Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,584 Tiandou City’s Autonomy

As the most powerful person in the world, a Titled Douluo rarely feels fear, especially when the one in front of him is a Space System Titled Douluo with great potential, who occupies an important position as the Lord of Tiandou City.

Even when facing most super Douluo, he could deal with it calmly, but the one in front of him gave him a breathless pressure just by standing in front of him.

Liu Tianxin's soul power was not very strong. In his perception, it was only level 20, but the energy contained in his body was devastating. Driven by this huge energy, it blooms uncontrollably, and the entire city may be wiped out.

"May I ask your Excellency, what are you doing this time?" Time Douluo asked bravely.

"It's not a big deal, but I have a few people who are interning in Tiandou City, and I don't want some blind guys to trouble them." He said and took out a badge with rice ears wrapped around a wrench. I mean, his Everyone wears this badge.

After saying that, Liu Tianxin left. His existence was enough to protect the safety of these social investigations. Does he still have many things to do now? I don't intend to waste time with this guy in front of me.

In Tiandou City, the twenty-one earliest members of the Party of Order began to investigate the social structure in Tiandou City. The results of the survey were surprising. In cities, more than 80% of the population needs to engage in various types of labor, but less than 30% of them are engaged in handicrafts, and the remaining 50% are all engaged in the service industry.

This social system has been seriously deformed. The society has not yet been industrialized, and the Internet has not yet appeared. The working population has begun to transform into the tertiary industry. This is obviously abnormal. You can know with your toes that what these people serve The target must be the vast number of soul masters.

However, in social surveys, you are not allowed to think with your toes. Even the most obvious things must be investigated and the data summarized before conclusions can be drawn. On the one hand, this may reveal some hidden problems in life, and on the other hand, it is possible to find some hidden problems in life. It can also prevent future generations from using this as a precedent to carry out some illegal operations.

Order is established step by step in this way. If the person who established the order can maintain the order throughout his life, then it will be much more difficult for the successors to break the order and solidify the class.

"Well... there are so many people engaged in the service industry, it will be very troublesome to liberate productivity!" Liu Tianxin felt that the situation in front of him was a bit tricky. If most people were engaged in agriculture and handicrafts, then the problem would be easier to solve.

Relying on the deterrence of force and cleaning up the gangsters in the city. If they obey the command, the consumption of logistics and other operations can be greatly reduced. Unified management can greatly reduce the price and at the same time improve the quality of life of the soul masters and ordinary people in the city. This Not only can the majority of mortals recognize the actions of the Party of Order, but it can also win over a group of soul masters and reduce their resistance, so that social transformation can be carried out in a subtle way.

But in the current situation, most people are engaged in the service industry. If we want them to get out of their current industries and invest in production activities, it will inevitably cause the soul masters to feel that the services they receive are not adequate and the quality of life has declined. , which is likely to intensify conflicts first.

What Liu Tianxin needs is not to clash with the soul masters of Tiandou City right now. What he wants is to train a group of grassroots officials through a lot of social practice so that they can learn how to establish social order and how to plan so that society can be better. Efficient operation.

If Liu Tianxin really wanted to suppress the soul masters in Order Tiandou City, he could suppress them by himself, but that would have no effect on training talents.

Faced with the large number of ordinary people engaged in the industry of serving soul masters, Liu Tianxin's first batch of administrative team members came up with a plan that could barely solve the existing problems, which was to standardize the low-end service industry in Tiandou City. Rectification.

Just like transforming into a chain hotel, these relatively low-end service places should be transformed in a unified way. In this way, the construction supplies and industrial products they use can all have unified specifications.

On the one hand, this can improve service quality, and on the other hand, it can also reduce the cost of the supply chain. Although this does not liberate those engaged in the service industry from heavy work, it does indeed relieve the craftsmen who are busy in these service industries. , freeing up time to devote your productivity to other aspects.

Consumables of uniform specifications can be produced in an assembly line using a series of machinery and a small amount of labor, reducing labor consumption and liberating productivity.

However, there are also a series of other problems in this process. If it is just the whim of a time traveler, although it can objectively save manpower, it will also expose many social problems.

For example, how should the craftsmen who originally provided goods to those service places survive after losing their regular buyers? This is something that a city leader must consider.

The rulers of this feudal era would never care about the affairs of these ordinary people. Therefore, after the administrative team gave the plan, Liu Tianxin patiently explained the problems of the plan to them and asked them to deal with unemployment. Arrangements for re-employment of craftsmen.

Now we are busy again. The same problem is often encountered in our daily life. For example, we need to cook rice, stir-fry vegetables, and make soup at the same time. How should we arrange the order of processing ingredients and cooking so that we can cook in the shortest time? Complete the task most efficiently.

The administrative team actually faces similar problems, but what needs to be considered is much more complicated. The relationship between people is also much more complicated than the process of cooking ingredients, which only relies on the knowledge in books. It is not enough to master the skills of formulating policies.

The opportunity to practice in front of him is very precious, and Liu Tianxin will naturally not rely on his own power and past experience to destroy these young people's opportunities to practice.

After more than 20 people had their plans rejected more than a dozen times, they finally came up with a plan that satisfied Liu Tianxin. However, just when these people asked how to implement it, they were stopped by Liu Tianxin.

"You haven't learned to walk yet, so you are thinking about how to run away. You are too anxious. There are only 21 people. You are too exhausted to manage a city. If you want to effectively manage a city with a million people, At least 100 times more people are needed to participate. You still have a lot to learn now.

For example, how to manage your subordinates and how to allocate tasks so that everyone can play their role and achieve the most perfect results. If you do everything yourself, even if you are a titled Douluo of the spiritual system, you will be exhausted to the point of brain death.

Just in time, more than a hundred juniors have joined. You take them to be responsible for purchasing vegetables in Tiandou City. My request is to reduce the price of vegetables in Tiandou City by 5% within a month, and to ensure that vegetable farmers , vegetable vendors, and transporters will not suffer any loss in their interests. As for where the five percent of the price comes from, you can think about it yourself.

If necessary, armed support can be used, and I will give you partial mobilization authority of the security team. "

Members of the administrative team who thought they were going to be managed by the city suddenly wilted when they heard that they were doing something as unqualified as selling vegetables.

But after they took 100 juniors with them and really started social investigation, they found out in a hurry that they couldn't even sell vegetables now. Although ordinary people in this era are cowardly in front of the soul master, they all They are unruly people, and when it comes to their own interests, they simply refuse to give up any ground. The administrative team is not allowed to threaten these ordinary people, resulting in a lot of work that cannot be carried out at all.

The threats of force from the upper levels were blocked by Liu Tianxin alone. Their current work still cannot be carried out. Obviously there are problems with the methods. Liu Tianxin will not provide further support because the long-term working environment in the future will be like this. They We must adapt. When our own interests are infringed, everyone is a cunning person. This has nothing to do with cultural level and status. It is a person's self-interested instinct. How to deal with these cunning people is a required course for these grassroots workers.

As for the other side, the security team is also undergoing intensive training. These people are graduates of the new magic major. Rather than becoming parts of the soul guidance factory, they want to show their combat effectiveness.

From Liu Tianxin's point of view, these people's thoughts are unqualified, and they still put personal force in an extremely important position. This kind of thinking is not advisable in a modern society.

However, even he must compromise with reality. Not through special means. The only members who can be recruited to voluntarily join the security team of the Party of Order are ordinary people who are full of ideas about improving their personal strength.

Therefore, before conducting exposition literacy training, these people need to take the lead in passing ideological education. Liu Tianxin does not expect them to have high ideological awareness for the time being. It is enough for them to memorize the contents of the textbooks and recite them proficiently.

When studying, they may not think too much, just memorize and complete the task. But when they encounter problems in reality and injustice in society, they can't help but start thinking, and then unconsciously apply the knowledge they learned in class.

Sometimes they will discover for themselves the different classes that exist in this society and the exploitative relationships between different classes. At the same time, they will also realize what is maintaining the stability of this society and what is stopping them from being mortals in society. The promotion of status has formed the solidification of class for thousands of years.

As they think about it, these people will soon realize the crisis they are facing now. If they and even their descendants are completely deprived of the extraordinary crisis.

In fact, the second part of Douluo has already shown this crisis very implicitly. The number of civilian soul masters has begun to become less and less as time goes by. In the first part, there is also Lanba Academy, a top academy that only recruits civilian students and can cultivate many outstanding talents.

In the second part, civilians rarely appear. Jiang Nannan, the only civilian soul master, once had to sell his virginity to a big family because of his poor family. Even if he became one of the Shrek Seven Monsters, he would have great strength. , the final outcome was also absorbed by the soul master family and married into the Xu family.

In the third part, this point is even more obvious. From the description of the gorgeous appearance of the Shrek Academy students at the yacht banquet, it is not difficult to see that almost every soul master in this era is a handsome man and a beautiful woman.

If you look at it purely from a probability perspective, this is actually unreasonable. The probability of ugly people appearing among soul masters should be the same as the probability of ugly people appearing among ordinary people.

But considering the social situation of this era, this phenomenon is easy to explain. Ordinary people who become soul masters are often driven by various interests to join soul master families, so that their soul master genes will converge. Among soul master families, it is difficult for ordinary people to find soul master wives. Their genes will be screened from generation to generation, making it increasingly difficult for ordinary people to emerge.

And the appearance of soul masters is generally handsome, which is easier to explain. The talent and status of soul masters make them qualified to find handsome spouses and leave their handsome genes in their own bloodline for the next generation. Among ordinary people, soul masters can be found Spouses are basically only good-looking ones.

As a result, handsome genes will be enriched towards soul masters from generation to generation, and the genes of ordinary people will become more and more weak and ugly through the selection of generations. Perhaps in tens of thousands of years, they will become completely different from those of soul masters. into two species.

If it were another world, there might be no need to worry about this kind of problem. Society is developing, technology is progressing, and some genetic defects can be solved through transformation and adjustment. Which gene fragments you want and which gene fragments you don't want can be modified and adjusted at the fertilized egg stage.

But Douluo...

In this world where society has basically not developed in 10,000 years, it is true that ordinary people and soul masters will gradually become two species because of the genetic gap from generation to generation.

People who have received systematic education in scientific and cultural knowledge will gradually realize the major problems in their own society when they encounter problems in life and think about them. They will also realize that their own position may lead to their own problems. The descendants will become the eliminated inferior race.

In this era, forced by various social problems, they may still not have a high level of ideological consciousness, but the driving force to promote this social revolution and change the existing social status of solidified classes is still in their hearts bit by bit. breed out.

It is because of this weak motivation and the stimulation of generous rewards that these mortals who have mastered new spells work very hard on the training ground.

In front of them were some gunpowder weapons that were not very high-tech. What they had to do now was to become familiar with the use of these weapons, and to be familiar with how Gan coordinated the weapons with his new spells.

[To be continued]

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