Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,644 The ancestors of the Holy Spirit Religion came to destroy the evil soul master

Although Dai Luoli was not highly valued by his father, he still gained some attention from Duke White Tiger after he showed his determination to become stronger, no longer addicted to games, and worked hard to train his subordinates in the army.

The army he trained had a solemn appearance and seemed to move uniformly. The Duke of White Tiger had secretly observed it several times himself. Apart from anything else, it looked really good.

But for this seemingly strong army, Duke White Tiger himself has trained it in 100 ways. To truly remain calm in the face of danger, it also needs to be on the battlefield. Simple training is difficult to achieve.

He knew that his youngest son was losing his temper and wanted to go to the mountains to suppress the bandits himself. At this time, it is necessary to suppress the younger son's self-confidence a little and make him realize the cruelty of reality. The outside world is not a place where he can run wild.

So he started a review of the army.

"Bring your men and attack here. No need, worry about hurting me. The real army is charged on the battlefield. The soldiers you trained look murderous, but there is no real blood on their hands. It's still bad. "That's three points." The White Tiger Duke seemed stern, but in fact he was teaching how to lead troops.

It's a pity that the person who listened to his teachings was not Dai Luoli. This person has now completely staged the drama of me being entrusted by the soul ring. Even if he can control his body by himself, he still gives most of the control to The evil eye tyrant dominates.

So now the Duke of White Tiger was face to face with the soul of an 800,000-year-old soul beast. In the confrontation between the two sides, this boss did not lose at all, which made the Duke of White Tiger look at him with admiration.

"Very good momentum! It seems that you are really suitable for the army! A few months of training here has brought about greater changes in you than years of hard training in the family. Let me test your Pay attention! I hope your soldiers will not lose their armor."

The White Tiger Duke unleashed the pressure of his titled Douluo. In order to give his youngest son a show of strength, he went all out and did not hold back at all. Only the most elite members of the army could handle this level of pressure. There is no resistance. Only his soldiers under the Duke of White Tiger can launch an attack under such pressure. Under such pressure, the other soldiers will be forced to flee in all directions due to their biological instincts.

Sure enough, under the pressure of the titled Douluo, the originally neat formation of the crossbow troops became chaotic. Just when the White Tiger Duke thought that this group of people was about to collapse.

Dai Luoli suddenly shouted: "Stand at attention!"

All the soldiers who had a conditioned reflex stood on the spot, as straight as green pines, completely ignoring the pressure of his titled Douluo and just looking at him.

"The first row fires, the second and third rows wind up!" Following the order, the originally chaotic army seemed to have found its backbone and began to operate quickly like a sophisticated machine.

After the crossbow was cocked, there was a fierce burst of shooting. The people behind the design squatted down to cock the crossbow. The soldiers in the back row who had already cocked the crossbow ran forward, lined up in a row at the front, and aimed the volley.

The continuous forward three-stage attack brought powerful fire suppression. If the opponent was soldiers, even the same number of heavy cavalry would be difficult to maintain their charging posture in the face of such ferocious firepower.

Duke White Tiger released his first soul skill, White Tiger Protective Barrier, and then blocked the crossbow arrows that washed away like rain. His eyes couldn't help but be filled with astonishment, and then he saw ten red white tiger meteor showers, and the following crossbow arrows. The volleys shot together, baptizing in their own direction.

"He actually trained such an army that is calm in times of crisis! It seems that I did underestimate him!" In the eyes of Duke White Tiger, the army opposite him carried out the order without any fear. It can be said that they regard death as if they are at home. Even those who accompany the dead are difficult to achieve such a level of stability in times of crisis. Simply measured by the standards of soldiers, these people are even stronger than their own soldiers. If the number is large enough, it is really true. It can be taken out and used to surround and suppress the powerful ones above Soul Saint.

Then another thing happened that he didn't expect. The red White Tiger Meteor Shower was not just a physical attack, the accompanying mental blow made his consciousness go into a trance. Then there was a flaw in his White Tiger protective shield, and he was penetrated by the crossbow arrows that washed over him like rain. Two crossbow arrows penetrated him. It penetrated his hair and was nailed to his arm. Although this is not a serious injury, it will take less than a day to heal after pulling out the arrow. Even the scar cannot be seen, but it can treat a titled Douluo He caused damage to himself, even if it was a skin injury like a scratch, it was already very impressive.

This kind of spiritual attack, combined with the physical attack of the soldiers, is very suitable for destroying powerful soul masters. Moreover, the White Tiger Duke noticed that these crossbow arrows have blood grooves. The position of the blood groove can actually contain poison sacs. If they are attacked like this If the poison hits you, the toxin must be strong enough, such as the poison of the Man-Faced Magic Pearl. Even if he is a titled Douluo, it will be very troublesome to deal with him.

"Okay, that's it! Your army is stronger than I expected. It seems that I underestimated you. They really need to experience it now. Although they have the determination to not be afraid of death, a truly iron-blooded army Momentum still needs to be gained through fighting on the battlefield.”

With the approval of Duke White Tiger, Dai Luoli finally had the right to take his mobile troops to the mountains to destroy the evil soul master.

It is absolutely impossible to say that the soldiers he trained really regard death as a return to death. It can be seen from the panic at the beginning that these people are afraid of the titled Douluo, but the conditioned reflex has been established in their minds, and it is extremely Firm, the priority of these conditioned reflexes has even surpassed the instinctive avoidance of death. It is like a knee-jerk reflex. Sometimes it cannot be controlled without wanting to control it.

When I want to escape, I subconsciously think that every time I disobey an order, I will suffer a pain more terrible than death. Every time I successfully execute an order, I will be as happy as ascending to heaven. So, I subconsciously think He forgot to escape and chose to execute the order.

These people are no longer soldiers, but trained and qualified killing machines. They only need to input instructions and they will strictly follow the instructions. In the cold weapon age, such an army is almost invincible, but in the information age If so, rigid tactical command is likely to be targeted.

The Mingdou Mountains are one of the most majestic mountains on the mainland. 3,000 years ago, the Douluo Continent collided with the Sun and Moon Continent, and the former Mingdou Strait turned into the current Mingdou Mountains.

Although it is difficult to explain such drastic geological changes, it did not trigger a series of natural disasters such as volcanic eruptions and earthquakes, destroy the entire biosphere, and cause a mass extinction event like the Siberian Traps event. However, the two continents squeezed each other to form this There is only a small mountain range, but it actually forms an extremely complex terrain area.

Mountains and rivers intersect with active volcanoes and towering snow-capped peaks. There are only a few narrow roads that can cross this mountain range, and these roads are all opened privately by smugglers. Officials have no idea where these roads are.

Gu Rui

It is such a complex terrain that makes this place home to the largest number of evil forces on the continent. They cannot be as powerful as the Holy Spirit Cult, but in this no-nonsense zone, they are more unscrupulous than their famous names exposed to the sun. , doing many evil things.

Even if the official wanted to send troops to exterminate, due to the complex terrain between the mountains, it would be difficult to send more than a thousand troops. Under sneak attacks by evil soul masters who were familiar with the terrain, they returned in vain every time and suffered heavy casualties.

Dai Luoli's bandit suppression operation was not favored. The headquarters' requirement for him was that he, the commander, must come back alive. As for consumables such as soldiers, they could be given up at the appropriate time.

Dai Luoli was very aware of the difficulty of fighting in such complex terrain, but the Evil Eye Tyrant Lord told him that he didn't need to worry about it.

Dai Luoli didn't know that the person he possessed was actually the world's number one evil soul master organization, the ultimate backend of the Holy Spirit Cult. In the original work, after the two supreme elders of the Holy Spirit Cult cooled off, the Holy Spirit Cult came to power. He tried to evacuate towards the Evil Forest, and claimed to have reached an agreement with the Evil Eye Tyrant Lord to provide shelter when the sect was in crisis.

Obviously, the Evil Eye Tyrant Lord is the biggest backer of this group of evil soul masters, a stronger backer than the two Extreme Douluo.

Therefore, the evil eye tyrant master also knows a lot of information about the marriage, including the distribution of quite a few large evil soul masters in the Mingdou Mountains.

Dai Luoli's current small body cannot afford to offend these relatively large forces. So as long as you avoid this, the others can basically be wiped out at will.

It just so happens that the Evil Eye Tyrant Master has quite detailed information within the Holy Spirit Cult, recording a large number of evil spirit masters' spirits and weaknesses. By relying on these weaknesses and targeted deployment, they can take great advantage in the battle.

An army of five hundred people entered the mountains carrying a month's worth of supplies. Because of the storage soul guides, they did not need a huge team of baggage to maintain the supply line.

The evil-eyed tyrant master showed his unparalleled spiritual power for the first time in the mountains. He easily scanned the mountains and found the locations of the evil soul masters' dens.

"Don't sleep. There is no game room for you to play games at night. Show me how I fight! You have to learn to fight by yourself in the future." The evil-eyed tyrant master is really fucked up for his host. Heartbroken.

For a moment, I couldn't figure out why I ended up with such a thing.

Dai Luoli woke up in a daze. During this period, he had become accustomed to sleeping during the day and playing games at night. Most of the time, he didn't even know what his body was being controlled and what he was doing. This was also a loss for him. male.

If he were a woman, she would be controlled by the evil-eyed tyrant and go out to round corners without even knowing it.

Five hundred people seemed to be a lot. Even in the vast search in the mountains, it was difficult to avoid the scouts placed here by the evil soul masters. Those evil soul masters who thought they were not strong enough to deal with these people got in one after another. They have built their own bases and caves, or used grass to hide their bases, or used boulders to block the entrances of caves. If they had not already known that people were hiding in these locations, it would be difficult to find these evil lairs even if they were nearby. Where is the entrance.

The evil-eyed tyrant Lord led the troops and found a cave with ease. Looking at the huge rocks on the mountain peak without any traces of man-made things, Dai Luoli always felt that his soul ring was in the wrong place.

However, as the Evil Eye Tyrant Lord ordered two people to push the door open, they immediately saw a dark cave entrance exposed. However, as soon as the boulder was pushed away, one of the people jumped out of the cave. Hidden arrows were shot into a sieve, and the other man escaped by chance, with an arrow stuck in his butt.

The evil-eyed tyrant master did not show any other superfluous expressions about the death of the soldiers. He just continued to order. Ten people carried bombs on their backs and moved towards the entrance of the cave. The others lined up to prepare for the attack. After these people threw the bombs in, they soon entered the cave. There was a muffled sound, and a large amount of dust was ejected from the cave along with the high-speed airflow.

After the explosion, there were several screams in the cave. Naturally, someone was injured by the explosion. These people did not receive sympathy. When the official army encountered the evil soul master's lair, the usual approach was to leave the chickens and dogs alone.

After the ten people threw the bomb, they collected wood and lit it at the door of the incitment. They added wormwood and watered it. Suddenly, thick smoke rose and they were fanned into the cave with fans.

Smoke is the most common method used by humans to deal with the animals living in caves. It is the stupidest behavior for a spirit master to go in and directly challenge the spirit beasts inside.

Sure enough, after a while, the people inside couldn't stand the smoke anymore and began to flee frantically. The ten people who were assigned tasks were armed with long guns. Anyone who escaped would be shot to death. Most of them were ordinary people. The few who escaped were only first-level soul masters. If they had not committed a felony, they would be a bit How could a talented soul master end up in such a remote ravine in the football country?

These people were so smoked that they couldn't even open their eyes. Even though the physical fitness and reaction ability are stronger than those of ordinary people at the door. Facing the rows of spears thrust at them, they had no ability to resist at all. There were corpses lying at the entrance of the cave, and the large troops lined up behind to prepare for battle had not even fired a single crossbow arrow so far.

The well-trained army beat these rabble, basically crushing them and fleeing in a hurry. The great soul master who rushed out didn't even have time to release a single soul skill, and was stabbed into a gourd of blood by a chaotic bucket.

The entrance to the cave was so dangerous that the strongest evil soul master hiding inside didn't dare to escape for a while, and just endured the smoke inside.

[To be continued]

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