Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,593 Suspected Too Many Travelers

When he woke up from the dream, he could no longer distinguish between reality and illusion. The time he lived in the dream far exceeded the length of his life in reality.

A person's character and outlook are formed by his life experiences. If he spends more time in dreams than in reality, then even if he spends more time in dreams, he will have a virtual sense of belonging in his heart. He also prefers the dream world.

So much so that when time woke up, the first thing that came to his mind was to ask Liu Tianxin to send him back and live there for the rest of his life.

He saw a bomb powerful enough to level the city, and finally successfully developed it, then died suddenly. He also wanted to see how far this country would develop in the future. He wanted to completely watch the entire process of the country's rise.

But reality tells them that the dream is over and this is the real world.

The members of the soul master family who were present were shocked to see Shi Shi walking towards Liu Tianxin, begging him for a chance to send him back. Even if he did not receive a positive reply, he always followed Liu Tianxin. It was as if he was determined to be loyal.

This change made the members of the soul master family present shudder. Originally, they thought that they could overcome Liu Tianxin with a mental competition, find his weaknesses, and at least win a victory.

But they obviously didn't expect that. In terms of illusion confrontation, Liu Tianxin is the strongest one.

Even other gods who claim to be able to silently change people's ideas are nothing in front of this illusion that lasts for thousands of years.

One dream for a thousand years is something that even the most powerful genjutsu, Izanami, can hardly achieve. The latter can at most make a small scene repeat itself, trying to build an entire country, tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of people, and a thousand years of development. The process is simply impossible.

Liu Tianxin's ability to easily change people's hearts is really terrifying. He relied on the power of time to change things naturally, without any traces that could be carved. There is no tampering of memory or distortion of will. This means that the consequences of this illusion cannot even be undone.

No one here can guarantee that they will not be affected by such an illusion. If he were to pull him into such a world and then force himself to go through some things until he agreed with his point of view, and the whole process lasted for thousands of years, I am afraid that no one here would be able to do so. It can be unwavering.

This terrifying ability can already be called a strategic level. In a sense, it is more terrifying than the strength of Extreme Douluo. At least everyone present couldn't figure out how to crack it.

The only way may be to escape from the scope of his mental power before the giant tower comes.

Of course, this trick is not unsolvable. On the contrary, if you really want to crack it, it is very easy. There are limits to the calculations performed by hardware based on real physics. Even a quantum computer has a limit to the speed of calculations. Nor can it be infinite.

It is almost impossible to rely on this to complete the calculation of chaotic systems in reality.

If a person is good at observation, he can simply exhale and observe the flow of objects formed after water vapor condenses in the air in winter.

To distinguish the difference from the flow state in the real world, in order to make up for these details, the computer must spend a lot of computing power to continuously optimize the trajectory of the air flow in the air. As long as the observation is detailed enough, similar patterns can be found continuously. Bugs can force the computer to continuously increase its computing speed, and eventually become overloaded and have to stop dreaming.

But this requires not only meticulous observation skills, but also extremely rich knowledge of natural science. Otherwise, when observing air flow, you have no idea how the air flow flows in normal nature, and how can you distinguish the irregularities in it? What about harmony?

Therefore, although this move may trap the gods, there is a high probability that it can only restrict the less educated gods for a period of time. Those with a relatively high level of natural science theory can escape by relying on the powerful computing power of their own quantum brains. Computer controlled.

This method of getting rid of control was actually a way to help people addicted to the virtual world get rid of their dependence on the virtual world when Tulip was in crisis.

After time, there were no other challengers on the stage, and the competition ended in a hurry. No one wanted to face a move like the Dream of a Thousand Years. If they went to challenge themselves, the thousand-year history they experienced would not be such an ups and downs of the empire's history. , but after being tortured and displaced for thousands of years, when he woke up, he had become a crazy lunatic.

Liu Tianxin undoubtedly proved his strong strength in the competition. Not only did he win the competition, but he also surpassed the others in every ability, so that no one dared to fight him head-on. This is already very powerful and can occupy a considerable share of the interests in Tiandou City.

Therefore, in a short period of time, the aristocratic families in Tiandou City will tolerate the expansion of the Order Administration Group, and even if their own interests are damaged to a certain extent, they will spend money to eliminate the disaster.

When the administrative team further integrated various industries in Tiandou City, time also joined in. Thousands of years of history allowed him to deeply appreciate the cultural heritage of the earth through the ages. He is now like a person who has traveled through time in the 1970s and 1980s. Just like the travelers who came here.

With a group of rookies in the administrative team, they will focus on production, go deep into the grassroots, mobilize the masses, and contribute to the socialist modernization of Douluo Continent.

Compared to Liu Tianxin, if he behaves more like a time traveler, it may be a reflection of his lack of time travel experience! The number of crossings is limited. As a result, concealment and stronger passion are always forgotten during changes. It is always difficult for them to push back their plans.

The God Realm... This is the area with the most serious class consolidation in the entire Douluo universe. Therefore, it is also the most unrealistic to implement changes here. Even if there is a time traveler hidden here, it still maintains the appearance of beautiful mountains and clear waters, without any industrial construction.

The entire God Realm is a huge land. Gravity comes from the simulation of land. The gods live here, in a different space that can connect many worlds, absorbing the faith and energy gathered here, and constantly improving their own strength.

And no one knows that in this beautiful space, a certain reclusive second-level god has achieved great success. Exploding with all his strength, he can even possess combat power that is not inferior to that of the Supreme God in a short period of time.

Although William lacks a lot of scientific and cultural knowledge, he has managed to get a fourth-level reincarnation in the main god space. The fourth-level gene lock itself can greatly improve his combat effectiveness. A variety of power systems have been loaded into the body. It also allowed him to adapt very quickly to the power of the gods in this world. The speed of cultivation progress has increased by leaps and bounds. But now is not the time for a showdown. There are five supreme gods here. And he can also use joint skills. If he shows the combat power of the Supreme God now, he will most likely be killed by a joint team.

Having faced Tulip's powerful industrial capabilities, he knew very well that he had now temporarily reached the peak of his combat effectiveness. If he continues to delay, the situation will become increasingly unfavorable to him. The industrial capabilities of our enemies will become stronger and stronger. The speed of enhancement will also exceed the speed of his cultivation improvement in a short period of time.

The best way now is actually to come directly to the human world to perform beheading tactics. Kill your enemies in this chess game. Then you can end the battle directly. At that time, even the Supreme God will want to settle the matter with himself. I have also completed my mission and left this world.

After completing the task, you no longer need to worry about danger and can return directly to this operation. Samsara people are more familiar with it than anyone else. When they are in the rebirth space, they often complete the task in dangerous and dangerous ways, staying in the task world for one more second. , it is possible to be killed instantly.

But in this case, there is another difficulty in the task. That is to identify who your opponent is. The world below is a world in the feudal era. If we are in the information age, it will be easy to find out which one is the time traveler by relying on big data. In this feudal era, the only way was through investigation. various recent historical events. To determine which one is the time traveler.

Even if you do this, the end result may be in vain. Because of his opponent. It's possible that he didn't do anything after traveling through time. Just like an ordinary person, life is waiting for him to take action. Then commit suicide by yourself.

At first, he was very suspicious that Huo Yuhao in this world was a time traveler. He also had reason to be suspicious. After all, he created a soul guide, a technology that allowed ordinary people to create, and when he was still at a very low level, he had a summoned creature like a mechanical war dragon that didn't match the style of this world at all.

It is almost certain that this is the time traveler. But this was not 100%, because he found that Huo Yuhao seemed to be the appointed son-in-law of a certain supreme god, which was quite outrageous.

No matter how you look at it, this is the treatment of the protagonist, and the protagonist is not a time traveler. It is simply a strange setting. His persistence made him unable to decide whether Huo Yuhao was his opponent or not.

There is only one chance to take action. If you fail, you may be attacked by a group of supreme gods, especially if this target is someone chosen by a certain supreme god. If you go for a sneak attack, you will definitely face a lot of resistance.

Just at this moment, Liu Tianxin suddenly realized that this guy was obviously not the chosen one. No one gave him a girl, so she mingled with the protagonist at first, just like the protagonist's follower. And after being away from the protagonist for a while, it seemed that he started his own operation.

Establish a party of order to integrate social resources and assume the responsibility of social governance. One set of modernization after another. The management system makes him look exactly like the time traveler now.

This one is not the protagonist, but also shows the characteristics of a time traveler. It seems to be the target too.

But then there is something even more exaggerated. Time appears, and he behaves more like a time traveler than the previous two. Directly lead the workers here to build, and organize them to sing when they have free time. Why do we workers have the power? There is no savior, nor does we rely on a fairy emperor. Unity is strength... There is simply no more time traveler than this.

This made a certain second-level god who was planning to take action against Liu Tianxin hesitate again. This one looks too much like a time traveler, and there is a high probability that it will not be his opponent this time. But it gave him a wake-up call.

Opponents hiding in the shadows do not necessarily have to stand up on their own. In this feudal era without big data, the movie king secretly controls and teaches a few people. Let them show the various characteristics of the time travellers. Then come out and use it as your own white gloves. It is also very possible to develop industry.

Therefore, the two guys he suspected were probably just smoke bombs pushed to the front desk.

This made him even more afraid to launch a sneak attack, and he continued to make preparations. Although there were many targets, there were not no opportunities. As long as he could kill several targets at once, there was no need to consider which one was real and which one was fake. .

His idea was very good. Yake, who was planting potatoes on the surface of the moon, couldn't help sneezing and wondered if someone was talking about him.

Life after leaving Douluo Planet seems quite boring. Apart from video games, there is probably no other entertainment on the surface of the moon.

Although I dealt with interstellar development more than once when I was in Tulip, each time it was very boring. At the beginning, apart from busying with infrastructure, there was basically nothing else to do.

However, his work is not in vain. The base on the surface of the planet has been built in half, and the internal ecological cycle system has reached a level of self-sufficiency. It is estimated that it can support the living needs of 30,000 people on the surface of the moon.

Lots of special minerals. It is being collected to build a particle collider and carry out further scientific research in this world.

The space dock is busy building new long-distance spacecraft. Taking off from the surface of the moon does not need to be as troublesome as the surface of the earth. The size of the spacecraft can also be larger. This is to facilitate colonization of other planets and mining and use there. H.

The development will not stop. Yake has a strong sense of worry. He may have been infected with persecution paranoia by Cheng Ying. He always estimates that the enemy is extremely powerful and prepares for the worst. On the one hand, you can reach other planets and accumulate strength. On the other hand, you can also complete the strategic transition between stars, and retreat when you can't defeat your opponent. It’s not a big deal to keep your own vitality. Can you go deep into the starry sky and rely on biotechnology to outlast your opponents?

If he was the only one performing the mission, the bone formation might not be so severe. But Cheng Ying also participated in this mission. Not so. As his first soul ring, he was almost inseparable from him. In this case, the two cautions were added together and he became extremely cautious. Even if it deepened The transformation has made Yak's individual combat effectiveness close to the level of the Supreme God, but he still chose to leave a false target and go to a remote place like the moon to develop.

[To be continued]

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