Joining the army is a piece of cake for the son of Duke White Tiger. Even after the younger son, who was not much valued, joined the army, he saw that a cup was arranged in a place that was quite safe or quite conducive to earning military exploits.

After all, although Duke White Tiger is no longer the emperor, he still occupies a pivotal position in the military. After Dai Luoli told his father that he wanted to join the army, he was immediately assigned a position in the regiment.

Although this position is not very high, it has the right to make decisions on the fly. It is a fairly free position on the battlefield. You can run around and gain military exploits based on your own judgment.

Although Duke White Tiger doesn't think war will come soon. But it's a good thing that my incompetent little son is finally motivated.

Dai Luoli had no chance to meet Princess Xingluo in the army this time. As the Son of Destiny selected by Tang San, his wife had already been decided on the day he was selected. Wang Donger, who left Shrek Academy, happened to also be with her. He unanimously chose to join the army.

This is in line with Tang San's arrangement for this world. No matter what the Three Kingdoms of the Douluo Continent become, they cannot be destroyed. It is best to transform back into the two empires of Tiandou and Xingluo. This is the situation on the continent. It can remain unchanged for many years.

Therefore, the Sun-Moon Empire cannot win this war. If he wants to prevent the Sun-Moon Empire from winning, in his opinion, the only way is to devote himself to the Son of Destiny and rely on his strong personal strength to reverse the outcome of this war.

For example, by assassinating the enemy's senior officers, the enemy's command system is thrown into chaos, thereby fishing in troubled waters and winning the battle.

Sneak attacks on enemy supply depots, blowing up enemy arms, straining the enemy's logistics and delaying the enemy's attack. Although it is only a small trick in the eyes of generals, if one's personal strength is strong enough, it is indeed enough to achieve considerable results in the war. role.

After Dai Luoli possesses a powerful 800,000-year-old soul ring, he can theoretically play a huge role in the war, but he seems to have no interest in actual wars. After joining the army, he will directly The control of my body was handed over to the evil eye tyrant, and a classic story of me being entrusted by the soul ring was staged.

In a sense, this weird subject could be the subject of a biographical novel, and the evil-eyed tyrant master is also happy to help his host worry about it. After all, this matter is related to his becoming a god. If this little guy with a hairless mouth really messes it up, it will be a lot of fun.

After becoming an army commander, according to the tradition of Douluo, the first thing to do is to make the group of arrogant and powerful generals under him submissive. Although this is just a pretense. It's a job, but Dai Luoli is not very interested in it. In his words, it's no fun to bully ordinary people. If you want to slap people in the face, you have to slap them in the face. A guy who is stronger and more powerful than himself.

The evil-eyed tyrant master was speechless at this kid's thoughts of seeking death. Aren't people with a bigger face who are stronger than him afraid of being retaliated against? Isn't this okay? Are you feeling uncomfortable?

However, it would be better if Dai Luoli was not interested. He would train these soldiers himself to achieve better results. A beating would definitely be inevitable. Faced with the soldiers who were dissatisfied with him and tried to find trouble for him, the evil-eyed tyrant dominated that afternoon. All the soldiers were invited to gather on the playground.

Then he stood on the high platform and hooked his fingers at all the soldiers. His provocative action aroused the anger in the hearts of the 500 people, and they all looked at him. The evil-eyed tyrant master did not show politeness to these people, and said with considerable He said in a tone that wanted to be beaten: "I'm not targeting anyone, everyone here is rubbish! Let's go together!"

This arrogant declaration immediately caused the hundreds of soldiers to rush forward. Although they did not use force, if they were beaten by so many people and were replaced by ordinary soul sects, they would definitely be beaten with bruises and swollen faces.

It's a pity that they are facing an 800,000-year-old immortal. Not to mention other abilities, just talking about combat experience, it has more years than these people combined. It is easier to beat hundreds of people than to beat a son.

I didn't see any powerful combat skills used by Dai Luoli's body. I saw the soldiers were beaten and staggered. As long as he got close, he couldn't even stand firm. Just as he was about to get up, he was pinned down by the fallen body of his companion. They were stacked in a circle around Dai Luoli like a stack of arhats. The people on top couldn't get up, and the people below couldn't even get out.

After a while, all the soldiers fell to the ground and groaned deeply. It was obvious that no one had escaped the fate of being beaten down.

In a place like the army, where the weak prey on the strong, Dai Luoli also gained corresponding authority after showing his absolute force. Everyone began to obey his orders and train them to follow the orders and prohibitions.

The Evil Eye Tyrant Lord is not very good at training the army, but he has seen some powerful soldiers. These people may have strong physical fitness or powerful weapons, but the most important thing in common is that these people They all know how to obey orders.

Obeying orders and following orders and prohibitions should be the most powerful manifestation of the army's combat effectiveness. Therefore, the Evil Eye Tyrant Lord has been training these soldiers during this period of time to obey orders. After hearing orders, they do not need to think, and react reflexively.

Ordinary training methods are not very effective, and the evil eye tyrant master does not know how to train humans. But he has his own methods, such as spiritual injection. It's not the legendary spiritual infusion stick.

Using corporal punishment to train soldiers can indeed have quite good results. But compared to direct mental control, the effect is much worse. Limited by the physical strength of the host, the Evil Eye Tyrant Master cannot directly control these people at once. So he chose to use his powerful mental power to give psychological suggestions.

Inducing these people into the habit of obeying their own orders. This is actually very similar to humans domesticating animals. For example, when training a dog, after obeying the command, the dog will be rewarded with food. Disobeying orders will result in a whipping.

So a conditioned reflex is formed. After obeying the command, even if you don't get the reward immediately, you will feel happy. On the contrary, after disobeying an order, even if you are not punished, you will feel fear. Over time this domestication was completed.

The evil eye tyrant master went even further. He himself is not a human being, so he has no concept of humanitarianism. After his soldiers obey orders, he will directly use his mental power to inject pleasant thoughts into them.

Gu Huan

When humans train dogs, they mostly use food to make them feel happy. This kind of happiness is limited. Therefore, dogs will not obey orders absolutely, but there is almost no upper limit to the pleasant feeling that the evil-eyed tyrant master uses his mental power to inject into the soldiers. It is more intense than the mental stimulation caused by sexual intercourse between humans. Such pleasure made the soldiers unable to restrain themselves from trying again after experiencing it.

Similarly, the pain a soldier undergoes after being ordered is enough to leave a psychological shadow in an instant, which is more terrifying than the physical pain.

Dai Luoli had no idea what the Evil Eye Tyrant Master secretly did while he was sleeping. He just felt that his soldiers were becoming more and more obedient. When they lined up together, there was an iron-blooded chilling atmosphere. He had been there since he was a child. Dai Luoli, who lives in the army with his father, saw that his group of people had been trained into powerful soldiers. Although he was very curious about the evil eye tyrant's method of training soldiers, he did not ask too much. .

After all, he is an old monster who has lived for hundreds of thousands of years. I am afraid he has seen the entire process of human evolution from monkeys in the forest to humans. Ever since humans first started training armies, people have been watching. It should be normal to know how to train a powerful army.

Compared with the improvement of his subordinates, Dai Luoli is more concerned about the games he plays every night. In the decisive battle at the top of the Forbidden City, he is already a moderate internet celebrity.

Among many game anchors, game technology is already considered to be at the top of the food circle, and it supports half of the sky of the single-soldier magic modification raid stream.

In the game world, he can also control armies, and these armies are mechanical soldiers who absolutely obey orders. These soldiers not only obey orders, but can also be modified according to the effects they want. This is much more interesting than leading human armies to fight in reality. .

So much so that the Evil Eye Tyrant Lord did train his subordinates very well. But it didn't arouse much interest in Dai Luoli. He was used to seeing machine guns and artillery tear his opponents into pieces. It’s natural to lose interest in a battle between broadswords and spears.

The evil eye tyrant master really has no way to develop such a thing as an automatic firearm on his own. These high-end weapons can only be imported from the Dou Ling Republic. It is not easy to import these things. After all, the Star Luo Empire has chosen to protect members of the Dou Ling Empire's government-in-exile, and the relationship with the Dou Ling Republic is relatively tense. , most of those that can be imported are actually smuggled.

Only the top legions can be assigned these weapons. The weapons assigned to these ordinary people by the Evil Eye Tyrant Lord can only be crossbows. This thing can be regarded as the most powerful equipment in the army except automatic weapons. .

The powerful crossbow is already a great threat to the soul master. 500 people use the three-stage shooting mode during the queuing and shooting period. The attack is not afraid of death. In theory, it can kill Dai Luo who is under the control of the evil eye tyrant. Li Li, if it were an ordinary soul master, the soul emperor would probably fall in such a salvo.

It's just that most of the troops are not brave enough to die. Seeing the powerful soul master rushing towards them with great momentum, few people can calmly continue to cock the crossbow. If one person chooses to escape, he will lead A large group of people fled together, and then the entire formation was in chaos.

Without a formation, the threat to the soul master is almost nonexistent. A hundred crossbow arrows, shot one by one, or shot together with a hundred arrows, look the same, but the effect is completely different.

Facing the former, the soul master can calmly dodge one by one. Facing the fire coverage of the latter, he is likely to fall into a situation where he cannot escape at all. Even if the soul master's body is stronger than ordinary people, he will not be able to face the firepower of the latter. There are more crossbows than ordinary people that can shoot through steel plates, and they can't carry it for a few times. Therefore, a crossbow army with an orderly formation and undisturbed in the face of danger is not suitable for soul masters who do not have ultra-long-range attacks and large-scale attacks. All are very dangerous.

Other armies may not be able to do so without fear of danger or death, but armies that have been infused with various conditioned reflex reactions through mind control can do so. Even if the tip of the knife is in front of the pupil, the soldier can still complete his mission resolutely.

Such an army is extremely powerful in front of the traditional army. It may be an exaggeration to say that it is invincible, but an army with the same number of cold weapons is almost impossible to defeat it.

It's just that the evil-eyed tyrant master knows that this is not enough. He needs to achieve sufficient military success as soon as possible, expand the number of people under his command, and obtain more sophisticated weapons.

Because the army of the Sun and Moon Empire is a group of soul engineers, they have shields. The powerful linkage shield can be completely immune to powerful shots. Even a titled Douluo can hardly break through the shield alone, let alone a volley of crossbow arrows.

Without powerful weapons, this group of powerful old-era soldiers he trained. It will soon be eliminated by history.

And if the battle between empires did not break out, I want to get credit. That can only be done in regular operations within the empire. Tried to get it.

After tens of thousands of years of enslavement, the Douluo people have almost no consciousness of resistance. There are very few internal uprisings and rebellions. If you want to achieve meritorious service, the only possibility is to lead troops to destroy the evil soul masters in the mountains. The roles played by these evil soul masters are basically bandits and bandits.

It is not enough to say that raising bandits is self-respecting. But most of the aristocratic children can get a credit for being a bandit after they go back to the army, which makes it more legitimate for them to inherit the title when they return home. After all, they have been in the army and gained military merit. people. It sounds nice to say that you are showing off.

But if you really want to attack quickly in the army, it will not be easy to use such false merits to fool people. You must really go into the mountains and kill the evil soul master and their minions in order to receive this battle merit.

And fighting in mountainous terrain with complex terrain is not an easy task. In the original book, Shrek's main team, which participated in the Continental Senior Soul Master Soul Fighting Competition, once suffered a major setback during a bandit suppression operation. Four of the official team members completely lost their fighting ability, and three of them were killed. It can be said that The losses were quite heavy.

It was still a super luxurious configuration of two soul emperors and five soul kings. Now, Dai Luoli, a small soul sect, wants to lead 500 ordinary people to suppress bandits. No matter how you look at it, it feels a bit uncomfortable. Even Duke White Tiger did not agree with his approach, so Dai Luoli had to let his father know that the army he trained was capable of fighting.

[To be continued]

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