Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,653 The power of human thought

People in the steam age may have considerable deficiencies in their knowledge level. But relatively speaking, people who can push civilization to this level in a civilized space already have a considerable degree of scientific literacy and are used to treating things they encounter rationally. Such people already have the ability to learn quickly.

Even if the moon is brought directly, after a period of learning accelerated physics, it can barely keep up with the progress of the moon.

Chengying does not require everyone to be a cutting-edge scientist, or even a super scholar who is proficient in everything. This is impossible. There is always a need for some people to bear the production of society.

It's just that the more advanced technology is, the fewer people will be in this group. Robots will never be able to replace humans, because the production lines of production machines will require more industrial systems and more people to maintain the operation of the industrial systems. A small chip involves There are probably tens of thousands of industrial types, not to mention a complete set of intelligent robot industrial systems.

But being inseparable from human control does not mean that robots are useless. They also need to be controlled by humans, and the efficiency of different machines is also very different.

Just like before humans invented spinning machines and flying shuttle looms, the work efficiency of the same person may not be one-tenth of that of a person after that. Even if the labor required to manufacture these machines is reduced, Counting it in, work efficiency is still greatly improved.

This is actually the principle of scissors and forks at different levels of technology. If you want to see the existence of scissors and forks most intuitively, the simplest way is to convert the wealth produced by labor into the time of each person's labor.

For example, when smelting bronzes in ancient times, on average, how many people and how long it took to smelt each bronze, how many people and how long it took to build the furnace, and how many people it took to make coke.

After calculating all these, you can figure out how many days of labor a person needs to make a bronze vessel.

And if you use this piece of bronze to exchange for grain, and you want to ensure that you can use scissors to harvest the other side, you need to make sure that the grain you exchange requires the other person to work for more days to get it.

The reality is that the higher the technology, the shorter the personal labor time required to produce the same items. The purpose of robots is not to replace humans, but to improve human work efficiency.

Not only that, as Cheng Ying also began to clone himself, he gradually discovered that when he had just traveled through time, his thinking was a bit extreme, and he paid too much attention to the absolute equality between people, knocking his identity as a soul master into the mortal world, and allowing mortals to trample on him. , and ultimately established an ideology that does not judge a person's value based on his or her extraordinary abilities.

In a sense, what we did was actually a bit overkill. Although these are necessary historical stages, Cheng Ying is increasingly discovering it now. There is actually a mutually reinforcing relationship between individual abilities and collective cooperation. As technology becomes more developed, this becomes more and more obvious.

After technology has amplified the power of individuals countless times, the subtle differences in abilities between individuals have also been amplified countless times.

This difference is not about how strong a person's energy is, how much extraordinary material he has accumulated, or how much wealth or women he has.

For a healthy and civilized individual, these are all irrelevant and low-level tastes. No matter how much energy or extraordinary material there is in the body, it will not be amplified in equal proportions by the amplification of technology.

What truly determines the huge differences between individuals is each person’s thinking. This is a power that belongs to everyone and cannot be taken away.

A person with strong thinking is powerful no matter what the situation is. If he were thrown into a world of only mortals and thrown into the family of an ordinary person on earth, he would not have super fast thinking speed or extraordinary physical fitness.

Such people can also rely on their own efforts to stand out among people with the same background as themselves. As for obtaining a lofty social status, this may not be possible. After all, being strong does not mean that you can live in an unhealthy world. In a society, people who gain a dominant position, not to mention people with strong thinking, do not take improving their social status as their lifelong goal.

Just like Cheng Ying, he is very different now from when he just traveled through time. The biggest difference is the ability to do one thing patiently, split into different individuals, and work together to do one thing. What is most needed It is the ability to implement your own ideas and persist in doing it.

It is a very boring thing to master an entire civilization and most of the technological systems by one person. Even if the thinking of each individual is not connected with each other, you do not need to bear the burden of learning all by yourself. The boringness of the information.

In order for such a small number of people to take on the knowledge of an entire industrial system, each individual also needs to have a certain degree of understanding of the professional content that other individuals are responsible for in order to be able to cooperate with each other.

Learning this level of knowledge is very boring, especially when a person's thinking speed and memory ability are extremely powerful. This kind of learning becomes even more boring. Living like days is probably a good way to describe the ability to concentrate after the mind is large enough. The state of doing something.

Time is an illusion of human beings. If a person's thinking speed suddenly becomes twice as fast as before, then from his own intuitive feeling, it will be as if time has slowed down twice.

You can slowly adapt to this state and adjust yourself so that you don’t use your full thinking speed most of the time to avoid boredom. This is also the choice of most people.

Under high-speed thinking, concentrating on studying and working for a long time is a very boring thing, and it is also difficult for most people to persist. It is like studying for 24 hours continuously. Even if you are not tired, it is difficult to hold on. , such a boring process.

High-speed thinking often leads to a significant decrease in people's ability to resist temptation. Originally, a mouthful of delicious food can only be tasted at the moment of chewing. Under high-speed thinking, this moment is infinitely stretched.

Food is only the most insignificant of many temptations. In-depth interactions with the opposite sex and even more dangerous drug abuse are temptations that will be infinitely amplified by high-speed thinking.

After trying this temptation, it becomes even more difficult to calm down and use your ability to speed up your thinking in learning. If you want to persevere, the perseverance and determination required are unimaginable.

This is the important difference between people with strong thinking and people with weak thinking. It is also the essential strength and weakness between people. No adventure can change this strength or weakness, because it depends on the individual's thinking mode. Any external attributes are irrelevant.

Strength and weakness can change. It can become weaker due to external temptations, or it can become stronger after making up one's mind, persevering, and proving oneself.

Perseverance is only one aspect of strong thinking. Courage and wisdom are also manifestations of strong thinking. However, courage and wisdom are difficult to improve through hard work. If you don’t encounter danger, no one knows whether you can show courage. But if you encounter danger, then It is possible that even if you have the courage, it will be of no use and you will eventually die.

As for wisdom, it is even more difficult to define. With the same thinking speed and knowledge reserve, facing the same problem, even if someone can answer it faster, it is difficult to explain the reason, and it is even harder to improve through subjective exercise.

Only perseverance can be improved through persistence, and the essence of thinking can be strengthened.

Everyone in the civilized space, in the process of enduring failure again and again and restarting civilization, is exercising courage and perseverance in accelerated thinking. No matter how many times they start over, they can unswervingly push civilization to a higher level. Level, this is the embodiment of courage and perseverance.

And only after passing such training and gaining stronger thinking ability, will you be determined to use this ability to learn and seek knowledge, instead of being dominated by desire and degenerating.

Before Cheng Ying traveled through time, he had always been curious. Soul beasts have a long lifespan, and soul beasts that are one hundred thousand years old have powerful thinking speeds. Why haven't those soul beasts with lifespans of hundreds of thousands of years developed a splendid civilization?

If you really want to explore and learn, with an average person's thinking speed thousands of times and a life span of hundreds of thousands of years, it will not be difficult for even a single individual to fully master the entire industrial system of the early twentieth century.

But it was my turn to understand how difficult it is to study persistently with the thinking speed of a mortal a thousand times. Although the soul beasts have powerful power, they do not have the ability to control their own more powerful thinking, so Soul beasts are actually asleep most of the time, because they are awake and have no entertainment, so their days are really like years.

Now the moon's technology has developed to a bottleneck, or in other words, Cheng Ying's thinking has reached a bottleneck and it is difficult to continue to expand.

On the one hand, with current technology, it is difficult to accelerate an individual's thinking faster. On the other hand, if he continues to expand his thinking speed, Chengying can no longer guarantee that he will be able to concentrate and direct his attention as before. Focus on the advancement of civilization.

As an individual, his thinking is already very strong. If he were allowed to return to his original world, even without his current high-speed thinking, he would return to a mortal body. He still has the ability to become a top figure in a certain industry, and no one can take this power away from him. Unless his personality is stripped away and changed, such an existence is no longer him. Even if he encounters it, he will recognize it as another individual and treat it with the same attitude as another individual.

The current lunar base needs a lot of people with strong thinking essence to join. The thinking of these people itself represents power, the power of human thought, the power of intelligent creatures to transform nature, and self-sustaining low-entropy bodies. The greatest reliance on going against entropy.

The power of human thought has gradually sprouted in the civilized space. The first war in the feudal era gradually came to an end. Many people who yearned for the civilized space returned to their original state overnight. Some people chose to give up and choose Go to sleep directly at night and no longer enter the space.

But others sum up their previous failed experiences, start from scratch, and once again promote the advancement of their own civilization. These people may have different reasons for starting over.

Some people may be unconvinced by those who defeat them and want to surpass them, while others may just enjoy the process of pushing civilization forward and enjoy the feeling of self-realization. Some people may even do it just to have a sweet dream while sleeping.

But these do not affect their choice to continue moving forward. As long as they continue to move forward on this road, they must pay wisdom, courage and perseverance. Under such training, one day they will find that they have become completely different from before. different.

The environment can change a person and make people fall, but it can also make people improve. When efforts can get positive feedback, people will develop the habit of continuous hard work over time.

Those who aspire to a civilized space do not realize that when they start to promote civilization for the second time, it is actually much harder than the first time, because they understand more and make fewer detours, but civilized The process also becomes faster, and they have more things to do and become busier.

If they are subjected to such busyness for the first time, they may feel too tired and simply give up on being a yearning person and just choose to sleep.

Unknowingly, their will will become stronger, which they themselves are not even aware of. They will only unconsciously assume the important task of promoting the advancement of civilization in the restart of civilization again and again.

On the mainland, none of the three major empires realized that this change was quietly changing the people living on this land. Only the Republic of Dou Ling was aware of it.

Because they have a more detailed census, they conduct a census of the domestic population every year to investigate a series of things such as population quality, knowledge level, and thinking tendencies.

After investigation, it can actually be discovered. Their country's population has generally become more patient. The concern is not that duplication of labor will last longer in the factory. This repetition also requires patience. But what is needed is more tolerance for physical fatigue and no need to use your brain.

What is truly valuable is perseverance and patience on a problem that requires brain use and long-term and intensive thinking.

In contrast, the three major empires have not discovered this change. It is not just that they have not discovered this change. If they had done statistics, they would have found that the people under their rule were more likely to give up and become aspirants than The Dou Ling Republic is much larger.

Choices and behaviors in a civilized space can change people's behavior patterns in reality and improve a person's thinking intensity. Similarly, everything that happens in reality will also affect the choices people make in a civilized space.

If the reality is hopeless and it is difficult to get rewards for hard work, then it will be very difficult for this person to persist in a civilized space.

[To be continued]

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