Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1594: Countless Costs of Clones

Cheng Yingzai's memory of the moon is also useful in this world, although there are many differences in the details of the historical world and various settings. But the map is almost the same as the Douluo World where he is.

The distribution of minerals on the moon has basically remained unchanged here, which greatly accelerated their development on the lunar surface, because many minerals are on the surface and cannot be found.

Some special materials were preserved in the special environment on the moon when meteorites fell. This is now impossible to find in the shallow layers of the earth's crust.

Relying on the development of a large number of exotic minerals, the technology tree on the moon once again began a rapid development.

It's just that the speed of development is still much slower than that of Tulip at that time. The problem lies in people. Although artificial intelligence can check the feasibility of various technological routes more efficiently than people.

But after all, they still lack the imagination of a few people. Even if they can verify the route, the task of proposing the route still falls into the hands of humans.

There is no group of people full of imagination and enterprising spirit to develop in a difficult and harsh environment. Many technical ideas were discovered through self-examination of artificial intelligence.

For example, a fully automated mining robot will only use formulaic methods to solve problems encountered during work, and will not solve the problems it encounters on the spot without considering the use of known resources.

Rely on the strength of the team and perfect logistics to solve the problem. It is indeed more advanced, but by relying on limited power and limited resources to solve problems, he is better able to discover the flaws in the industrial system and improve these problems.

Artificial intelligence is very insensitive to these. Of course, in the final analysis, this is still a problem of humans, not artificial intelligence. It is that humans have not created strong enough artificial intelligence.

At least for a long time in the future, it will be difficult to create artificial intelligence that can replace complex human thinking. However, the current problem of lack of human thinking is not impossible to solve.

Chengying and Yake each adopted different technical routes. Chengying was preparing to implement a plan code-named Minecraft. In short, it was to prostitute human wisdom for free.

Let Liu Tianxin, who is docked on the ground, produce a batch of immersive virtual landing cabins, dock with his own unmanned robots, develop the lunar surface into a large-scale virtual game, and use the human wisdom on the planet to help him work .

This operation is considered normal in Tulip, but in Tulip, it is not the wisdom of the natives of the planet, but the wisdom of the local players of Tulip. Many people may not know that they are participating in the game without knowing it. to colonize the planet.

It is difficult to implement this plan in the current era. On the one hand, the education level at the grassroots level is not enough. Even if you log in to the game, the help it can provide is limited. With the assistance of artificial intelligence, it is difficult to achieve the work efficiency of a qualified worker.

However, people can learn, and they learn very quickly in games. Make the incentive mechanism of the game more interesting, and even add some welfare content, such as tasting some food that cannot be tasted in reality through neural connections. Developing an incentive system can greatly improve newcomers' enthusiasm for learning.

Similarly, the knowledge they learn can also be applied in reality, and they can even learn quickly through the game system and load certain professional knowledge into their minds. After using it many times in the game, you can slowly learn it in reality.

This will reversely promote Douluo's local development and accumulate more technical talents needed for industrialization.

Liu Tianxin was so interested in Chengying's plan that he planned to open a few small accounts to participate in the development of the next game codenamed Minecraft.

In fact, they were taking advantage of the opportunity of the closed beta test to register for a closed beta account, and then use it to show off when the server was officially launched.

Chengying's plan is a long-term plan, and it is difficult to achieve any results in a short period of time. In order to solve the immediate problem, Yak chose another more direct method. This is also a business strategy that Tulip has always labeled as dangerous.

That is to establish a thinking network, create a large number of copies of oneself, and share thoughts and memories with these people.

The risk of doing this is extremely high. Without sharing thoughts and memories, the replicant is just a simple clone.

Without instilling thinking, it would take decades to grow like an ordinary baby before he could become a useful talent. If memories and experiences are directly infused, it will cause the clone to lose creativity. It becomes no different from artificial intelligence.

Such a clone might as well be a robot directly implanted with artificial intelligence. As for spending decades cultivating clones, it is no different from spending decades cultivating a generation of natural humans.

Solve the problem at hand. The quickest way is to share your mind with a clone.

To explain this kind of shared thinking, you need to understand a thought transmission experiment that scientists on Earth have conceived, which is to clone a person's brain and then connect the two brains together so that the person can gradually adapt. Think with two brains at the same time.

In theory, this can be done. Just like dolphins, the left and right brains work in different periods of time, which means that the consciousness of dolphins can be transferred between the left and right hemispheres.

When the experimenter got used to using two brains to think at the same time, he began to gradually reduce the nutrient supply to the original brain, causing the brain to gradually die. Memory and thinking still existed in the cloned brain, and thus a process of slow transfer of thinking occurred. .

There is no way to do this experiment on Earth yet, but it has been proven feasible in the world here. Under the condition of thinking connection, not just two brains, but multiple brains can think at the same time, but if these brains exist in In different individuals, learning is like clones. Have their own sense of self.

This approach is very dangerous, especially in a stable social environment. Such behavior is even contrary to human ethics, because in a stable social environment, a person's social status is fixed and the social resources he or she possesses are also fixed. Suddenly there was an identical clone with the same thinking as him. How to allocate social resources? How to fulfill social obligations? Extreme chaos can ensue.

Not only that, this kind of behavior, even in the current situation of living in isolation, is still dangerous. The environment will affect each split body, causing them to gradually take different paths.

You must have a firm will and set a framework for yourself. What is the bottom line? What are the rules that you must adhere to? Make sure that every copy of you can unswervingly execute them under any circumstances, so as not to cause your own will to split.

A temporary split doesn't sound too serious. After all, there are so many clones. As long as your body is fine, you should be fine. But in fact, most people are actually unable to face their ugly side.

To give a simple example, a person is walking with several of his split bodies, exploring a dangerous area. At this time, a beast suddenly rushes out and chases several people.

In the process of escaping, because each has an independent sense of autonomy, they all want to live. So I came up with the idea that I don’t need to outrun the beasts, I just need to outrun the slowest one. After the idea was born, I had to trip myself up around me and escape to heaven at the expense of oneself.

When escaping, everyone may just want to survive, so they will not think about this. However, after calming down, because everyone is themselves, they will subconsciously assume the perspective of a person who was eaten by a beast, so He madly hates the person who pushed him down, and that person is also himself, showing his ugly side. This hatred and disgust will be transferred to himself.

Maybe after one or two such conflicts of consciousness, each split body can get rid of the entanglement, but if you want to solve the current problem, the number of split bodies must be tens of thousands. If it is a split body with weak will, it will happen every day. I have encountered this kind of soul torture countless times.

Faced with such a situation, even if the main body never experiences any danger and does not perform memory fusion after the incident is over, is it really possible to stay out of it? I'm afraid it will be difficult.

In this state of countless clones, if one cannot stick to the line, all personal weaknesses will be magnified countless times. Laziness, cowardice, selfishness, arrogance, greed. If any clone shows its flaws, everyone will be aware of it. own ugliness.

Everyone must abide by the law and abide by the bottom line set for themselves, so as to ensure that they do not fall into self-madness in such a clone.

For example, it is still the same situation as before. If you encounter danger during exploration, one person must stay and sacrifice in order for most people to escape.

No matter how scared you are at this time, everyone must have the consciousness of self-sacrifice, but this is not enough. Everyone must also maintain a determination to save even one person if possible. .

Although self-sacrifice will not bring a direct impact on one's own ugly side, if you bring it from the perspective of the self-sacrificial person, you will find that it is casual for others, shed a few tears, expose the matter, and make his Taking sacrifice for granted can also cause serious psychological problems.

The dead have no chance to think about whether their sacrifice was worth it? But living people will think about this problem and become disgusted with their own unkindness.

In this way, everyone does not need to maintain the mentality that as long as there is a chance to save no one, this is just an extreme example. In fact, not only these issues related to life and death, but many trivial matters can also cause the paralysis of the self-system.

If you want to exist perfectly in this state, you must treat each of your individuals as a collective with the same attitude towards a society.

The more just and positive this society is, the better the psychological state of each individual will be. If there is even a trace of injustice in this society, it will cause a large number of individual psychological problems.

That is, all people must form one. Only a near-perfect communist society can ensure that no major problems arise from the separatists during this process.

This is also an important reason why Tulip lists this technology as a dangerous technology. Three or five clones can still handle this situation. But when the number is large, internal conflicts can easily arise.

This is engraved in human genes and originates from the ancient hunting tradition of humans. When there are only three or five or even one or two people, humans will be extremely close to each other and actively share resources, even if the people around them are not similar to themselves. Even the slightest blood relationship would be the same.

Because if you want to survive in primitive society, you must rely on the unity and cooperation between each individual. It is difficult for a single person to survive in a harsh natural environment, so he will subconsciously take care of his partners around him.

But once the number exceeds a few dozen, humans will unconsciously begin to scheming and fighting for power. This is also due to the influence of the hunting era. Although humans did not understand what environmental capacity was at that time, the relevant impacts have already It is firmly engraved in the genes.

When the number exceeds a certain number, battles begin, because the natural ecological environment of the area cannot support so many large hunters. The attrition and division caused by the battle can cause the originally huge tribe to disperse into several smaller ones. Tribe, survive in a wider area.

This kind of instinct engraved in genes was beneficial to the survival of the race in the ancient barbaric period. However, in an industrial society that requires large-scale cooperation, this kind of instinct has extremely bad effects, especially for a large number of clones. .

Even though there were many risks, Yake still used the clone strategy. On the one hand, he had confidence in his own will that had been rigorously tested. On the other hand, this battle was related to Tulip's life and death, and he turned his consciousness into reality. Being countless clones means the highest probability of survival.

This form of life form may not necessarily be recognized by the chess game world. After all, no similar experiments have been done before. Some experiments can be carried out, while others cannot. The chess game world has no physical impact on reality, but it has a real spiritual impact on the players participating in the chess game, if they suffer a mental breakdown during self-division. Then even if you return to reality, you can't get rid of this kind of mental breakdown and self-loathing. Therefore, similar experiments cannot be conducted safely, and it is not certain how the chess game world will judge such a life form.

But even in the chess game, the world still believes that the main body is the chess player. Numerous clones can also provide cover for the main body. This concept is also recognized by Yake himself. That is, even if he is not the main body but a clone, he will still return. Cover the main body without hesitation.

[To be continued]

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