Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,636 The Yearning One

It has been more than a month since the civilized space started operating. Converted to time in the space, most people have experienced close to a year even if acceleration is not used. During this period, in reality, Many changes occurred.

The sudden appearance of the twin pupils caused the Star Luo Empire to fall into extreme tension. Many people thought that the White Tiger Duke was preparing a coup. After all, in this situation, even if they did not want to be the emperor's subordinates, they would not be able to see the vision coming from the sky. It is very likely that I will give you a yellow robe.

But with the circulation of information, and after discovering that this was the case across the continent, the heat of the incident gradually subsided, and instead, the civilized space began to gradually become more popular.

Only those who are eager for knowledge and yearn for a better life in the future will enter this space, so the first batch of people to enter are actually a large number of ordinary people and scholars.

With their yearning for life and desire for knowledge, these people entered the space almost on the same day. In contrast, those who only knew how to fight for power and profit every day only realized the existence of such a space later.

The double pupils were regarded as a miracle, sent down by the god named Civilization, and this miracle, which was obviously a blessing, also earned the gratitude of many people on the mainland.

This is equivalent to the power of belief for the gods, but what makes William crazy is that these beliefs are not directed at him. They are obviously huge in number, but they are completely unable to be used by him.

The role of civilized space has also been gradually developed. Although everyone knows the role of learning, not everyone will try active learning.

Because even in the game space of the Battle of the Forbidden City, you can learn relevant knowledge and have time to speed up. This has been discovered a long time ago. But not many people try to learn.

In the final analysis, it is simply not realistic to learn happily. Those who can learn happily in European and American countries are those with little future. In those countries, the truly elite education is very strict in the classroom. Compared with the domestic education model, there are Worse than that.

The strict classroom discipline in Harry Potter actually reflects reality, the elite education in Chinese and Western countries.

As for those who study happily, their future quality in all aspects will not be comparable to that of the top test-takers in compulsory education. Even if there is a chance for them to become technical talents in society in the future, they will waste time in their youth. The foundation laid is no longer allowed.

To meet the needs of high-end industry, happy learning is unrealistic. Therefore, the civilized space started from primitive society. If you want to enjoy happiness in your dreams after falling asleep, you must rely on yourself to develop science and technology in your dreams.

Otherwise, we would have to suffer like the primitive people, being hungry and cold, and having to drink blood like hair. Maybe he was bitten to death by a wild beast and came back to life. The pain would be almost the same as reality.

It was also under this spur that people who were unwilling to choose to fall behind and exit the space completely moved forward step by step, actively or passively learning the knowledge in the space.

Basically, they all started with the simplest writing. The illiteracy rate in Douluo is still very high, just like the social system in the Middle Ages. The difficulty of making civilians literate is indeed a bit high.

But at least everyone knows the importance of writing to the development of civilization. In primitive society, in addition to simple operations such as making bows and arrows, you will definitely experience Cangjie's addiction and make characters.

As a result, within a month, the literacy rate across the continent has been increasing rapidly. Although learning is not a joy, the mentality of making characters by yourself is different from being forced to learn to write from others.

After a year of development, more than 50% of the people have chosen to enter the space, and 70% of the people in the space have chosen to start planting.

This ratio was much higher than what Cheng Ying had estimated at the beginning of the design. After thinking about it for a while, he understood that the largest industry on this continent was still the primary industry, that is, agriculture.

More than half of those who enter the space are farmers in reality, so naturally they will not exclude people from entering farming from primitive society.

However, many of them failed to advance. For example, they did not choose suitable seeds. As a result, the food they grew could not feed the people in the tribe, and they were burned alive by the tribe as sacrifices to heaven.

Naturally, it is impossible for these people to experience the complete experience of being burned to death, which will leave a lifelong psychological shadow, but the severe pain of more than ten seconds must still be experienced. Failure, if there is no punishment, will not be punished in space. No one will pay attention to what you do.

And among those who chose to plant, nearly 30% began to study astronomical calendars. After all, there is no calendar in space for you to see. Do you want to determine which season it is, and which season is accurate? Which day? You have to look at the stars, or look at the sun.

So some people began to learn mathematics again. If they want to calculate the calendar, they must learn basic mathematics. Of course, if the mathematics is good enough, you can measure the angle of the North Star and calculate the daily changes in the length of the sun's shadow. It takes many years of summarization to get a calendar that can be used to guide the farming season.

The accumulation of knowledge is reflected in reality, and the impact is immediate. More people can be admitted to the factory, can understand the notices, and can make more effective plans for their short-term behavior based on the contents of the notices.

His empire may not have a particularly clear understanding of it, but the Dou Ling Republic, which was just established, is extremely sensitive to this aspect.

Because they are a country that is about to industrialize. In this regard, the demand for talents is the greatest. If we talk about the most primitive factories, even illiterate people who know nothing can join them. To develop an effective workforce.

As the industrial system becomes increasingly complex, workers who cannot read slogans and perform simple measurements and calculations have gradually been eliminated.

Ma Huayun's original plan was to vigorously promote education. In his estimation, it would take at least five years for industrial development to enter a high-speed stage, because it will be five years before the first wave of high-quality talents can be put into production.

But it is obvious that after the emergence of civilized space, the number of available workers began to increase. The more ambitious ones searched for knowledge in the space every day and continued to learn knowledge that was useful even in reality.

Gu Fei

Although many people began to degenerate and enjoy themselves after teaching primitive people to build houses, hunt animals, and simply plant crops. Even if primitive people are ugly, there are still one or two good-looking girls in the entire tribe.

For ordinary people, being able to have a girl who is more beautiful than their own wife take care of them after they fall asleep can be regarded as enjoyment even if the conditions are a little bit rough.

However, Chengying will naturally not let these people fall. In another month, the war mode can basically begin.

When Chengying formulated his strategy, he did not base it on the progress of these laggards. Rather, it is based on the plans made by a group of people who are ahead of the curve. As long as they initially entered the feudal era, or did not enter the feudal era. But if the number of tribe members exceeds 5,000, the battle mode will be activated.

Because after reaching this scale, these civilizations can start to launch wars and plunder slaves.

The party that loses the war will really be captured by the winner and turned into a slave. As for getting rid of this situation, it can either commit suicide and go back to start running its own space again, or it can be in the other side's space and let the other side do it. Arranging one month is one month in reality, but in a civilized space, it is basically one year.

Although this process is extremely tiring, it is difficult to commit suicide. As long as it is not burned to death through continuous torture, space can only weaken the pain of death. Even if you know that you will not really die, you still have the courage to do it for yourself. There are not many people who can use a knife, not to mention that slaves don't have sharp weapons in their hands. If you want to give yourself a good blow, there is basically no chance.

Designing such rules is naturally not Cheng Ying's bad taste. In a civilized space, with the development of society and the advancement of technology, sooner or later the feudal era will enter, and sooner or later the aspirants will become emperors, but in space, they Not only do you need to experience the prosperity at the upper level of civilization, you also need to experience the pain at the bottom of civilization.

In reality, ordinary people can only experience the pain of their own era, so after becoming an emperor, they will still selectively ignore the hardships of the bottom class of society. Only when they have personally experienced it and are likely to fall into this situation themselves can they put themselves in their shoes. Think about the bottom of your own civilization.

To describe it in the second point, let the world feel the pain! If you have never experienced pain, you will not understand the preciousness of peace... Of course, Chengying cannot be as good as Nagato.

In the space of Jizhen, he finally found that he could only use the lie that the world was not the kingdom to collect taxes from everyone openly, and then use the benefits of this part to win over some people and establish a violent organ of the country. , relying on a powerful army to plunder the population in their own space.

In the primitive era, the initial population in space was generally only 20,000 to 30,000. If you could unite 5,000 people, you could basically try to touch the iron technology tree.

In order to improve his own technology, Ji Zhen even went to the blacksmith shop several times in reality. Not only him, but also many people went to the blacksmith to steal their skills because they were stuck in the iron smelting process in space, so that for a period of time, The original blacksmith workshop, which has been almost eliminated, has seen its value rise.

However, this is only a temporary thing. As our era continues to advance, traditional blacksmith workshops will eventually be eliminated.

Blacksmithing is a technical activity. In the civilized space, the degree of simulation of the real environment is very high, especially when it comes to steel. The degree of reality is even higher than other environments, because in the various technology trees that follow, steel All are in extremely important positions.

In order to quickly open up this technology tree, Ji Zhen started to do it himself. From the beginning, the most primitive iron ore and coal were calcined in the furnace, and then he picked up iron particles from the broken pieces. Later, he built a decent furnace and smelted it. A lot of effort goes into every step of tapping molten iron.

At the beginning, after practicing for a long time, I only got a few iron particles smaller than a fingernail. I almost cried without tears. In the end, I endured the strong frustration and melted these few iron particles into fish hooks, like fish hooks. His own people proved that iron smelting was not meaningless.

Now looking at the molten iron finally poured into the mold, a sense of accomplishment arises spontaneously. Although the iron weapons now forged are compared with bronze weapons. The quality is still inferior. More brittle and easier to break.

But Ji Zhen, who has real-life experience, knows very well that with the advancement of technology, iron will be more durable than copper. What's more, even now, iron has its own value. There are much more iron ores than copper ores. Although smelting may be a little more difficult, it will definitely be cheaper than bronze weapons in the future.

Just when he was about to continue farming in his hometown, the prompt to start the space battle mode appeared. The area restrictions that were originally blocked by the air wall and unable to leave were lifted. Ji Zhen could leave his initial space of 500 square kilometers and compete with other people. tribes at war.

Conquest must be profitable before doing it. Not everyone realizes that attacking other aspirants is profitable. After all, basically everyone has not unified their own area. There are basically only 20,000 to 30,000 savages left. There is no unity for most of the fall, and it seems that the gain outweighs the gain by provoking other yearning people at this time.

I also know that basically all the yearning people can train a certain army. The difficulty of attacking is much more difficult than that of the primitive tribes. Spending a lot of effort to attack the yearning people is not as good as quickly destroying other primitive tribes around you. As for the ethnic group.

It's just that Ji Zhen's thinking is different from most. He is keenly aware that defeating other aspirant tribes will gain much more than attacking other primitive ethnic groups.

The reason is very simple. The language and characters used by the group of yearners must be the same as our own. Everyone is a real person. Is it possible that someone will come to the civilized space and create a new set of their own? Written language? Not to mention whether you have this ability? Even if you really have the patience and the ability to create a new language system, it will definitely not be completed in one or two years.

If they use the same language and characters, there will be no difficulty in communication. In addition, most of these people have also tried planting and can use fishing nets. In this way, if these people are captured as slaves, there will be no difficulty in communication. question. There is no need for these people to learn how to farm from scratch.

It can be used as soon as it is caught, and no training is required. The time saved and the efficiency improved are definitely enough to trigger a war.

After having this idea, Ji Zhen's first thought was not to hit others, but to cheer up and send scouts to detect whether there was anyone around who wanted to hit him. In his impression, there should be many smart people, and it was absolutely impossible , only he thought of the interests of attacking the aspirants.

[To be continued]

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