Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1583 Reincarnation of the left eye and reincarnation of the right eye

When someone in the God Realm highly suspected that Huo Yuhao was a time traveler, a guy who looked more like a time traveler arrived!

"Holding the sun and the moon and picking the stars! There is no one like me in the world! Hahahaha!" Chuuji's laughter startled a crowd of birds. In the Star Forest, a young man wearing a Konoha forehead protector and dressed as a genin opened his eyes. When he opened his eyes, he saw that one eye was as bright as a star, and the other eye was spiraling like a deep valley.

It was Liu Tianxin who appeared here. The progress of the Naruto world was much faster than he imagined. The main reason was that after he obtained the reincarnation eye, his own fighting ability was enhanced, surpassing most so-called Kage levels, allowing him to Easier access to resources.

Relying on Minato's favor in Konoha Village, he got the opportunity to go to Mount Myoboku to practice, mastered the sage mode, and dressed up as Nohara Rin, tricked Obito into coming out, deducted a Sharingan and ran away, making Mirai angry. The big boss: One Buddha was born, two Buddhas ascended to heaven, and three corpses jumped violently, vowing to beat the shit out of Liu Tianxin.

Others had no way to deal with Obito's virtualization, but the reincarnated eye already had powerful spatial abilities. After several fights, they deceived Obito's Kamui space coordinates. He hid in the Kamui space, and Liu Tianxin went to beat him in the Kamui space. He ran back to reality, and there was also a clone waiting in reality.

In a head-on battle, Obito was far from Liu Tianxin's opponent at this time, and was beaten into a pig's head.

Liu Tianxin at this time, basically only Madara and Hashirama can cure him. Hashirama has already burped, and the reincarnation of the dirty earth has not yet been fully developed. There is no need to worry about being slapped by thousands of hands on top and transformed into a Buddha. Madara I am also in a half-dead state, and the complete Susana will never be used. Liu Tianxin estimates that he can briefly claim to be invincible in the ninja world for a period of time.

So he followed the clues and found the lair of the Akatsuki organization. He made a big fuss, grabbed Nagato's reincarnation eye, resisted the heretic demon and ran away. Now the Akatsuki organization was in a hurry, but Liu Tianxin's space teleportation ran too fast. Liu Tianxin can only be wanted across the continent.

Liu Tianxin, who had snatched away the heretic demon statue, sensed it and found that some of the power of the tailed beasts had been thoughtfully collected inside. Although they were not complete, as long as one tail was collected from each tailed beast, it would be enough to synthesize ten tails. , using the power of a weakened version of the Ten-Tails Jinchūriki.

It just so happens that he has the most difficult half of the Nine-Tails in his body. He goes to other ninja villages to steal wool, and is accused by the major tailed beasts. The tail thief is notorious in the ninja world. Ichibi strongly condemns this behavior of stealing tails! Everyone else has so many tails, it doesn't matter if one is missing, but he only has one!

It turns out that the tail of the One-Tailed Shukaku was big enough, and Liu Tianxin just shaved off the hair on his tail to get enough chakra to fuse with the Ten-Tails.

After collecting all the chakra of the nine tailed beasts, the synthesis of the fake and inferior version of the Ten-Tails begins. Because there are half of the Nine Tails, although the fake Ten-Tails is weaker than the original version, it is not much weaker.

Liu Tianxin synthesized the Ten-Tails quietly, and seeing that it was successful, Black Zetsu and White Zetsu felt that something was not good. They considered controlling Liu Tianxin first and trying to see if they could directly use his body to resurrect their mother Kaguya. As a result, Liu Tianxin gave him a beating. They could control chakra but not soul power. The tricks they prepared for Madara Uchiha didn't work, but he was beaten into a pig's head.

Liu Tianxin estimated that there was nothing left to search for in this world, so he returned to Douluo with Ten-Tails and Wang Qiu'er, who had just turned into a bad habit.

The heretic golem was stolen, and the Akatsuki organization fell into confusion. It seemed that the plan to make the world feel pain had been ruined. The ninja world seemed to be heading towards peace, but conflicts were still brewing. Liu Tianxin did not take it upon himself to give the ninja world more freedom. Change, and no villain was actually killed.

On the surface, the disaster in the ninja world is a conspiracy secretly planned by a few careerists for many years. But looking beyond the appearance to look at the essence, it is actually caused by the uneven economic development of various countries, coupled with the rise of nationalism, and the hostility that has been incited by various countries for a long time. It is caused by regular venting to good control.

The so-called careerists just triggered the general outbreak of this round of social conflicts. Even if they are solved, if the existing system, the way of wealth distribution, and the people's divisive ideas are not changed, war will still break out, and even It will be more tragic than in the original work.

But these were not Liu Tianxin's business. He threw a bunch of books about productivity and production relations to Minato, and the rest was left to the fate of the people in this world.

It is precisely because he has done so many things in just a few years that Yake is so proud of his return to Douluo.

As for the previous plan to dig down and explore the dragon veins, it was indeed successful. He signed a contract with the hazy will of the planet, and he can use huge chakra within the scope of the planet's gravitational field. This is why he can synthesize the ten tails when the chakra of the major tailed beasts is incomplete. Not much worse.

The missing chakra was all made up by himself. Compared to the huge amount of chakra contained in the planet's earth, the little chakra in the Ten-Tails' body was just a drizzle.

However, this power can only be used within the gravitational field of the planet. After leaving the planet, Liu Tianxin can only continue to use the power of the Ten Tails obediently.

In general, the combat power Liu Tianxin brought back can probably be used to beat the main god with one hand, but when it comes to dealing with the supreme god, it is still far behind. It is basically equivalent to the full version of the poison that does not use the Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion. .

Precisely because he understood his own strength, Liu Tianxin did not release his huge chakra except bragging loudly to the forest when he came back. This was the most unsuitable time to attract the attention of the gods, otherwise, he would definitely be Dimensionality reduction attack.

After returning to this familiar planet, Liu Tianxin became slightly familiar with the situation here. Although I had some phone calls with Cheng Ying before and knew a little bit about the situation here, I still couldn't help but feel happy when I saw Huo Yuhao causing trouble there and teaching a new spell system in the school.

"Tsk tsk! Do you expect your students to spontaneously organize themselves to resist the brutal rule of the feudal landlord class after they learn the skills? This idea is too naive.

Even if you take 100 ideological and political classes, it is impossible for these ordinary people to spontaneously resist the rule of conservative forces unless they realize that their vital interests are threatened.

Revolution requires bloodshed! If you look like this, not many people are willing to bleed for the new social system!

Well... And the biggest problem is that we only think about destroying the old system without considering how to build a new system after the destruction. This will only bring greater chaos and allow some careerists to profit from the case.

It seems that among the knowledge left for you, you only have a thorough understanding of the natural sciences, but not the humanities and society at all! Otherwise, there would be no such thing as a peasant uprising.

Forget it, let me intervene too! It's just a conscious body anyway, so it doesn't matter if you die here. Hmm... Let me think about it. I need some knowledgeable proletarians. Let me take a look! This workers' sanatorium should be good. "

Liu Tianxin took the satellite map and checked the location of the so-called workers' sanatorium. A large number of workers who had to retire early live here, but their treatment is not good. They say they are recuperating, but in fact all they get is a bowl of gruel at the door every day.

These people will be forced to retire early, no doubt because they suffered irreversible damage during the production process. Some people have broken a finger and cannot continue to perform precise operations, and some people have suffered high temperatures in their eyes. Due to gas damage, vision drops to an extremely low level, and you can only see clearly by sticking to the surface of an object.

What's even more unlucky may be that the entire arm disappeared and was caught in the machine. In short, there are basically a group of disabled people here. Those who are not disabled are basically suffering from incurable diseases.

This group of people has no value to the factory. Opening a so-called sanatorium is just to show off and attract more workers to join the factory.

These people who have suffered serious physical injuries due to work are exactly what Liu Tianxin needs. Those who can join the factory and undergo strict screening must be those with higher knowledge levels among ordinary people.

And being able to receive a bowl of porridge in a nursing home means that their status in the factory is actually not low and they belong to the category of technical talents. Otherwise, they are not even qualified to receive a bowl of porridge here and will be kicked out directly. After leaving the factory, pack up and leave.

This group of people are knowledgeable, can at least read and write, have experienced a complete advanced vocational and technical college education, and have achieved very good high scores after the final exam.

Although most of the courses taught in the college were vocational skills, Ma Huayun was forced to include cultural courses in the assessment due to pressure from Yake. In a sense, these workers who were disabled due to industrial accidents He can be regarded as an intellectual in this world.

Moreover, their ideological consciousness has been tested in practice. They have experienced being valued in factories and being easily abandoned after losing their effectiveness. They have not received the treatment they deserve. These people have a clear understanding of the face of capitalists. , so in the process of future revolution, it will have its own motivation, and it will also not have sympathy for some seemingly kind-hearted capitalists and big landowners.

Simple ideological education can make them understand that there are good people and bad people in every class of society, but good people and bad people are evaluated based on the old moral standards, and the old moral standards are set by the old vested interest class. , in the new era, new moral standards are also needed. A new morality that is consistent with new productivity and production relations is needed.

Another very important point is that the disabilities of these people are not a problem at all for Liu Tianxin, even those who are missing arms and legs have been amputated for a long time. It can also be saved.

On the one hand, this can improve their work efficiency, and at the same time, it can also increase their cohesion.

As for the individual fighting ability of these people, that is the least important. Liu Tianxin found them and asked them not to fight, but to engage in social activities.

The so-called social activities do not mean setting up a high platform and then giving a lecture on a new theory of a new party, or finding a group of people to pull into a classroom and brainwash them like a pyramid scheme.

Social activities are to conduct extensive social surveys to understand what people of this era need. Through questionnaires, interviews, etc., we can understand various industries, ask them for their views on certain matters, find problems in various industries, and formulate solutions. .

In short, social investigation is not to encourage the masses to do something for themselves, but to consider what they can do for the masses to win their support. This is a process of governance. After detailed investigation, a governance plan is formulated. strategies, and find ways to obtain the right to govern, improve the local economic and political environment, achieve more efficient use of labor and materials, and more fairly distribute production means and wealth.

If successful, such prosperity will continue to spread driven by public opinion, and the areas controlled by these people who carry out social activities can be called base areas.

At this time, the twenty-one young people in uniforms with healthy hands and feet standing in front of Liu Tianxin were listening to his lecture: "What you have to do is not to look at the public from above, but to integrate into them. Standing there See things from their perspective.

When making plans, you must consider how to mobilize the enthusiasm of the people. For example, if you were stopped on the road and asked to fill out a questionnaire, most people would think it was a waste of time and meaningless.

If you fill out a questionnaire and you can get a piece of candy or an egg as reward, then many people will be willing to actively face the questionnaire you give.

But you must be careful when conducting such investigations, because the things you distribute are actually affecting other people, such as those who sell eggs and sugar in the market. How to deal with the relationship with them? You should also think carefully about avoiding conflicts while paying less cost. "

Twenty-one people all nodded, indicating that they understood. In fact, they may have thought more about these aspects than Liu Tian. As grassroots workers, they are very suitable because they are from the grassroots themselves and understand these very well. What do the ordinary people of Shengdou think about every day just to have a full meal?

The only difference between now and before is that they have to count more people’s thoughts. Then summarize the data, use more scientific methods to formulate strategies, and find ways to make this society operate more efficiently.

As for Liu Tianxin...he is fighting for these people's right to govern. Social investigations can be conducted in peace, but the transfer of governance power must be obtained through the deterrence of force. The so-called political power comes from the barrel of a gun. This principle.

Liu Tianxin is the earliest armed force of this organization, but he will never be the only armed force in the future.

At this time, in front of him, the Lord of Tiandou City showed a troubled expression. Facing the strong pressure, even though he was a titleholder, Douluo couldn't help but shed cold sweat on his forehead.

[To be continued]

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