Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1650: New Mage's Weapons

When it came to the new mage's weapons, the seller seemed to have opened up a chatterbox and began to continuously recommend new equipment.

"Don't look at the new mages' personal combat effectiveness. Their most powerful bone strengthening and muscle strengthening techniques are only as effective as the soul skills of a century-old soul ring.

But the effect they can play on the battlefield is often greater than that of soul masters. Many difficult tasks are difficult to complete because the soul masters' soul skills are not unified. They have to rely on new mages to use special weapons to attack together.

Look at this, this is the most common and most frequently used new mage weapon on the battlefield, guided warheads. These are essentially rockets, but on the tail fins, there is an extremely small soul guide adjustment device, which can be adjusted The direction of the tail fin to adjust the flight direction of the missile.

There are three types. One is the drone cruise type. Look at the wings on the side. After launch, if there are larger wings on the side that pop out, it is the drone cruise type.

The advantage of this type is that it has a long range and is easy to control. The huge drone-like wings on the side can bring huge lift to the flight of this warhead, so they do not need to fly particularly fast and can remain in the air. levitate.

This flying attitude is very stable and only requires slight adjustment of the tail. Control their flight direction.

However, this thing has disadvantages. The wings need to occupy the mass of the warhead, so the charge is less than other warheads. Although the range is longer, the power is smaller. At the same time, there is another problem: the flight speed is slower and easier. Was intercepted.

Therefore, this warhead adopts the fragmentation killing mode, that is, the mage eye installed on the head of the missile. After observing the enemy target, it adjusts the angle and transmits the message to the new mage. At the same time, it remotely detonates the warhead and releases a large number of fragments through the explosion. , to attack.

It has good lethality against soft targets, but is less effective against armored targets and defensive soul masters. However, if you are not from this country, I still recommend this.

The popularity of armored forces in various countries is much lower than that of our country. Most enemies are soft targets. Secondly, this thing is easy to operate and easier to hit the enemy. You don’t have many new mages there. After actual combat There are also fewer people for inspection and live-fire testing, which is most suitable for this kind of weapon that can be easily mastered without much training. "

After hearing this, the Evil Eye Tyrant Lord made a preliminary evaluation of this weapon: "This thing should be considered a low-end weapon in the Dou Ling Republic. It is a device between civilian drones and military weapons. Its flight speed is slow. I'm afraid the Dou Ling Republic already has very mature means of intercepting such weapons.

However, since it is still mass-produced now, it should have a major advantage for the other three empires. If you want to intercept such missiles, you must have a long-range lock-on attack Hungry Soul Master, which must be at least level 30. In terms of external operations, It still has a lot of practical significance.

However... it is essential to be on guard against others. This kind of weapon is probably quite powerless against the Dou Ling Republic. The other two warheads that are not recommended by him should be more suitable for fighting against Dou Ling, even if there are some difficulties in using them. , we must also buy some back and give them to the soldiers for training to prevent problems before they occur. "

Thinking of this, he said to the seller: "Tell me about the other two types! What do the other two warheads look like?"

The seller took Dai Luoli to another display cabinet. The previous missile warhead looked like a drone, but the one in front of him looked more like a rocket.

"This is a more traditional warhead, and the control method is also by adjusting the direction of the tail. The difference from the previous one is that after launch, this one will rotate at a high speed to maintain the stability of its flight attitude.

The advantage is that it is faster and more difficult to intercept. The disadvantage is that it is difficult to control. Even if there is an intelligent system inside to intelligently adjust the position of the tail, when it is launched, because it is constantly rotating, the tail will also rotate accordingly, adjusting the direction for guidance. , involves requiring more experience and practice.

However, if there are enough skilled users, the effect of this weapon in actual combat will be better. This kind of warhead is difficult to intercept. Facing positions with a relatively mature air defense system, this kind of warhead is more effective.

As for the third type... This kind has a long range, a large charge, and is easy to control. Basically, it has no shortcomings in terms of combat effects. The only disadvantage is... expensive! "

As he spoke, the store took Dai Luoli to another display cabinet. Here there was a huge missile, which was four or five times the size of the previous one. It was set directly on the stand.

"This can no longer be regarded as a rocket. There is an algorithm inside that can only adjust the flight trajectory. Relying on the gyro inertial guidance, even if you are not a new mage, as long as you are an ordinary person, you can complete the launch after setting the target.

The only drawback is that this thing is too expensive. The price of one is almost a hundred times that of the first two. Even here it is considered high-end technology, and it is the most advanced weapon that can be sold publicly.

It's expensive for a reason. This thing has a maximum range of 80 kilometers, which means you can directly bomb the important hubs of other people's cities in a hidden area outside their city.

If you hit and run, even if there are titled Douluo stationed in the city, they will never be able to catch you. This is an epoch-making product. Even if you purchase in large quantities, we don’t have them in the store. This month’s quota is only three, and each person can only buy one.

I guess most of them are disassembled to see if they can be copied. Few people are willing to buy such expensive things and use them directly. "

The Evil Eye Tyrant Lord felt a bit toothache when he looked at the high price. It was more expensive than custom-made soul-guided artillery shells, but he did have a reason for it. The range of this thing was ridiculous. With a range of 80 kilometers, even if When his body is still there, it is impossible to attack beyond this distance. At this distance, he can't aim at it. With a slight shake of his eyeballs, he can miss half a kilometer. Attacking with such a large error is meaningless, even if the target If you don't hide, whether you can hit or not depends on metaphysics.

The Evil Eye Tyrant Lord has always thought that he has the longest attack range among all the powerful people. Now it seems that humans have invented something with a farther attack range than him.

Although the explosive power of this thing is no different from that of tickling it, the delivery vehicle has been invented. Is the invention of more powerful explosives still far away?

The evil-eyed tyrant master is suddenly a little happy that he has become a human soul ring. When he becomes a god in the future, the affairs of the human world are none of his business. If he continues to live in the forest as a soul beast for hundreds of years, Human beings may already be able to launch extremely powerful weapons from hundreds of kilometers away, knocking him into his soul.

"Buy! I can only buy one, right? Even if there is only one, I have to buy it." The evil-eyed tyrant master is the one who understands the advantages of long hands and short hands best. He is the soul beast with the longest hands in this continent. If it weren't for Di Tian If he flies a little faster than him, he can keep flying the kite and defeat Di Tian.

"Also, give me 50 of those rotating, difficult-to-control warheads. I want to take them back for training. If they are not loaded, can they be used for training again? Are there any related precautions? User manuals and the like. "The Evil Eye Tyrant Lord has really taken the role of new mages seriously this time. It shouldn't be difficult to train a large number of new mages with his mind control ability. Maybe these new mages will have something like this. There are hidden dangers, but it doesn't matter, as long as you can control the weapons, it is enough. As for the follow-up, win this war and then consider the training of subsequent talents.

"You are talking about training bombs! There are training bombs here. Training bombs are slightly more expensive than ordinary warheads. After all, recycling issues have to be considered. There are two types here. One is reinforced warheads, which can be practiced in any waters. As long as If it falls into the water, you can practice it again after you fish it out.

The other type has a built-in parachute, which has no terrain restrictions and can be recovered anywhere for practice. However, the disadvantage is that it cannot land. If it is to attack a ground target, there is no way to practice on the last leg. "The store owner introduced this very enthusiastically. Dai Luoli is a rare big customer. It is rare for someone to purchase so much at once. I am afraid that this time, the person I met came here to check out a certain empire.

"Give me some of both training warheads, and the drone-type cruise missile, give me 200 rounds. I need to take it back and test it in actual combat." The Evil Eye Tyrant Lord has already begun to figure out how to use it. Advanced weapons are coming to consume a lot of the soul power reserves of the Sun and Moon Empire.

After filling his storage soul guide with a large number of weapons, he went to the Civil Affairs Bureau near the soul guide trading market. Because he was not familiar with the governance structure here, he could only go to a more official place.

The purpose of coming here, in short, is to attract investment. The evil-eyed tyrant master can be regarded as seeing that the future war has gradually begun to change, and the scene of the soul master taking the lead in the charge is about to end.

In the next few hundred years, explosions and flames will probably dominate the battlefield.

He still understands that renting is worse than buying, and buying is worse than building. He needs to know how to attract a group of professionals to set up factories in his own place.

If it were anyone else, they would definitely be kicked out if they asked this kind of question, but Dai Luoli had an official status as the son of a duke, and still had a certain influence on the mainland.

Even the Republic of Dou Ling will give him corresponding treatment based on his status: "Do you want to set up a factory in your own country? Have you ever considered setting up a factory?"

The evil-eyed tyrant master blinked. He didn't understand what he meant: "Do we still need to divide it into different factories? I remember that the soul guidance factory can produce most of the soul guidance tools? I'm here to ask this time. After I go back, I will The Duke can make a decision only after deliberation.”

"That's it! You may not know much about the modern industrial system. It's like this. Producing guided missiles cannot be done by one or two factories.

Put it this way! The shell of the guided missile needs to withstand a huge load. If expensive special rare metals are not used, high-strength alloy steel can only be used. To smelt this kind of steel, a new steel plant needs to be built.

In new steel plants, a large amount of various chemicals need to be used to adjust the pH of molten iron and remove impurities. These chemicals would be very expensive to buy simply from the market, and their purity also needs to be further purified before they can be used. .

Therefore, supporting chemical plants must be built, and chemical plants need to form a cyclic system to be able to carry out continuous production without causing major pollution to the environment.

This also involves many industrial sectors such as the ammonia industry. If you need a complete system, you need to build at least 500 factories, involving more than 3,000 industrial categories, and this is only the most basic.

If you want to grasp such a variety of industries, you also need a large number of highly educated talents, which requires enough time to train and good enough treatment to ensure that talents will not be lost.

Our country cannot help you completely build such a huge system, so our suggestion is to reduce the consumption of the huge industrial system by importing some raw materials.

If you are worried about key materials such as steel, you can build your own factories to produce them. As for some materials that are not so critical but require the production of complex industrial systems, we can sign an agreement to absolutely guarantee the smooth trade of these materials in non-war conditions. , you must know that the prices we give are after many optimizations in the factory and the labor costs are greatly reduced. Even if you build the factory yourself, the cost of production will be much higher than the price we give. "

The evil eye tyrant master instinctively felt that there was a trap here. The non-war state could provide it, but what about the war state? Wouldn’t it be gone? Isn’t this being choked by other countries?

However, the cost of establishing a complete industrial system by oneself seems to be too high. The empire does not have that many people with higher education who can go to work in factories. Those with higher education are nobles and soul masters, and they all need others. How can a person who serves you work honestly in a factory? When he goes to a factory, he acts like an uncle. He makes a few soul guides every month and takes care of other tasks. He will never put his energy into the factory. Management and industrial production standards go up.

As for educating a large number of civilians and letting them participate in factory production, it is theoretically feasible, but these people do not farm, do not engage in handicrafts and service industries, who will serve the aristocratic gentlemen who have to pay for their clothes.

These noble men would never agree to drive these guys who were once their people out of the manor and send them to work in factories. It seemed that it was simply impossible to build an industrial system by themselves.

[To be continued]

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