Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1590 Who doesn't know how to fight?

In the sky, bone dragons equipped with exoskeletons flew back to the dark gate and landed safely on the apron in the demiplane.

Liu Tianxin looked at Thousand Paper Douluo, who was kneeling in the arena with a dejected look on his face, and shouted in an ungentlemanly manner: "Next!"

At this time, all the major families began to be cautious. The dragon crossing the river this time seemed to be a bit too powerful. The strength of the summoning technique he just showed was no weaker than the physical skills he showed.

If you want to restrain his ability, the soul master you choose must have more comprehensive abilities.

And having mastered two powers at the same time, both of them are so powerful, people can't help but think of twin martial souls. If a strong man with twin martial souls cultivates to a titled Douluo, he will immediately have the combat power of a top super Douluo.

Because they can add soul rings to their second martial souls, and each one has a ten-thousand-year soul ring, they can easily improve their physical fitness to a level that is beyond the reach of other souls.

As for the soul masters with twin martial souls, after possessing such combat power, they will almost certainly be able to obtain a 100,000-year soul ring by relying on their own powerful strength.

The powerful increase that a hundred thousand year soul ring brings to a soul master will almost certainly allow a soul master with twin martial souls to possess the combat power of a top-notch super Douluo.

No matter what Liu Tianxin's true cultivation level is now, I'm afraid he should be treated as a level 97 or even level 98 titled Douluo. Especially in a situation like this with the Twin Martial Spirits, they have so many methods at their disposal that even if they attack in groups and are well prepared, it will be difficult to take action.

Now the major families have acquiesced that Liu Tianxin can take a share of the Tiandou City and occupy a considerable part of the interests. The next discussion will be more about testing his strength, finding his weaknesses, and making a difference. After the problem is solved, there are ways to check and balance it.

After a group of old men with gray beards and gray eyebrows discussed for a long time, another soul master finally jumped off the ring. This time the soul master had white hair. The beard looks just like Dumbledore.

"One strike Douluo, Cheng Tiangang."

It's easy to tell from the old man's steps on the ring that he's not very good at close combat. He's wearing a long robe and doesn't look very easy to move around.

Judging from his title, I am afraid he is the kind of Titled Douluo with very strong explosive power.

Liu Tianxin was not in a hurry to attack. After the game started, the old man stood there with a staff in his hand. He immediately used the staff to draw a circle on the ground. As the circle was drawn, he was dark. The ninth spirit ring also dimmed.

He used the ninth soul skill as soon as he came up, and it was the ninth soul skill that had a very long cooldown after use. Liu Tianxin took out his sniper rifle and fired two tentative shots at the old man in the circle.

The bullet hit the top of the circle and was blocked by an invisible barrier. There was no possibility of shaking the defense. The ninth soul skill's defense was not easily broken even by a titled Douluo.

Of course Liu Tianxin could break this layer of defense, but he did not do so. Instead, he looked curiously at the old man who had covered himself with a turtle shell. What exactly do you want to do?

I saw him raising his staff, the first soul ring lit up, and then turned into surging soul power, integrated into the staff, followed by the second soul ring, the third soul ring, and as the soul rings As the age increases, the integration speed becomes slower.

Seeing this, Liu Tianxin probably understood his opponent's tactics. He first set up a layer of defense for himself, and then kept holding back his ultimate move. By the time his opponent broke the defense, he had almost finished holding back his ultimate move. It was a powerful ultimate move. , he can kill his opponent with one move, so he got such a title.

Hold back your ultimate move! Who wouldn’t! Liu Tianxin said that he is best at comparing ultimate moves. A ten-tailed light and shadow with ringed eyes appeared behind him. The monster with ten tails looked extremely ferocious and evil.

Liu Tianxin stood on top of the monster and commanded the monster to open its big mouth.

People in the audience who saw this scene immediately began to whisper, and many old men with white hair and white beards began to discuss: "Have you seen what kind of martial spirit this is?"

"I've never seen it before, but it's such a powerful aura. Is this some kind of extremely powerful beast spirit?"

"I'm afraid it's an ancient alien species. I've never heard of such a ferocious and huge spirit beast on the continent today!"

"Could it be the mutated Evil Eye Tyrant? You see, his eyes are very special, and he has the tentacles of the Evil Eye Tyrant. However, the Evil Eye Tyrant is good at mental attacks, which seems different from the guy in front of you."

However, as the giant beast opened its bloody mouth and a purple-black light cluster condensed in his mouth, all discussions came to an abrupt end.

The brilliance of the Tailed Beast Jade bloomed in this world for the first time, and its destructive energy made everyone realize that the next attack was extraordinary.

In the circle shield, the white-bearded old man continued to charge up his spells. The huge soul power gathered in his staff, showing a destructive power far beyond that of ordinary titled Douluo.

The fifth soul ring is also the first ten-thousand-year soul ring to be completely integrated into the staff. The terrifying energy displayed is no less intimidating than the Tailed Beast Jade.

But Liu Tianxin obviously didn't hold back all his ultimate moves. He finally encountered a titled Douluo who could use special means to demonstrate super-standard attack power. Of course, Liu Tianxin would not easily defeat his opponents through surprise attacks.

He immediately stretched out his right hand. Under the squeeze of some invisible force, the terrifying Tailed Beast Jade began to deform, transforming into the shape of a giant sword. Then it was dyed a layer of gold. The golden giant sword gradually solidified. Start to appear. A series of details including the blade, hilt, guard, and even patterns.

With the endless chakra provided by the Tsangikangan, the golden giant sword has become as physical as possible. The luster is completely restrained, and it looks like a plain steel sword.

But the destructive fluctuations make people shudder. No matter how ordinary it seems, people can't help but stay away from fear of his power.

On the other side, as the last three ten thousand year soul rings were integrated, the white-bearded old man held the staff in his hand. The light released has become as bright as the sun. It is a power that makes people unable to look directly, but also a power that is so terrifying that people dare not approach it.

As the shields unwrap, the collision begins.

Both sides unanimously chose to throw the weapons in their hands. The staff was like a javelin, hitting the giant sword like a throwing spear.

Huge energy bloomed in the center of the competition. Seeing this scene, all the Titled Douluo present flew into the air, releasing huge soul power one by one, converging into a sealing barrier, sealing the two weapons that collided in the arena. , as for both sides of the competition, they are also outside the barrier. This competition is just a test. It would be terrible if they end up dying together.

No one thought that two strong men who had exhausted their strength could survive such an explosion.

Of course, Liu Tianxin knew that an explosion of this magnitude would not pose a threat to him at all. In order not to blow his opponent into pieces, he restrained himself just now. His skills were quite powerful, otherwise the two weapons colliding together now There will be no stiffness at all, and a collision will result in a one-sided crushing.

Even though he restrained himself, the blue energy representing the soul power on the staff was gradually suppressed by the golden energy displayed by the giant sword.

Within the barrier, the balance of energy began to be gradually broken, and the blue energy began to be compressed. From the beginning, it occupied almost half of the area of ​​the barrier, but now only less than 10% of the area is left.

The winner was decided. Cheng Tiangang's face turned pale after being told by the bearded party. Also pale was the soul master who arranged the barrier. The power that the two of them had accumulated and released was too huge. The energy that comes together and bursts out is extremely difficult to control even if there are many powerful people present joining forces.

Liu Tianxin couldn't help but shook his head when he saw the pale faces of these people, working hard to maintain the barrier to ensure that the energy would not leak out.

"It is better to block than to open up. If the energy is kept within the scope of the barrier, it is equivalent to absorbing all the power released by two people. This is more dangerous than being hit by a big move.

To solve this energy release process, it is actually very simple. Just release these forces in a safe direction. For the ecology of the entire planet, such a small amount of energy is not even a drizzle. "

With that said, Liu Tianxin stretched out his hand to hold down the barrier. Complex tadpole-like lines appeared on the barrier, the Bagua seal!

The boundary of the regular hexahedron. Front, back, left, right, and bottom, all five surfaces were reinforced by seals, and the top surface was slowly manipulated to open a gap, and golden light rose into the sky, turning into a light pillar thousands of meters high, illuminating the night sky. , even Tiandou City in the distance can clearly see the light rising into the sky.

The barrier that everyone jointly arranged was actually easily controlled by one person, and the crisis at hand was easily solved. This means that in terms of sealing skills, the seemingly young child in front of him is actually better than those present. Most people are stronger.

Those present are all the top figures in the soul master world. If they can surpass the vast majority of people present, they are probably the top level in the entire continent.

And Liu Tianxin not only surpassed most of the people present in sealing skills, but also in terms of physical skills, summoning skills, and even charged spells, they were all at the top level in the mainland.

This level of versatility sounds so incredible, and it also makes many people couldn't help but have a terrible suspicion.

It is impossible for a normal soul master to develop all his abilities in an all-round way. It would only slow down his progress and make him stand out among his peers.

And if a soul master's various talents seem to go hand in hand, then it is very likely that the talents he shows are not what he is best at, but he just practices casually out of hobbies.

For example, a world-class table tennis player cannot be as good at badminton as he is at table tennis, but his badminton level is probably similar to his basketball level, because neither of these is his major. They are all just playing casually, so their levels are about the same.

According to this idea, if Liu Tianxin is also in this situation, then what he is really good at may have exceeded the imagination of everyone present. Some people couldn't help but think of the possibility of Extreme Douluo.

But no one dares to make this conclusion. Now everyone is in panic and wants to find Liu Tianxin's weakness.

"It's impossible. It's impossible for someone to have no weaknesses at all. He can't be good at every field of a soul master."

"Even if he is really not good at something, can any of us beat him? Even if he only shows a few of the abilities he just showed, no one of us can beat him in a duel, right?"

"Even if you can't win in a duel, you still have to find his weakness. Otherwise, can you really treat him as an Ultimate Douluo?"

During the buzzing discussion, someone suddenly mentioned: "If there is no way to defeat this guy in reality, can we try to defeat him in the spiritual world?

His body, his soul power, and the various spells he mastered may be extremely powerful, but the spiritual realm is on another level entirely. Just because he is strong in reality, does not mean that his spirit is also strong.

Relying too much on powerful abilities in reality may actually lead to a fragile mind, especially now that he seems to be young and successful, and his mentality is at its most unstable. Why not let the spiritual soul masters among us try it. "

This suggestion made the masters of the soul master family shine. There is no absolute link between mental and physical strength. Maybe Liu Tianxin is an almost unbeatable boss in the real world, but in the spiritual world, maybe he is not as fragile as What about ordinary titled Douluo?

Especially, this guy is acting extremely arrogant now. What abilities does the opponent use? He would use the same type of ability to defeat his opponent. If a Titled Douluo with mental attributes was allowed to come on, this guy would probably directly confront the opponent with his mental power.

You must know that Titled Douluo with mental attributes use mental power differently from other soul masters. Other soul masters directly use the mental power in their own minds, and using it this way consumes a huge amount of energy and slows down the recovery of mental power. It is also extremely slow. If the consumption is too large, side effects such as mental trance and lack of concentration will occur in reality. Therefore, many titled Douluo will hardly use mental attacks even if their mental strength is not weak.

But Titled Douluo with spiritual attributes are different. When they fight, they can convert their soul power into spiritual power, which can be continuously replenished, and the recovery speed of soul power is much faster than that of mental power. Compared to ordinary soul masters, the spiritual power of a spiritual soul master is almost inexhaustible.

If Liu Tianxin overestimates his ability and competes with a spiritual-type titled Douluo for his spiritual power, the upper echelons of these soul master families will definitely be in trouble.

Ever since, Liu Tianxin saw with confusion that his next opponent turned out to be a titled Douluo with strong mental power, and his expression couldn't help but become weird.

[To be continued]

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