Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1580 Civilian Spells

Huo Yuhao's development of these low-cost spells can definitely be regarded as an outlier among outliers. In the development process, he also brought in the thinking of ordinary people.

When ordinary people use spells, they don't consider combat purposes more. This is actually relatively difficult to stimulate them to learn, although most of the knowledge in Huo Yuhao's mind is mathematics, physics and chemistry. After all, the knowledge of natural science is too extensive and the memory it occupies is absolutely huge. But not necessarily.

A considerable part of social and humanistic knowledge is also in his mind. Therefore, he knew very well that it was useless to reason with these unawakened people. If he wanted to make them obedient, he had to use benefits to influence them.

For the same reason, I want them to learn these low-cost spells. It is necessary for these spells to bring them immediate results. It's like Huayun Advanced Vocational and Technical College is full of students every time. Isn't it because civilians yearn for soul guidance technology and like to learn knowledge?

Learning complex soul guidance technology is almost painful for anyone. If there are no benefits, ordinary people will not be willing to learn this technology.

But the reality is that as long as you learn the soul guidance technology, you can become a master. At least in the eyes of ordinary people, it is a master, a high-end profession, and the income is several times that of ordinary people.

Although soul masters do not particularly care about money, ordinary people do not. The universal values ​​of this society are such that money can measure a person's value to a considerable extent.

If Huo Yuhao wants the low-cost spells he developed to be popularized, he must consider why ordinary people want to learn his spells.

Is it to guide missiles to kill everyone on the battlefield? It is true that this is possible, but soul masters can also do this kind of thing, and even in order to ensure their dominance, they will one-sidedly promote spells to make it seem more difficult for them to learn and cannot be mastered by ordinary people. Although the empire will sooner or later In response, these spells were promoted to ordinary people to enhance their war potential, but that was too slow and too passive.

What Huo Yuhao needs is for ordinary people to take the initiative to learn this skill on a large scale, just like the soul. Although fighting is what most people yearn for, it really gives them the opportunity to really step out of the circle of their previous lives. In fact, only a few people have tried it.

If they want the trend, they act, and more importantly, the immediate benefits. Huo Yuhao knows this, so he has developed many other spells for daily life besides combat. The Eagle Eye spell does not need to be changed, because seeing further is what most people need. The Dynamic Vision and Focus Number do not need to be changed either. It can greatly promote the production of soul guidance parts by ordinary people.

In addition, there are also material separation techniques and catalysis techniques. These spells are aimed at specific substances, and Huo Yuhao has adjusted the formula of the spells so that they can target substances in daily life.

For example, substance separation technology can easily extract salt from salt mines, or extract sugar from sugar cane, beet and the like, helping to separate alcohol and avoid the troublesome process of three steaming and three brewing. These are skills that can play an important role in daily production and life.

In order to be more intimate, Huo Yuhao even developed a method of extracting sodium glutamate to make MSG or soy sauce. It can be said that it is well-intentioned.

Catalysis is also equally useful. As long as the catalytic items are different, it can also be applied to all walks of life. For example, in the above-mentioned wine making, it can catalyze the chemical reaction in the microorganisms and accelerate the production of alcohol. This is also a very helpless thing. , there is basically no chemical industry system in this world, and it is impossible for Huo Yuhao to build a chemical industry for this world in a short time, so these catalytic skills are actually used more in food processing and fertilizer production, such as using catalysis technology Speed ​​up the retting process.

In addition to these two spells, there are some other spells, such as spectral vision, which is an advanced version of infrared vision, is more difficult, and is used to accurately judge temperature.

Facing a red-hot iron ball, it is difficult for ordinary people or soul masters to judge its temperature, but if you can see the spectrum other than visible light, you can easily know it. Which part of the iron ball has a high temperature, which part has a low temperature, and what temperature the whole has reached, which plays an important auxiliary role in forging and smelting.

Strong magnetism, this spell can be used to process magnetite ore dressing. Today's steel production will be much more than in ancient times. On the one hand, steelmaking equipment is constantly being updated. On the other hand, it is very important to control it. In the mineral processing process, impurities in originally low-grade minerals can be screened out before smelting, reducing the difficulty of smelting.

There are many more spells like this, all of which were recorded one by one by Huo Yuhao in a book called Civilian Spells. How to construct the routes of meridians, the principles of construction, and how to conduct reasonable exercises? All are recorded in this book. It quickly transformed from a thin book into a dictionary-like tome.

But this is still only the most basic thing for a spell system. With personal power, it is extremely difficult to perfect a system, unless you are born to be a supercomputer.

Therefore, Huo Yuhao has no intention of continuing to rely on his own strength to deduce. His thinking is destined to have blind spots. Those who use spells are best able to create spells that suit their environment.

For example, in dusty factories, workers may develop air filtration techniques to reduce their chances of contracting pneumoconiosis. People who often deal with toxic gases will also develop corresponding spells to deal with the conditions they are in. Condition

This low-cost civilian spell system will definitely become more and more perfect as long as it becomes popular. In order to encourage innovation, Huo Yuhao signed an agreement with Shrek Academy, and Shrek Academy will act as a supervisor to supervise the implementation of the patent act.

The general content of the so-called patent bill is that anyone who creates a new spell can apply for a patent for that spell. If someone else wants to commercialize it on a large scale and uses his spell, he must pay a certain patent fee. cost.

However, in order to ensure that the inventor does not become a capitalist by relying solely on patents, the patent protection period of each spell is only ten years. After this period, everyone can use the spell freely.

Patent law can indeed promote the development of science and technology, but over-protection of invention patents and excessive patent fees will lead to a waste of scientific research resources and lead to repeated research on the same technology.

Huo Yuhao was not sure whether his decision was correct, but no matter what, he had to try it after all.

Historically, it is difficult to evaluate Huo Yuhao's decision this time. Because he lacked experience in social movements, Huo Yuhao greatly overestimated the subjective initiative of civilians in this era. There was no ideological program or the guidance of a group of people who were willing to sacrifice for their ideals. Next, give power to these mortals.

The follow-up led to a series of consequences that he could easily control, but in the final analysis, the spread of civilian spells promoted the development of history, severely damaged the rule of the feudal dynasty, broke the soul master's monopoly on soul power, and had a great influence on the progress of the times. great positive significance.

Of course, these are all things for later. Huo Yuhao is now thinking about how he should promote civilian magic.

After a brief thought, he chose to contact his loyal little brother. That is, Ma Huayun, who is now known as the strongest ordinary person, has Huayun Advanced Vocational and Technical College under his name. Although the name sounds a bit low-key, it is the largest college enrollment in the continent, better than Shrek. The college is much wider. There are hundreds of thousands of students in one class alone, and there are hundreds of similar vocational and technical colleges, all of which are following Feng Huayun Vocational and Technical College. That is, whatever courses the boss offers, they Just follow and drive.

It was definitely the most appropriate thing to do as soon as he woke up and popularize the magic among civilians and leave it to Ma Huayun to operate it. However, before meeting this person, Huo Yuhao still made a series of preparations.

After all, he is extremely wealthy and is now the richest person on the continent. His industry has spread to the Sun and Moon Empire, and he has even monopolized the production of low-end soul guidance devices in the Sun and Moon Empire, supplying all kinds of soul guidance devices on a large scale. machine parts. In addition, it has begun to involve all walks of life, and there is a real tendency to become a capital oligarchy.

Huo Yuhao was a little worried about this guy, because after he got rich, he lost his money. He was not sure about his identity as a teacher and what his status was in the eyes of the other party.

So before meeting, he thought of many ways to persuade the other party. For example, emphasizing the help of civilian spells to the soul tool industry, concentration spells and dynamic visual enhancement are very important for ordinary people to carve core magic circles. It can greatly increase the upper limit for ordinary people to make soul tools.

Various catalytic techniques and material separation techniques can be used on Soul Daoqi's materials, making it easier to mine and smelt various rare metals. This is in line with Ma Huayun's desire to expand his market and increase the scope of his industry's influence. Purpose.

Originally, he had thought so much and was a little worried that he would not be able to convince the world's richest man. But when he actually dialed the remote communication, Ma Huayun was in a meeting, and the people sitting next to him were old men in Chinese clothes. Judging from the signs on the table, there were more than one titled Douluo and ninth-level soul master. After Ma Huayun communicated on the street, he saw that it was his former teacher. Without saying a word, he stopped the meeting in front of him and banned several people. Douluo and the ninth-level soul master were left on the spot. He immediately said that he would go find the teacher and have a face-to-face interview.

Huo Yuhao was a little stunned by what he thought was his apprentice's enthusiasm. It was clearly his own business, but this guy seemed to be more proactive than him. Could it be that he had a unique strategic vision and realized the magic he had created. Of great economic significance?

It was only after they actually met that Huo Yuhao realized that his respect for him was no less than when he was a student. He regarded Titled Douluo as a ninth-level soul master, and he could treat them as equals or even as superiors. In the exchange of identities, in front of him, he behaved like a quail, as if he was offering himself up as an ancestor.

Not to mention helping to promote magic, this kind of small request that is beneficial to him, even if it really harms the interests of his group, I am afraid he will hesitate a little and agree on the spot.

Huo Yuhao didn't understand where his younger brother's awe came from, but Ma Huayun knew it! He didn't know yet that Huo Yuhao had been replaced, and he only regarded him as his former teacher with great powers.

If your teacher only has advanced scientific and cultural knowledge, then the most he can do is respect him and maintain awe of knowledge, but this is the limit. It is impossible to be as respectful as he is now.

But he knew his teacher's ability very well. He looked like an ordinary 20th-level soul master, but he was a super soul master behind the scenes. He controlled several 9th-level soul guides at the same time, and beat the 10th-level soul masters.

He didn't know that, but one person chased two extreme Douluos and beat them. The scene was just like his mother beating her son. It was so crazy. He and Chengying saw it clearly on the invisible fighter in the sky, and they were so angry.

How could he be respectful enough at this time? Although his status could ignore the threats of most Title Douluos, he still had to show a certain degree of respect for Super Douluos and even Extreme Douluos. As for his unfathomable teacher who could pin an Extreme Douluo to the ground and beat him like his son, it was not too much to respect him.

Huo Yuhao briefly introduced the civilian spells he created to Ma Huayun, told him how to use these spells, and adjusted his meridians in a simple way, so that he had a weak soul power.

With this kind of strength of soul power, even a firecracker-sized mixed base cannot be released, but it can barely perform the Eagle Eye Technique and experience the ability of superhuman vision.

After one of the verifications, Ma Huayun finally shifted the focus from his teacher to the civilian magic.

Then he realized that this would be another extremely important invention of his teacher. Its importance is not even inferior to allowing civilians to make soul guides.

Extraordinary power is no longer only possessed by soul masters. It has broken the monopoly on soul power. For Ma Huayun, the future labor cost of soul masters will be greatly reduced.

So he is now the richest man in the world. He has the title of the strongest mortal. Titled Douluo also has to show a certain respect for him. But soul masters are still very reserved to join his factory. It is difficult to win over soul masters without offering a high price that people cannot refuse. Once the extraordinary power falls into the hands of ordinary people, these soul masters who think that entering the factory is condescending. There is no capital to continue to insist.

If you don't do it, there are people who are willing to do it. This is simply the favorite phrase of capitalists.

[To be continued]

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