Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,639 The protagonist is replaced

Cheng Ying's changes made Huo Yuhao embark on a completely different path from the original plot. He chose to work hard for the development of science and explore for the progress of society. Most people who choose this path have a problem. Just gradually losing interest in women.

Although there are many scientists who have happy love lives, such as Lavoisier, there are loving portraits of him and his wife in chemistry books.

But if you are involved in the exploration of natural sciences and social sciences at the same time, you will understand that a person's experience is ultimately limited. If it is used for exploration, the remaining social aspects will be greatly reduced. In other words, Wang Donger There were only a few opportunities to see Huo Yuhao.

Except for being almost assigned to the same dormitory when they first entered school, there was almost no interaction between them.

This makes the father-in-law in the original work very anxious. His daughter is already 14 years old. If she doesn't find a partner, she won't be able to get married. This is Douluo Continent. If she is over 11 years old and has not made a private decision for life, then she will be married for the rest of her life. It's more difficult. At the age of fourteen, she is definitely at the level of an older leftover girl.

So Tang San felt that he could no longer be entangled with Huo Yuhao. Although this guy who had absorbed a million-year soul ring was a good prospect. But the problem is, this monk has the same character. No matter how you say it, it can't be a good match.

If you don't have feelings for your daughter, how can you control it in the future? The worst thing is to support a new protagonist. Anyway, he is now the God of Shura and the God of the Sea. There is no god in the God Realm with greater authority than him. He can go down to earth to do things and satisfy his own private desires. No one could say anything.

But how could something like a protagonist be so easy to create? The training of Douluo traditional soul masters is about understanding one thought. Many soul masters have smooth sailing in the process of training, by constantly slapping people in the face and stepping on others. To accumulate his own confidence, and finally become the strongest in the world in one fell swoop.

Tang San himself is almost the same template. Except for being beaten to death by the two gods in the ending, he has basically never suffered any big losses. When encountering a strong enemy, he can either escape or fight back, even if he is killed in the ending. He was beaten to death, but he was resurrected through cheating.

The only thing that could be considered a big loss for him was when Qian Renxue became a god early and chased him. But the problem was that the nature of that fight was more like the woman playing in a small game than a head-on fight. He punched your chest with his fist, but the force of the hammer was relatively strong, and he almost beat you to death.

Based on his experience of being successfully promoted, Tang San believed that the new son-in-law he had chosen. There must be a plug-in that guarantees one's absolute advantage over opponents of the same level.

Nowadays, the largest cheat in the continent, Tianmeng Ice Silkworm, has been absorbed by others. Now I am afraid it will not be easy to find a cheat of the same level.

Originally Tang San was more optimistic about Dai Yueheng. Although this guy was really bad at leading ordinary people, Tang San's own ability in this area could only be said to be average, so he didn't really care about it. .

In contrast, Dai Yueheng's talent and his strong personality among soul masters were still very promising to Tang San. The most important thing was that this Miaohong, who had a good foundation, was his brother's The descendant, Huo Yuhao will be chosen, a large part of the reason is also his father-son relationship with Duke White Tiger.

In other words, if the original plot develops, even if Huo Yuhao does not intend to let go of his hatred and continues to resolutely seek revenge from the White Tiger Duke, he will not succeed in the end. It is impossible for Tang San to look at his brother's family from 10,000 years ago. It was destroyed because of internal strife.

From various angles, Dai Yueheng seemed to be very suitable as his son-in-law. However, as he began to conduct in-depth investigations, he discovered that Dai Yueheng's body had been fused with multiple soul bones using some strange method, which exceeded the expectations of his son-in-law. It has exceeded the limit that the human body can bear, and there must be someone else cheating behind it.

After using his own resources in the God Realm to obtain information, he found out that Dai Yueheng was already an agent of a second-level god.

This makes it impossible to train him as a son-in-law. Although his roots are important, his clean financial status is even more important. He has entangled relationships with other gods. How can such a person rest assured?

Tang San had no choice but to continue looking for other family members on the mainland. Beibei was actually the son-in-law candidate he was very optimistic about at the beginning. There was no problem with his character or character. Moreover, he was a descendant of his own teacher, and he was absolutely upright and Miaohong. , but the head of the Tang Sect has already snatched the man away. The famous grass has its owner, so Tang San can't let his daughter steal other people's husbands!

In addition, the heir of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect seems to be one of the options. The problem is that the heir of this generation of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect is a woman. Although Tang San really does not want to see his daughter taken over by someone else, he still It is definitely impossible to let her go and get Ji.

"It seems we can only train him from scratch! It doesn't matter if he is younger!" Tang San thought, based on the principle of being like Gen Zheng Miao Hong, Dai Luoli was selected. This person had similar experience to Huo Yuhao.

According to the original plot, the person he fell in love with was Princess Xingluo, but the two of them have not yet crossed paths. Although Dai Luoli was also a commoner, at least he inherited the White Tiger Spirit and was qualified to stay in the family and was not cheated to death.

However, because the strength of his own martial spirit is far inferior to that of the White Tiger's martial spirit, it is not taken seriously. The reason for the lack of strength cannot be blamed on himself. His martial spirit is not weak, but half of it is spiritual. Due to his attributes, he practiced according to the orthodox White Tiger Martial Spirit, which resulted in him being unable to exert his full strength, which was why he was left out in the family.

However, there are some differences from the original plot. In this world line, although Dai Luoli is not valued by his family, his life is not bad, and he does not suffer from great hatred.

The reason is that this person is already a regular player in the Battle of the Forbidden City. Basically, he is guaranteed to be shortlisted for the finals every time. His best result is even ranked in the top five. He is definitely an Internet celebrity in the Douluo game industry.

Although this status is nothing compared to aristocrats, after the emergence of the Internet as a media, the social voice held by an Internet celebrity is actually higher than that of many aristocrats. What is more important is that he is in such a sought-after position. , even if fans know his origin, they will only comfort him, encourage him, and even overly praise his abilities, which makes him actually feel very good every day.

In addition to material needs of human beings, spiritual needs are also very important. Dai Luoli, who inherited the White Tiger Martial Spirit, can definitely meet his material needs regardless of spiritual resources, and has been praised and touted by countless people. Basically, It was enough to satisfy most of his spiritual needs. Therefore, in this world line, not only did he not suffer any great hatred, he even felt a little happy in it.

Tang San was very dissatisfied with this child's character. He was shy, a teacher, and followed the rules. He was diligent but had no out-of-the-box thinking. He didn't know how to take shortcuts and was too kind to others. He almost never stepped on others. In Tang San's words That is, he lacks the majesty of a superior person and the temperament of a strong person.

But it's really hard to find someone who is about the same age as my daughter and whose background is a good match.


Character can be cultivated, and Tang San is still very confident. In the original work, Huo Yuhao was once strong, brave, hard-working, kind, and simple, just like a working people. What happened? Wasn't he finally trained to be a submissive wife-controller?

If you don't have the temperament of a strong person, if you step on people a few times and experience the pleasure of pretending to be slapped in the face, you will naturally develop this inexplicable self-confidence. Competing with geniuses is the only way to become a strong person.

After selecting the candidate, the only thing left is the plug-in. If you want to be comparable to Tianmeng Ice Silkworm, and also be suitable for Dai Luoli, who has a spiritual martial spirit, then there is probably only one existence on this continent that can meet these conditions.

The Empire of the Sun and Moon, the Evil Forest, ruled by the Evil Eye Tyrant!

This is a powerful soul beast from another world, somewhat similar to the ten-headed sun snake in the Slaughter City, except that what it explodes is not the inner bladder, but the magic crystal.

This boss is well-known in the world of beasts. He is the second most powerful soul beast. Although he is less than a million years old, his combat power is much stronger than that of Tianmeng Ice Silkworm.

After absorbing his soul ring and soul bone, although it won't produce an extra martial soul like a million-year soul ring, it's almost the same.

However, although this big boss is close to his lifespan, he still has at least 10,000 years to go before he is truly dead. 10,000 years is not a particularly long time for a soul beast that can easily live for tens of thousands of years, but For humans, this is too terrible. After 10,000 years, Tang San's daughter can no longer be described as an older leftover girl. The older leftover girls are not enough to describe a 10,000-year-old leftover girl without a boyfriend.

But it's not a troublesome problem unless you are about to live for a long time. Since you really think you can live for a long time, then I will beat you until you can't live for much longer, isn't that the end of it?

So he was practicing in seclusion, trying to break through 800,000 years, and asked the evil-eyed tyrant to lead him, but he suffered a disaster.

Unlike Di Tian, ​​this man who has mastered the wonderful power of time has a high probability of successfully breaking through the 800,000-year bottleneck. However, it seems that no matter which historical line, this man cannot escape the Tang family. Poisonous hand.

As the master of the Evil Forest and the biggest background of the Holy Spirit Cult, the evil-eyed tyrant master is indeed not a good soul beast. At this time, deep in the forest, he is enjoying the sacrifices offered by the Holy Spirit Cult and using his eighty A tentacle, happily playing with these people.

In the end, these struggling soul masters will be drained of their soul power and then thrown into the forest to fend for themselves. Basically, no one can leave alive.

Not taking action to kill someone is not merciful, but over the past tens of thousands of years, he has done it too many times, and being on the road can no longer bring him any psychological stimulation, so he can just throw it away when it is no longer useful.

It's like after we use up a tube of toothpaste. Children may be curious about cutting up the toothpaste and twisting it into their own toys, but adults have long been accustomed to these things, so they will throw them directly into the trash can.

It was another day when he absorbed a large amount of pure original soul power. The Evil Eye Tyrant Lord felt that he was becoming more and more hopeful of breaking through the next bottleneck. The huge spiritual power enveloped the entire forest, and he felt enveloped in his own spirit. Within the scope, he is like a god.

However, this unrealistic self-confidence was shattered today. A Cui Can golden trident fell from the sky, seemingly unstoppable, and pierced him in the middle of the forest.

The sudden disaster from heaven made the evil-eyed tyrant master look confused, but he still fought back, only to see his huge body emerge from the mountain range where he was originally buried. Breaking out of the ground and rising into the sky.

The huge pupils were aimed at the trident landing in the sky, followed by a dark red light cannon. The evil eye tyrant master is best at standing and outputting. He is the strongest super turret on this continent.

The light cannon that could burn a whole piece of land into magma just now was only average to him, but it was enough to severely damage the powerful 100,000-year-old soul beast.

Just a golden trident in the sky. After being hit by the light cannon, he was unscathed and continued to fall firmly.

This made the second-ranked super soul beast realize that his situation was not good. The trident was definitely not Ditian's weapon, and as far as he knew, in this world, except for the beast god, there was no creature that could compete with him. He resisted. Unless the creature is not from this world.

Feeling that the situation was not good, the Evil Eye Tyrant Lord chose to run away. Although his body was a large ball with a diameter of tens of meters, his moving speed was not too slow.

During the overwhelming and majestic movement, the evil eye tyrant gradually showed a solemn look in his pupils, because he found that his transfer was meaningless, and the trident in the sky was still locked tightly on him, moving towards him with an extremely oppressive feeling. He was approaching, and it seemed like he had moved a very long distance. But the relative distance between the two was still determined and they were approaching at the same speed. In other words, no matter how he avoided it, the time when the trident hit him was fixed. It won’t be ahead of schedule, nor will it be delayed.

Knowing that there was no way to avoid this battle, the Evil Eye Tyrant Lord also began to hold back his ultimate move. Even the beast god Di Tian did not dare to face his ultimate move head-on. Facing the arrogant opponent, he wanted to give the opponent some color. !

I saw that the dark red energy in his pupils gradually gathered, but the red pattern gradually turned towards pale color, and the space seemed to be distorted. Looking towards the huge eyeball from a distance, it was like seeing the picture on the mirror. , extremely weird, that’s because time is distorted, and the different speeds of time flow lead to different arrival times to the human eye, so that the original space looks very weird.

As all the gathered energy turned pale, the Evil Eye Tyrant Master also completed the final preparations for his ultimate move, sending a light cannon to the golden trident in the sky.

[To be continued]

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