Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1585 Motorized Cavalry Charge

The weapons that the security team needs to master are not very high-tech, they are the most common gunpowder weapons and well-known firearms whose performance has been verified in various ways.

Structurally, Liu Tianxin made few changes. It basically copies the structure on the earth. It's not that there is no higher level of technology, but that firearms that use gunpowder as energy should look like this. Additional designs will actually reduce combat effectiveness.

It's like human beings have developed for countless years. The form of axes, crowbars, these most basic tools have not changed much. Even if technology has developed further, no one has added axes to the handles. An automatic swinging device would make it difficult to hold the axe, making it impossible to fulfill the original function of the tool.

Compared with bows and arrows, firearms are much less difficult to learn. For those who have mastered a certain amount of extraordinary power, it is even easier. Each of them is a graduate of the new magic major.

In order to adjust the growth of meridians in the body and allow them to have a relatively regular and wide meridian network, which is enough to accommodate more spells, they are very strict about their body balance training, which results in them not only having well-proportioned muscles, but also It has good balance and can still hold the muzzle of the gun relatively steadily while running.

This kind of physical ability allowed them to master the use of these firearms in a short period of time. As the saying goes, armed with sharp weapons, the desire to kill comes naturally. There is no target for them to kill here, but it is difficult for young people to have the desire to destroy after getting weapons. Under control.

The surrounding trees suffered damage, and were beaten up and down under their point settings. However, this kind of undisciplined behavior was quickly punished, and some undisciplined members were directly kicked out of the security team. the sequence of.

As for those members with more flexible minds, they began to think about how to use the weapons in their hands more efficiently.

Wu Fan is one of those who think carefully. Due to the limited talents of ordinary people in terms of soul power, they cannot master almost all new spells like Huo Yuhao.

The soul power of less than ten levels and the incomplete vein system in the body are enough for them to master 3 to 10 new spells at most. Most graduates will first choose 2 to 3 new spells and burn them into their own meridians. With exercise, once the meridians have grown, they cannot be changed. Making a rash choice is something that no one will try.

The two new spells Wu Fan chose were dynamic visual enhancement and eagle eye. Although he had received sufficient ideological education, he had not yet experienced injustice in society, and he still had a heart to pursue personal strength.

The route he originally wanted to try was to become an archer. These two spells are very suitable for archers. The Eagle Eye spell allows him to lock on to farther targets, and the dynamic vision enhancement requires sacrificing static vision. Let the brain enter and exit the computing space, but it can lock on those high-speed moving soul masters.

Under the aiming of bows and arrows, few people would choose to stay still. In this way, the cooperation of the two spells can pose a considerable threat to low-level soul masters within a range of 30~50m.

With ordinary bows and arrows, these soul masters can rely on their own strong strength to dodge, but if the shooter has strong dynamic vision, dodge will become an extremely difficult thing. Now, the weapons in Wu Fan's hands never require long-term practice. The bow and arrow turned into a firearm that can be mastered quickly. This is simply an unexpected surprise.

Even if he does not have the assistance of magic now, using an assault rifle, he can suppress most soul masters below the soul master within a range of twenty to two hundred meters.

And with the help of two simple spells that cost very little, it might be difficult for the Soul King to take advantage at the above distance. If two or three people cooperate to block the possibility of evasion, then unless the enemy has powerful defensive soul skills or is strong enough to be immune to bullet attacks, it will be difficult to escape unscathed.

After he had these ideas, as expected, Liu Tianxin began to explain the true use of these weapons. Just as he imagined, the most suitable combination with firearms is dynamic vision and eagle eye skills, but as an instructor, Liu Tianxin also made certain supplements. For example, some people were asked to add the spell of infrared vision, and they were demonstrated to everyone how this spell can find enemies in the dark and how to find the location of enemies hidden behind bunkers.

The security team only needs some people to master this skill. They are just armed forces to maintain public security. The weapons they are equipped with will mainly be pistols. They are mainly responsible for maintaining security in complex urban terrain.

The intensity of the conflict they faced was not very high, so Liu Tianxin recommended that they choose spells that were more suitable for self-protection, such as armor spells, which actually adsorbed pieces of ceramic armor to their skin. Compared with Ordinary armor, this kind of defense is more flexible, will not affect the movement, and can be quickly replenished after the defense is broken, because each armor is magnetically adsorbed and can flow between each other.

When the ceramic armor is broken, it will absorb a large amount of kinetic energy during the attack. It is very suitable for defense in complex urban terrain. Users can dynamically adjust the focus of their defense. Compared with relatively bulky body armor, it is more suitable for dealing with souls. division attack.

As for the equipment of the Army of Order, people from the security team have no authority to use it. Compared with the security group, the Army of Order is an out-and-out military organization and the strongest force in the country to maintain the operation of the violent machine. The examination of ideological consciousness is the most stringent. Only those who are considered to have truly understood the program of the Party of Order after passing the assessment can Will be selected to join the Army of Order.

Each of these people understands what kind of society they want to build, and they can also clearly understand the various contradictions that exist in today's society.

After a day of training, the security team had the opportunity to observe the training process of the Army of Order.

In the hands of the Army of Order, they have the same firearms as them, but they use semi-automatic firearms that the security team is not allowed to use except in emergencies.

As for the biggest difference between the two sides, probably the Army of Order has its own vehicles.

Considering Douluo's poor road conditions, the current single mount of the Order Army is a light off-road motorcycle. Under normal circumstances, this type of vehicle will not appear on the frontal battlefield.

No one would ride a motorcycle and hold a gun with one hand, galloping around the battlefield. The powerful recoil would make it impossible for his hand to hold the gun, knowing that he would not be able to hit anything, and the other hand would also be hit because of the recoil. It was difficult to hold the steering wheel and plunged into the ditch.

But Douluo's situation is different. With the assistance of extraordinary power, it becomes possible to fight while driving a vehicle.

On the one hand, the cars they drive are equipped with simple smart programs. Even if their hands are off the grip, they can control the steering of the motorcycle by tilting their bodies left and right, and the intelligent program will assist them in maintaining balance to ensure that they do not fall while driving.

This is actually not too difficult. In fact, there are already motorcycles on earth that can park intelligently.

If you can hold a gun with both hands on a high-speed motorcycle, and use the eagle eye technique and dynamic vision enhancement, you can achieve a very good combination effect, and you can maintain a considerable hit rate during the high-speed charge.

But this is not the most important reason why Liu Tianxin chose to equip these soldiers with motorcycles. Although high-speed movement will make the target more difficult to aim, the larger size of the vehicle is also a risk. Facing the traps on the ground, It is also more likely to be ambushed.

What really made him choose this tactic was electromagnetic remote control among many new spell systems. This simple spell allows the caster to control the operation of machinery more flexibly than a remote control without using a remote control. As long as The parts inside the machine are sensitive enough. They can control the machine just like their own body.

This allows them to simply control the flight trajectory of the rocket in the air. They only need to add a motor to the tail of the rocket, and then slightly change the aerodynamic shape of the rocket, allowing them to fly like a drone. Once a certain amount of lift is obtained, it can transform from an ordinary rocket into a missile.

These missiles have become the elite of the Army of Order and are the prerequisite for group charges.

The most feared thing about this kind of group charge is that the enemy's firepower will launch a covering attack on the group. Under high-speed hedging, even flying props that are not particularly fast can cause horrific damage.

Although soul masters are not particularly good at long-range attacks, there are still many soul masters who possess soul skills similar to rapid-fire weapons. These soul skills can cause huge damage to charging soldiers on the battlefield.

But if the soldiers are accompanied by missiles controlled by them, that's another matter.

During the charge, the soldiers carried some rockets on their bodies to deal with emergencies. As they accelerated, a round of rockets was also fired from behind.

As the rocket accelerates, it will overtake the charging swarm in the air.

The knights need to be responsible for guiding their own rockets, and in the process of approaching the enemy, they need to first point out the enemy's fire points.

Wherever you belong, you won't click on it, and wherever the enemy is difficult, a large number of rockets will be directed to focus the fire. This is just the beginning. The knights themselves also carry rockets. If they encounter an enemy that requires stronger firepower to break through, At the defense line, they can also release the rockets they carry with them to form a double strike with the rockets guided behind them. If they are trained skillfully enough, they can hit two rounds of rockets. At the same time, they fell into the enemy's position.

This is really the case when these people are not proficient in their own battery remote control capabilities. If they can, distract and use more, the rear can provide more intense fire support for each knight.

If there are more than a dozen rockets cruising behind a rider at the same time, then during the charge, he can guide the rockets behind him like using the infinite sword system. When he encounters an enemy, he can guide a warhead to smash them. When the enemy falls, a dozen well-trained cavalry charges can produce the effect of thousands of troops.

They can use a large number of cheap rockets to function as precision-guided missiles, tearing apart the enemy's defenses like a sharp knife.

There was no defense in Liu Tianxin's tactics. Attack was the best defense. Even if his opponent suddenly became enlightened and resorted to such deceptive tactics as trench warfare, he was ready.

Based on Huo Yuhao's new spell, some development was carried out and a simple new spell was created, called road solidification. That is, when encountering uneven areas, you can briefly solidify the suspended position under your feet and use your soul power to save it. A smooth road.

It is also a low-cost spell, but it can allow the cavalry to directly penetrate the enemy's trench defense line, move in, remove all firepower points hidden in the defense line, and cover the follow-up infantry breakthrough.

Of course, such a battle requires a strict command system. After the charge is launched, the execution time of each round of tactical instructions needs to be accurate to the second. If the charging cavalry finally knocks out the enemy's firepower, the follow-up troops will not be able to If the enemy's firepower is restored by following up the occupation, then the problem is not only that the cavalry rushes in vain, but also that the vulnerable back is exposed to the enemy's defense line, and the consequences will be extremely serious.

Of course, they can also choose to charge directly towards the enemy commander, if they can kill the general and capture the flag. With the ability to control the army in the feudal era, it was basically possible to defeat them all at once.

It's a pity that the generals of this era are definitely not weak in personal combat effectiveness. Without the fire suppression of follow-up troops, if they rely on cavalry attacks to kill them directly, they will undoubtedly pay huge casualties. Only the knights who are least afraid of death dare to carry out such a Stupid tactics.

At present, these knights in training are still very immature. The commanders trained by Liu Tianxin coordinate everyone's actions through electromagnetic communication. However, it is obviously difficult to be distracted and multi-purpose, which makes the process of rocket attack difficult. Arriving at the same time, reaching a sufficiently dense firepower density.

The other knights are not very skilled in the control of electromagnetic communication, and often cause the rockets to fly around and fail to explode.

It seems that a large area has been bombed beyond recognition, and the noise is extremely huge, but in fact this is a manifestation of insufficient firepower density. Such explosions are still relatively lethal to miscellaneous soldiers, but if they are targeted at the enemy Experts, such as those soul masters with strong cultivation, seem to be a little stretched.

Even so, Jijijun's performance on the training field still attracted the admiration of the security team. These strong-blooded and power-hungry children were full of desire in the face of the powerful destructive power of iron and fire.

It's just that there are strict requirements for gaining power here. If you don't have the right ideological awareness, you will never be able to master power beyond your authority. And Liu Tianxin is not prepared to let his armed forces compete with the existing ones in this world if he has time. conservative forces clashed.

[To be continued]

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