Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1587: Titled Douluo Competition

Judging from the results of failed strikes one after another, although the overall treatment of workers has not improved, individual treatment has actually improved slightly.

Because after the strike, many workers had to leave the factory, and a large part of these people who could not find a job in a short period of time and had no financial resources were absorbed by the Party of Order in the north.

They were more receptive to the ideas of the Party of Order. After re-education, more labor was provided for the new factories of the Party of Order.

Compared with Huayun Group's factories, in terms of assembly lines, there is actually little room for improvement in the Party of Order factories. The most that can be done is to add an incentive system in the factory, pay wages according to the workload, and fully mobilize workers' enthusiasm for production.

Compared with these details, the biggest difference in the factories of the Party of Order is that workers are encouraged to innovate and feedback on problems encountered during the labor process. The factory management no longer looks at workers from aloof and treats them like tools, but Communicate with workers on an equal footing, analyze problems encountered during the work process, and provide solutions. This process can greatly optimize the production process, reduce the defective rate, and improve production efficiency.

Even mobile phone manufacturers need a large amount of user feedback data to adjust their designs. How can a factory responsible for producing military equipment not fully understand the opinions of workers and adjust the production process?

Maintaining order in a factory is not very difficult for the Party of Order. The really difficult thing is maintaining order in the entire society.

It is also possible to make society function as orderly as in a factory. Establishing and maintaining this order is a very complicated matter in itself. Just how to re-plan the traffic lines in Tiandou City and formulate traffic rules that adapt to this society , is enough to make people’s heads ache, not to mention formulating rules for all walks of life in society, and doing everything down to the smallest detail.

This is definitely not something that one or two people can do. A group of people in the administrative team have suffered from dark circles just by running the farmer's market in Tiandou City.

From acquisition, to logistics, to retail, every process needs to be investigated, and every process needs to be rearranged and planned. We must also find ways to arrange the unemployed people in this integration process. We must speak hard and persuade all walks of life. The unruly people who want to break the tradition will undoubtedly have to pay a price. It is not that a group of young people from the Tianlai administrative team almost broke their legs and their voices became hoarse when they spoke, and they completed the initial integration of the farmers' market.

From an effect point of view, the purchase of agricultural products has become more timely, and the losses in the logistics process have become smaller due to the use of more advanced machinery and equipment. Standardized transportation reduces costs and improves efficiency. This way agricultural products can be sold more efficiently. The fresh appearance is transported to urban retailers, which in disguise reduces the price of fresh vegetables.

But this is not actually the most important reason for the sharp price reduction of agricultural products. The biggest reason why the price can be reduced so much is actually the elimination of the exploitation link in the middle.

There may be many Douluo time travelers, but few people think about how the soul master class relies on to support themselves? It is natural to think that as long as you are strong enough, someone will give you money.

It is true that in this social environment, as long as you are strong enough, someone will give you money, but social resources are by no means born out of thin air. Labor creates wealth. In the final analysis, these resources come from the workers of this society, without participating in society. A strong person who produces and fulfills social obligations, even if he does not exploit himself, is still exploiting as long as he enjoys wealth that exceeds his social obligations. He doesn't become innocent just because he can't see it.

And if we set our perspective even lower and observe how soul masters obtain their resources from the grassroots level of society, we can more clearly discover the existence of this kind of exploitation.

The soul master families and soul master sects are now regarded as illegal and violent armed forces, belonging to the category of underworld, and they are more violent than the darkest domestic underworld on earth.

Because they control the force, they can even challenge the official government when necessary. In many areas, the national government's control capabilities are even inferior to these soul master sects. Gangs like those in Mexico are better armed than the government.

The survival model of the soul master sect is similar to that of gangsters. They do not need to participate in labor themselves. They only need to control certain profitable industries to make a lot of money.

Of course, this is something that can only be done by relatively strong soul master sects, just like the difference between the mafia and the gangsters on the streets.

It is impossible for the relatively low-end soul master sects to grab some hugely profitable industries. The only things they can do are help people watch the scenes and collect protection fees.

Of course, in order to look good and not look ugly, they will also cover up their behavior. For example, when they engage in some social labor, they have to be paid several times more than the labor. For example, the logistics industry has been rectified by the administrative group. It is controlled by several sects, and all the profits they gain have to be borne by downstream retailers. In order to share the pressure, the retailers have to increase prices and share the pressure with buyers.

This is just the logistics industry. Even if it is just a market for agricultural products, there are hundreds of soul master sects lying on it to suck blood.

After the control of these sects was removed, the prices of goods slowly dropped to a level that was extremely close to the people.

Liu Tianxin was noncommittal about the administrative team's first action. In fact, in order for them to achieve their goals, Liu Tianxin made a lot of preparations behind the scenes.

People like the administrative team would naturally encounter huge resistance if they came to the soul master sect to ask them to accept the supervision of the Party of Order or to withdraw from the industry.

At this time, Liu Tianxin will bring the security team and even the order army to the gates of these sects to show off their power. After that, they will become very easy to talk to.

But this does not mean that the contradiction has been resolved. It is just a contradiction that has been hidden due to the deterrence of force and will still break out one day in the future.

In fact, Liu Tianxin felt that the soul masters in Tiandou City had almost endured it. Under the interference of the administrative team, a large number of soul master sects lost their main source of income. This caused considerable chaos within the soul master family.

Sects and families are not like companies. They cannot lay off employees unless absolutely necessary. Therefore, they have lost their source of income and can only find ways to exploit other classes and hope that they can carry out production activities and create things in a down-to-earth manner. Wealth, that's impossible.

If you lie down for a long time, you will feel tired even if you work. How can you adapt to the days when you stand up and work?

And these sects that have lost their source of income and exploit other industries will undoubtedly affect the interests of other sects and lead to conflicts.

In this way, it gradually affected the interests of those major sects, making them gradually begin to notice the existence of the Party of Order.

These powerful sects, as the upper echelons of society, are relatively flexible in information. In their opinion, the combat capabilities currently displayed by the Order Army are good at deterring some small sects, but are not enough for giants like them. , and the confidence that the Party of Order can be so arrogant, in their view, stems more from the existence of Liu Tianxin.

From the Lord of Tiandou City, these sects learned that Liu Tianxin was a powerful soul master, stronger than ordinary titled Douluo.

After learning the news, the top leaders of Tiandou City were relieved. A powerful titled Douluo was qualified to hold huge interests in Tiandou City. In order to avoid vicious conflicts, the major families also They are all willing to transfer some of their benefits.

After confirming that this was an advanced and strong man fighting for his own interests, rather than some unruly people wanting to rebel, these big families began discussions.

They have their own process for dealing with the situation where these advanced and powerful people come to take a share of the pie, and they are also going to go through the process. The most important thing in this process is to determine what kind of strength this dragon crossing the river has. .

For them, the strength of their opponent determines how much benefit they will transfer. It is very important to understand this.

So, in the military camp, Liu Tianxin, who was cooperating with the Army of Order training, received a strange invitation.

The major families in Tiandou City jointly held an exchange event to make friends through martial arts, and Liu Tianxin was invited to participate.

If he followed his own temperament, he said he had no interest in participating in such boring activities.

Only children care about who among their classmates can beat them better. Adults don't have time to think about whether their colleagues in their company can beat them.

But he read the invitation twice more, and after roughly understanding what the other party meant, he finally decided to participate in the competition.

In the eyes of others, this event was to test Liu Tianxin's strength and determine the subsequent distribution of benefits.

In Liu Tianxin's view, he is now the Party of Order, an important armed force. At this time, he needs to fulfill the obligations of the national army and defend the rights of the country.

The contest was held at the junction of the suburbs of Tiandou City and the Sunset Forest. Because this contest may involve Titled Douluo-level masters, the venue was not set up in the city. Otherwise, the powerful destructive power of Titled Douluo would probably The buildings in the city were severely damaged.

After Liu Tianxin accepted the invitation, he asked the administrative team to arrange the venue.

This is not because he is going to be careful in the competition, but for such a large competition, if the major families are allowed to arrange the venue, it will definitely be a waste of time and money.

If it were an administrative group, it would be a different story. It would create more jobs, allow social wealth to flow, and achieve common prosperity.

It is precisely because the administrative team took over the task that the competition date was advanced half a month. There is a huge difference in efficiency between active work and hard labor. Under the coordination of the administrative team, each unit is very enthusiastic about work. The project construction was completed ahead of schedule.

A circular playing field was cleared, and a half-moon-shaped terraced stand was built. At this time, senior officials of various major families were sitting in the stands watching the game.

One of them, with green skin all over his body, looked like a miniature version of the Hulk. He pointed at Liu Tianxin in the front row, who was wearing loose work clothes that facilitated movement. The abilities of mortals are pretty good.”

The white-bearded old man next to the green-skinned man shook his head and said: "We are just mortals. As long as the whip is whipped hard enough, those clay legs can also work hard.

This guy has no family, no sense of etiquette, and he is dressed so casually. He looks exactly like the mortals under him, so he probably doesn't really regard himself as a mortal. "

Liu Tianxin's behavior of eating and living with ordinary people is something these soul masters can't stand. An analogy to the degree of disapproval is that someone eats in the same pot as a pig and sleeps with the pig. , like pigs, they dare to run around in the streets while being covered in mud. Even if this person is really capable. When looking at him, he will also be full of prejudice.

Liu Tianxin was also helpless about this. The era when soul masters were superior had lasted for more than 10,000 years, and the contempt for ordinary people had been deeply engraved in the culture of this era.

When powerful soul masters look at mortals, they almost look at them like another creature. In their view, Liu Tianxin's behavior is simply a waste of his own powerful strength.

Including the current richest man in the world, Ma Huayun, these people also look down on him from the bottom of their hearts. If the money he gave was too much, there would never be a titled Douluo willing to condescend to protect his safety. .

Liu Tianxin didn't pay attention to these pointers. With different worldviews, arguing was meaningless. If he wanted them to recognize his point of view, he would have to rely on the iron and fire of the future to completely conquer them.

At this time, in the center of the arena, the flying soul master who was in charge of hosting the event was shouting some nutritious nonsense in the air at the top of his lungs.

The powerful men from these big families already know the upcoming competition process.

The format of the game is the simplest arena match. The winner is the ring leader. If he loses once, the ring leader will be replaced.

There is no need to pursue rankings in the competition. On the one hand, it is to select the strongest person in Tiandou City in the past few years. On the other hand, it is also to test what kind of strength Liu Tianxin has.

Looking at the empty arena, Liu Tianxin took a deep breath. It was clear that this position was prepared for him. This match was largely to test his strength, so naturally he had to go first.

Otherwise, the champion who was competed later was too strong, and Liu Tianxin was immediately defeated after he went up, so his strength would not be visible at all. ,

On the other hand, although these people want to test Liu Tianxin's strength, they don't want him to really win the final victory. They want to give him a start and let the newcomers understand that it is useless just to be able to fight. Integrate into their ruling system.

It was difficult for the first champion to hold on to the end after rounds of battles, so this position was left to Liu Tianxin.

[To be continued]

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