Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,640 The evil-eyed tyrant master who was forced to sacrifice

The evil eye tyrant master has touched the power of the time domain. After receiving the threat to his life, he no longer dared to keep his trump card. He went all out to push all the soul power in his body and displayed his strongest ability.

Time ability can be regarded as a top ability in any world view. Even in the face of the crushing force from the superior, it still plays an obvious role.

The golden trident seemed to have been weathered for tens of millions of years. The golden light on the surface began to corrode, and the green copper smell began to crawl over the surface of the trident. It seemed that the original material of the golden trident should be bronze or brass, but But it turned into gold because of special power.

Under the erosion of the power of time, the rusty trident revealed its true appearance. Tang San did not expect that his opponent would suddenly use such a tricky ability, and quickly took back his divine weapon.

If you continue to use the artifact and throw it, you can kill the evil-eyed tyrant master instantly before it is damaged. However, your trident will probably be seriously damaged under the erosion of time for a long time, and you don’t know how much materials will be consumed to repair it. , when I first became a god and inherited the trident, I felt that it was someone else's thing and I didn't feel bad about using it. Now it's my turn to use it, and I feel very distressed when I bump or touch it.

As soon as Tang San waved, the trident flew back into his hand. The rusty copper-green color on the surface began to fade away the moment he held it. The scene was like tearing away dead skin, giving OCD a rush. A very comfortable feeling.

"Obviously they are mortal creatures, but they dare to look directly at the glory of God, and there is no fixed situation!"

Although he has become a god, as a sea god, his best skill is still the inherited Uncertain Storm, which is known as the strongest control skill in the God Realm.

Of course, there must be something to this being the strongest, and he is probably the strongest not including the Supreme God.

Circles of golden halo fell from the sky, nine halos in total. This move was used by Tang San. If all nine haloes fell on one person, even the Lord God would have difficulty breaking free.

The evil-eyed tyrant master realized the danger and let out a shrill roar, which probably meant that the sky was going to kill me, but he did not give up the struggle.

The power of time is still very strong. At least when he challenged Di Tian to a duel, he did not fall into a big disadvantage. Among the second-level gods, this level of combat power is probably only matched by the fallen Xiupruos. .

A pale white light was seen shooting out of the pupils again, and he launched his ultimate move twice in a row. The dark red pupils of the Evil Eye Tyrant have turned pale. It is obvious that the energy accumulated inside has been used to a large extent, which has seriously damaged his vitality.

The pale white light hit the nine halos that fell from the sky. The power of time in them was desperately aging the energy in the halo. The nine halos began to dim, gradually turning from gold to translucent egg yellow.

But unfortunately, when the two sides faced off against each other, the Evil Eye Tyrant Lord stood on the left.

Although these nine haloes became extremely dim, they were not wiped out by the erosion of time, and circled around his body.

The powerful binding ability has caused all 81 of his tentacles to be locked on his body, and it is difficult to mobilize the soul power in his body. The large number of tentacles seems to interfere with the judgment of this ultimate move to a certain extent, making this skill that can restrain the main god fall. After using it on him, it didn't have a 100% effect.

During the fierce struggle, the halo exploded in circles. When the seventh halo exploded, a trident fell from the sky and pinned the center of his pupil.

It felt like a toothpick was stuck in the pupil of the eyeball. Just looking at it made me feel extremely painful. The Evil Eye Tyrant Lord instantly let out the most miserable roar since his debut.

"Why! I haven't done anything yet! I'm still so far away from nine hundred thousand years, why are you targeting me! Why not target the Beast God!" An unwilling roar came from his mouth.

Tang San twitched the corner of his mouth, thinking that of course he chose you because you have a spiritual attribute. Di Tian and Dai Luoli's martial arts that focus on spirituality and auxiliary strength are not compatible!

However, this reason sounded a bit unfair, so the golden incarnation appeared in front of the Evil Eye Tyrant Lord. The avatar stretched out his palm and pressed it on the pupil of the huge eye.

At this time, the soul power of the second soul beast in the world was completely suppressed: "This is an opportunity given to you by God. You don't know how to cherish it, and you are still complaining here. I really don't know that other soul beasts know that you are like this How I will hate your wasteful behavior."

"Opportunity? Suffocate me before I am about to break through. Is this what you call an opportunity? The God Realm is just a group of shameless villains who want to kill or cut into pieces. Come on!" The evil-eyed tyrant master looked at himself to see if he was doing this. There was no hope of struggling, and a bachelor's spirit suddenly came out. Even in the face of a powerful god, he would not make any concessions.

"Huh? Are we shameless villains? Don't you want to hear what the so-called opportunities are?" Tang San showed a perfect expression on his face.


"A chance to become a god, a chance to ascend to the God Realm, isn't immortality what all soul beasts look forward to? I'm giving you this opportunity now, but you don't seem to want it very much. In this case, Then I'll just change to another soul beast. I think others should cherish this precious opportunity more than you!" After Tang San said that, he took back his golden trident and turned around to leave.

After pretending to be cool, he left, as if he had regained the happiness he had before becoming a god.

Sure enough, the huge soul beast behind him struggled violently after seeing him leaving, and screamed desperately: "Wait a minute, don't leave! I will never be Taishan! Please forgive me! I am willing to go to the God Realm! What kind of mission?" I'm willing to accept it!"

For soul beasts who have lived for tens of thousands of years, the temptation of immortality is too great. After living for more than ten thousand years, there is a huge difference between the way of thinking and that of humans.

Gu Tuo

If a person were allowed to live for tens of thousands of years, or survive in a place like this in the forest with almost no entertainment, I am afraid that not even 10,000 years, but 1,000 years would be enough for a person to have a mental breakdown. Soul beasts obviously have another way of thinking, so they are more eager for life. Eternal life is almost their first pursuit.

Tang San had long expected that the evil-eyed tyrant master would show such a face after he extended the olive branch. Hiding in the clouds, he proudly admired his prey's ugly expression and the way it prayed to him.

After being satisfied with the appreciation, Shi Shiran walked from the clouds. This is the character that a god should have. He is aloof and superior to all living beings. He can make all living beings in the world like wild dogs by just throwing away some leftovers. Generally sought after and scrambled for.

In comparison, Huo Yuhao's group of guys who are not moved by immortality are really unsatisfactory. Such guys who flatter the strongest and do not bully the weak are aliens in this world and should not exist. A kind of person.

"For the sake of your sincere prayer, this opportunity is not impossible to give you, but due to your previous offense, becoming a god is much more difficult than what I promised before, and it is not becoming a true god, but becoming a true god. It's not clear yet how strong Tang San is in science and engineering thinking, but in terms of controlling people, he is still somewhat capable.

First belittle a person's value, suppress psychological expectations, give a high return, and then make the other party think that he is not qualified to receive such a return, thereby achieving the purpose of lowering the price. A set of pua techniques is used to perfection.

In such a weak position, the evil-eyed tyrant master did not realize that he had been deceived, and nodded repeatedly: "As long as you can obtain eternal life, a more difficult test is acceptable. Just tell me what you need me to do, including On my body!"

Tang San looked at the evil-eyed tyrant in front of him, and nodded with satisfaction: "In three days, the son of destiny I have chosen will come to the Evil Forest. All you need to do is pretend that your life span is approaching, and sacrifice it to the Demon Forest. He can wait until he becomes a god and follow him to become a god together.

You can rest assured that although he only became a god as his subsidiary, he will definitely get the status of a main god. Even as a subsidiary, your status in the divine world is higher than that of some second- and third-level gods. "

Hearing this, the evil-eyed tyrant master retreated somewhat: "If after I sacrifice that person, he fails to become a god or dies in the process, wouldn't I have to die with him?"

Tang San shook his head and said: "This person is my chosen son of destiny, how can there be a reason why he can't become a god? What's more, I will give you a set of methods to coexist with the host, so that you can retain your consciousness after sacrifice. , and even retain some of your abilities, so that you are equivalent to reincarnating as a human in your host body, and you have a soul ring with a peak of 700,000 years or even 800,000 years. Even if such a soul master has no external force, Help, what's so immoral about it?

If you are unwilling, I will leave this job to other super soul beasts. There is a powerful soul beast in the far north who is trying to be reborn as a human. I think he should be more willing to accept my mission than you. "

When Tang San said this, the evil-eyed tyrant ruler still had the intention to refuse. Before he had time to think carefully, he nodded repeatedly: "Okay, I promise! I promise! Please also ask God to tell me, who is the surname of the son of destiny, and what is the surname of the son of destiny?" What does it look like? I can take the opportunity to sacrifice it to him.”

Tang San nodded: "That person looks like this, his name is Dai Luoli, he is the third son of the White Tiger Duke's family. Although he is not a direct descendant, he has inherited the White Tiger's martial spirit, and his status in the family is not too low. If you help your host run it well, it may not be impossible to inherit the position of Duke.

I think you should know, what status does a duke have in the human world? Having such a title is a huge deal for cultivation, and such a start is definitely not bad for you. "

"Thank you, God! Thank you, God! I promise to complete the mission!" The evil-eyed tyrant master saw the translucent person next to Tang San, who looked like a sci-fi holographic projection, and remembered his appearance and name, as well as his identity as the son of a duke. Very satisfied too.

Humans also admire strength. As long as the destined son they assist shows strong talent and potential, they will be in an extremely advantageous position in the fight for the position of Duke.

After Tang San finished pretending to do his job, he felt bored for a while. With a wave of his hand, he jumped into the sky and flew to the nine heavens, returning to the God Realm in the blink of an eye.

Almost at the same time, Dai Luoli, who was playing games in the basement of the White Tiger Duke's Mansion, seemed to have something in his heart. He felt that there was something attracting him across the Mingdou Mountains in the west.

Soul masters usually attach great importance to this kind of suspenseful feeling in their hearts. This often means that some treasure is calling them, or a partner with martial soul fusion skills is calling them.

Of course, the former is inevitable. As for the latter, the partners of the martial soul fusion plan are usually of the opposite sex. While the martial soul fusion brings great power, it usually requires a hug to trigger the skill. They often hug each other like this. , it is almost inevitable to be in love for a long time.

Who can say no to being able to gain powerful power and be favored by girls? Soul masters have genes that have been artificially selected for tens of thousands of years. There are absolutely no ugly girls, and there are many boys. In the soul world of a young girl, a girl who is powerful and can almost only be loyal to herself, no soul master can refuse her.

Dai Luoli was at the age when he was officially in his second year of high school fantasy. He felt this strange attraction, and his heart suddenly aroused. He thought that his destined martial soul fusion partner was calling him. He did not say hello to his family, so he brought his own food and transportation. He ran towards the direction where the induction came from.

That's right, just running away. For more than ten thousand years, the way soul masters travel has not changed much. Wherever they want to go, they can only fly or run. Who makes them run fast? It's not a problem to travel thousands of miles in a day. There is simply no need to invent more efficient long-range transportation.

In recent years, soul-guided vehicles have indeed appeared, but there are not many roads on the mainland that can allow these vehicles to pass. The ones that can go off-road and cross most complex terrains are high-end soul-guided vehicles, not Duke Deloitte. It can be bought by a young son who doesn’t take it seriously.

The White Tiger Duke has always kept his sons free-range and allowed them to live on their own as long as they don't starve to death. Dai Luoli is considered relatively wealthy. He plays live games online and receives rewards from fans, making him the best among the White Tiger Duke's sons. The richest one, but it is a pity that these high-end soul guidance vehicles cannot be bought with money. They need to have connections and know powerful soul mentors to customize them personally.

Dai Luoli, whose own strength is very average, obviously can't do this, so when he travels recently, he basically relies on running, and at most he rides on a bicycle in relatively flat places. It has to be said that the soul master's climb The speed of the car can give the bike the feeling of a high-horsepower motorcycle.

On the other side, the evil-eyed tyrant master also felt an inexplicable pull and knew that the Son of Destiny was speeding towards him.

[To be continued]

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