Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1582 New Spell Major

Ma Huayun is hard-working, and there is no inevitable connection between identity and quality. As the largest capitalist of this era, Ma Huayun is not necessarily an indulgent and extravagant character.

He is very restrained in his private life. As a person who has gained a lot of wealth and jumped into social status in a short period of time, this is commendable.

Living a moderate life was a habit he developed while studying in the civilian class at Shrek Academy. This habit also allowed him to maintain considerable perseverance to persist in the boring exercise and study.

Although identity and status cannot determine quality, people who have achieved high levels of achievement and achieved their achievements through their own efforts probably have some advantages that ordinary people cannot achieve.

Ma Huayun is very hardworking, and his motivation for learning civilian spells is not just a desire to gain power. Even his current pursuit of personal strength is actually not that fanatical.

What he wants to do is actually to become familiar with this power, just like when you start a company, you must be familiar with the company's business. It is not allowed for an outsider to lead an expert, as the top decision-maker of a group. He can indeed delegate power to his professionals, but he must not know anything about his company's business. The more he understands, the more he can understand the general direction of his group's future.

Otherwise, when professionals paint a picture of the project prospects for themselves. All you hear is confusion, and then you make a decision based on your feelings. Such a company will never go far.

Ma Huayun has not jumped out of the limitations of the times. When thinking, it was still limited to the gains and losses of one city and one place. Of course, if they were not standing in the lower reaches of history, almost no one could see through the irreconcilable contradiction between the emerging bourgeoisie and the old feudal lords at this time.

After a month and a half of hard study and training, Ma Huayun's meridians have initially formed the main veins, and his soul power level has reached level five, which is a level that can cast most new spells. For a soul master, the destructive power it can display is negligible, but if it is combined with modern weapons, it is a completely different matter.

He has a certain understanding of the potential of his power system, but he does not intend to develop it. When the crisis does not appear in front of him, people are always accustomed to compromise. Even though Ma Huayun knew that he had gradually invaded the soul master class interests, and also believes that as long as they transfer part of their interests, they can reach a settlement. and were not prepared for armed struggle.

What he sees more is the economic benefits that this technology brings to him. After ordinary people master the new magic, they can produce more precise parts. Transform the production line to be more efficient. Further reduce the cost of low-level soul guides. Taking up the living space of low-end soul mentors.

When they are incorporated into their own group, they are trained into the backbone. Prepare a good talent reserve for yourself to climb to high-end soul guidance technology.

One month after Ma Huayun returned to the group, Huayun Advanced Vocational and Technical College officially announced to the whole continent that the new magic major would recruit non-soul masters from all over the continent. Of course, they did not object to soul masters joining, but the vocational and technical college had no objection to the recruitment of soul masters. For soul masters, it is not even as good as the professional level in reality, so no one will be willing to join.

The only restriction on enrollment is that those over 30 years old are definitely not allowed. The specific screening is that the younger the better. Especially for children before puberty, their bodies are not fully developed yet, which is when the meridians and bones are growing. At this time, it is easiest to guide and correct the growth of the meridians through exercise. An opportunity for children who had no chance to become soul masters to have a small amount of soul power.

Although it is a very small amount of power, it is enough to do a lot of things.

In the course description, it was learned that there was a chance to obtain soul power, and a long queue formed at the campus registration entrance.

If it were another academy, such as a certain Pheasant School, they said they had the ability to give ordinary people a small amount of soul power. Not many people would want to believe that.

This is an issue of credibility. Although Huayun Advanced Vocational and Technical College is looked down upon by soul masters, its credibility is actually quite high. A large number of soul guidance technical talents have been cultivated here, and in the eyes of mortals, their status is not inferior to that of Shrek Academy.

The new spell was announced by the Huayun Group, and more people believed it than if it was announced by the established Soul Master Academy.

This time Huo Yuhao directly went to work as a teacher in another school. This incident made the senior management of Shrek Academy furious, but there was nothing they could do.

When Yake was still Huo Yuhao, he showed too much fighting power. With such a being, even if he ran out, opened a college and established his own business. Shrek Academy has no reason to care.

In class, facing a class in the lecture theater, more than 500 freshmen looked with scorching, pious gazes like the gods of the Han Dynasty. Huo Yuhao couldn't help but sigh. The concept of the old era was deeply rooted in people's hearts. Having soul power was like the ancient scholars in reality. No matter how poor they were, they were superior to others in the eyes of others.

Even in modern times, Chinese people still have a strong obsession with scholars and college students, and academic qualifications often become an important criterion for measuring a person's value.

But in reality, rotten Confucian students can be transformed into today's university graduates and qualified industrial workers by changing the content of their studies. After all, in the final analysis, this is still a matter of pride in knowledge.

But on Douluo's side, the concept of being proud of having soul power is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Huo Yuhao has already anticipated that professional courses in science and cultural knowledge such as mathematics, physics, and chemistry will be left out in the future. I am afraid that most ordinary people will gain soul power. After gaining strength, they will regard physical education and magic classes as their compulsory courses, and I am afraid that cultural classes can be escaped as soon as possible.

Changes in concepts cannot be completed in one or two generations. Huo Yuhao put down his unreasonable sighs, cleared his throat, and started his own course: "Everyone gathers here because they want to gain soul power, so I won't do it either. No more nonsense, let me directly explain to you how to adjust the meridians in the body and gain soul power.

First of all, everyone needs to be clear that meridians, for us, are like organs like teeth, ears, nose, and mouth. To explain it more vividly, meridians are more similar to blood vessels and nerves.

It is densely distributed throughout our body and spreads in the body in the form of lines. However, after the human body dies, it is difficult to find these lines through dissection, because they are just like the Dantian, between existence and non-existence.

But there is no doubt that meridians, like blood vessels and nerves, will be arranged differently as our bodies develop. You can observe your palms and compare them with others. Compare the vein patterns on the back of each hand. It is not difficult to find that the blood vessels of different people are almost never exactly the same.

This is the reason why some people can become soul masters, while others are unable to do so.

Those who can become soul masters have naturally wider and neater meridians in their bodies, which can be developed even if they don't pay attention to acquired training.

But everyone here is different. Everyone who is over six years old must know very well that they do not have soul power. But it is not irremediable. Compared with our body, meridians take longer to develop, and it can even reach 30 years old at the latest. This is also the fastest time for a soul master to advance in level, usually between the ages of seventeen or eighteen to thirty.

This stage is like adolescence for the meridians in the body, and is the fastest growing stage.

For thousands of years, after being diagnosed as having no soul power at the age of six, everyone almost gave up hope and had to give up their fantasies and work hard for real life.

Heavy physical labor and irregular use of the body have resulted in the meridians not only not being well developed and corrected at this stage, but becoming more deformed, making it even more impossible to give birth to soul power.

After the soul master awakened his soul power, he used his soul power to flush his meridians all the time. During the period of rapid development of his meridians in his twenties, he gave good guidance to his body, so his cultivation also improved. Higher and higher.

Although you do not have soul power to guide you, you can still correct your own meridians through standard and consistent exercise. After it is corrected to a certain extent, the soul power can flow through the meridians.

You can then rely on your credits. Apply to all the soul master mentors in the academy. Provide guidance for your meridians and speed up your learning and progress.

On the screen are the specific assessment details of the credits. After class, the study group leaders of each group will come to me to get the forms and distribute them. Remember, if you have more tutoring time, you will get more credits. "

Huo Yuhao had racked his brains in order to allow these guys who only longed for soul power to learn scientific and cultural knowledge. It is difficult to get them to come to class through rigid requirements.

This can be seen from how unruly primary school students and junior high school students are. They don't care about grades and have no pressure to survive. Apart from looking for parents, it is difficult for teachers to control them. The rules created in this way make it difficult to mobilize students' subjective initiative in learning.

In contrast, as students grow older and realize the significance of scores to themselves, various incentive mechanisms within the school can gradually stimulate students to study hard independently.

Huo Yuhao set the credits for scientific and cultural knowledge very high, and the exams were also very strict. If you can't pass the exam, you won't get a single point, forcing these students who need credits to apply for meridian tutoring to learn really useful knowledge.

After giving a basic overview of the course, Huo Yuhao began to explain in detail how each movement exercises the meridians. Although the meridians building class is a physical education class that requires a lot of exercise, the theoretical knowledge that needs to be learned is also quite large.

Everyone's meridians are different, and so are the methods of exercise. Huo Yuhao cannot have the energy to design a unique set of exercise methods for everyone. He can only explain how to exercise to grow which meridians, and the functions of these meridians. , and then let the students design their own exercise regimen.

The design of this plan gives many students who come into contact with it for the first time an extremely headache. Everyone's body is different, and it is impossible to copy homework. And they have always lived as mortals and are attached to the lord's territory. Rarely engages in independent thinking. It was quite painful for me to plan things for myself in such detail for the first time.

Huo Yuhao showed no mercy to them. He just wanted to recall the vast amount of knowledge in his mind. And the process of integrating them. Just a little mercy, these people have no thoughts. In comparison, he is the one who is the most tired of learning.

God Realm... Tang San frowned at Huo Yuhao's behavior, and many questions appeared in his mind. Although the little brother he chose was extremely talented, there seemed to be something wrong with his brain.

What is the point of cultivating mortals with such great effort? In his eyes, these mortals are fragile. Through Ma Huayun's performance, Tang San has basically estimated the limit of this system. Even among mortals, those with better talents, if they cannot awaken at the age of six, can only cultivate to the realm of a great soul master by relying on this method. This requires his first soul ring to be extremely compatible with himself.

For Titled Douluo, there is not much difference between 100 ordinary people and 100 soul masters with tenth-level soul power. For the gods, it is even more so. As for those new spells, Tang San is even more dismissive. Enhanced vision, enhanced concentration, and enhanced dynamic reaction ability are all instincts for him. As long as he keeps practicing, these enhancements will be obtained sooner or later. Why develop special spells?

But he obviously made a very classic mistake. Let's make a simple analogy. Humans can walk on land. Why build cars? In the earliest days, cars were not as fast as people.

Although Tang San didn't quite understand what Huo Yuhao wanted to do. But after a period of observation, he found that this matter seemed to be beneficial to him. There was not much difference between 100 one-ring soul masters and 100 ordinary people fighting each other.

But the faith of 100 one-ring soul masters is much greater than that of 100 ordinary people. If all the people on the continent can become one-ring soul masters, the power of faith received by the God Realm will become extremely huge, even enough to allow him to break through the current realm.

This is definitely a good thing. As long as these people still remember their awe of God after obtaining soul power, he can rise to prominence all the way. Transcend the existing realm.

After realizing that he might be able to break through a higher level with the help of the agents he cultivated, his attitude towards his own Huo Yuhao's messing around in the human world gradually changed from vigilance to indulgence. Such behavior can also benefit other gods, so almost no one tried to interfere with Huo Yuhao's development.

There was only one guy who seemed very anxious, this guy in the human world. Various actions were too obvious, and he was definitely a traverser, but the current situation in the God Realm seemed to have no way to deal with this guy!

[To be continued]

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