Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1635 Civilization Conquest

After such a long period of preliminary preparations, Chengying's actions finally began, completely promoting the development of civilization in this era. After all, a civilization cannot be passed down by a single individual.

Some people may think that after technology develops enough, artificial intelligence can replace people in work, and factories no longer need industrial workers.

But this is obviously too much to take for granted. What is needed to make artificial intelligence factories is a larger industrial system and a larger industrial population. Just like now we use mobile phones to make our lives very smart, but just the chips of mobile phones, The industrial systems involved are almost all over the world, and the industrial population involved is even larger.

If artificial intelligence appears, and the command to maintain the operation of artificial intelligence is more industrial people, perhaps some superpowers can realize domestic artificial intelligence and replace human work.

But the premise is that the population of other countries will carry out low-end industrial production for them, which is the great division of labor of globalization. The country does not need to produce some things, and the technology it acquires can only produce this part of the things, and then gather them in a certain place. The superpowers would assemble the equipment they need and sell it to harvest the world.

This is true in every era, just like the era of slavery. Just looking at the words of slave owners, it is as beautiful as a dream. The landlord class in the feudal era is also pastoral. Similarly, in the industrial society, occupying the lower reaches of the production chain, with technology The dominant superpower can live such a dreamy life after allocating labor-intensive industries to other countries. Even people who do not work can easily obtain social welfare to survive.

So don’t look at the high social welfare of other countries, just remember that all wealth is created by labor, and any behavior that gets something for nothing must deprive other people of their labor.

In the final analysis, if the industrial system wants to go further, it needs a large population. This is certain, and it is an educated industrial population.

Cheng Ying can naturally do it by simply popularizing education, but in this world, he wants to use a more direct method to popularize education while letting those who participate in the education system understand the laws of social operation.

I want them to understand this. The easiest way is to let them run their own civilization and experience for themselves what a war between civilizations is like.

Yes, there are wars in civilized space. After a period of development, different spaces will be connected and wars will occur.

Those who are unwilling to make progress, and after promoting the development of science and technology to a certain level, they will settle down to be the three wives and four concubines of the local emperor, and comfortably waste resources to dream of their eternal dream of being emperor. In this kind of war, they will be pushed out overnight. When people are society, go back with a group of primitive people, drinking blood like hair.

Ji Zhen is not one of those guys who just waits for death. He is also very concerned about promoting the development of civilization in space.

Space is not stingy with some basic knowledge. Basic natural science knowledge that can be learned in school can be queried in space.

As for some special knowledge for survival in primitive society, you can only explore it yourself.

Even so, it is of great help to these people who have just entered primitive society.

With the help of the introduction of ores in the knowledge, Ji Zhen has transcended the Stone Age in the civilized space and began to smelt bronze. It is worth mentioning that although this world also has extraordinary power such as soul power, it does not have soul rings. Although people can practice, they can only follow the path of new spells. Otherwise, if the tenth-level soul power brings enhanced physical fitness, they will be beaten into pig heads when they meet four or five strong primitive people.

In contrast, practicing new spells, using bows and arrows, or commanding an army can all demonstrate combat effectiveness that far exceeds the enhancement of physical fitness.

While Jizhen summarized language and created writing, he also taught the tribes the methods of cultivation, invented bows and arrows, smelted bronze, fired the most primitive pottery, and taught these people how to weave. The cloth used for wearing it is still far from good.

But at least it can be used to weave nets and go fishing on the river. Use wicker to weave cages and frames, which greatly improves the rate of capture and transportation. In the process of practicing fishing personally, he also discovered the use of frames to hold fish. In fact, it is better to take a straw rope, pass it through the gills, and thread the fish into a string. It is more convenient, and what is more interesting is that the fish tied up in this way can survive longer than those in a frame. .

Driven by curiosity, he asked Space this question, but surprisingly Space did not give an answer this time, because Cheng Ying didn't know why, but just gave him a lot of knowledge about the physiological structure of fish, allowing him to Explore why.

In fact, after seeing this problem, Cheng Ying almost guessed the reason. It was probably because the rope opened the fish's gills and increased the contact area with the air. However, he had not practiced it personally, so the exact reason needed Ji Zhen. Try it yourself.

The physiological structure of the fish simulated by the system is almost the same as the real one. It is not a texture with fish scales on it. Therefore, before the primary microscopic world, unknown knowledge can be obtained by exploring this world.

There is knowledge here that even Cheng Ying himself does not know. This is not difficult to understand. The creator is not necessarily the person who knows his creation best. Just like the person who invented backgammon, he is not necessarily the best at backgammon. He created It's just rules. The rules of the game of life are simpler than backgammon. They can lead to complex and strange existences like two-dimensional ecosystems. Even if there is a creator in the world, he probably has his own blind spots in thinking.

After Ji Zhen discovered that civilized space was not omniscient, he became even more curious about the world and looked forward to how far this civilization would develop under his own promotion.

So after fishing, he began to try planting. This was bound to be a long process, so the system gave him the ability to accelerate time, which could accelerate time up to five times.

With his current brain power, he can withstand up to 18 times the time flow rate in his sleep. If it is five times more, it will be 90 times the real time, which is enough for planting.

It's just that Ji Zhen didn't use time acceleration a lot. He usually only accelerated it to start new work the next day when these primitive people were sleeping.

Planting was not as simple as he imagined. The first round of crops was collected seeds of relatively plump foxtail grass and relatively plump peas. As a former bottom of society, he still knew a little about various plants. .

But when it came time to harvest, he couldn't help but be in a hurry. The wheat he had high hopes for made him very disappointed. Although it grew successfully and was quite lush under careful weeding and fertilization, the grains of the fruit were not grainy at all. If it is not full and the output is placed on the current continent, it will have no planting value at all.

Valley false accusation

The yield of peas was pretty good. Although the pods in ancient times were not as full as they are now, they were barely enough to be used as food. The problem was that he found that these pods would explode, which was a traditional abnormality of this type of plant. It works. When mature, they will explode, ejecting the seeds.

Because in nature, the same kind of plant cannot support too many within a certain range, and its seeds must be spread. When screening seeds, he did not realize this problem and picked all the big ones, resulting in the current harvest. When I was there, I could only pick them up all over the ground.

After gaining a memory, all the peas picked up from the ground were eaten, and only those left in the pods were left. Some primitive people in the tribe wanted to eat them secretly, but Jizhen beat them all.

But planting is meaningful after all. Compared with the real primitive society, Ji Zhen has some experience in farming. He knows how to compost and fertilize animal manure before fertilizing it, instead of throwing it directly into the land. Here, knowing that the land must be cultivated before planting, the yield of planting seeds directly on the ground will be very tight.

With these simple experiences, the food that could be exchanged for planting would eventually be more than that of hunting and gathering animals. The tribe could feed more people, but he also began to think about more things.

War was only one aspect. Bows, arrows and spears made them invincible among the surrounding tribes. The temporary productivity was not enough to give birth to slavery, so the defeated tribes only asked for a dog's weight of meat every month, but then With the popularization of planting, slavery will be born, because at that time, the food it takes to feed a person has been produced by his labor.

What Ji Zhen is thinking about is how to plant at a more suitable time. This requires a more accurate calendar. We need to know how long a year is and which month is the hottest and rains the most?

In addition, as the food in the tribe increased, the original big pot system was no longer suitable. After hunting and gathering were no longer needed, more and more lazy people appeared. They were unwilling to work and just watched others work hard. .

This made Ji Zhen very angry. He thought it was unfair, but primitive people didn't even have the concept of a palace.

Waste of labor is not acceptable to Ji Zhen, so after a series of strange rules such as not marrying close relatives, boiling drinking water, and not eating raw meat, a new rule appeared. If you don't follow it, Those who violate the rules or evade labor will be demoted to slaves. Their lives will not belong to them and can be taken away by people in the tribe.

This operation was something Cheng Ying never thought of. In his impression, the birth of the agricultural system was the development of productivity, which allowed tribes to feed more people, so he plundered the populations of other tribes to work for himself. People in their own tribe can get something for nothing.

Essentially, this is a system created for the purpose of exploitation. The operation in Ji Zhen gave Cheng Ying a feeling of refreshing his outlook on life. Why does slavery seem to be fairer than public ownership in primitive society?

But in a sense, this kind of development is reasonable. The tribe in Jizhen did develop faster than others. Because they got rid of the lazy people in their tribe first, they produced more wealth through labor. , you can update one, train an army, and capture slaves from other nearby tribes.

In a short period of time, the tribe's population expanded to one thousand, one-third of which were slaves. However, in Jizhen's system, even people who were not slaves needed to work. Slave owners were not born. Instead, they were replaced by slaves. However, Ji Zhen, as the leader of the tribe, fairly distributed the wealth produced by the slaves to other people in the tribe.

This strange social system made the tribe develop the fastest among all tribes. However, it also produced a drawback, that is, the tribe in Jizhen did not give birth to particularly many warriors. Other tribes may There are more or less a few warriors who have experienced hundreds of battles and are strong and physically strong.

Because the slaves they plundered were allocated to individuals, these people became even more fanatical during the war.

So far, the war between tribes has not officially started. It needs to reach at least the feudal period. A small amount of iron tools begin to be smelted. After the population in the initial area is basically unified by the aspirants in these spaces, the war between spaces will begin. will begin.

And that time is the time to verify whose system is more advanced.

The strategy adopted by Ji Zhen was to have absolute control over the army. During the distribution process, more wealth would be given to the soldiers while allowing others to benefit from the wealth produced by slaves.

As more and more people gathered, cities began to be built, and steel drills began to be tried. If cheap steel could be smelted, the tools in the farmland could be replaced from bone and stone tools to iron tools.

But he began to think about the shortcomings of his current system again. The efficiency of hard work in farming was far less than that of members of the tribe. He had discovered this problem and understood the reason. No matter who it was, when all the value created by his labor was If it is taken away, there will be no motivation to move.

Driven by the whip, these talents can work, but it is still a headache to work as a foreigner. Ji Zhen is familiar with the methods of differentiation and co-optation, so he also gave the slaves a reward and punishment system. For example, the person who works the most can be You can get rewards for eating meat or reporting someone for cheating.

But none of this seems to be enough to make their work efficiency comparable to that of other people in the tribe.

Ji Zhen was thinking about whether to give these slaves freedom. If they were freed after completing enough arduous labor, there would undoubtedly be a significant increase in their enthusiasm for labor.

But if there are no slaves, how should I distribute the benefits so that other people in the tribe still respect me? Is it still impossible to escape the lie that the whole world is not the king's land?

Ji Zhen felt that the system he used in reality was more advanced, relying on the baton of money to allocate social resources invisibly, but why could the same method not be used in the newly established tribal country? ?

Hmm... If Cheng Ying knew about this problem, he would definitely tell him two things. Productivity determines production relations, and the economic base determines the upper class.

[To be continued]

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