Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,637 Tribal Clash

In primitive societies, battles between people were often relatively simple. There are no complicated tactics. There is no need to consider whether the food will be intercepted, and there is no complicated tactical system, so even ordinary people can command it relatively easily.

What's more, Ji Zhen himself can no longer be regarded as an ordinary person. He has commanded a war of five thousand people, and in a sense he can be regarded as a commander-in-chief.

The so-called commander, the most important thing is not the ability to lead troops to charge, this is the ability that a general needs. The most important thing a commander needs to do is how to manage his subordinates.

If you have an army of 1,000 people, just serving a group of people to eat, drink, and defecate is a very troublesome thing, if the army of 1,000 people does not even dig toilets. You can only imagine what the situation would be like in a war.

If you don't master the magical skill of flying, your army will probably be defeated without anyone attacking.

And this aspect happens to be what Ji Zhen is best at. He led the Sandstorm Group to seize the opportunity to make a lot of money in Xingluo City. It relies on organizational ability that far exceeds that of traditional forces. Although this organizational ability relies on long-term rigorous training and the extremely high literacy rate of individuals in the team after forced learning.

If used on these primitive people who are unorganized and undisciplined, the effect will be greatly reduced, but if you start from scratch with these primitive people who are like a blank sheet of paper, you can still achieve a certain effect.

At least under the message of the new spell and the beating of war drums, these people can already move in line. To do this, holding a spear in their hand, is enough to cause considerable damage to the scattered opponents.

In addition, some people use bows and arrows and throw spears. The most important thing for training these people is to let them learn to wait for the enemy to get close before shooting.

The bows and arrows of this era have a very short range. Not only that, but their power is also quite poor. Even if they are shot at a beast, it is difficult to be fatal. It can only hurt the beast and exhaust its energy while running before it can be finally caught.

Projecting from a long distance can at best confuse the enemy's formation, and it is difficult to cause much damage. On the contrary, it will make your team restless and waste bows and arrows.

Ji Zhen's requirement is that after the enemy reaches a 50m range, fire three consecutive volleys, then directly abandon the bow and arrow, pick up a spear, and charge behind the infantry phalanx. It has a bit of an early morning musketeer bayonet charge.

Ji Zhen didn't know much about wars in this era, but in his opinion, what really determines the outcome in a battle is the first round of physical combat after mutual impact. Whoever can't bear the damage first will be the first. The collapsing party.

The role of long-range attacks in this process is to make the opponent's infantry lose their composure. Taking the lead in charging means that they can attack farther and run longer distances, so the formation will easily break up. This means that one person on the opposite side has to face the siege of two people on his side. There is no need to kill everyone on the opposite side. As long as a large number of deaths are caused in a short period of time, the opposite side will naturally be unable to bear it and collapse.

Compared with infantry and archers, what is relatively easy to train is the scouts, who have the highest quality requirements in modern warfare, this group of primitive people. He has been running around in the jungle since he was a child, using his keen eyes to detect prey. Being a scout does not require much training.

The results of the investigation were also very good. When the two scouts, who were covered in mud, came back, they hurried to Jizhen to report: "We found a wooden stockade in the west, which is smaller than our own. Inside There are probably more than 1,500 people, and there should be about 100 people who can serve as warriors.

These men were training outside their stockade and looked like they were going to kill someone. "

Ji Zhen nodded when he heard this. This should be the hometown of the aspirant who is currently closest to him. Judging from the scout's description, the development of this tribe should not be as good as his own.

"Do they have any special equipment?" Ji Zhen asked.

"Most of the soldiers are like us, using long spears, and some are training to use bows and arrows, but most of their arrow shafts don't have feathers." The scout reported truthfully:

"In addition to these two types of warriors, there are also several people riding on a tall animal with four legs. We don't know what kind of animal it is. We have never seen it before, but it seems to be eating grass. Yes, it won’t bite.”

When Ji Zhen heard this, his expression was slightly solemn. Although his opponent was not as developed as him, his starting location seemed to be better than his. He actually had a horse, and it could be tamed and ridden, even if there were only a few of them. Horses also play a very important role in war.

"Have you seen clearly how many warriors like that there are? Also, do the animals they ride on have no horns? Are there any cushions sitting under their butts? Are there anything under their feet?"

The scouts were all hunters with the best eyesight in the tribe. After recalling for a moment, they replied: "We saw a total of four such warriors. We couldn't see them in the village. There may be more inside. Those animals do have no horns. Some are very big, taller than people.

As for the people riding on it, they were sitting directly on the back. There was nothing under their crotches and nothing under their feet. They didn't look very skilled in riding that kind of animal. Two people could ride it very steadily. Above, the other two people need to hold the animal's neck in order to ride away smoothly. "

Ji Zhen nodded and breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the opponent had just caught this animal and had not yet equipped it with a saddle and stirrups. Without these two things, it would be difficult for the rider to ride steadily, and most of the time, his hands could not leave, let alone a cavalry charge.

If they dared to charge with a lance, they would probably be thrown off the horse's back by the reaction force when they hit the opponent.

These cavalrymen could probably be used as scouts at most, or take a few people around behind them, and then dismount and attack.

Without a saddle and stirrups, it would definitely take years of training to complete a cavalry charge. It must be a knight with extremely skilled skills to be able to complete it.

At least in this battle, there is no need to worry about someone riding a tall horse with a lance, killing seven in and seven out of his army.

This is even a good thing for their own tribe. If they defeat the enemy, they can grab horses. With horses, they can train cavalry. Not only cavalry, but horses are also very suitable livestock. They can not only be used to pull carts, but as long as they make a harness that puts force on the horse's chest, they can be used to plow the fields.

Gu Yu

As for the cart... a more embarrassing reality is that there is no one in Jizhen for the time being.

Making a cart is actually a technical job. If you just cut down a huge log, dig a hole, and make a simple cart, the difficulty is not particularly great.

But the solid wheel is very heavy, the friction of the wooden axle is very large, and it is very easy to wear, and it has basically no practical value.

If you really want to make a practical car with a relatively large carrying capacity, you need to make a hollow wheel with spokes, that is, a straight rope in the wood, and knead it into a wheel. It is very difficult to bake straight wood into curved wood, and then splice several curved wood together to form a circle. Even if you can form a complete circle, you still have to find a way to put these wood together and connect them to an axle with spokes. The bearings need to use metal to ensure that they are wear-resistant enough without too much friction.

In addition, it is not easy to ensure that the wheels on both sides are the same size. There is no standardized mold. The shape of the wood depends purely on the feel. If it is bent too much, a piece of wood may be useless.

Huangdi was called Xuanyuan. From today's perspective, it seems a bit rustic. The original meaning is car, but in modern times, cars are not ordinary things, but cutting-edge technology, similar to modern people calling aircraft carriers and missiles. Although it is still a bit strange, it is not low-end at all.

Jizhen has no car yet, but it is almost able to make one. The most difficult wheel has produced two samples of the same size. If it is urgent, it can temporarily assemble a two-wheeled car.

However, there is a problem. Although there are carts, there are no suitable livestock. The only domesticated livestock in the tribe that looks like it can pull carts is the donkey, but you certainly can't rely on donkeys to pull carts to fight...

The remaining domesticated animals are only an animal that looks like a goose and the wolf cubs that were snatched after killing the mother wolf.

In addition to cattle and horses, Jizhen also wants cats and pigs. The former is very important for the tribe that has started planting and has grain storage, and the latter is an important source of meat. Jizhen has even learned how to knock pigs in reality, but he didn't catch a single pig.

This time, the opponent has horses, which is already a pleasant surprise.

After finding out the general situation of the enemy, Jizhen began to mobilize and prepare for war!

Almost all young and middle-aged people have to participate in the war. An army of 500 people is already difficult to command. If Jizhen didn't have experience in managing thousands of people in reality, he might be a little embarrassed now.

The route of the expedition was to take a small boat down the river. Boats are easier to make than cars. Even without sails, it is fast to go down the river. Most importantly, it is more convenient to carry food.

The opponent's tribe is not far from the river. This is normal. The river is a hotbed for civilization. Most tribes will choose places close to water sources.

In normal battles, with an absolute advantage in military strength, there will be basically no accidents. Ji Zhen is quite confident in the group of people he trained, at least there will be no situation of self-disorder.

What he didn't know was that when he came out to attack others, his hometown was also targeted.

After the battle began, 100 people would be pulled into the same space to connect and fight in a battlefield of about 50,000 square kilometers. 50,000 square kilometers is not small, basically equivalent to the area of ​​​​a small half province, and just entering the feudal era, the land that can be directly governed is basically this large.

That is why only one winner will be chosen from among the 100 people. The other losers, after choosing to end their lives or become slaves for a month, do not need to start all over again, but will rewind time to before they were defeated.

From that stage, continue to build your own territory and climb the technology tree.

As for those who want to leave their initial territory of 500 square kilometers, they need to wait for the next battle to start in a month. In other words, only the winner among the 100 people can successfully advance to the feudal era and own the territory of a feudal country.

The competition is still quite fierce, but after the first campaign starts, the number of campaigns will become more and more frequent, and the requirements for the number of promotions will gradually be relaxed. It is expected that after ten rounds, 30% of the players will be able to win in one campaign. people, qualified for promotion.

Unfortunately, in the one hundred-person space where Ji Zhen was located, he was assigned an extremely powerful opponent.

If Cheng Ying did not do it on purpose, it would definitely be a lie. He assigned Huo Yuhao and Jizhen to the same group. It was indeed Chengying who wanted to see how much potential Jizhen had. However, at the level of primitive society, he It is almost impossible to defeat Huo Yuhao.

The amount of knowledge determines it, and he has no chance of winning. Huo Yuhao has completely unified the tribes within his territory, with a population of 20,000, and has built a city, a square city with city walls, and uses ridge farming on the farmland. , cattle farming not only uses manure to apply nitrogen fertilizer, but also adds plant ash as potassium fertilizer.

Iron weapons were also highlighted, and they had a large number of bronze weapons and iron farm tools. After the war began, the strategy adopted was not to attack the opponent immediately, but to sell bronze weapons in exchange for food and plunder the savage tribes.

Relying on the scissor gap between handicraft industry and agriculture, Huo Yuhao could afford to raise these slaves who could not speak their own language. His plan was to rely on several nearby aspirant tribes to fight, and then use the plundered population to come to him in exchange for weapons and bronze utensils. , first expand your population to full, that is, look at the food on hand to support the most.

After those weak tribes were almost wiped out, he took a large wave of soldiers he had trained to push away several tribes trading around him, and harvested his younger brother, which was a feudal country in the feudal system.

The tribe in Jizhen is a tribe that Huo Yuhao is very optimistic about. It has a large population, agricultural development, and surplus products. Although it has bronzes, the quality is not good. The tribe has pottery, but it will be beaten by its own black pottery. The number of troops is not enough. It can plunder a lot of people for trade. Is there any more suitable tributary country than this?

[To be continued]

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