Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1588 8 Gates of Dunjia

Liu Tianxin didn't pay too much attention to the various petty thoughts of the soul master family, because the wheel battle was useless to him. Although there was only a fake Ten-Tails in his body, the heretic demon was real, and the half of the Nine-Tails was also real. The amount of chakra is so huge that it is almost inexhaustible. Even without using external energy sources such as cold fusion cores, there is no possibility of being exhausted by a wheel battle.

Liu Tianxin walked onto the ring unhurriedly and started stretching on the ring, just like an ordinary person moving his body. His loose sportswear and young face made him look like a human and an animal. The delusion that harms middle school students.

"Does anyone want to challenge me?" A soul ring appeared on his body, which was very confusing.

A soul ring caused an uproar, but no one would really look down on him because of it. In the previous test by the Lord of Tiandou City, this one definitely had the combat power of a Titled Douluo. Even if he didn't, he would definitely not be weak, otherwise Even if it is a forced simulation, it cannot simulate the aura of a titled Douluo.

Sitting in the back row, a second-rate strong man from a certain family jumped down from the auditorium at the suggestion of the head of the family, landed opposite Liu Tianxin, and raised his fist at Liu Tianxin: "Fengjian Sect Fang Zhenjiang, please give me some advice."

"Liu Tianxin, please give me some advice."

The two stood opposite each other, Liu Tianxin still had a soul ring, while Fang Zhenjiang had a slender flying sword in his hand, two yellow, two purple and four black, with seven soul rings on it.

Seeing this martial spirit, Liu Tianxin couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. The name Fengjian Sect seemed familiar to him. It seemed to be the lower four sects in the first part. It was a dragon sect that had never appeared before. It can actually be passed down for ten thousand years.

At this time, Soul Douluo was sent to test. There must be Titled Douluo among the sects. It is not surprising. Although there is almost no industrial development and social progress in Douluo Continent, the number and success rate of Soul Masters have increased somewhat. Yes, there should be three or four hundred Titled Douluo in the entire continent. It is not an exaggeration for a powerful sect to have a Titled Douluo.

Liu Tianxin made a starting move that only a mortal warrior would use, and Fang Zhenjiang took action directly, releasing the flying sword in his hand and pointing it directly at the center of Liu Tianxin's eyebrows.

Liu Tianxin was unhurried, turning sideways like a prophet, stretched out his hand, and used the joints of his index and middle fingers to knock hard on the spine of the sword. This position was the weak point of the sword. After being hit, he briefly lost control and headed towards the arena. The edge flies away.

Liu Tianxin took the opportunity to bully him. As early as when he first joined Shrek Academy, his body had already been trained to the limit of the human body. After training in the world of Naruto, he had broken through the limits of human beings. If he used it in Metkai The eight-door Dunjia learned there might cause serious geological disasters. Now, just the ordinary use of physical skills has reached a level that makes people dizzy.

Just as it is said that the only martial arts in the world is fast, Liu Tianxin showed the speed that left afterimages in his vision. The sound of fists colliding with his body was endless, and the fists fell continuously like fascial guns. At first, Fang Zhenjiang was still I wanted to resist for a while, but soon found that resistance was meaningless.

He could block one punch, but he couldn't block the next ten. He was not a beast soul master, and his body's reaction could not keep up with Liu Tianxin's speed. Even though the force of each Liu Tianxin's punch was not very strong, it was just right. It can break the balance of his body, causing him to stagger back while unable to control the flying sword attack.

In the end, he simply gave up his defense and concentrated on controlling the flying sword, intending to attack and rescue the enemy. However, as soon as his defense relaxed, Liu Tianxin grabbed his arm and threw him over his shoulder, spinning him to the ground, with a look of confusion on his face.

The flying sword that originally attacked Lan Nuo flew around in the air because of his imbalance in balance.

Liu Tianxin was unyielding and grabbed Zhenjiang's leg, which was lying on the ground. He wheeled it around in mid-air and threw it directly out of the arena. Although Contra can fly, it needs a relatively stable platform to take off. status.

It is unrealistic to take off in chaotic conditions without training. By the time Fang Zhenjiang adjusted his flying attitude and levitated, he had already flown more than a hundred meters and was outside the competition field.

The diameter of the arena is only five hundred meters. Even though it is a Titled Douluo, the attack range of most soul skills will not exceed this distance. Without considering escape, an arena of this size is more than enough. The arena undoubtedly meant failure, and neither side used any soul skills during the competition. This was not in line with the major families' purpose of testing Liu Tianxin's combat prowess. In their opinion, that soul ring was probably Liu Tianxin's use of grandstanding to cover up his own soul ring. Camouflage in true color.

His soul ring must not be a regular configuration. It is very likely that there is a hundred thousand year soul ring or a special ten thousand year soul ring appears in the first few soul rings, such as when a soul beast is sacrificed.

In order to force Liu Tianxin to show his full strength, each family briefly discussed, and another person jumped off the ring and landed opposite Liu Tianxin.

"Zhao Zangrui, Dark Bear Douluo, please give me some advice."

This time it is the Titled Douluo. From Zhao Zangrui's title, it is easy to see that this person's martial spirit is a beast martial spirit that greatly strengthens the body.

After seeing his opponent release his martial spirit, Liu Tianxin's eyes lit up. He was familiar with this martial spirit. Isn't this a powerful diamond bear? The beast spirit is good at controlling gravity and has extremely powerful defense.

In the first part, Zhao Wuji is this martial spirit. In the second part, the training method is more refined, and this martial spirit also has the potential to break through the title Douluo.

What made Liu Tianxin's eyes shine even more was Zhao Zangrui's method of applying his martial spirit.

It is also about controlling gravity, but he does not use gravity to restrain the opponent. In fact, using gravity to restrain the opponent is the most wasteful operation. Ten times the gravity can indeed make people move slowly, but the consumption of maintaining ten times the gravity in a large area is too terrifying. Okay, that's a consumption that only a titled Douluo can bear.

And the lethality of ten times gravity is obviously not enough for a soul master. Even ordinary people and excellent pilots can withstand ten times the overload of gravity acceleration in a short time. Soul masters have stronger physical fitness and are of the same level. Down, large-scale gravity enhancement, the effect is not good.

Zhao Zangrui took a different approach and chose to change the gravity he received, changing the direction and magnitude of gravity. When he needed to jump, he would use gravity upward, and when he needed to sprint, he would use gravity forward.

When he needs to swing his fist, he concentrates the control of gravity on the fist, allowing the fist to fall hard under the acceleration of dozens of times of gravity. In this way, every blow he makes is as if he is coming down from a high place, and his body's strong defense ability Allowing him to withstand the overload under huge acceleration and the reaction force in a collision.

It can be said that he has greatly improved his physical skills at the expense of a certain range of long-range attack power, making himself almost invincible at the same level in close combat.

His appearance was obviously to target Liu Tianxin's powerful physical skills.

This also aroused Liu Tianxin's interest. The two sides approached at high speed. Liu Tianxin found that he was at a disadvantage in terms of speed. Ten times the acceleration of gravity gave Zhao Zangrui an acceleration that exceeded common sense. It was not an acceleration that the human body could explode at all.

On the ground, human acceleration depends on the reaction force of the ground, and the human body structure cannot rely on the friction of the soles of the feet to provide acceleration beyond the acceleration of gravity.

Without Liu Tianxin showing physical transformation, the only way to reach the speed of his opponent is to increase the friction between the soles of his feet and the ground. Both chakra and soul power can do this, but Liu Tianxin is prepared to be more direct.

Eight Gates Dunjia! The door to life, open!

Liu Tianxin, who opened the third door, was surrounded by colorless air currents. His speed soared, and he collided with Zhao Zangrui in the center of the arena in no particular order.

Next is the extremely classic Euler Euler Euler and Mu Da Mu Da Mu Da!

In the eyes of onlookers, it's just a high-speed punch without any rules, but for the two people on the field, it means that every punch must judge the opponent's punch path, dodge or block, and at the same time look for the opponent's flaws and strike. Opponent's weakness.

Of course, this was just a trial phase for the two of them. As they punched at high speeds like machine guns, they were unable to break the opponent's blockade, and the two sides also began to roam in a wider range.

Liu Tianxin suddenly appeared behind Zhao Zangrui, and one of his legs fell like an axe. Unexpectedly, his opponent adjusted his gravity in a spiral trajectory, completed his turn at a high speed far exceeding ten times the acceleration of gravity, raised his arm, and blocked the attack. one strike.

"You're not fast enough!"

Under the control of Zhao Zangrui, the fifteen times gravity flexibly changed direction, leading him to complete a perfect gravity pendulum, and came to Liu Tianxin's back, punching out with a punch that made the air explode.

Eight Gates Dunjia! Injury door, open!

Liu Tianxin's blood flow speed increased sharply, and his heart provided blood to his limbs with higher efficiency, making his body surface turn slightly red.

With the further strengthening of his physical fitness, he turned sideways to avoid Zhao Zangrui's punch, and at the same time grabbed his arm, preparing to throw him over his shoulder.

But just as he threw Zhao Zangrui into the air, the direction of gravity changed. Zhao Zangrui flew into the air, and his gravity became upward!

When Liu Tianxin only uses physical skills, he is unwilling to leave the ground. What a warrior values ​​​​is to have roots under his feet. The source of all power is the earth under his feet. If he floats in the air, the battle will lack focus, and he has no choice but to fight. He could let go and let Zhao Zangrui fly up into the air, but as if he had stepped on something in midair, he slammed down and punched Liu Tianxin's arm that was blocking.

"Hmph! I've caught your weakness!" With his keen combat intuition, the moment Liu Tianxin let go, he realized Liu Tianxin's weakness in this state, which was that he could not leave the ground casually. The physical skills he had just demonstrated, Almost all of it relies on the strength of the body, which means that his combat effectiveness will suddenly drop a lot when he leaves the ground.

It has to be said that although Douluo's system is very unsuitable for the development and progress of society, it is very strong in training individual combat awareness. The moment Zhao Zangrui came into contact with Liu Tianxin, he felt the gravity on himself drop sharply. The direction changed to point at the top of his head. Although it was only a weak upward gravity, it brought him huge trouble.

With his feet off the ground, he felt like he was in a floating state in a fighting game.

Zhao Zangrui pursued the victory, and although Liu Tianxin was still able to block, facing an opponent who could turn at will in the air relying on gravity, he was like a baseball, being pushed around the field by attacks from various directions.

He could indeed fly, but simply releasing chakra to fly gave him a speed that was too slow in the lightning-fast battle between the two.

While Liu Tianxin was surprised by his opponent's reaction so quickly, Zhao Zangrui became more and more confused as he fought. Gravity elimination was his hidden killer move. Usually, almost no one could force him to use this move physically. This move consumes very little and releases The conditions are also very simple, but they can only limit the strong physical skills. A master who throws AOE everywhere will not be affected much even if he floats in the air. On the mainland, the strong physical skills that he can use this move to restrict are really not that big. many.

But after Liu Tianxin was attacked, the impact he suffered was far less than he imagined.

He originally thought that after a person is suspended in the air, he cannot turn around flexibly. Only a being like him who can control gravity can turn around flexibly through the unbalanced distribution of gravity on both sides of the body.

However, he soon realized that he had made a serious mistake. Even without the help of external force, the human body can complete the turning of the body. To give the simplest example, no matter what posture the cat is thrown in, the cat's feet will be first. When it lands on the ground, while in mid-air, the cat has no point of leverage, but it can still turn over quickly and flexibly. The principle used is that the rotation axes of the moment of inertia of the upper body and the lower body are inconsistent, resulting in rotation.

Liu Tianxin took advantage of this and completed a quick turn, ensuring that even if his feet were in the air, he could face the enemy head-on. This made Zhao Zangrui, who thought the battle would end immediately, helpless and had to continue the battle, but everyone could see that Liu Tianxin was already at a disadvantage after his feet left the ground.

Although the defense was airtight, he was already bouncing back and forth in mid-air like a baseball. If Zhao Zangrui wanted to, he could knock him out of the field and end the game.

However, at this moment, blue flames rose from Liu Tianxin's body, and surging power bloomed in his body. Even without contact, Zhao Zangrui could feel the terrifying power released by Liu Tianxin.

Eight Gates Dunjia! Shocking! open!

The seventh gate of the Eight Gates Dunjia, which gave Metkai the title of Blue Beast, gave Liu Tianxin unimaginable power. Under this power, the air was like a solid. Stepping on it was like stepping on a solid body. Above, the disadvantage of floating no longer exists.

And with his figure, Zijin Palace reached a high speed that most people present could not capture.

[To be continued]

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