Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,638 War and Reflection

In the new Huayun Soul Guidance Vocational and Technical College in Dou Ling Republic, Huo Yuhao woke up from his sleep and exited the civilized space. When he woke up, he fell into deep thought.

It seems that he has some problems with the idea of ​​changing the world. The changes that Ma Huayun promotes are what he wants to see: "But is this right? is obvious that exploitation still exists, but it has been replaced by a more obscure form. Way.

Did I overthrow the once-high-ranking bloodline aristocrats just to put a group of capitalists in that position? What is the significance of such a change? Such changes have made me face the pioneers who lost their lives in the changes.

This is wrong, but what exactly is right? If I were to go back to the primitive era, if I wanted to make progress, I would have to promote the development of slavery, and I would have to capture slaves from other tribes and strengthen my tribe. Otherwise, the era would be over. We will always stay in the primitive era of eating hair and drinking blood.

I am using the advantages of industrial products to harvest other tribes' hard work of hunting and planting. Is this correct? Is oppression inevitable as history moves forward? "

Huo Yuhao rubbed his eyebrows. He felt that this was wrong, but the reality he saw was that with the progress of history, the means of oppressing some people became more and more sophisticated, more obscure, and more efficient. , it seems that they are becoming more and more equal, but in fact, the gap between the upper and lower levels is becoming more and more severed.

"I have the opportunity to try it myself, and I always have to try it myself to see how I can find a way out!"

Huo Yuhao breathed a sigh of relief. His hatred for the White Tiger Duke had become weaker and weaker with the passage of time. As he learned more about history and humanities, he understood more and more that his childhood situation was not just what some people felt about him. His harshness was due to the fact that in such a position, no matter which family he was in, he would receive the same treatment.

This is not the second grade of "it's not me but the whole world that is wrong", but a rational analysis after gradually understanding the development of society.

Huo Yuhao didn't know what he wanted, so he began to reflect.

"Do I want fairness? No... it's not just that. If I only want fairness, then I can now lead an entire mechanized armored division to the White Tiger Duke's Mansion and kill those who once oppressed me. All people are judged.

So what I want is to seek knowledge? The unknown is indeed fascinating, but how far can I do it alone? Science and science are divided into subjects. If I study all subjects by myself, one day I will be unable to do what I want.

So..." Huo Yuhao's thinking fell into a brief stagnation, recalling that before leaving Shrek Academy, he faced the data in the laboratory alone and recorded one major discovery that might change human history.

At that time, he... seemed very lonely, with nothing but hatred and knowledge.

But gradually, he got a group of students, and saw with his own eyes that under the nourishment of knowledge, the once dull and dull people became busy and fulfilled, and more and more people surrounded him. They were no longer those who didn't understand him and faced him. He is indifferent to revolutionary developments and will only be shocked to see his cultivation improve.

Students began to actively explore the unknown, workers began to work for themselves, and even businessmen were wondering what kind of products would meet everyone's needs.

If Huo Yuhao had to say what had changed in these people, he would probably say: "It's because they have hope!"

"Longing this what it means? Who opened such a space? Are you also looking forward to more people getting the hope you long for? Do you look forward to more people becoming fellow travelers? You have also been lonely. Have you passed?" Huo Yuhao had such a question in his mind.

And he seemed to understand more and more what he needed to do. Overthrowing the nobles was no longer important, and promoting technological progress was just a means. What he wanted was for everyone to have the courage, perseverance and wisdom to move forward. A society where you can move forward with your dreams!

It was difficult, but fortunately, he was not alone on this journey.

Cheng Ying once walked this way, and now he no longer doubts whether he has a companion. As long as he spreads hope, someone will definitely stand up and embark on this never-ending road, and Those who stand in front of those who yearn for it and refuse to let go of their base desires will eventually become dust in history.

In the civilized space, Huo Yuhao still did not change his strategy. To defeat the enemy, he must first understand the enemy.

"What means should be used to control other tribes?" Huo Yuhao thought. The feudal era meant enfeoffment, which meant that the power of a country could no longer directly govern and manage the entire empire, and the scope of direct jurisdiction often relied on transportation capabilities.

"So, my country must occupy an area with convenient transportation. In an era when transportation is underdeveloped, the best, natural transportation thoroughfare is... rivers!"

Huo Yuhao looked at the river next to his tribe. The river flowed from west to east, and the wind direction was exactly the opposite, so he made the simplest hard sailboat, which could go down the river, or raise the sail and go upstream.

"Is this why ancient empires tended to rise along rivers? What else? I need roads! Roads that connect various places. If I have enough steel to build railways that stretch for hundreds of thousands of miles, even if there are no rivers, I can also direct an entire empire.

And how should such an empire be overthrown? If we want to build a fair country from the bottom up, shouldn’t we develop technology? "Huo Yuhao had a headache and didn't know whether to build the road for a while.

"No... I can't think like this. If I think like this, I will fall into the trap of the ruler's desire to hold power. I should think about the reasons for the changes that have taken place on the mainland.

After the reform of the Douling Empire, although the efficiency of exploitation has become higher, and a greater proportion of the wealth created by each person has been deprived of, people's living standards have improved, and there is nothing wrong with improving productivity.

I should think about the motivation for change and why productivity will increase after change.

The motivation for change should be very simple. Ma Huayun is no longer satisfied with his status as a powerless businessman. He wants more tangible rights, wants to control central industries related to the national economy and people's livelihood, and wants to become the leader of a violent machine.

And why does productivity increase? Before the reform, the nobles wanted to exploit Ma Huayun's wealth. No matter how much he produced, the majority would be taken away by the superior nobles. So I gave him a lot of cutting-edge technology, but he just kept it for himself and did not put it into production.

Gu Yan

Only when he becomes a vested interest will he use his technology for production and create more social wealth.

So... is it subjective initiative?

Only when you create wealth for yourself will you work harder for it. If you go further, the current Dou Ling Republic will actually be unreasonable!

If the workers discovered a way to increase production, but the increase in production did not benefit them at all, they wouldn't take the initiative to propose this method!

More importantly, after students study, they find that the knowledge they have learned turns them into a screw in the factory. I am afraid they will lose hope and choose to stop! Therefore, even the Dou Ling Republic needs to be more fair. "

Huo Yuhao took a deep breath and shook his head: "There is nothing wrong with being more fair. There must be a reason why I can't do it in the tribe now.

It's because I don't have enough manpower. I can't formulate a set of distribution rules that are complex enough and change with the times to maintain fairness for everyone. Maintaining such rules requires too much manpower.

More than that, those with vested interests will not voluntarily give up their interests. If I directly declare now that slaves will become free people, I will definitely be overthrown. Therefore, change needs to come from the bottom up and make people aware of the oppressed. the power of. Only when you know it hurts will you be in awe. "

Huo Yuhao's eyes are no longer confused, and he is more determined to squeeze the slaves to unify this space. It is impossible to build a fair country by relying on kindness and charity. In this position, what he has to do is what a person in this position should do. It is another group of people who want to carry out social practice and can really provoke change.

Cheng Ying monitored every civilized space and recorded every leap of wisdom in it, and Huo Yuhao's operation made his expression change slightly.

"Interesting, does Huo Yuhao's personality have such potential? It seems that women are indeed the biggest stumbling block on his growth path. Has it happened that in the slave society, my intention of setting the loser to obey the winner has been discovered?"

Chengying designed that the defeated must obey the victor's disposal, not just to let the defeated experience the sufferings of the world. Most of the yearners are the most ordinary ordinary people. No one is more familiar with the sufferings of the world than them. The experience of changing the law varies. Although the pain of the times helps them reflect and prevents them from forgetting their roots, there is another more important reason.

That is to cultivate these people's rebellious experience. Just imagine, when slaves can only return after a year or death, why not just lead people to rebel? Anyway, you won’t really die. You may fail the first time or the second time, and you may be hanged or beheaded. There is a systematic death protection. The most painful way to die is almost the same as being shot in the head, which is the worst. The result is the return of death.

Then there will definitely be people who are willing to try a few more times. If it doesn’t work once, then ten times! Moreover, it is not just one person who is defeated in a war. With the cooperation of a group of people, sooner or later they will be able to successfully overthrow the winner.

Chengying looked at the tribal conflicts in the space again and again, and sighed: "I hope you can get used to the advancement of technology and hard work! The test waiting for you is not just war. Compared with rising up to resist in war, it is more The difficulty is to refuse to enjoy in peace."

Cheng Ying had experienced a similar era, just before time travel: "The continuous improvement of material life is not a bad thing. In an era of extremely abundant materials, perhaps everyone does not need to work much, but in such an era, civilization does not It is possible to fall into silence in such comfort.”

If the history before Chengying traveled through time was not enough to make him feel the crisis, the Buddhist crisis that had happened to Tulip and swept the entire civilization had sounded the alarm for him.

Just as Huo Yuhao has thought about, fairness is not the ultimate goal of civilization. Calculated based on the productivity of the 21st century, if the distribution is fair, then everyone can have an eight-hour work system and enjoy the convenience of first-tier cities. Life, and electronics that once might have taken months of saving to afford, will become incredibly cheap.

Because there is only so much wealth created by everyone's labor, it should be more than enough to maintain a comfortable life.

But the world is unified and absolutely fair. Technology has developed to the point where a person can be cared for by a robot servant. Entertainment products are extremely abundant. The entertainment industry is highly developed. Is it really a healthy civilization?

Individuals living in such a civilization will undoubtedly feel very happy. Their material life is extremely satisfying, and their spiritual life is also satisfied by AI that makes it difficult to distinguish true from false. There is no oppression, and there is no need to resist anyone.

It seems that there is no problem in maintaining this kind of life for thousands of years, but this kind of life, for thousands of years, has lacked the motivation for change.

The development and progress of science and technology requires someone to learn and pay, and it also requires the investment of resources and wealth.

If the government distributes all social wealth to everyone fairly and equitably, then everyone's life will be extremely beautiful, but technology will also stagnate.

If someone in such a fair country wants to explore the unknown, but if he wants to do this, he must consume social resources that far exceed the wealth he creates, which will inevitably deprive him of some of the wealth created by others.

And would people living in such a beautiful world without oppression really want to have another exploiter on their head? Even if that person has good intentions.

There are too many people who can share hardships but cannot share wealth and wealth. While Huo Yuhao was still thinking about how to solve the problems at hand through struggle, Cheng Ying was already thinking about how after the victory of the struggle, everyone would find that the wealth they obtained was not what they imagined. So many, what to do.

Absolute democracy is a disaster, because everyone will support decisions that can make their lives better, and many things require decades of continuous investment without seeing any return.

Everyone has probably imagined that if everyone in the world gave themselves a dollar, wouldn't they become a billionaire instantly? But when they mature, everyone understands that it is impossible for everyone to agree to having a dollar taken away from them, but without hundreds of millions of wealth, technological progress will be difficult to maintain.

If we want to build a world where everyone has hope to realize their dreams through wisdom, courage and perseverance, fairness is necessary, but fairness is not enough!

[To be continued]

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