Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1579 Meridian System

Although we often say that human beings have limits, as an intelligent species planned by the entire ecosystem for hundreds of millions of years, its own potential is actually very huge, just like the poisonous martial spirit's development of the potential of the human body. If it can When all are developed, one's personal power can be comparable to that of the gods.

Huo Yuhao obviously couldn't do this with the knowledge in his head. But after thinking carefully, I still found some solutions.

First of all, he determined through his own observation that exercise can affect the growth of meridians in his body. To make these meridians grow neatly, it is called quite strict balance exercise.

It is not advisable to use only one hand frequently, as it will lead to imbalance of the meridians in the body, making it difficult to achieve perfect results.

As for this training process, the earlier the better. If you don’t have the talent of a soul master, it is best to do it before the age of 14. As long as you have patience and persist in training, you can basically satisfy your meridians to become a soul master before entering puberty. conditions of.

Huo Yuhao tried hard and designed a set of moves based on his own experience. It seemed to be quite difficult. It was more like a set of moves that could only be done by professional gymnasts than broadcast gymnastics.

Huo Yuhao rolled and jumped on the balance beam without any sign of falling, and the sensors attached to his body faithfully recorded the growth of the meridians in his body during these movements.

Wiping the sweat from his forehead, Huo Yuhao came to the computer, checked the recorded data, and couldn't help but nodded. Although it takes a lot of work to learn such difficult gymnastics moves. The effects are also very good.

Now the meridians in his body have grown as neatly and densely packed as the lines etched on a circuit board, but full of the beauty of mathematical rules.

If a six-year-old child is diligent enough and spends an hour every day doing this kind of exercise, in five or six years he will have the same neat meridians as Huo Yuhao does now. On such meridians, he can build some special structures on his own. To complete it without the help of a soul ring is to demonstrate the ability of extraordinary power.

Unknowingly, Huo Yuhao had put aside the limitations of the soul master's path. Gradually, another system for extraordinary people to become stronger began to be developed.

In this system, the role of talent and soul rings is increasingly reduced, while the role of hard work and knowledge is constantly increasing.

With the construction of the main meridians in Huo Yuhao's body completed, he could already perform many special "spells". Using the idea of ​​​​necromancy, he pioneered the creation of a communication spell that did not require the use of mental power.

That was a spell that the necromancer once used to control his undead soldiers. It wasn't even a spell. It could only be said to be a trick. He could remotely control his undead soldiers and make simple actions.

If this kind of spell is used on people, it can convey certain information and cannot directly order others to do what actions. However, if it is used in the army, it can allow the commander to command each of his subordinates very conveniently. The coordination ability of human beings is much stronger than that of the undead with low intelligence. They can complete quite complex coordination with only simple instructions.

And this was just the beginning. Huo Yuhao tried to use this simple information transmission ability to control a mechanical car and activate different programs in the car to complete complex instructions. Then he found that this could indeed be done. He spent very little soul power. But as long as there are enough units for him to command, even if he only has less than ten levels of soul power, he can still exert great power.

In order to facilitate his command, Huo Yuhao is constantly developing other "spells". For example, if he can only fire artillery from a long distance, then he will need strong observation skills.

Relying on mental detection, he does have extremely strong insight, but it is impossible for everyone to learn his huge mental power. Not everyone can possess it. He is probably the only one in the entire continent with soul skills like mental detection.

Regardless of mental strength, if you want to improve your observation ability, the easiest way is to improve your eyesight. By dissecting the eyes of an eagle, Huo Yuhao was inspired to develop eagle vision. He only needed to simply adjust the structure of the eyes. Complete accurate observations of distant targets in a short period of time.

At the same time, adding scale lines to the lens can also directly determine the distance of the target and display it in the upper left corner of the field of vision in the form of numbers. There is no doubt that this is another extremely convenient and practical spell.

Even if you don't command soldiers to fight, you can still use this spell to assist shooting. Even if you don't have strong mental power, you can become a sharpshooter with this technique.

This relies on simplicity. The low-power spells that can be used based on the structure of the meridians seem to have opened the door to a new world for Huo Yuhao. Human beings do not seem to need spells with high power. Like the soul master's soul rubbing skills, they constantly pursue power, from fireballs to Big fireball, to super super big fireball.

It does seem that he has become stronger, but to become stronger, you only need to replace the small pistol in your hand with a personal rocket, and under the premise that you can use tools, what should be the greater significance of the spell? Help people use tools more conveniently.

After the Eagle Eye surgery, Huo Yuhao began to study how to release electromagnetic waves through the meridians in the body. This method was more suitable for remote control of mechanical equipment than the originally designed communication technology.

And this doesn't seem to be difficult. To release electromagnetic waves, only a very simple meridian structure is needed. The difficulty is just how to make these electromagnetic waves more regular and precise.

After Huo Yuhao adjusted some of his meridians, he was pleasantly surprised to find that he could remotely control mechanical equipment without a remote control. He looked at the unmanned four-axis helicopter flying up and down under his control 100m away, as if An extension of his body, his eyes were filled with excitement.

No boy can refuse such an interesting big toy, and on the battlefield, this remote control ability means that the personal combat range becomes further.

What if the remote control is not a drone, but a simple missile? You only need to control the tail to adjust the flight trajectory of the missile, and you can accurately control the flight and landing point without even pulling a wire behind the missile.

It is difficult for such weapons on Earth to hit enemies outside the visual range, because then it would be difficult for soldiers to control them remotely. But for Huo Yuhao, this is not a problem. He has just developed the Eagle Eye Technique not long ago. Can greatly enhance vision.

In order to cooperate with the remote control and guidance of missiles, Huo Yuhao began to develop new spells. Just being able to see the target is not enough. The target on the battlefield may be moving at high speed, and the missile flies at an extremely fast speed. Ordinary people cannot He has such a strong mental power, and relying solely on remote-controlled missiles and eagle eye skills, once the enemy's distance exceeds one kilometer, the hit rate will become very worrying.

This requires stronger dynamic vision. Dynamic vision is not improved only by improving mental strength. By dissecting the nerves of certain animals, Huo Yuhao realized that under certain conditions, dynamic vision can be greatly enhanced at the expense of static vision. , at the expense of slow perception of the external environment, greatly increasing the speed of thinking and concentration.

Therefore, concentration skills and dynamic visual enhancement appeared. The person guiding the missile can enter a bullet time-like state, clearly see the flight trajectory of the missile and the enemy's avoidance route, and adjust the flight trajectory of his missile in time to give enemies thousands of miles away. Come and get into the soul.

After a few spells, a system for launching long-range guided warheads is basically completed. The required missiles do not cost much, because they are small missiles and do not require precise gyroscopes to adjust the flight attitude. It only requires an electrically controlled tail fin and a propulsion facility that is almost the same as a rocket, and that's enough.

And what is the power of such artillery shells? When the warhead is filled with high-explosives, the power of the explosion is comparable to the soul skills of the assault-type Soul King, and the ultra-long range of three to four kilometers is difficult for even the Soul Saint to achieve.

This level of soul skills can only be possessed by a very few soul saints. If you want to achieve this level of attack relatively easily, you may need to be at the Contra level.

But if we use several of the spells Huo Yuhao just created to achieve the same effect, what kind of consumption will it cost?

The electromagnetic communication technique, the eagle eye technique, the dynamic vision enhancement technique, and the concentration technique all cost very little. It may only require four or five levels of soul power, and it can be used without even using the first soul ring. The largest The difficulty is actually how to cast four spells at the same time without interfering with each other and allowing for multiple uses.

This is difficult. It requires long-term exercise and an incomparable familiarity with the meridians in your body. But after all, it is possible as long as you work hard. You don’t need to rely on talent and luck to reach an extremely high level. You also need to find a specific It can only be obtained by hunting soul beasts.

For Huo Yuhao, these are just the beginning. His spell system is constantly expanding, such as infrared vision. Simple spells can make people see heat sources clearly in the dark, and they can also see the source of heat clearly in an environment where they can't see their fingers. Walking on flat ground.

Or it is ultrasonic induction, which can sense the surrounding environment like a bat, and can also judge the structure and situation inside a solid through vibration.

Material separation separates oxygen and nitrogen in the air to create pure oxygen, which can easily ignite combustibles around you. It consumes very little, but can instantly transform into a great fire magician.

Reaction catalysis uses magic as a catalyst to speed up certain reactions, such as synthesizing ammonia...

Cell regeneration stimulates stem cell division and differentiation to quickly repair injuries.

Induced pluripotent stem cells, used in conjunction with the above cell regeneration, can induce somatic cells into pluripotent stem cells, which can divide rapidly to repair injuries.

The two spells, cast together, are powerful healing spells.

Soul power has all kinds of strange abilities. As an extremely microscopic tool, its function is definitely not just to rub fireballs and create extremely powerful explosions.

These spells in front of you cost very little, but they can play a huge role in the battle.

In addition to these auxiliary spells, Huo Yuhao is also trying attack types. For example, using the urging spell to cooperate with the battery he carries to speed up the discharge, complete the chemical reaction of the battery in an instant, release all the electric energy, and then guide it to a small electromagnetic gun, released instantly.

The electric light flashing coils flashed one after another at an extremely fast speed. Under the traction of the magnetic force, the metal cannonball quickly accelerated to a speed faster than ordinary bullets. Suddenly, the handle in the distance was smashed into pieces.

Huo Yuhao curled his lips and put down the electromagnetic gun in his hand with some disappointment: "I also need a capacitor-type spell. Although the chemical reaction is over, the electrical energy has not been used. This power is compared to ordinary gunpowder weapons. There is no advantage at all.

Theoretically, the chemical energy contained in such a large battery is much greater than the primer of a bullet. I not only need the capacitor spell, but also the transformer spell.

Hmm... I want to have some advantages over traditional gunpowder weapons. Nor can we just consider power. We can start from the aspect of portability. For example, I can try to disassemble the structure of the electromagnetic gun and keep only a few acceleration coils.

In this way, the size can be reduced to a very hidden level, and it can even be used as a ring. Wear it on your finger and levitate in the magnetic field when needed. Fires at metal objects. "

Huo Yuhao's spell design rarely consumes more than level 20, because without obtaining a soul ring, the meridians system he is currently involved in, even if it is extremely perfect, the meridians in the body are as neat and dense as his, and the meridians in his body can only be twenty at most. With multiple levels of soul power, if you want to cast spells that consume more than this, you must obtain a soul ring to improve your cultivation.

But what Huo Yuhao wants to create is a professional system for all people, so the casting of all spells must not be based on obtaining soul rings, because there are too many humans on the continent. If everyone obtains soul rings, everyone will The soul beasts on the mainland will be extinct in less than 100 years.

Even if everyone doesn't get soul rings, your current soul master's hunting speed for soul beasts. The future ecological environment of this world is also extremely worrying.

Cheng Ying was on the moon, flipping through Huo Yuhao's designs, and couldn't help but smile strangely: "What an interesting idea! It's a bit like turning magic into arcana, but what you are doing now will make it difficult for future extraordinary beings. ”

Cheng Ying thought for a while. Before the future extraordinary person can obtain extraordinary power, he must work hard to exercise, do difficult radio gymnastics, and exercise the growth of meridians in the body. He must also work hard to learn scientific and cultural knowledge, learn mathematics, physics, and chemistry well, and understand Only by understanding the basic principles of magic can it be used flexibly and freely.

Even when using it, you have to work hard to calculate the parameters and perform different logical operations according to different spells. It is not too hard. People always like to choose the easier path to gain power. It is no wonder that over the years, everyone has No one has tried to develop more functions with limited soul power.

[To be continued]

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