fear.

He was about to die. As a self-aware soul beast, he knew very well that he would not be able to cope with the coming thunder disaster, so he chose to die quietly, at least so that his body could still be buried in this mountain range.

But the eyes that were originally a pool of stagnant water slightly rippled after seeing Huo Yuhao.

"Do you want my soul ring?" Spiritual communication appeared in the consciousness of both parties. Soul beasts that Huo Yuhao would value, even if they were not spiritual, obviously had powerful spiritual abilities.

"But you can't absorb my soul ring. Go back. I don't want to fight anymore."

Huo Yuhao shook his head: "I need your soul ring, and I also need you to live. In another form, when I am alive, you will become my soul ring. When I die, you will be in my soul ring." Nirvana and rebirth within the body.”

The white pigeon showed an interesting expression. Over the past hundreds of years, there had been very few things that interested him. Huo Yuhao seemed to have brought such a thing.

"Tell me more specifically. I seem to be somewhat interested in what you are talking about."

Huo Yuhao didn't hide anything, and even directly told him that he once had a mentor from another world: "My teacher couldn't bear to see humans and soul beasts fighting each other, so he created soul technology and taught it to "

One thing to mention here is that after receiving more technical support, the soul technology created by Electrolux is no longer the one spread by Huo Yuhao in the original work. The high-sounding people and souls can live in peace but are biased towards human technology.

Rather, it is a truly more equal contract between humans and soul beasts. If an old soul beast thinks that it cannot continue to survive as a soul beast, it can sign such a contract with humans and become a human soul ring. If its own strength is strong enough, it can even compress its own power and provide the absorber with more resources. A soul ring.

But this is not the end. For the soul beast, this is also a transaction. The soul beast's body and the vitality in the body will be sealed in this body together. These all belong to the soul beast, even if they are stored in the soul beast. In the master's body, it cannot be used without the consent of the soul beast.

And when the life of the soul master comes to an end, their bodies will rekindle the vitality of the soul beasts, giving new life to these soul beasts that become soul rings.

This is the opportunity for the race of soul beasts to start practicing again from the age of zero, but this time, they have human brains in their bodies. They are no longer the ignorant soul beasts. They can practice faster and can Avoid the detours of the past.

This is the new life for the soul beasts. Of course, it is only relative equality. It is almost impossible to achieve absolute equality. For example, after becoming a soul ring, if a human dies unexpectedly in battle, the reborn The mechanism may fail to start. Even if the startup is successful. A young body soul beast reborn in that environment. They will also face huge risks and find it difficult to survive.

Therefore, the spirit beasts have the right to refuse to sign the contract. There is more than just the right to refuse to sign a contract. If the soul beast's mentality is coerced, then even if the soul beast wants to sign a contract, the contract will not be effective.

Similarly, this is also a two-way selection process. A soul master does not limit the number of contracted soul beasts. However, the more soul beasts contracted, the less wisdom can be shared with each soul beast after death. Unless the soul is extremely outstanding, it is very difficult to gain the approval of multiple soul beasts at the same time.

After Huo Yuhao explained the soul system, he solemnly asked the white pigeon in front of him: "So, are you willing to be my contract partner now?"

A humane smile appeared on Baige's face: "What reason do I have to refuse?" That Buddhist expression seemed to say, my goal in life is to go to the dock to order French fries.

As a result, a complex contract unfolded. The Douluo people's way of using soul power had always been extremely rough, but the refined control of the contract was completely beyond their understanding.

After the few people who came to watch the excitement found that the environment was safe, they boldly followed and observed nearby. Then I saw the light and shadow of the soul power forming in the air, as delicate and regular traces as a circuit board, although they were just lines. But the neat arrangement contains the beauty of mathematics that can be seen at a glance.

In a huge and complex array of contracts. For 100,000 years, the soul beast's body slowly melted. It turns into energy and light and merges into Huo Yuhao's body. Although the huge vitality and energy contained in the body cannot be used by the soul master, it will slowly nourish the soul master's body and continuously strengthen the soul master's physical quality.

And these enhancements will be reflected as the soul beast's talents when it is reborn. In other words, even the lowest ten-year-old soul beast can be reborn if it can sign contracts with powerful soul masters many times in a row. It is also possible to have the talent to become a 100,000-year-old soul beast.

Of course the world itself is full of injustice. Willing to sign a contract with a ten-year soul beast. There are obviously very few soul masters who waste one of their quotas.

Want to comprehensively overcome the inequality caused by birth? The world still has a long way to go.

But at this moment, everyone is more concerned about the changes in the network miracles displayed by Huo Yuhao. The position of the third soul ring is a 100,000-year-old soul ring.

The color scheme of one white, one black and one red is particularly eye-catching, giving people a feeling of insanity. I can't help but wonder why humans have such weird soul ring colors.

Huo Yuhao did not intend to respond to this question, but his actions had announced to the world that humans and spirit beasts have another way of getting along.

What proved this was not the soul ring on his body, but after he released the soul ring. The huge white pigeon flew out behind him. The old white pigeon was now full of energy, and its feathers became as shiny as when they were at their youngest.

It chirped happily in the sky, circled in a circle, landed in front of Huo Yuhao, and stretched out its wings. It's like the check-in desk for an airplane.

Huo Yuhao walked along the wings to the back of the white pigeon. Sitting on it looked a little funny. Although the white pigeon was huge, it only weighed about 200kg. Even though the bird's body was slender and slender, it looked even bigger after spreading its wings. Huo Yuhao also seemed quite uncoordinated.

However, the strength of the 100,000-year-old soul beast is huge. Even if it is carrying a person who is not commensurate with its size, it can still easily take off and hover in the air at high speed.

Everyone saw Huo Yuhao flying in the sky with the projection of a 100,000-year-old soul beast, and realized that he might also be able to possess it in the future. A powerful soul beast mount.

The soul masters did not regard this technology as a technology for equality and soul-level exchange. When they saw this scene, the first thing they thought of was to turn their soul rings into mounts or pets. They never thought about it. , this is actually his fighting partner.

Even in the original work, the so-called Spirit Transferring Tower that upholds equality is just formal equality, treating equality with soul transfer as a political correctness and propaganda strategy. In fact, what he was doing was still turning the soul beast into a mount.

Huo Yuhao didn't say much to the people present. He just left a message before flying away with the white pigeon: "Do you want to know what this is? If you want, come to Shrek Academy! I left everything there. ”

So Shrek Academy received a large number of soul stones without any preparation. The soul master in charge of receiving the guests looked confused. Everyone was discussing the translucent soul ring projection, Huo Yuhao's 100,000-year-old soul ring, and the boy flying on the 100,000-year soul ring.

Because the weird descriptions of these soul masters gave people the illusion that Huo Yuhao was flying on a red soul ring.

After Huo Yuhao returned, he did not directly receive these visiting soul masters. Instead, he moved stone tablets, carved all the knowledge about souls on them, and erected them in the square in front of Shrek.

Because the amount of knowledge is huge and there are many drawings involved, it is quite engraving. A stone tablet more than ten meters high. The words on it are as big as mosquitoes. The stone tablets are stacked together and can be unfolded like playing cards. After unfolding, there are more than a hundred layers.

The soul master who originally wanted to gain powerful power couldn't help but feel dizzy when he saw these things. The power of being able to have sex for free is what people desire the most, and it is the power that can only be obtained through hard study. Most people will be dissuaded as soon as possible.

After Huo Yuhao negotiated with the academy to allow soul masters to visit, he no longer cared about these technologies. There is no right or evil in technology, it just depends on how the user uses it. Soul technology is undoubtedly conducive to the harmonious coexistence of humans and soul beasts.

But there are always some people who will rely on this technology to develop some unorthodox applications. Huo Yuhao will not stop it, nor does he have the interest or energy to stop it, because he is currently working on more important things.

In the memory he had been instilled, a very important subject was being conducted at this time. That is the standardization of the meridians in the body.

There is no doubt that the meridians in everyone's body are different when they are born and grow up, just like everyone's fingerprints. It can't be exactly the same.

But the meridians can be adjusted. Not only outsiders can help adjust them, but you can also adjust them through physical exercise.

This is a very simple reason. The hand we often use in daily life will be more flexible. Naturally, the nervous system and muscles will be more developed in this hand. Putting it on Douluo's side will not only affect the nerves and muscles. In addition, there are meridians.

Exercise will cause a meridian system to grow here that is completely different from that of the other hand. The main body may be the same and the branches may be completely different. The difference caused by exercise is also a huge difference in the talents of soul masters.

And since exercise can affect the growth of a young child's meridians, a reasonable exercise method can undoubtedly make the meridians in a person's body more orderly, smoother, and more suitable for storing soul power.

And such a set of movements can undoubtedly greatly increase the probability of a soul master appearing among ordinary people. Although there are very few children who can patiently practice boring movements to guide the growth of meridians in the body before the age of six, but This is no longer the gap between birth and talent, but the gap between your own patience and perseverance. If you can't do it, you can't blame God for being unfair. You can only blame yourself for not having perseverance.

It is impossible for Huo Yuhao to design a tailor-made exercise method for everyone. Therefore, there is a standard meridian system that is suitable for everyone and has potential for subsequent development. becomes extremely important.

This can be regarded as a test that Cheng Ying left for Huo Yuhao. He left me with Huo Yuhao a lot of knowledge. But having knowledge but not practicing it or using it is not much different from not having it.

Engine is such a practical process. If Huo Yuhao wants to complete the task at hand, he must flexibly use the knowledge in his mind. Integrate the memories that were originally just stored in your mind and turn them into something that truly belongs to you.

[To be continued]

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