Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1589 I understand everything

Zhao Zangrui felt the strong sense of crisis keenly, and at the same time he also knew that he had to go all out at this time to have a chance. The gap between the fourth and seventh gates of the Eight Gate Dunjia is obviously too huge.

In order to keep up with Liu Tianxin's sudden burst of super speed, he had to increase his own gravity to thirty times. In this state, he was more agile than the most advanced fighters on earth.

But in terms of speed, Liu Tianxin still couldn't keep up with him. He almost stepped on the air like bricks and could double jump infinitely in mid-air.

No one in the audience could clearly see the speed displayed by the two, and it was impossible to tell who was faster at this time. Only when the two sides collided, the figures could be captured.

With every collision, the attack wave shook the competition platform below and made dust fly. After all the skill points were focused on melee combat, Titled Douluo's melee combat ability reached a very terrifying level. The strong men present also all This was the first time he realized that Dark Bear Douluo had such a powerful fighting power.

It's just that Liu Tianxin is faster and stronger. To deal with a titled Douluo, there is no need to open the seventh door. It's just that he needs to deal with the weightless environment and doesn't want to use abilities other than physical skills for the time being, so he chooses to go straight Seven doors were opened.

As for the state of opening all eight doors, it is an anti-star ultimate move. Liu Tianxin will not use it unless it is absolutely necessary. Even if advanced biotechnology can guarantee that opening all eight doors will not leave any sequelae, but It never feels good either.

Although Ghost Bear Douluo had shown all his strength, the gap between speed and strength was too great. After hundreds of collisions, he fell from the sky against his own gravity and hit the ring.

This scene plunged the arena into silence. On the one hand, no one expected that Dark Bear Douluo would have such strong fighting power. On the other hand, no one could imagine that he, who showed such strong fighting power, would be defeated so easily. .

And judging from the state just now, the opponent still defeated him with his best hand-to-hand combat. The souls present were family members, and they all raised their evaluation of Liu Tianxin to a higher level, at least to the level of a super Douluo. And he is probably a super Douluo who is good at physical skills.

Next, the purpose of this competition is not only to test Liu Tianxin's strength, but also to find his weaknesses, so that if there is a falling out in the future, it will not be impossible to check and balance.

Under the competition stage, the top leaders of the soul master family were whispering to each other, and they quickly decided on the next soul master to be sent. This time, the one who came up was a female titled Douluo, with a graceful figure and sweet appearance, but Liu Tianxin couldn't help but glance at her. It can be seen that this person is actually a grandmother-level figure in her sixties. After all, she is not too young to become a titled Douluo.

Of course, he is not qualified to complain about the other person's age. If the time he has experienced after time travel is also included, he is also in the triple digits.

"Jiang Yi, Thousand Paper Douluo."

From the title, it is difficult to determine what type of soul master this Thousand Paper Douluo is. We can only roughly estimate that this person's ability is related to paper.

This is also true. After the game started, a large number of origami soldiers appeared in front of Thousand Paper Douluo, formed an army, and launched a charge against Liu Tianxin.

Obviously, facing opponents who are good at melee combat, the soul master family chose to use summoners. to engage in confrontation.

The manpower is limited, and when faced with the tactics of a sea of ​​people, no matter how powerful an individual is, how powerful can he be? There is always a time when it runs out.

Liu Tianxin raised his brows when he saw that his opponent actually used summoning abilities: "If you want to compete with summoning skills, then of course it's possible."

As he spoke, a cluster of white flames appeared between his fingers. When he first traveled through time, he made his fortune by kidnapping Electrolux morally, which led him to master a considerable number of necromancy spells. In this world , after many academic discussions with Electrolux here, the perfection of the necromancy spell was basically completed.

The white flames facing his palm spread, and dark doors opened in front of him. Many skeleton soldiers and undead knights walked out of the doors.

Many soldiers surrounded him and defended him in the middle, resisting the charge of the paper soldiers.

In the stands, Zhao Zangrui, who had just been carried off, stared at this scene with wide eyes and stood up directly from the stands. Pointing in the direction of Liu Tianxin, he was speechless for a moment.

It's obvious that what this guy is good at is close combat. In close combat, he defeated himself without any suspense. He can be regarded as a strong melee fighter in every sense, but why does he still use the summoning technique? This unscientific!

Theoretically, it is impossible for a soul master to devote his energy to all aspects. If he wants to maximize his combat effectiveness, all he has to do is specialize in one thing. If he wants to fight in close combat and summons at the same time, it will not be possible. Good results.

This is the concept in the cognition of most soul masters, but today this inherent concept seems to be severely shattered.

The undead army summoned by Liu Tianxin was impressive, and it was inseparable from the origami soldiers.

Thousand Paper Douluo also saw that the situation was unclear and it would be difficult to win if he continued to use this kind of tentative attack.

Then the two ten thousand year soul rings flashed at the same time. A large amount of paper flew out from her back, and some folded into paper cranes in the air. Riding a paper knight on his back, holding a paper javelin in his hand, he threw it at the enemy.

The javelin will explode after it hits the ground. This is a paper explosion technique similar to ice explosion technique.

On the ground, these papers turned into beasts and flew towards Liu Tianxin.

The attack from the sky, like the bombing of fighter jets, blew up the skeleton soldiers' line to pieces. Although these videos were quickly resurrected by the lich in the position, the chaotic formation had given the paper men a gap to break through.

The beasts knocked down the skeleton soldiers in chaotic formation, and the bones they tore off were swallowed by them and wrapped heavily in paper. The corpses were severely mutilated, making it impossible to resurrect these skeleton soldiers with missing bones.

Seeing that Liu Tianxin was at a disadvantage in the competition of summoning books, everyone was waiting nervously to see whether he would summon a stronger summoning object. Undead spells can not only summon skeleton knights, but also low-level lichs.

High-level great lichs and even bone dragons can be summoned, but these are extremely powerful soul summoning skills, and generally only soul masters at the Title Douluo level can do it.

Although Liu Tianxin can do the same thing, he feels that it is too troublesome. If the Bone Dragon joins the battlefield, this small competition stage will become very crowded and the battlefield will become very chaotic. This is unnecessary things.

From the dark door he summoned, gargoyles with bat wings on their backs flew out. The hands of these gargoyles did not have sharp nails like other similar ones. On the contrary, their nails were cut off. For an intelligent race, nails that are too long will only hinder their use of tools, and sharp nails may not improve combat effectiveness in a real battlefield. A spear and a dagger come directly.

The hands with cut nails were holding assault rifles and individual rockets. After they flew out, they bombarded the paper man's position.

These are just bombings with thermal weapons, which are relatively sophisticated. A few gargoyles saw that their enemies were all made of paper. Suddenly my mind was spinning. He flew back to the door, took out the napalm bombs and threw them down one by one.

Qianzhi Douluo naturally knew very well that his martial spirit was afraid of fire. Therefore, when obtaining the soul ring, many fire-resistant attributes were specially selected. Most of the fire-attribute soul skills have no effect on these paper summons, and are not even as effective as drenching them with water.

However, napalm is obviously not a general flame. The unit that is hit will be unable to be extinguished in a short time because it is contaminated with too many combustibles.

The flames will be like gangrene attached to the bones. No matter how much they are shot or rolled, they will not be extinguished. Even if many fire-resistant properties are attached, the material used to summon the soldiers is paper, which is ignited by the continuous burning and turns into Uncontrolled fire balls.

Thousand Paper Douluo thought that his opponent would bring out powerful summoned beasts to counter his summons, but he never thought that he could also equip the units he summoned with weapons.

While they feel that their opponents are despicable, they can't help but envy the wealthy people's gameplay. Almost all summoners will not equip their summoners with weapons, and basically only let these cannon fodder use them. They are summoned with their initial weapons, and if not, fight with their bodies.

The reason for doing this is very simple. Summons are positioned as cannon fodder. Only the most elite summons are the summoner's trump cards and cannot be replaced easily.

However, summons of that strength do not require the assistance of weapons, which leads to most summoners not to waste a lot of money on equipping their summons with weapons.

One person's weapons and equipment may be easy to obtain, but the number of soldiers summoned by the summoner at one time may be thousands. How can it be so easy to obtain so many weapons?

Moreover, these summoned soldiers are likely to die in battle. After death, there is no way to take the weapons back. If you win, you can collect these dropped weapons when clearing the battlefield. If you lose, you can collect the dropped weapons. Then these weapons are all trophies of the enemy.

With such a large investment and such high risks, summoners rarely choose to equip their summons with weapons. In addition, if you want to equip your summons with weapons, it is best to have an existence from another space. Otherwise, if you imagine your summons running in front of you one by one and queuing up to receive weapons, you can imagine how embarrassing that scene would be.

In short, Thousand Paper Douluo was 30% contemptuous and 70% jealous of Liu Tianxin's ability.

For Liu Tianxin, these weapons are really not very valuable. In the demiplane of the undead, he has his own factory. The task of these undead creatures in the demiplane is to work on the assembly line and complete some Simple repetitive work.

Even some simple repetitive work is enough to pile up a mountain of arms. When encountering a battle, you can take as much as you want without considering logistical issues at all.

Liu Tianxin even felt that these undead soldiers were much easier to feed than human soldiers. They did not need to eat or drink water, and did not feel tired. Yes, they did not have much need for entertainment. In many cases, a deck of cards would suffice. It can meet most of their entertainment needs.

Faced with the rogue enemy's money-making ability, Thousand Paper Douluo was so angry that he directly activated his ninth soul skill. He wanted his opponent to understand. These mortal equipment are simply unnecessary for the truly strong.

I saw the paper figures disintegrating and turning into pieces of paper. The papers gathered together in the air and spliced ​​into a huge knight wearing paper armor. The knight held a sharp heavy sword in his hand, and the lightsaber blade It is more than twenty meters long.

When the giant was fully formed, the originally pale paper seemed to be dyed, making the giant colorful and exactly like a real person.


The giant sword swept across, fighting spirit burst out, and the gargoyles in the air fell down one by one as if they were sprayed with insecticide in front of the light.

Liu Tianxin cleverly dodged the blade of the giant sword, looked at his undead army that was swept away by one-third at once, and touched his nose: "You have combined all the summons into one, so the body has become a weakness. Do you think my fighting power is not enough to beat your body into a pancake?"

Thousand Paper Douluo: "..."

Apparently, during the battle just now, he was overwhelmed by the opponent's inhumane tactics and forgot his body. In front of the opponent, he was as fragile as a chicken.

"Forget it, since this round is a contest of summoning, I'll let you admit defeat with conviction." As he spoke, the dark gate in front of Liu Tianxin suddenly expanded to a length and width of fifty meters. From the gate, heads covered with metal armor, the originally hollowed-out skeletons were wrapped in a shell with a perfect aerodynamic shape, flying in the air, leaving a trail of afterimages.

The bone dragons with perfect aerodynamic shapes and metal wings were too fast. The giant held a sharp sword and slashed out sword energy with fighting spirit, but he couldn't hit the bone dragons in the air at all.

After these bone dragons circled in the air, they took turns to cover and dive. When they were about to land, the missiles in the dragon claws suddenly flew out of their hands and threw to the ground.

In this era, there are no bone dragons that can fight in close combat. If they can fly, they will of course use missiles from a distance to let the opponent understand what art is, that is, explosion.

Fire, smoke and shock waves covered the entire stadium. Fighting spirit rose in the flames, but it was obviously a bit powerless. It was obviously irrational for human power to fight against the chemical energy stored in the bomb. In the continuous bombing, the huge paper knight, like the last stubbornness of the old era, turned into ashes in the flames.

[To be continued]

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