Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1658: 10 times the attack of the Lord God

Suppressing all the second-level and third-level gods by oneself is something that most of the main gods cannot do. Seeing that the battle has become one-sided, the higher-ups among the gods have to send corresponding opponents. He was restrained.

Otherwise, even if the gods have strong vitality, they may be wiped out under such high-intensity crushing. Trying to avoid casualties as much as possible is still something that senior gods need to consider.

So the main gods must appear, but who will do this thankless task is debatable. Most senior gods, even if they are not very strong and very popular, will not be pushed into such a dangerous battlefield.

But some people had just joined the God Realm not long ago, and unlike Tang San, who had a very high divine status and could suppress those who were dissatisfied, they were unlucky enough to be selected this time, and became the unlucky guy to test the strength of the Thunder God's combat power. .

Yes, this unlucky guy is the God of Destruction. He was originally a powerful man in the Dzi Bead world, but because of the fear of death in his later years, he finally chose to become a god.

Although he is powerful and has obtained the status of Lord God, in the final analysis he is a newcomer and has no foundation. And on the surface he belonged to the camp of the God of Destruction, but in fact he was Tang San's undercover agent. This has led to the fact that neither side is very optimistic about his current status.

He belongs to the type with relatively poor personnel in the God Realm. He happens to be the main god with relatively strong combat power, so he was unfortunately pushed out.

In terms of combat effectiveness, the God of Destruction's combat effectiveness is indeed very strong. Before Zhou Xiaopang inherited the God of Destruction, the God of Destruction was the top god in the God Realm. After he inherited the God of Destruction, he became the God of Destruction. It brought the power system of the Dzi Bead world and obtained a set of powerful artifacts. The combat effectiveness has been greatly improved, and with an all-out explosion, it is even possible to unleash attacks comparable to those of the Supreme God.

The reason why he is so powerful is largely due to the set of artifacts on his body. The artifacts on his body are not two, but thirteen. Compared with Fusion who has seven artifacts and a carving knife, Nian Bing wants more.

His 13 artifacts are formed from his own 13 body beads before he became a god. Each of the first ten beads can double his strength, which means that together they can increase his strength by 1024 times. strength.

The eleventh and twelfth stones increase their power by ten times respectively. When added together, they increase their power by a factor of 100,000.

The only pity is that his first bead is not in this artifact set. It is just an artifact that can be transformed into a long-range bow and arrow. However, this bead can also play a powerful role. Compared with the destruction of Forgotten, this god In addition to being powerful, God is also good at long-range bow and arrow weapons. It can be said that he has no shortcomings in melee and long-range combat.

Any attack can achieve extremely terrifying effects after its power is amplified 100,000 times. When Thor saw that his opponent was this one, he also looked solemn. In terms of frontal combat effectiveness, this one was definitely one or two among the main gods. He didn't have much experience in fighting the main gods, but he actually got it for the first time. Facing such an opponent still made him feel a bit tricky.

In order to leave a way out for himself, he explained as much as possible, at least to give the gods a reason to spare his life.

"Do you really want to continue to be so unyielding? We were colleagues after all. I did get some treasures in this world, but using them will cause such a disaster to all living beings. I did not expect that, as a god who once protected all living beings, Do you think if I knew, I would really let such a tragedy happen? "

Faced with his explanation, the God of Destruction just said coldly: "It's useless to talk more. You have made a big mistake now. No matter what the final treatment of you is, I will capture you back to the God Realm. After hearing this, I will let you go." , you can’t be our opponent!”

The God of Destruction cannot make arbitrary decisions without receiving orders from above. Because one or two sentences of explanation let Thor go.

Although reluctant, he raised his hammer and joined the fight.

A set of dark gold armor appeared on his body. As he tightened his grip on the hammer, the dark gold armor began to turn into colors.

This is a characteristic of his world. In the Dzi Bead world, the top-level weapon suits will appear dark gold, but dark gold is not the original color of the suit. Only when all the sets are collected will the dark gold fade. Transform into the original color.

Although it is not dark gold, the armor on his body is still shining with gold. If he is carrying a big sword, he can just say that he is a brother and come and chop me.

"Since you must fight, then I have no choice but to accompany you to the end." Naturally, Thor will not just surrender. His strength has not yet been fully demonstrated. If he does not show his value, he might really be captured after being captured. After Qiu asked, he was beheaded.

Although Thor has learned the skills, he is still best at thunder and lightning, and the skills also have related assistance. Two twisted electric tracks appeared in the sky, and a powerful TV field made these two tracks snap. Flashing current. At the same time, there is a strong magnetic field covering this orbit. Obviously, this is the starting position of the electromagnetic gun.

If it is driven by force, the extraordinary power in one's body needs to be released and then forcibly condensed into shape. Not only is the release very difficult, but it also consumes a lot of money, which puts a lot of pressure on the individual.

But now he has mastered how to control spiritual energy to form electronic orbits. To put it in a more fantasy way, he has mastered the supreme thunder method, and can release the terrifying power of thunder and lightning with every movement of his hands and feet.

The electronic orbit is not released by the extraordinary power in his body, but by him controlling the aura in the air to arrange the orbit he needs in the air, forming a powerful magnetic field to propel the weapon he wants to launch.

During this period, in order to fight against the encirclement and suppression of the gods, he also made some weapons. The cultivation techniques I practice are indeed different from other techniques. I don’t know how to practice and improve myself, but also how to forge artifacts through extraordinary means.

In this way, he forged a superconducting cannonball and covered the outside of the cannonball with a layer that was so strong that even he himself could not break it.

It can be said that it has an extremely powerful armor-piercing ability, and it can exert the maximum power of the electromagnetic track during acceleration. In terms of long-range attacks, this move has surpassed most of the main gods.

The God of Destruction had just rushed up, and was faced with such an electromagnetic gun and shell.

He swung his hammer, unleashing 100,000 times the power. He originally thought that facing such a cannonball, his body's power would be amplified 100,000 times, and he could easily knock him away.

But obviously things were not as simple as he imagined, as the shells flying towards him were accelerating rapidly. This doesn't make sense. Regular cannonballs should be the fastest at the beginning, and will gradually slow down as they encounter air resistance.

But this one is exactly the opposite. The speed at first made him think he could easily fly away. But just in the blink of an eye, the speed accelerated to a level that even it was afraid of.

However, it was too late to dodge, and his hammer had already been swung towards the cannonball.

After his power was amplified 100,000 times, he did push the cannonball away, but he still couldn't break the principle of conservation of momentum, and he would be severely knocked away by the reaction force. Embedded in the wall of the underground space. The violent shaking almost caused the entire underground space to collapse.

Fortunately, the artifact on his body provided him not only with powerful strength, but also with strong defense. Although he was embarrassed, he did not suffer many injuries.

"Damn it! What kind of move is this? Why are there faster and faster cannonballs?" The God of Destruction crawled out of the hole he dug in embarrassment. Facing the cannonballs that were ready to go out again, he took off the shells behind his back. bow.

Although this piece of equipment cannot provide him with a strength bonus, the 100,000 times strength bonus can still be applied to this weapon, making the bows and arrows he shoots extremely powerful.

Although the power of conventional bows and arrows depends on the elasticity of the bow, even if the person pulling the bow has a force of one million tons, the bow itself is not elastic enough and cannot exert such strong power. However, the weapon of the God of Destruction is not a real bow and arrow. It's normal to be unscientific.

The actual arrow was not taken out, but at the same time as the work started, a flashing fluorescent arrow emerged.

Aiming at the cannonballs released by Thor, the two sides directly fired and collided with each other.

Amidst the loud noise, everyone felt a ringing in their ears, and the intense flash of light erupting from the center of the collision made it blinding. However, judging from the ring of light blooming from the center of the explosion, the attack from both sides should be evenly matched.

Just when everyone thought so, the God of Destruction flew backwards. He was not hit by a cannonball, but several circles of light appeared near him before crushing the second-level god and the light used by the third-level god. The cannon was released directly and hit him.

"Do you think I can only use one attack at a time? That's too naive. I can easily distract myself and release multiple powerful attacks at the same time.

It’s not a problem for me to release ten thunder spells like the one just now! "

The God of Destruction was shocked, and his first reaction was Thor's bragging. If that kind of attack were repeated ten times, he would be seriously injured in an instant. How is it possible that someone can do this, and the other person is not the Supreme God.

However, ten identical electromagnetic tracks soon emerged, rotating with the movement of the God of Destruction. All aimed at him.

"It's a bluff! Don't think that you can fool me with such a trick. It's nothing more than an illusion." The God of Destruction intuitively believed that his opponent could not be that powerful. Among these ten shells, at most only one is real. The rest are all a cover-up to deceive people.

"Are you bluffing? Wouldn't you know it if you tried it yourself? I don't want to waste any more time on you. Let's make a quick decision."

As the electromagnetic gun made a sharp roar as it rubbed in the air, ten shells were fired almost at the same time. The God of Destruction stared closely at these ten shells, using all his mental power to try to distinguish the true from the false. But even then, these ten shells had accelerated to the point where it was difficult for him to distinguish them with the naked eye. He couldn't tell which one was real. Is it possible that all of them are fake, so there is no difference at all?

Although this speculation occurred, he did not dare to bet. Faced with every cannonball, it might be the real situation. The choice he made was to take a hammer in each hand, and then spin it on the spot at high speed, so that he Although it will be blown away, the real cannonball cannot hit your body. Although this is a bit of a disadvantage, it can theoretically be defended. Try to get another chance to observe your opponent's skills. He believed that he would be able to find the flaw.

However, he soon realized how wrong he was. The feel of the hammer made him realize. At this time, more than one of the cannonballs was definitely real, because the hammers in both hands felt the collision. In other words, at least two of the shells are real. But it was too late for his brain to formulate this idea, and he was already blown away by the remaining eight shells.

The fact is that Thor did not lie. Such remote-controlled spiritual energy is very difficult for him. Releasing ten electromagnetic guns at the same time is nothing more than consuming a large amount of energy in his body in a short period of time. Although it consumes a lot of money, it can still be done. And such an attack is almost a devastating blow to the Lord God.

The God of Destruction was directly blasted away. Although the artifact on his body had strong defensive capabilities, under the bombardment of each shell equivalent to his full blow, it still shattered and fell apart on his body. .

Without the protection of the artifact, he was bombarded to the wall and his flesh and blood were suddenly mangled, and he was unable to get up for a while.

After just two rounds of fighting, he killed a main god with one big move. The combat power displayed by the God of Thunder was still far behind that of the Supreme God.

But I'm afraid it has already exceeded the level of the main god. In the divine world, there is a halo behind the head of the god. The number of halos usually reflects the strength of the god.

The supreme god has nine haloes, the main god has seven haloes, the second-level gods have five haloes, the third-level gods have three haloes, and those who are not popular have only one.

Huo Yuhao once used the Martial Soul Fusion Skill in the God Realm to temporarily increase the seven halos behind him to eight. And used his ultimate move to hurt the God of Destruction.

Now in the eyes of the gods, the God of Thunder is probably in the same state as a powerful man with eight haloes behind him who has surpassed the realm of the Lord God. Even if he is not as good as the Supreme God, his current strength is the only level.

Thor himself was a little surprised. Today's battle was like a fish in water. He originally thought that he would need to use more methods to deal with the main god. Unexpectedly, he actually succeeded in using ten times the electromagnetic gun and easily killed the opponent instantly.

What he didn't know was that the reason why he was able to do so smoothly was actually because secretly, there was a third-level god buried under the stone who secretly added some ingredients to his attack.

[To be continued]

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