Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1651 It’s broken! I have become a wage earner

The matter of introducing external resources and talents to set up a factory is naturally out of the question this time. Deloitte does not have enough authority to decide such a major matter about the future direction of the country.

So after purchasing a large number of advanced weapons, Dai Luoli returned to the White Tiger Duke's military camp in a daze.

During this trip, he himself spent most of the time sleeping and playing games. He had basically entrusted all his cultivation and family matters to his soul ring, so that he still hadn't realized that he was facing a crisis. A very important choice.

After all, it is to help this country's efforts. To develop technology from scratch and move towards industrialization, it is better to import industrial products from major countries on a large scale and adopt other countries’ production standards for industrial production.

Both methods can lead to industrialization, but the differences are huge. The entire process of the former will be extremely difficult. Huayun Group has gathered high-end talents from all over the continent, built an entire empire, and inherited the wealth accumulated by the entire empire for tens of thousands of years. Only then has it completed this step, and it has only laid the preliminary foundation. .

If the Star Luo Empire wants to achieve this, it will not only have to devote the same amount of talents and the same huge wealth as Huayun Group, but what is even more difficult is that it needs to close the country during this period and prohibit the entry of any Huayun Group products.

It is also called anti-dumping. To give the simplest example, a foreign advanced factory produces a ceramic tea jar. It only costs one yuan, and even if you export it and sell it for two yuan, you can still make a profit.

Due to technical problems, the cost of production in our own factory is only three yuan, and the quality is not as good as others. If we let the market test it, then none of the products produced in our own factory will be sold. If it cannot be sold, there will be no way to recover the research. If the cost cannot be recovered, the factory will close down and the technology will stagnate.

If you want to achieve independent research and development, you must eliminate the impact of foreign products and never use cheaper foreign products even if they are available. Only by forcing the whole country to endure hardships for a generation or even longer can we achieve independent industrialization.

This is impossible for most countries. Even modern countries can only do so. Not to mention that all empires on the mainland are now feudal countries.

The latter, using other people's industrial standards and imported machinery and equipment for production, can naturally be industrialized, and it is easier. There is no need to produce complex products in all industrial categories. These things can be imported, cheap and of high quality.

In order to obtain these imported products and satisfy the domestic market, one's own country must work for others. Since the equipment is imported and uses other people's industrial standards, the naturally produced industrial equipment can also be used directly by others. .

Therefore, after completing industrialization, the biggest role of such a country is to provide industrial exporting countries with a large number of primary industrial processed products. These products often require a large number of workers to perform heavy labor in factories. Although the benefits they can bring are equally huge, they can Let certain trading cities prosper quickly.

But these countries may not even know what the things they produce are useful or how to use them. They only know that after these things are produced, someone will spend money to take them away, and the jobs created will always bring prosperity to the entire country. On the surface, the rapid rise of the areas where these trades took place was like a miracle, becoming an international metropolis.

But looking beyond the appearance of light to see its essence, doing this kind of work is just picking up the leftovers of countries that have completed industrialization. It is like a corpse that was started with only skeletons left, but there are still many creatures busy around it. , looks very prosperous, but is nothing more than a swarm of flies and maggots.

After the processed products are taken away by the country that sets the industrial standards, they can be easily assembled and sold back at ten or a hundred times the price to harvest the domestic market again.

To put it simply, this model means that developed industrial countries distribute the dirty work that requires a large number of workers. They only need to do the most technologically advanced and profitable part, and naturally harvest the world.

As for why the harvested people are better off? It is naturally very simple. These harvested areas were originally unable to produce industrial products. From a backward agricultural society to a migrant worker in a developed industrial country, the conditions have naturally improved greatly and become more developed. , but this change obviously has endless consequences.

Although the evil-eyed tyrant master cannot yet see so many problems, he instinctively feels that if there is not a complete industrial system, there must be problems somewhere. It is a pity that these matters cannot be decided by him.

Not even the White Tiger Duke has the authority to make decisions on matters of this magnitude.

However, he at least has the ability to influence the empire's judgment. Dai Luoli's top priority now is to use the advanced weapons he purchased to cultivate a team with sufficient combat effectiveness.

Relying on the team he cultivated, his suggestions can gain the attention of the empire. The Dou Ling Republic has developed to its current level, but it still has not attracted the attention of the empire. The main reason is that the situation on the mainland is almost almost Thousands of years will not change.

The royal families of various countries are stable, and their positions will not move even if there is a war. Therefore, inertial thinking makes them believe that even if something happens to the Dou Ling Empire, it will not disrupt the peace that has lasted for tens of thousands of years.

If there were no certain variables in this world, the understanding of the royal families of various countries would not be a big problem. Even if the Sun and Moon Empire launched a war and caused their country to be destroyed, in the end there would be gods and bosses who would clean up the situation and eliminate these royal families. Rearrange them back to their rightful place.

But at the moment, the evil-eyed tyrant master feels that love is not something that the gods can take care of. Even if he is preparing to become a god, he does not intend to leave a mess in the human world for himself before that.

So he started a larger-scale army training. This time, he trained 5,000 ordinary people and 300 soul masters. In addition to queue training, the most important thing for ordinary people was the practice of new spells.

It is difficult to learn this kind of thing solely by relying on conditioned reflexes. The entire content of the new spell has at least 10,000 knowledge points. Each of these knowledge points cannot be solved by a simple conditioned reflex. If all of them rely on conditioned reflex to make them a mechanical reaction, it will definitely drive people crazy.

Therefore, the evil eye tyrant master uses an incentive system and a punishment system, that is, after a certain period of study, there will be an exam, and some people with outstanding test scores will receive his spiritual reward, which is the extremely pleasant stimulation in conditioned reflexes. .

Once you have experienced it once, you will almost be unable to resist that feeling, and you will naturally try your best to pour knowledge into your head in order to experience it again.

As for those people with extremely poor grades, they naturally need to accept punishment, which is the most painful part of the conditioned reflex. Those who have tried it will naturally not hope that they will end up at the end of the crane next time and experience such a feeling of despair again.

This is an incentive method with a bit of twisted thinking. It is difficult to motivate people with innovative thinking, because those who dare to innovate will not get excellent results in the examination room. They were severely punished and gradually gave up this behavior.

But it has to be said that it is simply about cultivating warriors with sufficient knowledge and professional skills. This method is very efficient. It is so high that ordinary people find it incredible. It makes people wonder why they learn so fast?

A very important module of the new spell is to adjust the meridians in the body to reach a relatively standard state, so that it can be cast quickly like a soul skill.

Although the evil eye tyrant master does not have the energy to help everyone adjust, he can use his mental power to leave vague tracks in everyone's body. These tracks can be seen when looking inside. During the operation, as long as the meridians compound these tracks , you can achieve the best results.

It's like the difference between drawing and tracing across a piece of translucent paper.

The latter is undoubtedly much simpler than the former. This also allows the 5,000 people to make rapid progress and at the same time, almost no one has lost their skills. The success rate is very high. Although their innovative talents are stifled and they are unable to become scientific research talents, But it is more than enough as a basic worker and warrior.

They are all loaded with infrared vision, dynamic vision enhancement, eagle eye skills, and electromagnetic wave remote control skills. A very few talented people can also load themselves with radar detection skills, which can guide missiles beyond visual range and get rid of the weather environment. , and the effect of topography on emission and growth.

After actual combat testing, the effect of these techniques is very good. With these long-distance sighting techniques, the accuracy of using guided bombs has been greatly improved. It can now be very skillful to hit targets of one square meter within a range of ten kilometers. area.

The evil-eyed tyrant master can guarantee that as long as he has enough ammunition, he can rely on long-range bombing to cripple a group of Sun and Moon Emperor full soul instructors in half an hour.

After these new mages gradually became proficient in using warheads, Dai Luoli imported a large amount of ammunition, which was enough to fight a battle. However, at the moment, it is impossible to easily provoke the Sun and Moon Empire. This can only be done by Giving the other party an excuse to start a war may bring you huge fame in a short period of time, but in the long run, doing so will be harmful rather than beneficial.

Compared with the new mage army composed of mortals, the training of the soul master army was very unsuccessful. After these people have relatively powerful soul power, they have stronger mental resistance. If the evil-eye tyrant master is still his true self, he can naturally easily train them into puppets who obey his orders and only follow conditioned reflexes.

But now limited by Dai Luoli's body, he can only exert a negligible power compared to his own body. He can at most give psychological hints to these unruly soul masters.

However, these people are still quite dissatisfied with being ruled by a soul sect, especially since the training plan formulated by Dai Luoli for them is just like that of ordinary soldiers. They are not allowed to use the advantages of their martial arts at all. They are all strictly tactical actions. There is absolutely no room for free play on the battlefield.

This made the proud soul masters extremely dissatisfied. Now their dissatisfaction seemed to have erupted again. During the lunch break, these people blocked Dai Luoli who was eating in the cafeteria.

The leader, a Soul Sage, was the one with the highest cultivation level among the five hundred people. Many soul masters also vaguely took him as their leader to form a group to resist Dai Luoli's order.

"Chief, you said that the army must obey orders. We can understand it, but this is not a battlefield. Why do you want us to obey such orders? You always have to explain it clearly to us?

Why should we train the same movements every day like ordinary people? Do we want to be like them, lining up and sending them to die in front of the enemy, and then buy time to fight for the new army you have trained?

We are not dissatisfied, but when you ask us to carry out the order, you must give us a reasonable reason. We have the consciousness to sacrifice our lives for the country, but we cannot accept the death in an unclear manner. "

Dai Luoli was eating when he saw a group of people blocking him in the cafeteria. He looked confused. He knew nothing about the conflict between the ordinary people's new mage army and the soul master army. He looked at these people dullly.

"Wait a minute! I'll answer you after I finish eating!" He said this, but in fact he called someone from the sea of ​​lost spirit: "Brother! Brother! Someone comes to you, you should go and deal with it quickly. It seems It’s quite urgent.”

At the same time, the leader of the Soul Saint saw that Dai Luoli continued to eat unhurriedly, and the rhythm of moving chopsticks did not change at all, and a sudden anger rose from his chest:

"There are so many of us waiting here, and you just let us watch you eat? I'm afraid this doesn't make sense! What do you think we are?" As he spoke, he slapped the table hard and used his other hand. To grab Dai Luoli's collar.

Almost at the same time, Dai Luoli's pupils turned into dark gold, and he stretched out his hand to grab one of Soul Saint's fingers and twisted it. Even for Soul Saint, the strength of his fingers was far inferior to that of his arms. In comparison, there was a heartbreaking clicking sound, and Soul Saint was stiff. The severe pain in his fingers forced him to kneel down.

If he didn't have the determination to cut off this finger, he would never be able to stand up.

"What do you want to say?" Dai Luoli's temperament is completely different from the temperament he had when he was just eating, which could not be found in a crowd of people. He is like an emperor who has descended from the earth, exuding an awe-inspiring atmosphere. A chilling breath.

"Are you not convinced? If you are not convinced, it's easy! You all come together! Don't you like to show off your personal strength? Don't you think that I have suppressed your personality and made it impossible for you to use it on the battlefield?

Come on, I'll give you a chance to perform well! Let me show you what you think your personality is. "After that, Dai Luoli grabbed Soul Saint's arm with force, swung it in a circle, and threw Soul Saint, who was covered in cold sweat in pain, out of the cafeteria.

[To be continued]

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