Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,586 Failed Resistance

While Liu Tianxin was in full swing planning the order in Tiandou City, the first batch of graduates of the new magic major also began to be divided up by major factories.

As an outstanding graduate of Huayun Vocational and Technical College this year, Wang Qiang received the care of the company's executives right after graduation. After two months of internship, he was promoted to manager, with an income that is more than ten times that of ordinary workers.

If he returns to his hometown now, it can be regarded as a return to his hometown in glory. This status makes him very satisfied with this era. He often even laments to his classmates that this is the best era, an era when even us mortals can make a fortune.

However, an individual's perspective is often one-sided, and personal gains and losses cannot be used to judge the quality of an era. In the factory where Wang Qiang works, the workers' benefits are declining year by year.

There are more and more people who are hesitant to master the production of basic soul tools. The salary of these people has dropped from the top students in the past to the current level that is almost the same as other industries, and even more tiring.

This is the harm caused by the lack of macro-control in social development. It is not just capitalists who will produce goods without restraint, leading to a surplus of goods and causing an economic crisis.

A large number of ordinary people will also rush to join a certain industry because of its favorable treatment, learn relevant knowledge and assess relevant qualifications.

This has led to more and more people joining the industry and a surplus of labor. Factory owners can tell that if you don't want to work, there will be people willing to do it.

This is basically the same as taking the liberal arts test in the college entrance examination a few years ago, and then choosing the business administration major after passing the test.

Although overall, the development of soul guides still requires more ordinary people to join in, major manufacturers have begun to consciously reduce production costs, and the best thing to reduce is labor costs!

As a manager, Wang Qiang's task was to rely on his new skills to observe defects in the work of workers on the assembly line and coordinate the operation of his departments.

But since he had monthly performance appraisals, completed additional goals, and received generous bonuses, he began to investigate the production line in an attempt to reduce costs and increase output.

To this end, he applied what he learned in school, investigated the production steps of each worker, and secretly asked them about their attitude towards wages. Finally, he summarized these data and calculated the minimum wage acceptable to the workers, and at the same time adjusted The original production process further refines everyone's work and makes what everyone has to do simpler. In this way, under repeated work, the work efficiency will become higher and higher.

But he never considered that although the work of workers in various positions became simpler, it also became more boring. The constant repetition of labor caused certain body parts of workers to accumulate damage during continuous labor. Even if they leave the factory, , physical injuries will also make the second half of their lives extremely difficult.

Splitting technical positions into repetitive tasks also means that each position becomes highly replaceable. Even workers who have not received systematic education can become skilled workers in a few weeks of practice. Master the techniques.

Not only that, Wang Qiang also learned by himself how to use products to replace wages. In order to reduce costs, it can be said that he did everything possible.

Wang Qiang's behavior cannot be entirely attributed to his character, but to his typical butt that determines his head. As a leader and vested interest, when he thinks, he subconsciously does not consider the feelings of the workers.

Only in the future, when more and more graduates learn new spells and he is reduced to a point where he can be easily replaced, will he gradually sympathize with the workers.

Wang Qiang's actions have indeed greatly reduced production costs, so he is more appreciated by the upper management, and it seems possible that his position will continue to move up from department manager.

It's just that accidents always happen at these critical times. Wherever there is oppression, there is resistance. After several months of such repetitive work, the workers found that their health was getting worse and worse, and their wages were getting less and less. Gradually dissatisfaction began to grow.

Lao Wang is a very senior skilled worker in the factory. However, after the factory was restructured, his status as a skilled worker no longer played any role. Now faced with the dilemma of getting less and less wages and getting more and more tiring work, he couldn't help but start To connect the workers, Lao Wang told them that although they were not taken seriously now, the factory could not do without them. Once they went on strike, the factory would suffer serious economic losses. As long as the confrontation with the factory owners lasted long enough, they would be able to The other party makes concessions.

In order to connect the strike, Lao Wang had a heart-to-heart talk with every employee to understand each worker's family situation, and distributed more supplies to workers who had little savings and had children and elderly people at home.

These actions soon won the trust of the vast majority of workers, and a series of plans for strike demonstrations had been made among these workers.

As the strike began, more than 90% of the workers left their jobs, holding signs and shouting slogans, and the general strike began with great vigor.

Although there are many workers today, it is difficult to recruit enough workers to start the factory in a short period of time. During this period, the factory will face huge economic losses.

Just when Wang Qiang was about to be promoted, something like this happened. It can be said that his mentality was very explosive. This strike was largely his fault. He had no choice but to solve it.

Inviting soul masters to suppress them can indeed stop these mud-legged people, but relying on force to force them can't make them return to their jobs. Although the work has been refined into countless repetitive tasks, it still has a certain degree of professionalism. Yes, if they look at terror and intimidation and force these workers to work, then they will find a hundred ways to exploit foreign workers, and the cost of suppression will be so high that people will explode on the spot. This is clearly written in school textbooks. Wang Qiang would naturally not make such a mistake.

Facing the general strike, Wang Qiang thought for a short time and concluded that these people's demands were nothing more than higher wages. The factory itself was not short of this money, but this gap could not be opened, otherwise it would be endless if troubles broke out again and again.

There must be no precedent for this kind of distribution according to the situation, but it is absolutely not feasible to rely on violence to solve the problem. It is also impossible to only punish the first culprit like the feudal dynasty and expect the remaining people to go back to work out of fear.

Wang Qiang, who frowned into the Chinese character "Chuan", looked through the window and saw the square, walking among the workers, constantly encouraging the workers and cheering them up. As long as they persisted, the factory would hold Lao Wang back. I couldn't help but pick a pick. This Lao Wang's operation can be called a textbook strike. It seems to have no flaws. But since I can study the textbook so thoroughly, I can't help but understand the absolute best way to gain benefits for myself at this time. It's not like being a die-hard with these idiots.

Thinking of this, Wang Qiang knocked on the table and said to the security captain in charge of factory security: "Go and tell them to elect a representative who can fully represent their interests. We want to talk to this representative. If you have the guts, please come forward." , don’t be like a bitch, hiding behind other people’s backs.”

When these words spread, there was a sudden silence in the square. It was one thing to go on strike with thousands of people, but it was another thing to stand up and negotiate terms with the management on behalf of the workers' interests.

Douluo is not a society ruled by law. Although soul masters must be punished for killing people, killing ordinary people like them does not require their lives! If a person talks alone, if he is killed to scare others, there will be no future to talk about. Besides, if he is killed to scare monkeys, will his co-workers really dare to avenge him? Do you really know how to take care of your wife, children, and children? Without deterrence of their own, will they really fulfill their promises? Even if it is performed, it must be performed in the most perfunctory way.

Just when the audience was silent and the striking workers were in an unprecedented embarrassment, Lao Wang stood up. At this time, his prestige among the workers had reached its highest level, and everyone unconditionally trusted him to represent their own interests. Negotiate with factory executives.

Liu Tianxin, who had been following Huo Yuhao's changes, saw this scene and shook his head silently. This was really a textbook plot, which fully reflected the struggle and weakness of the proletariat.

When there were only Wang Qiang and Lao Wang in the room, Wang Qiang pushed his eyes on the bridge of his nose and said, "Make an offer!"

Wang Qiang and Lao Wang looked at each other, and killing Lao Wang as a warning would definitely make these workers calm down for a while, but Lao Wang would become a flag for them, and from time to time someone would come in his name. After all the fuss, Wang Qiang wanted to treat the symptoms as well as the root cause.

Looking at each other for a moment, the two smiled at each other...

After a while, there was a fierce quarrel, and Lao Wang was thrown out of the factory with a bruised nose and face. His body was covered with many bruises, which made him look extremely miserable. Even so, he still yelled in the direction of the factory, as if he was resolutely defending his fellow workers. It seems that the interest talks have collapsed.

Lao Wang called on everyone to establish a tighter organization and form a workers' alliance. Everyone voted to elect a president who represented their interests. There was no doubt that Lao Wang was elected almost unanimously and actively organized workers to fight against the factory.

But that night, several workers with families and unsteady positions were found by factory security guards. After saying something, these people left uneasily.

The next day, the factory started working, and only these few people worked on the assembly line. They were angrily denounced as traitors by the workers. It seemed that these few people were more hateful than the factory owners, and they were so excited that they wanted to rush in and beat them to death.

But soon, the factory informed that the total amount of wages would not change, but the earlier they resumed work, the more they would get. The crowd suddenly became noisy, and everyone said openly that they could not fall into the trap of the factory owner. Conspiracy, but secretly, he has already made plans.

Lao Wang negotiated with the factory again, but failed again. At night, more people were secretly called to talk. On the third day, more people returned to work. Some people began to be unable to sit still and went on strike. The workers were like an avalanche, rushing towards the factory, and even started fighting with their own people for this. Lao Wang seemed to be heartbroken, but in fact, on the side that no one could see, he showed a chilling smile.

Instead of killing the leaders of strikes and resistance again and again, it is better to turn this leader into one of our own, a small group of people who represent the interests of the workers, who are the first to betray the interests of the workers and provide their handles and weaknesses in exchange for their own interests. A vigorous resistance has now become a complete farce, and even if there is resistance in the future, as long as Lao Wang is here as their leader, their will to resist can be quickly disintegrated.

This is basically a textbook failed resistance of the proletariat. Those who represent the interests of the proletariat sell out the collective interests in exchange for their own selfish interests. This fully proves that the struggle must have a clear ideological program and strict material support. Structure must maintain the purity of the revolutionary ranks.

Liu Tianxin had long guessed that the early resistance of the proletariat was bound to fail. Even though there were similar ideological and political contents in the textbooks of major colleges, there were too few that could actually implement them to the end.

Compared to Liu Tianxin's indifference, Huo Yuhao felt very strange after hearing that the strike was easily quelled. It was clear that as long as the factory owner continued to fight, the factory owner would definitely compromise in order to reduce losses. How could this win-win situation be lost? Woolen cloth?

After personal investigation, he more or less discovered some clues. The all-pervasive mental detection discovered the collusion between Lao Wang and Wang Qiang. At that time, Huo Yuhao really wanted to kill these two people on the spot, but in the end he held back. He didn't do it now. significance.

Killing these two people will not solve the problem. Among workers, there will always be people who betray class interests, even without Lao Wang, under the coercion and inducement of the factory owners. There will also be Lao Zhang and Lao Li.

The power to resist the old system must be gained by oneself. Help from outside forces often turns into hindering growth.

But this was a huge blow to Huo Yuhao. For a moment, he even thought that he was doing useless work.

But compared to his entanglement and confusion, Liu Tianxin had a different view. In his opinion, what Huo Yuhao did was by no means useless. On the contrary, it was a heavy blow to the old system and the conservative class.

First of all, workers' strikes made factory owners give up excessively violent methods and start thinking about how to use profits to drive workers. This is progress.

Secondly, this unsuccessful resistance also allowed the workers to see the true face of the factory owners and themselves. They will learn from this lesson the next time they resist. Likewise, if armed resistance succeeds, it will not generate unnecessary sympathy for the bourgeoisie.

For Liu Tianxin, as the strike spreads, more and more qualified industrial people will join his production management system in Tiandou City. Having experienced the ravages of reality, it will be easier for them to understand the Party of Order's Thoughts, they will also be more eager for an existence of order that can safeguard the interests of all classes of society. In the future, they will become the mainstay of the Party of Order.

[To be continued]

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