Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,642: Hang-up style practice

The evil-eyed tyrant master did not expect that the destined son in his turn would be so stupid. He only wanted to play games and give himself the control of cultivation.

However, this also makes the evil-eyed tyrant master more satisfied. It would be terrible if the owner of this body commits suicide, causing the cultivation process to be very unsatisfactory and unable to become a god.

Huo Yuhao had done this kind of thing to deceive his teammates more than once, and the reasons were very outrageous, such as draining the hot spring water in one mouthful, without even considering the many soul beasts parasitic in his body at that time.

It's true that he can die for his woman, but the lives of the other soul beasts he carries will also play with him. If he meets such a host, the host's mentality will probably be quite explosive. of.

"If you are too lazy to control it, you can leave control of your body to me during the day. Since I have chosen you, I will naturally be responsible for your subsequent practice.

Okay, now sit down quietly and prepare to accept my power. Although my soul power and mental power have been self-sealed, the number is still extremely large. This fusion process will probably be quite painful, so you must be mentally prepared. , I will take action when necessary. "

Dai Luoli was confused: "Will you help me relieve my pain?"

"No, what I mean is to knock you out when you wake up in pain. As long as I knock you out in time, you can avoid your struggle from interfering with the fusion process."

Dai Luoli: "?"

Is this an idea that humans can come up with? Well, you're not human either, so that's okay.

Before he could think of escaping, a tentacle hit the back of his head like a hammer, knocking him unconscious and the process of fusion began.

Without a firm will to support him, and no goal worth striving for in his life, all Dai Luoli could feel was pure pain, and then, the heartbreaking screams began.


The evil-eyed tyrant Lord really kept his word and knocked him out immediately, but soon he woke up from the pain, and with another bang, the unlucky child of destiny was knocked out again. Fainted.

After going back and forth like this, the pain seemed to have finally aroused the bloody nature hidden in Dai Luoli's heart. His martial spirit was unconsciously released, and the white fluff on his body turned into blood red under the stimulation of pain.

The strength of the martial spirit has also increased linearly, and the strong mental power directly affects the physical combat effectiveness. The Evil-Eyed Tyrant Lord, who was still somewhat resentful of the weakness of Dai Luoli's martial spirit, felt this change.

Only then was I satisfied. As expected, those who can be chosen as the Son of Destiny have two skills. The process of the martial soul turning blood red is very similar to the second awakening. If you have a little understanding of the original martial soul, you can understand the martial soul. The second awakening is extremely powerful.

Even if a relatively weak martial spirit undergoes a second awakening, it will not be any worse than those top martial arts, not to mention that Dai Luoli's own White Tiger Spirit is not too weak. If he can master this kind of martial arts skillfully in the future, If you have the ability, you can do a lot.

Moreover, the source of power for this second awakening is mental power. What the evil-eyed tyrant master is most indispensable for is mental power. The third is indeed a host that is very suitable for him. In addition, the White Tiger Spirit itself has mutations for the eyes. In a sense, Hitomi is a manifestation of the original martial soul, and it is still very suitable for the evil-eyed tyrant master who is himself a big-eyed tyrant.

During the fusion process, Dai Luoli seemed to have lost consciousness, and his eyes and hair all over his body had turned blood red. This state was somewhat similar to the legendary madness, and it was a very powerful madness ability. Because this ability can make you lose your mind, even if it is extremely powerful, not everyone is willing to use it. The existence of the Evil Eye Tyrant Master just makes up for this flaw.

In the mad state, he can take over the host's control of the body, ensuring that he has strong combat power while remaining rational and formulating shrewd combat strategies.

As for Dai Luoli's various talents, the evil eye tyrant master became more and more pleasing to his eyes, and they were indeed very suitable for him. With his cooperation, the challenge of leapfrogging was as simple as eating and drinking, and becoming a god should be a piece of cake.

The fusion process lasted all night. When Dai Luoli woke up, he was already a little distracted. He couldn't remember how many times he was beaten last night. Every time he woke up from the pain, he was suddenly knocked unconscious. , this feeling is really not good, especially now that I can feel a sharp pain when I touch the back of my head.

"Could it be that I had a dream yesterday? I had a stiff neck when I fell asleep." Dai Luoli looked at the still calm lake in front of him, and some people had such a guess. Such a small lake, really Can you hide a huge eyeball with a diameter of nearly a hundred meters?

"What are you thinking about? I am not the thing in your dreams. Why don't you leave quickly? My place is already the core of the forest. After my pressure dissipates, other powerful soul beasts will come here. I can still help you deal with an ordinary ten-thousand-year-old soul beast, but if you encounter a 100,000-year-old soul beast, you and I will just wait to die."

"Oh oh oh! Let's go now, let's go now!" Dai Luoli heard the voice in his head and finally realized that what happened last night was not a dream. He had really merged with an 800,000-year-old soul. Huan, released his martial soul, and saw a red soul ring with eight golden lines floating there where his fourth soul ring was.

But soon the soul ring turned purple and looked like an ordinary fourth soul ring.

"What are you doing? Don't leak out the appearance of my soul ring casually. Don't you understand that it's a crime to possess a treasure? If you let others know that you have a 100,000-year-old soul ring, you won't be afraid of someone taking you to refine medicine. Kill people to get soul bones?”

"That's right!" Dai Luoli looked a little dazed outside the game world: "You should give me a soul bone, which one is it? Why don't I feel it?"

"It's your skull, but it's still in the process of fusion. I generated the skull. It's a little different from your own. There are three holes where the eyes are, and there's a third eye on the forehead, which is my attached external part. Soul bones, after fusion, can inherit my strongest power of time.

Your body and will are not qualified to master this power for the time being, so it is now in a hidden state, lurking in your skull. On weekdays, it will only subtly improve your physical fitness and play the role of soul bones in protecting the body.

Gu Hao

So your head now is the strongest shield in the world. There are few human attacks that can break your skull, but that doesn't stop you from letting your guard down. If you are hit by a blunt instrument, although your skull will not be damaged, you may suffer a concussion through your skull. If you are stronger, I will kill you instantly. It may be possible in the future. "

"It's actually a head soul bone! Speaking of which, I can't use the soul bone. Then what is the skill of my soul ring?" Dai Luoli was curious.

"The skill of the soul ring is, of course, the White Tiger Meteor Shower. Isn't the fourth soul skill of your White Tiger family fixed? I just added a spiritual attack effect to this environment. It seems that the color will change from the original white to blood red. "

"Oh...that's it!" Dai Luoli looked a little disappointed. He originally wanted a more unique soul skill: "What is the other soul skill? Doesn't it mean that the 100,000-year soul ring will come with two... Soul skills?"

"Oh! The other one! The other one is naturally my best mental attack." The evil-eyed tyrant master said casually.

"Psychic attack? What kind of mental attack is it? Is it the kind that pulls people into hallucinations and then tortures them in various ways, or is it the kind that makes people see hallucinations, see opponents as teammates, and teammates as monsters, and then Attack chaos." Dai Luoli was eager to try.

The evil-eyed tyrant master was stunned for a moment, feeling helpless at the Destiny Child's imagination: "No, it's just the purest spiritual attack. The person being attacked will feel as if his brain has been hit by a hammer."

"Is this the end?" Dai Luoli was stunned, feeling so out of character! Aren't mental abilities supposed to be the best at controlling other people? The ability to easily control others as puppets and commit various high-IQ crimes should be the standard equipment for spiritual soul masters! This kind of ability makes the enemy feel as if his head was hit by a hammer after attacking. How come it smells like an urban-rural fringe.

"Otherwise? What else do you want? I can do those fancy abilities without soul skills. As long as your mental power is strong enough. For mental attacks, those are all flashy.

It's like pulling someone into a virtual space to torture them, and then torturing the opponent until they have a mental breakdown. This ability requires a lot of mental energy. At the same consumption, if I were to do the mental attack, it would be enough to explode the opponent's skull. . Where is the need for fancy torture? "

"Ah...this..." Dai Luoli just felt that the skill mode was a bit boring, and he didn't realize how powerful his simple mental attack ability was.

"By the way, what are we going to do next? Go to a private server for a private interview and then show off? I like this! If you like it too, let's take turns, one of us will control the body once, and see who's more creative in the way of showing off. ”

Evil Eye Tyrant Lord: "..."

Is the legendary Son of Destiny so crooked?

"Forget it, you should let me control your body! If you keep doing this, I'm afraid we won't survive more than three days."

"Oh, okay! Then what are you going to do?" Dai Luoli handed over the control of his body without any precautions. If he thought that a boss like this really wanted to control him, he would stay when he fused. A few back doors, it couldn't be easier, nothing to resist.

"What are you going to do? Let me think about it, join the army! There should be a war soon, and you need to get some military merit at this time, which will help you inherit the title.

In addition, you also need a certain degree of practical training. During the war, I will appropriately hand over the control of my body to you. It will be good for your future growth if you exercise more and face the complex environment of the battlefield. "

Dai Luoli was a little confused: "Join the army? Where are we going to join the army? Why do we say there is a war? The only wars on the mainland recently are the Douluo Empire and the Douling Republic. Recently, the empire has begun to form a government-in-exile.

Even if there is a war, it should be over soon! Could it be that I want to join the army in the Dou Ling Republic, mainly because my father found out and had to break my legs. "

"No, the Douling Empire will not launch a war in a short period of time. From my point of view, the probability of the Douling Republic taking the initiative to launch a war is not high. The greater possibility is that it will passively launch a war in the future. Besieged by other empires.

When I say there is going to be a war, I am referring to the Sun Moon Empire and the Star Luo Empire. Although the situation on the mainland has changed to some extent in the past few years. But the beginning of war was almost inevitable.

In order to invade Douluo, the Sun and Moon Empire has been preparing for five generations of emperors. Now all war preparations have been completed. Even if the situation on the mainland has changed, the war is imminent and has to be launched.

If a war that has consumed a lot of national power is not launched, the war reserves that have been organized and wasted people and money will not be able to generate sufficient benefits, and the imperial government will soon be overwhelmed by domestic pressure.

It is expected that a world war will break out within five years. During this process, you must learn as much as possible about soul guidance devices, including the military performance of various soul guidance devices in the Sun and Moon Continent, so that in the course of the next war, Only then will the army you command be more powerful, and your chances of surviving on the battlefield will be greater. "

"Ah? Hasn't the Sun and Moon Empire been living in peace with the Three Kingdoms of the Mainland for more than three thousand years? Why is there suddenly a war? Why don't I know about it at all?" Although Dai Luoli is a bit of a homebody, he plays games all day long. , although he is the son that Duke White Tiger does not attach much importance to, but as he is in the upper class of society, his information should not be blocked. He cannot understand the news that the Sun and Moon Empire will invade on a large scale.

"Of course I have my own sources of intelligence, and I am also inside the Sun and Moon Empire. I naturally know more about their domestic situation than you do."

The evil eye tyrant master is not talking nonsense. He does know the internal situation of the Sun and Moon Empire very well, because he himself is the totem of the evil king soul mentor group in the sun and moon empire soul mentor group, and he is also the leader of the Holy Spirit Sect. Behind the scenes, the situation within the Sun and Moon Empire is naturally clear.

For this war, the Sun and Moon Empire has prepared hundreds of level nine custom-installed soul guidance devices. In a sense, these are hundreds of tactical nuclear missiles. As for lower-level soul guidance weapons, there are even countless more. , hoarding so much military supplies, it is simply impossible not to start a war.

[To be continued]

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