Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,652 The technological bottleneck on the moon

The sudden change in Dai Luoli's eyes and the sudden sharpness of his attack made the soul masters who were about to ask for an explanation all show expressions of astonishment.

But naturally they will not be afraid, even though the leader has been thrown out. But such an attack would not cause much harm to a Soul Saint.

The opponent is just relying on his physical skills. Even if a mere soul sect uses all his strength to attack, he may not be able to break through the soul power defense of a soul sage.

Although this statement is correct, the outcome of the battle is no longer a pure competition of soul power. Dai Luoli is now taken over by an 800,000-year-old soul beast and has the ability to control the body. It cannot be the same as before.

Especially after being exposed to new spells, the Evil Eye Tyrant Master found that his application of soul power was so rough, and he did not display the true power of soul power at all.

After learning the new spell, he discovered that rather than saying that soul power is a kind of power, an ability, or a blue bar, it is better to say that it is a tool, a tool that is more delicate than hands and more powerful than eyes. Observation is a tool that is more sensitive than smell, touch and taste.

In the final analysis, tools are just an extension of thinking. Everyone uses soul power, which means that the quality of tools is actually exactly the same. In the past, the outcome of a battle was usually determined by who had more tools and who had better tools. It's easier to win if you're big.

This is like using a photolithography machine as a sledgehammer. Whoever has a bigger and stronger hammer will be stronger. There is no problem in doing this without knowing the tool, but after knowing the tool After the complexity, if you still act recklessly like this, it will be a waste of natural resources.

"You all come together! I have to teach you how fragile individual strength is on the battlefield. You are so proud of your personal strength, but you don't even know the nature of it!" Dai Luoli ignored it. , the people who were still in the canteen walked out of the canteen minding their own business.

Exposing his back to several soul masters, he was not worried about sneak attacks because his spiritual history monitored the range around his body.

The soul power is like tentacles, weaving a cage of perception around him. Even if he does not release his mental power, he can easily sense the slightest movement within several kilometers.

"It looks like I don't need to call people. You guys come prepared!" Dai Luoli looked at the soul masters who were lined up neatly at the entrance of the cafeteria and nodded: "Since you are ready, let's go together! It’s time for you to understand your superficiality.”

The Soul Sage who was just thrown out was obviously a little worried about his face, and did not let the crowd attack: "Don't worry, we will not bully the few because of the large number of people. I was just careless just now. Come again this time, sir, you are in the Soul Sect." I’m afraid I’m invincible at this level, but don’t underestimate the world’s heroes just because of that.”

"Do you deserve to be called a hero?" The sudden voice behind him startled the soul saint, and he subconsciously looked back. However, there was nothing behind him, only the voice came from him.

It was the sound of the soul vibrating the air, imitating Dai Luoli's voice. Even people who were familiar with it would not be able to hear any difference.


The moment he turned around, Dai Luoli seized the opportunity and threw him over his shoulder, slamming him to the ground. Even Soul Saint was dizzy from the fall.

He got up from the ground in embarrassment: "Don't you have any other skills besides sneak attacks? Can you become a general just by relying on these trivial skills?"

Dai Luoli shrugged: "Did I become a general by relying on these little tricks? I don't know, but you have been defeated twice in a row by my little tricks.

I've said it all, if everyone comes together and you are the only one, it really won't be enough for me to fight. "While speaking, the evil-eyed tyrant master has changed his control over the soul power around him. The water vapor in the air condensed inexplicably, and then turned into ice crystals. At the same time, it sprayed towards everyone present, and every ice needle hit Most of them did not break the defense. Even if there was no soul defense, it was just like a thorn on the forehead.

Everyone didn't realize how terrible it was to attack everyone's eyebrows at the same time. They just felt that they were provoked by one person among 500 people.

Finally, someone couldn't help but rushed forward together, ready to teach this newcomer, who didn't know the heights and heights of the world, an impressive lesson.

Facing the people who came up to attack, Dai Luoli didn't panic at all. He just lightly chopped his feet. The soul power in his body spread out like tentacles, and slime was released from the soles of his feet, spreading flat on the ground. Then the entire ground seemed to have been relieved of friction, and no one's feet could step firmly on the ground. Bang!

These people who rushed forward suddenly fell to their knees. This is a ground that is much smoother than ice. The friction is almost zero. Without long-term special training, it is impossible to maintain balance on such a ground. Including Soul Saint, everyone fell to the ground. Even if they were supporting the ground with their limbs, some people would suddenly be unable to hold up and fall to the ground.

The whole scene seemed like many people were besieging Dai Luoli. Suddenly he knelt down, threw himself on the ground, and rowed towards him.

"Tsk, tsk! That's too polite! No need, no need to be so polite! You all kneel so hard, I feel so embarrassed."

For a moment, everyone had the urge to curse. Even if they wanted to kneel down, they couldn't stand up at all. In this case, the more you struggle, the less able you are to stand firm. Only those who lie down obediently and stay on all fours can maintain their body stability in such an environment.

"Asshole! Do you only know these children's tricks? You have the ability to confront us head-on!" someone yelled angrily.

Dai Luoli laughed when he heard this: "You can indeed say that this is a child's trick. I am on the battlefield. What should you do if you encounter such a trick? Not everyone can fly. If I were yours As for the enemy, he can walk in front of you step by step and cut off your head at a leisurely pace.

I have all the techniques that can subdue you instantly. If you are not convinced, I can let you go and try again, ensuring that you still can't even touch my side.

A group of guys who think they are strong just by relying on brute strength. What gave you the courage to challenge me when you can't even complete my training? "Although Dai Luoli did not have a hearty match of five hundred, his control over the battlefield still earned him the respect of these soldiers.

The training began, and these soldiers were rigorously trained in long-range shooting. At the beginning of the establishment of the army, their greatest significance in the war was to consume the enemy's soul power.

Even if they are temporarily convinced, the pride of the soul masters makes it impossible for them to be trained to follow orders and prohibitions like ordinary people. If this is the case, without their soul power, their combat effectiveness will not even be as good as the newly trained army of mortal mages. .

The Sun-Moon Empire's war preparations are still going on, and the war will not start immediately in a short period of time. The original outbreak of the international conflict between the empires on the mainland was actually a matter of chance. The Sun-Moon Empire has been accumulating strength.

The purpose was to bulldoze all three countries on Douluo's side at once, leaving no hidden dangers during the war. Although they almost did it, it was also because the material preparations were not sufficient. There is no way to open the battle fronts of Tianhun Empire and Star Luo Empire at the same time.

In the original work, the war on the mainland broke out so early. Part of the reason was that Orange wanted to take revenge on the White Tiger Duke, so she would naturally spare no effort to promote the war as her queen.

On the other hand, it was even more accidental. When Huo Yuhao participated in the continent-wide high-level soul master soul fighting competition, he happened to be a spy. An arsenal was bombed.

Originally I just wanted to blow up the arsenal and be done with it. As a result, a level nine soul-guided artillery shell was accidentally detonated underground. The Sun-Moon Empire buried its own nuclear-bomb-level super weapon underground in its largest city, and Huo Yuhao's espionage operation contributed to the largest explosion in the history of the mainland. humanitarian disaster.

In Mingdu, a super metropolis with a population of more than 20 million, one-third of the entire city was completely blown up and collapsed into the ground. As for the number of casualties, there is no statistics in the original work, but it is probably more than 5 million people.

After such a thing happened, even if no war preparations were made, it would be impossible to continue to maintain a false peace. There was no need for any incitement at all. After suffering such heavy losses, the Sun and Moon Empire would definitely be bursting with nationalism, and the entire people would They all have a revenge mentality. We must avenge the citizens who died in this disaster.

Japan's sneak attack on Pearl Harbor would allow the United States to participate in World War II. The Twin Towers being hit by planes would allow the United States to attack a terrorist organization with all its strength. So imagine if 1/3 of New York was suddenly attacked by a certain country. Blow up. What will be the consequences?

Even if the politicians at the top of the country are not willing, under the pressure of public opinion, they will have to live and die with the murderer.

Therefore, in the original work, the war broke out earlier. The Sun and Moon Empire, which had destroyed most of its capital, was even less prepared. Under the normal historical line, the war will obviously happen later, and the Evil Eye Tyrant Lord thought he still had enough time to prepare.

Thinking from any normal perspective, one would not predict that Ming Dynasty would directly destroy one-third of the city in a big explosion.

The Evil Eye Tyrant Lord on the ground and the Sun and Moon Empire are preparing for war and are racing against time to do so. In space, Cheng Ying is also troubled by the civilized space. The speed of civilization evolution is too slow.

Most people were still in the feudal era and had just become familiar with the smelting methods of bronze. Only a few people had mastered the smelting methods of iron. The steam era was still far away.

It is possible for workers with this level of knowledge to be sent to factories and become factory workers. But it is obviously impossible to take them to the moon and participate in the research, development and testing of the latest technology.

They cannot even understand the professional terms in many technologies, and even learning to understand the meaning of these professional terms requires a lot of pre-technical knowledge.

Just like if you want to understand why as long as oxygen is introduced into the converter steelmaking, the molten steel will continue to be red even if it does not continue to be heated. Then you must know what impurities are contained in the steel, and then you need to have basic chemical knowledge and know the impurities. The carbon inside can release a lot of heat through combustion.

If you don’t understand these pre-technical knowledge at all, you won’t have a clue at all about the subsequent learning of technical content.

Cheng Ying also began to choose clones. The huge technological system on the moon always needs someone to master it. Relying on artificial intelligence for production can only maintain the existing industrial system. It is impossible to make progress.

So far, only the out-of-the-box thinking of intelligent creatures can promote the progress of science and technology and find possible breakthroughs among many technologies that are stuck in bottlenecks.

Yake is still a little unable to master an entire civilized industrial system by himself, and Chengying's talent training plan will take some time to see results, so he has no choice but to choose a clone. He originally thought he was different. Individuals will quarrel with each other because of the relationship of priority, but after they really start to separate, they find that it is not as difficult as imagined. There may be conflicts between individuals, but absolute opposition is extremely rare.

But even so, they only mastered the existing technology, and slowly advanced and tinkered with the existing basic technology. There was no breakthrough progress in a short period of time.

When he was in Tulip, Chengying also encountered a similar dilemma. When Tulip was climbing the technology tree, the bottleneck that stuck for the longest time was how to get rid of the constraints of soul power. At that time, Tulip had already climbed the technology tree to the point where it could discover souls. The upper limit of ability.

By that time, a lot of Tulip's technology still relies on soul power to operate. The entire industrial system has carried out a series of industrial revolutions around replicating soul power and removing soul power. From a personal point of view, the technical level is in the dozens. Within a year, not only had there been no progress at all, but there had even been regression.

Fortunately, Tulip had already experienced the Buddhist crisis at that time, and the members of the civilization were very confident in moving forward. Even if technology temporarily stopped advancing, no one slowed down the pace of progress.

But it is different in the world of chess. Here, there are not enough fellow travelers. With the strength of two people, it is not impossible to break through the shackles of such a technological bottleneck, but it will probably take tens of thousands of years. count.

"Hurry up! Promote the progress of civilized space faster! Only when you have climbed your technology to the steam age and begun to understand the basic ideas of science will you be qualified to join the real promotion and development of civilization on a large scale. !" Cheng Ying looked at the civilized space that had only reached the Iron Age and waited patiently.

[To be continued]

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