Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,659 Tang San takes action personally

The defeated God of Destruction has completely proved the powerful strength that Thor now possesses. Ordinary Lord Gods no longer dare to try. Only the God of Emotions can try to deal with an opponent of this level. However, this person's status in the God Realm is unique and he is definitely stronger than ordinary Lord Gods. Although he will be beaten by The kind of person who is suppressed by the vocational high god, but does not have to obey the orders completely.

In addition, among the main gods, there is probably only the most mysterious God of Time who can try to fight. However, this person never showed up when the war broke out in the God Realm in the original work. He is even more powerful than the Supreme God. mystery. It is even more difficult to expect him to take action than to expect the God of Emotions to take action.

At this time, it was natural for the Supreme God to take action. Tang San chose to do it himself without much hesitation. The previous tests had basically revealed that although his opponent was very strong, he was definitely no match for the Supreme God. And he himself There are two gods in his body, which are stronger than the ordinary supreme god. It is naturally easy to deal with.

"Let's take it easy, you don't have any chance to escape! Hand over your harmful evil props, and let's try to see if we can reverse the tragic events that happened on the ground, and maybe we can also absolve you of some of your sins.

If you continue to be stubborn, you will be severely punished. "Tang San came up with a straight accusation, putting a big hat on the other party's head for harming living beings, and asked the other party to hand over the treasure he had obtained with a mentality of atonement, and in the name of righteousness, forced the other party to share himself. The harvest can be regarded as a common trick of the gods.

"It's useless to talk more. If you can directly control me, you won't need to talk nonsense like this. You can naturally find what you want in me. But if you can't do it, then I will naturally have to do it before I die. The ability to destroy it.”

Lei Shen's meaning is also very simple. He needs a guarantee that he will not be held accountable and has a lofty status in the divine world. Otherwise, he will not be able to hand over the skills he has obtained. If he directly If it is handed over, his existence will have no value. Since it is a worthless thing, it can be disposed of directly.

In order to obtain this guarantee, he must demonstrate his sufficient ability in combat and demonstrate a combat power that even the Supreme God cannot crush. Only then can he have the confidence to say that he can completely destroy the secret before he dies.

Tang San also saw his plan, so he planned to use all his strength to make him understand the huge gap between them. He immediately took out the Poseidon Trident. After all, his main purpose was to capture him alive.

Only after bringing the person back to life can you get the secrets you want from him. If you kill him directly, the secret may be buried with the person.

Poseidon is one of the main gods who is best at controlling. Wu Ding Feng Bo, who possesses the legendary number one control skill in the God Realm, saw Tang San holding the Poseidon Trident and drawing nine circles in the air, and nine golden haloes emerged, moving towards him quickly. Thunder God shrouded the past.

Use the power of the Supreme God to push this move with all your strength, even if the opponent who is also the Supreme God is hit, he will be controlled. The thunder god in front of him is only a second-level god. The energy intensity in his body is now close to that of the main god at most. It should be easy to control it.

However, things did not progress as smoothly as he imagined, and the golden halo he threw out. It seemed as if there was some kind of interference. After approaching the opponent, he immediately moved away, as if an invisible layer of daily life enveloped his opponent and interfered with the hit of his attack.

Although it is far from the Supreme God in terms of energy intensity. But after practicing the so-called cultivation techniques, his ability to control energy has been greatly enhanced. It is still possible to interfere with this ultimate move to a certain extent.

If it was a direct attack, then of course there was nothing he could do. After all, the trajectory of an attack is governed by the laws of physics. No matter how precise the control is, there is no way to reverse the trend. The same amount of force is needed to offset it.

But switching to this kind of remote-controlled locking ability is easier to control. This kind of attack is not particularly powerful in terms of kinetic energy and speed. If you want to influence and interfere with their trajectory, you need to consume much less energy.

Tang San used Uncertain Storm twice in a row, and he quickly saw the problem. The golden halo he released soon became out of his control, and then the two of them collided and were destroyed.

It seems that this type of remote-controlled attack will be controlled. Since the opponent may take control of the remote-controlled type, it would be better to just use directional attacks.

The surface of Poseidon's Trident releases a strong light, which is Poseidon's specialty. Poseidon's light has strong penetrating ability, and can also act as an all-round attack with healing ability when necessary. It goes straight and at extremely fast speeds, which is almost impossible. To control and avoid.

However, Tang San in this world line obviously didn't know that in the other world line, Poseidon had already suffered a big loss from his Poseidon's Light before he passed on his divine status.

Although Thor didn't know what wave-love condensed matter was, nor did he understand why light propagated slower in these materials, he could still use the moves according to the skills recorded in the technique.

The power amplifier records that this move can deal with most attacks that use light as a carrier, and can bounce the light back.

Then he saw an ultra-low temperature area appeared in front of him. Some of the metals he extracted turned into strange black high-speed rotation at ultra-low temperature, and were replaced by a black sphere that swallowed all light.

This is the Boai condensed matter formed under ultra-low temperature conditions. In such a medium, the speed of light will become extremely slow. Relying on its own high-speed rotation, light can be temporarily trapped inside the sphere. Cheng Yingchu and Ice Emperor Together, they used this trick to trick the original Poseidon.

Now, Thor has also reproduced this move, and it is countless times stronger. Many black balls almost wrap it up, and the Poseidon's light, which is countless times more powerful than Cheng Ying's original face, is launched and shot into The surface of the black ball has not changed at all. The ball is still extremely dark, as if it is a black hole, capable of swallowing endless light, and no amount of light can illuminate it.

Tang San was completely stunned this time. If his opponent used sideways to avoid his attack before, which he could understand, then this time he completely blocked his attack forcefully. , this is too incredible.

Even most of the main gods are unable to block the full blow of the Supreme God head-on, but looking at the God of Thunder now, it turned out to be an understatement.

I saw him and made a backhand move. These densely packed jet-black spheres flew out, and after flying to Tang San's side, they all exploded. The Poseidon's light that was restrained inside exploded immediately.

The underground cave space turned into a sea of ​​light, and even if Tang San had some immunity to his own attacks, he suddenly became embarrassed.

"Damn it! What kind of ability does this guy have? It seems that every attack he makes does not consume much energy, but why can it have such a strange effect?

It looks like I did get some cool stuff! Is it something that can greatly increase combat effectiveness without enlarging the upper limit of one's own energy? You really have to get it. " Tang San had murderous intent and at the same time, the weapon in his hand also changed.

From the original Poseidon Trident to the Shura Sword, in the final analysis, the status of Shura God is still stronger than that of Poseidon. Even if he uses the divine power of God Shura to promote Poseidon's moves, the effect achieved is worse than that of God Shura himself.

On the surface, he can only use the power of Shura God when combined with Xiao Wu. In fact, he has already mastered this ability.

After he took out the artifact of the Supreme God, the God of Thunder also showed a solemn expression.

Because Tang San chose the most traditional fighting method. That is to cut close to the opponent. This style of play is obviously the most dangerous. If you are hit by the opponent close to you, even if the opponent is one or two levels lower than you. It can also get hurt.

But this is also the advantage of fighting in close combat. If the opponent is weaker than yourself, the problem may be solved with one strike.

Among the techniques that Thor practiced, the one he was least good at was close combat. The man who designed such a thing as aura. Originally, Reiki was regarded as an extension of hands, helping humans to influence the material world in a more subtle and powerful way. If this ability is still limited to the human body and adheres to the image of traditional swords, it will go against the original intention of the design.

Therefore, personal confrontation with weapons is actually what Thor is least good at now. As a last resort, he could only try to distance himself. His speed is already considered very fast in the God Realm.

After all, his attribute is thunder, and he can move as fast as thunder and lightning, turning himself into thunder itself. Although it is far from possible to reach the speed of light, it is still possible to achieve the ultra-high speed of lightning propagation in the atmosphere.

Especially now that I have the help of cultivation techniques. He can pre-design a trajectory for himself during the escape process. In the preset escape trajectory, he can really escape at a speed close to the speed of light. So it looks like both sides are just constantly chasing and flashing.

Although Tang San's Shura god status is not good at teleportation, he was able to teleport before he became a human being. When Xiao Wu transformed into a soul bone, it gave him the opportunity to teleport 100 times a day. .

After becoming a god, this ability was also brought over, and it was also given to Tang San, with no limit on the number of times. But there are distance constraints. That is to say, he can only teleport a hundred meters at a time. If he wants to chase a high-speed object, he needs to teleport continuously. What affects his speed is not the distance, but the speed of reaction. Continuous teleportation also requires reaction time.

It's like your teleportation skill doesn't raise your hand at all and has no cooldown. But the speed with which you press the keyboard will still affect your movement speed.

This caused Tang San to be extremely fast, but for a while he still couldn't catch up with his opponent.

After the humans and gods gradually became familiar with this high-speed movement, they began to no longer worry about Tang San's attacks, and even planned a counterattack in the process of escaping.

He thought that with such fast speed, he was almost invincible.

But he didn't realize that the speed and power he burst out didn't actually belong to him. He had just finished practicing the cultivation technique. Even if he becomes powerful, being able to rival the Lord God is already pretty good. Now it is not within his own ability to kill everyone here.

William is the mastermind behind all this. He secretly provides computing power and energy support to Thor in the ruins, helping him control the abilities around him, so that he can show such powerful combat effectiveness.

In other words, his ability to escape the attack of the Supreme God was not due to his own ability. But people want to control him like a puppet. Whenever he was caught, he would definitely not be able to escape.

Thor has not yet realized that he has become a tool and is preparing to fight back, but now there is no point in fighting back. His task of providing the God Realm with incomplete boards and backdoor techniques has been basically completed.

Since it was the technique that William came up with, it is natural that in addition to the incomplete version, it also needs to leave a backdoor. After the gods become powerful because of this technique, they will have hidden weaknesses for it to control. Being in the main god space How could the reincarnations who were hanging around really trust a group of profit-seeking guys?

The only role of Thor is to give this technique a credible enough origin. If it is the technique that William comes up with, share it with everyone. It would be strange if everyone didn’t doubt it. Given the character of the gods in the divine world, they would definitely speculate. Why do you share such a good thing with us?

In contrast, something that has been taken from one's own people with great pains is more credible. The best thing is that the owner of this treasure is dead. They are all dead, so how can they possibly plot against the living?

So after Thor got the technique, the outcome was already doomed. When he was triumphant and was about to give Tang San who was chasing after him a hard blow, he suddenly felt that he was caught. The feeling of speed just now left him. He lost his high speed and was subdued in an instant. Tang Seng held it in his hand and pinched his neck.

"Is there anything else you want to say? If not, then just go back to the God Realm with me."

The God of Thunder pinched his neck with both hands, his eyes full of shock and horror, but soon the shock was completely replaced by an angry expression: "Shameless man, don't you just want to get the so-called treasure from my mouth.

Once I get the benefits, I am useless. Since I am going to die anyway, don’t even think about taking the benefits to yourself. "As he spoke, the God of Thunder slapped his forehead, and his whole body exploded. He actually committed suicide ferociously. Not only was he shattered into pieces, he turned into points of light all over the sky, and the entire content of the exercises he had learned was presented in this piece of paper. In the underground space, every god can see it.

Obviously this last step was not his own will, but was manipulated, but no one cares about this now.

[To be continued]

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