Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,641 The Birth of the Son of Destiny

Dai Luoli rides a bicycle very fast. Although the soul master does not have soul power, he is not much stronger than me. But their physical fitness is also much better than that of top athletes. With the help of a bicycle, it is not difficult to reach the speed of a high-horsepower motorcycle in a place that is not too bumpy.

Feeling the increasingly strong attraction, Dai Luoli became more and more impatient to see the person who attracted him. Subconsciously, he regarded the other party as a girl.

It is normal to have such thoughts. It is basically impossible for a spirit beast to seduce or hunt in this way. To seduce prey thousands of miles away, too much energy needs to be expended. Even if he really catches and eats him, it probably won't be enough to make up for the shortfall. This makes Dai Luoli subconsciously think that the person who attracts him is a person. After all, almost every soul master dreams about things like martial soul fusion records.

This thing is not extremely expensive like soul bones, nor is it like a top-notch martial spirit that is innate and can be encountered but not sought. Everyone has a chance of meeting a partner with their own martial soul fusion skills. There are too many legends in history. , those who have found their partners can reach the sky in one step, and can easily travel around the world just by relying on the martial soul fusion record.

After all, no matter how weak the martial soul fusion is, it will not be inferior to the strongest soul skill of the same level. In other words, the martial soul fusion skill within two rings is definitely stronger than the century-old soul skill. The previous soul skills are strong, within the seventh ring, they are definitely stronger than the ten-thousand-year soul skills. When they reach the eighth and ninth rings, they are powerful abilities that surpass the 100,000-year soul skills.

Even for an ordinary soul master, a partner who has acquired martial soul fusion skills will improve rapidly. If the compatibility is high enough, they can even achieve the effect of a double break.

A young man and woman sit opposite each other, with their hands facing each other on the bed, like this every night. Just thinking about this scene is enough to make people excited. After all, young people are like this every day, who can control it?

Dai Luoli came to the Demon Forest full of fantasy. At the entrance of the Demon Forest, he finally realized that something was wrong. Why was this the entrance to the forest and not a city? Could it be that what attracted him was not humans?

"Could it be that what I sensed is that some treasures are being born? If it is in the forest, will it be dangerous? Now I only have the third-ring cultivation level. If I go deeper, without other people's help, I may not be able to return! " Dai Luoli retreated a little when he thought of this. But the feeling of attraction was getting stronger and stronger, making him reluctant to leave just like that.

"Forget it, go in and take a look. You will definitely not go inside. If you are just on the outside, there shouldn't be any danger." Although Dai Luoli is not strong, in the White Tiger Duke's family, he cannot be ranked at the front. , but compared to ordinary soul masters, he is no longer too weak. After all, the ones he compared were all top soul masters.

He took out his sickle to clear a path and headed straight towards the area he sensed in the grass. He moved forward very smoothly along the way, and encountered almost no powerful spirit beasts. At most, they were some ten-year-old spirit beasts hidden in the grass. Driven by his scythe, they quickly escaped.

As the feeling became stronger and stronger, he felt that he should soon be able to find his target this time.

At the same time, the evil-eyed tyrant master is also waiting boredly, and Dai Luoli is unlikely to encounter any danger along the way. Because all the dangerous spirit beasts on the road have been driven away, the Evil Eye Tyrant Lord is the master of the Evil Forest. His orders in the forest are more effective than the orders of the Beast God in the Star Dou Forest. All the spirit beasts are under his command. No one is allowed to approach the Sons of Destiny under orders, and even if the Sons of Destiny attack them, they are not allowed to resist.

Dai Luoli also felt lucky after going deep into the forest for a period of time without encountering danger. distance from your goal. It's not far anymore. It should be okay to go deeper. If you encounter any trouble, just run away. When he came, he had already removed the weeds on the road. When he escaped, he had a high-speed escape route.

As he went deeper, he gradually encountered some powerful soul beasts, but these soul beasts hurriedly ran away after seeing him, as if they were avoiding the god of plague, which made him more and more confused about what was different about him. ? Does all this have anything to do with the guy I'm looking for?

Could it be that what he was looking for was extremely important to these forests and held a decisive position. That's why these soul beasts began to fear him.

Dai Luoli, who didn't know why, followed his own feeling and came to a sparkling pond. To say that it was a pond might sound like a small lake. To be precise, it should be a small lake with a diameter of less than 100 meters. lake.

The lake water was sparkling under the breeze. The only strange thing was that there were no animals in the extremely clear lake.

For soul masters who often venture into the wild, the fact that the lake is extremely clean without any animals does not mean it is safe, quite the opposite. This means danger, it means there are powerful predators in the water, and they eat all the living creatures in the lake. Unless absolutely necessary, few creatures are willing to approach the water source, which is why the water is so clean.

After Dai Luoli took a look at the crystal clear lake with no fish at all, he began to retreat cautiously. There must be some powerful soul beast here. Under the guard of this soul beast, no creature dared to approach.

Maybe that powerful soul beast is the guardian of what he is looking for: "The best strategy is to get away! Although there may be treasures in the lake. But even if there is a treasure, I have to die to get it!" The decision was made to take advantage of the situation.

Although Dai Luoli was unwilling to give in, he still slowly backed away. He was worried that once he turned around and exposed his back to the lake, a ferocious beast would rush out of the lake, bite him, drag him into the water, bite and devour him. .

However, the cruel thing he imagined did not happen. As he retreated, the lake remained calm. Just when he breathed a sigh of relief and was about to turn around and leave, the ground under his feet suddenly shook violently.

Small animals hidden in the grass and treetops fled in all directions. These were ordinary beasts with low intelligence. They were not affected by the pressure of the soul beasts. Even so, the violent vibration triggered their biological instincts. Out of fear, he began to flee from this clean lake.

Dai Luoli wanted to escape, but the shaking ground made it impossible for him to stand firm. He fell hard. When he got up and tried to escape again, his legs were already frozen in place, and he did not dare to move. .

Because he saw that the entire lake was rising rapidly, and it felt like a lake. Suddenly it turned into a sphere, and millions of tons of water were lifted up under the unparalleled force.

As the clear water is lifted up, through the water surface, you can finally see what is under the water.

It was an extremely huge eye, an eye as huge as a mountain peak. Around the eye like a mountain peak, there were tentacles with teeth and claws. With Dai Luoli's mental strength, he could not help but count how many tentacles there were, but it was estimated. There are seventy or eighty of them in it. With this ferocious appearance, no matter how you look at it, it looks like an evil creature has not escaped.

Gu Xin

And the pupils of this evil eye would sometimes just stare at him. The pupils were as huge as the top of a large round table, making it almost impossible for him to breathe.

At the same time, the intense critical pressure also deprived him of all ability to act. He had never seen a hundred thousand year soul beast, but the terrifying scene in front of him gave him the idea that a hundred thousand year soul beast might be nothing more than this.

"Are you my Masta?" Of course the Evil Eye Tyrant Lord didn't say that, but the idea conveyed was similar.

"Me? Am I the chosen one?" Dai Luoli's mind was very confused now. He stood stiffly on the spot, his mind filled with the words "He is the chosen one", but his brain didn't seem to have crashed. He could understand every word of this sentence, but what did it mean when they were connected together? ? But I can’t figure it out.

Why was he, an ordinary soul master, chosen? And he came here following his feelings from thousands of miles away? He couldn't understand it and it was beyond his worldview. So he could only passively accept the other party's indoctrination. Strong spiritual power connects each other, and even if the language is different, you can understand each other's meaning.

"It seems that you are still a little nervous, so there is no need to panic. I have chosen the person in the world whose martial spirit is most compatible with mine. As the host who carries my spirit ring, it seems that you are that person."

The evil eye tyrant looks very ferocious, but his tone of voice is like a white-bearded grandfather. This is natural. If Dai Luoli becomes a god in the future, he will definitely take revenge after being rude to him. In this case, Chapter 1 When meeting someone, it is natural to leave a friendly and friendly persona behind.

"What do you mean? What does it mean to carry your slow host? You...are you trying to seize me?" The only possibility that Dai Luoli could think of was not to seize my body. This huge eyeball with a diameter of nearly a hundred meters, no matter from the From any angle, they are all top-notch soul beasts. Even if he doesn't have any other abilities, his huge size alone is not inferior to ordinary 100,000-year-old soul beasts.

Would such a strong man be willing to sacrifice himself to such an ordinary guy? The so-called becoming a host. I'm afraid he was taken away from his body. The best result may be to have the opportunity to retain your own independent consciousness as a branch of consciousness residing in the sea of ​​spirit!

"It's not that I'm seizing my body, or that I don't understand what I mean. I really want to become your soul ring. Well, let me tell it from a perspective that you can understand.

You should know that a 100,000-year-old soul beast has one chance to cultivate as an adult again, but it is only this one chance. If the soul beast feels that it cannot break through the bottleneck next time, it may choose to switch to human cultivation again.

Because humans are qualified to become gods, if they cannot break through the bottleneck and choose to become humans to practice, they will have a glimmer of hope to become gods and gain eternal life.

But this opportunity only exists for hundred thousand year soul beasts to break through this level. After reaching a cultivation level of 200,000 years or even higher, there is no chance to practice again.

But after breaking through for 200,000 years, the lifespan of the soul beast is still limited, and we cannot become gods, so every subsequent breakthrough will be more difficult, until one time we can no longer break through.

In this case, we don't want to die, but we can't turn into human beings to practice again, so there is only one way left, that is to actively sacrifice and become a human soul ring, and then help this human being become a god, and then we can Gain eternal life in the divine realm.

I am that soul beast that has reached the 800,000-year bottleneck and is unable to continue to break through. If I want to continue to survive and even gain eternal life, this is the only way to go.

But I don't want to wait for my fate in ignorance. The probability that the host will become a god through simple sacrifice is too small, so I will use a special method. Keep my consciousness in the soul ring. After you absorb my soul ring, my consciousness will temporarily continue to be in your consciousness to assist you in your cultivation. In an emergency, I can use it with your permission. Take over your body to deal with some dangerous situations.

I don't choose my host randomly. I must be upright, kind, and have a martial soul that is extremely compatible with myself. Only then can I choose my host, and you just meet all these requirements. "

The evil-eyed tyrant Lord said a lot, but there are only a few words that are constantly circulating in Dai Luoli's mind: "Eight hundred thousand years! Eight hundred thousand years! Eight hundred thousand years!"

The 800,000-year-old soul beast actually asked me not to sacrifice. Regardless of whether the soul ring is intelligent or not, this is a powerful 800,000-year-old soul beast that has never appeared on the continent. It may be the strongest on the entire continent. Or, if such a powerful soul beast became his soul ring, it would make sense for him not to become a god.

At first, he was a little disappointed because he found a partner who didn't have martial soul fusion skills. After all, he didn't have any girls to hang out with.

But after accepting the reality in front of her, the previous depth was instantly wiped out. No matter how beautiful a girl is, what does she mean in front of an 800,000-year-old soul beast? This is the hope of becoming the strongest person in the world and then becoming a god!

After realizing the meaning of what happened in front of him, Dai Luoli couldn't calm down at all: "Really? Do you really plan to become my soul ring? You are so powerful, there should be no need to lie to me! I What should I do? Your strength is so strong, will it burst me?

Are you sure it is my consciousness that is the leader? I feel a little uneasy when you look like this? How about your consciousness controlling your body, just letting me play games at night is enough! "

Evil Eye Tyrant Lord: "?"

Why did he feel that the boy in front of him didn't look like the son of destiny at all? It even feels a little like being neglected. What does it mean to let him control the body? The co-author just hired a power coach and waited for him to become a god? Although the evil-eyed tyrant master was a little tempted, the orders from above required him not to be the leader after the fusion, so he had no choice but to obey.

[To be continued]

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