Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,654 The Beginning of Change in the God Realm

Individuals with strong minds began to appear all over the continent. For most people, it was not easy to detect, but William was one of the few people who could discover this.

He was a person who spent his days in the main god space, and he got the fourth-level gene lock. He knew the difference between the power of mastering energy and the power of essence.

The setting of the gene lock itself is somewhat similar to the power of essence, rather than the power of mastering.

Those who have unlocked the gene lock must also use tools to exert strong combat power, such as using superpowers and practicing exercises.

Without these special abilities, cold weapons or firearms can be used, but the combat power that can be exerted will be greatly reduced.

The only thing that remains unchanged is that, under the same equipment and the same attributes, the strong who unlocked the gene lock will undoubtedly be more likely to win the battle, or almost certainly win the battle.

This is already considered to be strong in essence to some extent. Under the same conditions in all aspects, it is more capable of surviving in desperate situations.

Although the overall changes on the continent are very different from those who have unlocked the gene lock, the essence of individuals is constantly getting stronger, which William can still see.

This is also the most dangerous place he feels. After the essence becomes stronger, the power loaded on itself can often be exerted several times. The stronger the power that can be loaded on an individual, the greater the proportion of this exertion.

This is why Chengying had to start improving his personal ability after the technology reached a bottleneck. William had never seen such a large-scale essence enhancement. Without experiencing the ridiculously high mortality rate in the main god space, and without surviving in desperate situations, he could actually improve his essence. This also made him realize the difficulty of his opponent.

In this case, it is no longer realistic to support the agent. The essence is not strong enough. Even if external forces are obtained, the situation of Dai Yuheng will appear.

He realized that he had to reveal some of the secrets he mastered to the God Realm. He basically didn't want to rely on the power of the human world to compete with his opponents.

It was very difficult for him to make such a decision. It meant putting himself in danger. If he obtained some of his knowledge, the fighting power of the God King would exceed him. He didn't want to experience this feeling of not being in a dominant position and leaving his fate in the hands of others.

But now, in order to win, he had to make some choices, but this part of knowledge could not be spread by him, otherwise, he would be focused on by the God Kings, and if anything went wrong, he would probably be the first to settle accounts.

In order to make this part of knowledge more natural, he chose a second-level god as the lucky one to obtain the knowledge.

In a high-energy world like Douluo, the gods are almost not allowed to descend to the earth. This is a world that can give birth to masters comparable to gods. Excessive interference will damage the potential of this world.

But those worlds with limited potential do not have such strict rules. If a god wants to descend to the earth to have fun, he will not be subject to such strict restrictions.

Many second-level gods will also come to the world of mortals in person, and then play a set of operations to pretend to be pigs and eat tigers, and recall the glorious years before they became gods.

William is going to create a place like a paradise in such a world, creating an accident so that the second-level gods who come here to relax can accidentally discover it.

At that time, the God Realm will be able to slowly change under this silent promotion. After they have obtained a more efficient way to use faith or even replace faith, they will have less concerns about the mortal world.

The regulations that were once formulated not to interfere with the mortal world. Will also gradually become loose.

In addition, he can also take this opportunity to show some of his talents in his new cultivation system, and improve his position among the gods, raising himself to the status of a middle-to-high-level main god, so that he can have a certain decision-making ability among the gods. Better use the power of the gods to solve his opponents this time.

This time, he chose to reveal a small part of the knowledge of cultivation. In the system of the main god space, cultivation is basically one of the top abilities. William himself has only mastered a part of the content. Now revealing it to the gods will definitely greatly improve the combat effectiveness of the God Realm in a short period of time, so that they will have a stronger desire to control the world below.


It's another day for Thor to play a small role...

As a relatively powerful second-level god, it is natural for William to choose him as the object of adventure. He must choose an individual with relatively strong combat effectiveness. Otherwise, if he practiced the skills he got in the adventure, but was still chased and beaten by the main god, the show effect would not be good, and the gods would not pay attention to this new discovery.

Although Lei Shen is a second-level god, he is a very strong individual among them. Although there is still a huge gap between him and the master's level, this gap can be made up. If he can practice the skills deeply enough, it is not impossible to surpass the main god.

At this time, the Thunder God is dominating in a world where the upper limit of power is only that of the Soul Saint. In a world of this level, the individual's spiritual power is generally quite weak, and the population is not very large. What it can provide to the God Realm The power of faith is kept small, and the degree of attention it receives is very low.

It's normal for gods to come down to earth to go on vacation and pretend to be crazy.

At this time, Lei Shen's pseudonym is Lei Xiang, and he plays the role of an orc prince in this world who has the blood of both Berserker and Fallen Angel. Because his blood has the demonic part, he was rejected and rushed to a human city for a tour. .

As for the talent he set for himself, he can use the orc clan's strongest berserk transformation and the demon clan's strongest fallen angel transformation at the same time. The two can also be used at the same time to transform into a blood angel, with a combat power that rivals those in this world. Top strong man.

Isn't such a person very suitable for showing off? He usually doesn't show off, but his fighting ability is not weak. At least he won't be bullied. When he meets a strong person, he can pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, and suddenly transform. Become stronger than the opponent, and then after solving the problem, you can keep a low profile.

It's not very satisfying to just run away after pretending to be cool. Although these abilities are all magically transformed by divine power, if he doesn't say anything, who would know? The upper limit of the extraordinary power system in this world is too low, so he showed a little power casually. You can reach the top position in this world.

On this day, he was planning a chance encounter with a girl in this world. Well... Recently, he likes to rape the girl, then pretend to feel guilty, and act like a dog licker for a period of time, so that the girl who hates him can change her mind and throw herself into his arms. .

So this chance encounter is definitely a nightmare for the girl.

The two people in this world have known each other and studied in the same school. This time they met for a treasure hunting adventure.

Thor has already made a plan. After arriving at the treasure hunting location, he will rely on his own strength to seduce a powerful and strengthened monster. When the time comes, he will be forced to show off his mad power to fight against the enemy. A hero will save him first. beautiful.

Then he said that after he became crazy, he would be out of control. There happened to be a beautiful woman beside him, and it was normal for some indescribable things to happen between the two people.

In this way, it is logical that the girl will hate herself for a period of time, but there is a life-saving grace. This kind of uncontrollability is a common setting of madness, and it is not possible to do such a thing. Can't you blame yourself? A good comfort, coupled with a strategy to chase him down, and arrange a few life-and-death dangers, it is sure to make the girls around him even more determined than normal strategies.

A total of six people teamed up for the expedition, and the destination was a cave at the foot of the volcano. Before that, Thor had already come here to check once, and arranged enhanced Warcraft. It was determined that in the cave, there were only some of this world. Specialty energy crystals may be relatively precious to practitioners in this world, but to gods in the divine world, they can be easily produced and are not precious at all.

As for the final outcome of the adventure, the remaining four unlucky guys in the team must be killed by the modified super monsters. Otherwise, how would they create a romantic world for two? It was originally planned well, but after arriving near the cave, inside the cave, But there was an unusually powerful aura, and its power had exceeded the upper limit of this world.

This also put a look of astonishment on Thor's face, while the others were basically stunned and stood there in a daze, not even daring to move.

The situation in front of him was beyond Razer's expectation. He knew the Warcraft he designed himself. For this world, although it is very strong, it is far from exceeding the upper limit of this world. Otherwise, he would have used madness to defeat such a powerful opponent. For people in this world, it becomes a little difficult to understand. I can no longer write my own story.

Naturally, it is impossible to create a monster that exceeds the upper limit of the strength of this world. I'm afraid something happened to what I created now, which suddenly exceeded the set limit of this world.

And the things that can trigger this kind of change also make him have some interest. Although most of them are of no use to him, everyone has curiosity.

Although the Warcraft became stronger after hiding in the cave and undergoing certain changes, it was still a weakling to the Thor himself. Facing his frightened teammates, Thor also used a tragic tone. Said: "You guys leave quickly, I'll stay behind! No matter how strong the guy inside is, he can't catch up with both groups of us at the same time. I'll lead him away!"

We can't all die here together. We must return to the college and report the dangers that exist here to the dean! "

After saying that, Thor looked at the guilty eyes of his teammates and killed the monster he created.

The reason why they felt guilty was because the teammates chose to run away without much hesitation. Regarding this kind of self-sacrifice, everyone still hopes that the people around them will do this.

After all these people have disappeared, Thor no longer needs to hide. As for his true strength, the colorful tiger with golden flames all over his body in front of him has nothing to do with a fat orange cat. the difference.

He knocked him to the ground with just one slap. He didn't even use his best thunder power at all. He easily knocked the opponent down with just his physical ability.

Then he also used his spiritual consciousness to scan the other person and found out the reason why this guy became so different. There was a book in his stomach, which was not corroded by his stomach acid and was suspended in his stomach. There was even a golden light emitting from his belly.

At first glance, he knew that this was no ordinary thing. Thor thought that this might be some kind of strange treasure in this world, so he didn't pay too much attention to it. There were countless similar treasures collected in the God Realm. He picked up such a thing in this world with a low limit. For him, things are just like picking up a relatively beautiful shell when ordinary people go to the beach to play. It is a happy thing, but that's all.

Without any mercy, he easily threw away the stomach of the modified monster and took out the book hidden in his stomach.

He did not immediately look at the content in the book, but instead checked the material of the book. From the material of the book, the value of the content can be roughly judged.

Although knowledge is not necessarily very expensive, and precious knowledge does not necessarily have to be recorded in expensive books, strong men in all worlds have a habit of recording important and precious content in the best materials. It was damaged over the years and lost.

Testing the preciousness of this material can at least determine the bottom line of the value of the content in this book. If the material itself is very precious, no matter how bad the content is, it probably won't be that bad.

After getting the book, Thor's expression changed slightly. Because he found that the book in his hand used materials that he couldn't figure out.

After becoming gods, their mental power is very detailed. Even bacteria and viruses can be observed by them. However, he did not observe any wrinkles on the pages of this book. It feels like humans are discovering After removing the water droplets, I continued to observe them with a microscope, and found that no matter how I observed them, the surface of the water droplets was smooth.

It cannot be said that the smooth surface of the material means that the material is good. The specific advantages and disadvantages depend on the use. However, as long as such a flat material is produced, the cultivation or technology required is undoubtedly extremely high. At least Thor himself will definitely not be able to do it. In other words, the content in the book is likely to be beyond his realm and useful to him.

[To be continued]

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