Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1581 Douluo’s emerging bourgeoisie

The first person to try civilian magic was naturally Ma Huayun himself. It has always been a huge problem for ordinary people to obtain extraordinary power. Even a man as wealthy as him is difficult to avoid.

The hired Titled Douluo couldn't do anything to improve his physique. If he could help mortals step into the transcendent through strong cultivation, then there would be too many strong men in the world.

If it were so easy to cultivate a transcendent, someone would have already relied on such abilities to cultivate their own soul master army. Even if a soul master has not been trained in actual combat, his combat effectiveness will be much weaker. This is not a big problem. The lack of combat power can be made up for by using soul guides. For a soul master, using martial souls to fight is like using a bow and arrow. Fighting with a soul guide is like using a muzzleloader.

The latter is not necessarily more powerful than the former, but the latter is undoubtedly less difficult to use than the former. This is still the era when soul guides are not considered to be used by civilians. There is no sight for aiming. If a sight is added, the difficulty of use will be further reduced.

If an extraordinary person possesses the ability to introduce ordinary people to the extraordinary, then it is not impossible to rely on this ability to seduce the other party to become loyal and become one's own soul master legion, but there is obviously no such case on the mainland.

Even a man as wealthy as Ma Huayun could not find a shortcut to become a soul master from an ordinary person, but Huo Yuhao did it. It sounds incredible, but it is not as difficult as imagined.

On the one hand, Huo Yuhao uses a relatively more scientific method, summarizing, reasoning and deducing. Of course, if it is a normal scientific research team, even if there is a correct method, it will still require a lot of time and many members.

Huo Yuhao doesn't need so many people to help him because he has the supercomputer left by Cheng Ying and the artificial intelligence inside it. Although the artificial intelligence cannot help him with complex thinking, it is still very simple to verify and repeat experiments on what he thinks.

High-level soul masters themselves don't have much interest in this aspect. In addition, the idea that mortals cannot obtain extraordinary power has been deeply ingrained, resulting in very few extraordinary people who are willing to try this aspect. It is normal that no results have been achieved for so many years.

Although Ma Huayun was surprised by this magical technology, he was no longer surprised after learning that this technology was developed by his teacher. In his opinion, his teacher is like a god descending to earth.

Perhaps the gods are not enough to describe his ability. It is not surprising that such a person can develop this ability.

Huo Yuhao was a little surprised by Ma Huayun's calmness. As an ordinary person, faced with the opportunity to become an extraordinary person. It is not easy to be so calm.

But of course it's better to be calm, and it saves him a lot of troublesome explanations. Just tell me how to exercise and what knowledge should I learn? How to build the meridians in the body? What kind of power does the composition represent?

The learning process cannot be accomplished overnight, and it is not so easy to master starting from the most basic exercises. After missing the golden period of exercise in childhood, it is not easy to train the body to be as flexible as a gymnast.

Fortunately for most kids. Before the age of six, I had the heart to become a whole body and exercise my body. More or less, I am more concerned about it, even though it is due to various reasons when I grow up. I gave up exercising and switched to hard work. But my physical foundation is pretty good.

Ma Huayun climbed onto the balance beam awkwardly. Then it fell off the top without even trying twice. Fortunately, the surface is a soft sponge cushion, otherwise I would not be able to get up after falling down for a long time.

However, he was not discouraged. In his opinion, becoming stronger could never be achieved overnight. The strength he had gained after a long period of training actually made him feel at ease.

This is the world. The inherent concept formed over the years is that when you gain power, you must pay a price. There is some truth to this point of view. But there is no doubt that it is one-sided. Just like Ma Huayun, it is much easier to obtain power now than others. If you don't consider the method and just give it blindly, you may not get good results.

Ma Huayun worked very hard. During the few days of closed training, he fell down countless times but got up again, strengthening his physical fitness again and again. And the meridians in his body that were originally scattered and scattered became regular and wide as he exercised.

After a week of training and falling, Ma Huayun gradually adapted to these difficult movements. As a magical existence like a substance, soul power has a subtle effect on living bodies. In Tulip's experiment, the same small White rats, when they cannot directly use their soul power, are cultivated in a soul power environment and a soulless environment respectively.

The former is significantly superior to the latter in terms of intellectual development, muscle development, physical coordination, nerve reaction speed, etc. In other words, even if they do not practice, Douluo people's talents are higher than those in real life. Otherwise, it would be difficult for Ma Huayun to adapt to the training of such difficult movements as a gymnast in a short period of time.

It's just that the Douluo people have used this intelligence and talent on dogs. At most, the people on earth are fighting among themselves and wasting resources. The Douluo people are not good. They have been stuck in the feudal society for 20,000 years. If it weren't for the soul power, We have an excellent ecological environment. If we continue to be stuck like this, we may not be stuck until resources are exhausted.

Even if it later entered industrialization, it was nothing more than a false aristocratic republic. The state machinery was still in the hands of a few people. All extraordinary power was used to consolidate class solidification. It really demonstrated the bad nature of human beings to the fullest.

As a representative of the emerging bourgeoisie, Ma Huayun, driven by his own desires, also wants to be a capital oligarch and a big trust. If it can be realized, it will also promote the solidification of the class, block the upward path for the bottom, and promote the development of social cyberspace.

But the premise of all this is that he can lead the emerging bourgeoisie to complete the revolution, overthrow the existing feudal rule, and establish a so-called democratically elected government. Today's emerging bourgeoisie is just in its infancy and is still very weak. Facing an extreme douluo, they need to run to Yak for help. They can't think about class consolidation and are only thinking about how to overthrow the existing feudal system. The exploitative rule of the lords.

Of course, the motive could not be to promote social progress and development, but that Ma Huayun's factory had actually come into conflict with the feudal lords.

Because of the existence of food-type soul masters, Douluo's dependence on agriculture is not as serious as in the traditional feudal era, but this does not mean that farmers live a better life, nor does it mean that there is no need for a large number of people to work in the land.

Through in-depth social surveys at the grassroots level, Chengying can confirm that there are a large number of fields in rural areas of Douluo, which require a large number of people to cultivate the fields.

Not only did these farmers not have enough to eat because of the existence of food-type soul masters, but they had to pay more taxes. Food-type soul masters can produce large amounts of food in a short period of time, creating a situation where food prices drop significantly. The profiteers of the earth also You have to hoard, and the food department doesn't even need this. You can crazily lower the price of food, buy farmers' food at a low price, and then collect taxes as a lord.

It is still the familiar routine, win over the wealthy gentry, create a clever name, pay taxes and donations, and only after the wealthy gentry pays the money, the people will follow suit. After the event is completed, the wealthy gentry's money will be returned in full, and the common people's money will be divided into 30/70.

Then the people become poor and have no money to eat. Go to the food department soul master and buy it on credit! There is no way to hoard this food, so there is no way to hoard food for rebellion. The food made by the food-type soul master will soon spoil, and the credit must be paid back next year! What should I do if I still can’t? If you can't afford it, I'm sorry, your land will have to be mortgaged to pay off the debt!

In this way, land annexation has been going on for 10,000 years. I am afraid that there are not even a few homesteaders in the entire continent. On the one hand, the penniless tenant farmers have no grain left, and their lives are tightly controlled by the landlords. If they resist, they will die. .

On the other hand, they can also pray that their next generation will produce a soul master, which is like a pressure relief valve like the imperial examination. If there is a glimmer of hope, the will to resist will not be firm.

Becoming a soul master means a class jump. Within a generation, you may still have sympathy for the common people, but your butt determines your head. Before long, they will be seduced by the wealth and wealth of the upper class and become the eagle and dog thugs of better nobles. .

As for those transcendent super Douluo, they have long been accustomed to dealing with soul masters. There is no non-soul master in their eyes. Silence is the greatest contempt. They will not consider social problems because in their eyes, the problems do not exist at all. .

Under such a social structure, except for the possibility of a coup by the upper-class nobles, the division or reorganization of the country, there is no hope at all for the peasants at the bottom to rise up and resist tyranny.

But now, there is a variable in the world, and that is the emerging bourgeoisie represented by Ma Huayun.

Although Ma Huayun does not have his own revolutionary program, Cheng Ying found a good position for them when he released this guy. First of all, they are engaged in the soul tool industry, and behind it are the interests of the majority of soul masters. This is why the country can maintain violence. The basis for the operation of the machine, even if the interests of the nobles are harmed, they cannot be at the expense of offending the vast number of soul masters, they can only endure it.

This is like the fact that the factory is affiliated with the military. Even if the local gentry suffers a loss at the hands of the factory, they do not dare to retaliate. This identity can protect Ma Huayun in the early stage and allow him to bear less pressure. , can become bigger and stronger.

On the other hand, Ma Huayun was born as a mortal, and his rise relies on the powerful productivity brought by the number of mortals that far exceeds that of extraordinary beings. As a result, when the Huayun Group grows to a certain level, it will inevitably conflict with conservative forces. .

Because the factory will absorb a large number of working people, after all, the production of soul guides has more advantages than soul masters. It completely relies on the number of people in the factory, more streamlined production, and it is a labor-intensive industry.

This will attract many landless farmers to go to the factory, and even many tenant farmers will flee directly, which will inevitably cause conflicts.

Simply put, sharecroppers are more than just labor to landlords. It is more of a personal dependence relationship. The difference between being able to order a person or spending money to hire a person is huge. It can be said that the source of the landowner's power is largely this personal dependence relationship. They can take these people as their followers. Those who go directly to the battlefield without personal dependence, even if the factory can give them a large amount of monetary compensation, they will not agree.

It is true that land is still the most important means of production in this era, but labor creates wealth, and this will not change. Plowing, sowing, weeding, and harvesting, the land will not grow crops on its own. And if the tenant farmers have no life to rely on, do these pampered landowners have to go to the fields to cultivate themselves?

It is obviously impossible to farm in person, which has led to a large amount of land being abandoned and a decrease in the output of a large number of agricultural products. The further impact is that prices in the city have risen. Because there is no shortage of food, cash crops account for a large proportion of Douluo's crops. Those are the crops that are closely associated with luxurious life.

This will lead to a significant decline in the quality of life of the nobles and soul masters. The position of the factories attached to the soul masters will become unstable, and the conflict will gradually become more acute and eventually break out.

It is impossible for Ma Huayun to compromise with the ruling class after becoming big, because there is a huge contradiction in the fundamental interests of both parties. Should the population stay in factories or on farmland? If the problem cannot be solved, the contradiction between the emerging bourgeoisie and the feudal landlords will be irreconcilable.

At this stage, the power of the people is still very small and can hardly play a role in the struggle. The power of the emerging bourgeoisie represented by Ma Huayun is also weak and unable to resist the huge power of feudal landlords. You must know that a large number of soul masters are also landlords themselves. class.

And just at this time, Huo Yuhao appeared, bringing civilian spells and giving a wave of buffs to mortals. It seemed to help Ma Huayun stay alive to prevent him from being crushed to death by the counterattack of conservative strength, but in fact it increased the bottom level. On the one hand, the power of labor made the people experience the evil of capitalists and their crazy exploitation of labor, which made most people give up the idea of ​​compromise with factory owners. On the other hand, let Ma Huayun lead the workers himself, practice resistance, accumulate experience, and accumulate struggle experience for future generations to overthrow the rule of the capitalist oligarchs.

When the proletariat truly awakens and raises the flag in their hands, behind them will no longer be a group of confused lambs, but comrades who have been tempered by iron and fire, have rich struggle experience and are rigorously armed with ideas!

Ma Huayun, who was practicing on the balance beam and constantly improving the balance of the meridians in his body, had not yet realized that what he thought was the sweet rain in the desert was actually poisonous wine that sent him on his way.

Huo Yuhao also doesn't know how the power system he created will eventually develop through twists and turns and what incredible results it will achieve. The development of society is full of necessity and chance. Even Chengying, who has left Douluo Star, cannot Predict what will happen next.

[To be continued]

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