Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,645: Destroying the Evil Soul Master

The evil soul master hiding in the cave did not escape in the end. Simply hiding is useless. The longer you hide in the thick smoke, the weaker you will be. Before breaking through to the Soul Saint, the physiological structure of the soul master is actually similar to that of other people.

After inhaling a large amount of toxic gas, you will die on the spot. A soul king evil soul master with five rings was suffocated to death in the cave by more than a dozen ordinary people. It can be said that it is very aggrieved.

But he is not the last unlucky guy. As Dai Luoli went deeper into this mountainous area, more evil soul masters were pulled out. These guys were domineering in the mountains and were not good at fighting on the front battlefield.

Hiding in the cave, relying on the terrain can still defend, but once driven out by smoke, fire and other means, it will be the end.

On a relatively flat mountain, two soul kings, unable to stand the smoke, rushed out of the cave with more than a dozen subordinates of varying cultivation, ready to find an opportunity to break out.

The two soul kings released their ten thousand year soul skills as soon as they came out. If they kept their ultimate skills, they might not have the chance to release them if they were pointed at by so many powerful crossbows.

One person released a large number of bats and flew towards the soldiers who were shooting in formation, while the other released a blood-red ray and swept the crowd.

However, what shocked them was that these soldiers were like wooden men. Facing their attacks, they did not dodge at all and continued to shoot meticulously.

A large group of bats flew over and pounced on these people to bite them, but they did not see any expression of fear on their faces. They were even laughing, covered in blood, and the smile on their faces was extremely ferocious, even more terrifying than the evil soul master.

Although a large group of bats seemed to be large in number, it was still too few compared to 500 people. There were only 40 to 50 bats at most, and there were only a dozen people attacked. Most of these people lost their combat effectiveness at the first time, but the others around them still launched attacks step by step.

At the same time, the three people hit by the blood-red light cannon had large pieces of flesh and blood evaporated directly, and died on the spot, but the people around them were also not wretched. Their bodies blocked the attack for the people in the back row, and the people behind them just stepped on their bodies and completed their shooting.

The two evil soul masters looked at this scene in horror, and then there was nothing else. As the most obvious targets, the two of them were the most severely targeted.

Without a body of steel, the crossbow arrows were extremely deadly to them. Their bodies were instantly shot like hedgehogs, and blood was pouring out. They could already be picked up and used as showers.

As for those evil soul masters, no one could escape. At this distance, the covering shooting was not something these people could avoid. The evil eye tyrant ruler did not order to capture live people. All the evil soul masters' accomplices were shot to death. After doing this, the soldiers coldly cut off the ears of these people as trophies, and the evil soul masters' heads were cut off as proof of their military exploits.

Although there were only more than 420 people left after the 500 people fought for several times, the combat effectiveness of this group of people was stronger than at the beginning.

Baihu Gong felt that the statement was correct. The army that had seen the moon was definitely stronger than the army that had been trained. These people were close to each other and could be calmer on the battlefield after committing suicide.

Although they could still execute orders meticulously before, the nervousness of the enemy would still affect the effectiveness of the orders. The same conditioned reflex attack would have a higher hit rate in a calm state.

After cleaning up the battlefield, Dai Luoli led the rest of the people to run towards the next house as fast as they could.

This time, they were going to eliminate one of the most difficult targets in this trip. According to intelligence, there was a soul emperor, three soul kings, and more than 200 evil soul masters' subordinates entrenched here. Among these more than 200 people, some were ordinary people, some were soul masters, and more importantly, these people even had some arms and hundreds of crossbows.

These people are very dangerous targets. Dai Luoli also knows that he has to take action this time. It is difficult to deal with the Soul Emperor simply by relying on soldiers. It is not that all problems can be solved by staying calm in the face of danger.

If the Soul Emperor kills into the army, even if these soldiers can calmly execute orders and are fearless, ordinary commanders will not be able to pass orders to every mind.

So a strong soul master is needed to lead. Dai Luoli only needs to watch his soul ring operate on his behalf this time, but he may need to do it himself in future battles.

"Remember, you are a general now. You can't rely too much on your martial soul when fighting, otherwise you will not be able to cooperate with your soldiers." The evil eye tyrant ruler is different from those pedantic soul masters. After seeing the power of God, he realized that the so-called pride of soul masters is a joke. Pride and tradition are useless if they cannot be transformed into strength.

"How should I cooperate with the soldiers? Now these are long-range soldiers under my command. Do I have to release long-range abilities with them?

I can't rush forward to block the enemy's strong men, and then let them shoot behind me. That would have shot me too. "Dai Luoli is not worried about the accuracy of these people. These soldiers can already calmly execute orders. During the shooting process, their hands are very stable. The problem is that their hands are steady, but it does not mean that the crossbows in their hands are also stable. Yes, the weapons that are purely hand-processed have poor versatility of parts and worrying stability. Visually, they are aimed at three points and one line, but the trajectory of the crossbow after firing is more random.

If you get tangled up with the enemy while the soldiers are firing volleys, expect to be shot against the wall along with them.

"Of course what I'm talking about is not for you to rush forward and fight the enemy. This is a sign of your inability to cooperate with the soldiers. What you have to do is to use your ability to command. Didn't I give you a strong mental power?

As long as you use these mental powers to communicate with your soldiers, you can give individual orders to each of them. If the enemy rushes into your military battle, he will use his physical strength to kill.

Then the three-stage attack is useless. If the soldiers are allowed to attack freely, it will lead to a lack of cooperation between the soldiers, unable to deal with powerful enemies, and they will be defeated individually.

All you have to do is give orders to everyone and coordinate how they attack. I will demonstrate it to you next. In the future, you will need to practice more on the battlefield so that you can hunt the strong in a group with generally weak individual combat effectiveness. . "

During the exchange between the two people, the troops had arrived at the entrance of the evil soul master's camp. This time, their opponents were no longer hiding in the cave, but saw a wooden walled city. Apparently they thought they had a certain amount of power. With his strength, there is no need to hide XZ.

Gu Kai

Faced with the sudden appearance of the army, he chose to take the initiative. The Soul Emperor walked out of the wooden city gate with a Soul King and more than thirty soul masters with varying levels of cultivation, and smiled towards them. Dai Luoli came to kill him.

The flurry of crossbow arrows surprised the Soul Emperor who took the lead. I thought that these people would disperse after I appeared, but I didn't expect that these people would dare to attack.

However, this did not make the Soul Emperor take notice of more than 400 ordinary people. The younger brother next to him was hit by an arrow and fell to the ground, which aroused his anger. He immediately released a ten-thousand-year soul skill of his, and the entire The man turned into a ghost-like afterimage, as if he had no mass, and quickly rushed into the military formation. A soldier who faced him head-on was torn in half, performing a real-life version of tearing apart Japanese soldiers.

But a scene that shocked him happened. These people were not at all panicked by his arrival, and even continued to shoot and wind up the wooden man.

Then he fired a volley at the younger brother behind him. He looked back and saw that a large number of people behind him had fallen, and there were only a few left. One of the two soul kings was seriously injured. This scene made him feel an inexplicable feeling. Fear, but even stronger anger, made him choose to kill.

The sixth soul skill was released, and two large hands made of black mist grew behind him. Each arm was as thick as a water tank.

He grabbed a person with one hand and smashed him hard on the ground. The whole person was beaten into pieces. Three or four people around him were also smashed away, but the others remained unmoved. Continue to complete a round of shooting, shooting all those who have not rushed over to the ground.

Even if you are killed, you have to bite the enemy hard. The force of the meat makes the Soul Emperor's heart go cold. These guys in front of him don't know people at all, but are like machines with no emotions. Just know how to execute orders.

The evil-eyed tyrant master was also explaining to Dai Luoli at this time: "Don't look at the miserable death of those few people. No matter how miserable your death is at this time, you have to order them. Send those who haven't rushed up behind you The enemy was shot to death.

Although the soul emperor who rushes over is powerful in combat, as long as he doesn't have a wide range of covering soul skills, he won't be able to severely damage your army in an instant.

You let him let go and kill a hundred people in two rounds of volleys. Even if he is exhausted, he won't be able to kill a hundred people. But if you let the people behind you rush in and completely mess up your formation, everyone will die.

Therefore, it is said that kindness cannot control soldiers. When some people must die, you cannot be merciful, otherwise you will be irresponsible to others. "When the evil-eyed tyrant master continuously defeats Luo Li, in the final analysis, he still needs to find a fig leaf.

It cannot be said that the lives of soldiers are consumables. It does not matter how many people die as long as they can win.

However, the situation in front of him also confirmed what the Evil Eye Tyrant Lord said. The Soul Emperor rushed in and killed a dozen people in total in two rounds of shooting. If it was an ordinary army, it would have suffered such a heavy blow in a short period of time. The blow was gone in a flash.

It's a pity that their opponents are facing an army that can do almost nothing but obey orders. Without morale, he will not collapse. He can watch his comrades beside him, being torn into pieces and still follow orders without hesitation.

With the opponent down to the last person, the final extermination began, and the Evil Eye Tyrant Lord began to issue orders in everyone's mind.

In these people's minds, the location they want to move to next appears. Red dots will appear on the ground in their field of vision. They need to move towards these target locations.

After completing the movement, the target they need to attack will be marked in red, and as the sight-like mark flashes in the field of vision, they will start shooting.

The commands everyone needs to execute are very simple. To move, cock and shoot, there is no need for complicated thinking or adaptability, but these are just these simple commands. But it creates the same effect as an artistic performance.

I saw this line of soldiers who were already in a bit of chaos. They quickly started to move away from the Soul Emperor. During the movement, they formed a semicircle. The Soul Emperor lived in the center of the circle. He didn't realize that he was until he tore apart the last soldier in front of him. The location is very disadvantageous.

At this time, all the soldiers had raised their crossbows, aimed at the Soul Emperor in the center of the circle, and pulled the trigger. Because the distance between the two sides was very close, there was no possibility of the shot missing.

The Soul Emperor immediately gathered his sixth soul skill to his side, and two big hands of black mist wrapped his body, forming a layer of protection. This soul skill that can be used both offensively and defensively is considered a very excellent skill. . But the protection he can provide is limited.

There is a huge difference between the power of a soul emperor and the power that more than 400 people can continuously fire after charging a crossbow. They are not on the same order of magnitude at all. It is simply impossible to defend against all attacks.

After a large number of crossbow arrows were shot into the black mist, they were forced to slow down and lose their power. However, there were still more than a dozen arrows that were not slowed down, broke through the defense, and pierced the soul emperor's skin.

The poison in the crossbow arrows was released, and the Soul Emperor's body couldn't resist. He struggled a few times and tried to rush into the military formation again and kill everyone, but his body finally refused. He fell hard into the mud of plasma, and even before he knew death, he didn't understand why the group of ordinary people he faced were so ferocious.

After the battle, he injured a total of thirty-one people and killed twenty-three people. This was all his results. This does not mean that the Soul Emperor's combat power can only be compared to the five warriors who are not afraid of death. Ten people.

If there were only fifty people, no matter how tacitly they cooperated and no matter how willing they were to die, there was still no way they could kill the Soul Emperor with these crude weapons.

The difficulty of killing twenty out of fifty people is completely different from that of killing twenty out of five hundred people. The soul master has always thought that he is an enemy of ten thousand people, and that he can take the general's head from ten thousand armies. It's just because the armies they faced were too easy to collapse and could not withstand more than 10% casualties. If all armies could reach the quality trained by the evil-eyed tyrant master, even a titled Douluo would not be able to withstand more than 10% casualties. It is difficult for an army of five thousand people with siege weapons to win on a frontal battlefield.

[To be continued]

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