Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,661 Divine Disaster

The gods coming to Douluo to practice is not a good thing for the people living on this continent. Under normal circumstances, the gods coming will bring a lot of spiritual energy, which may bring harm to the cultivators in the world. Some benefits.

But now the gods are practicing orthodox cultivation techniques in order to better control spiritual energy. Coming to the human world requires absorbing a large amount of energy, and the source of energy undoubtedly needs to be plundered from this planet.

The so-called energy is actually everywhere. If it is simply defined by the standard that humans can use it, it is difficult to define what energy is. After all, it is not something with a high temperature that can be extracted and utilized by humans. of.

To convert heat into usable energy, you need a temperature difference, which is determined by the second law of thermodynamics. Low-temperature objects will not spontaneously conduct heat to high-temperature objects.

In other words, it is actually unrealistic to absorb the heat in the atmosphere and convert it into energy that can be used by oneself.

Although the temperature difference in the atmosphere exists, it is very small. At least it is difficult to convert this part of the temperature difference into usable energy. What is more convenient to use is the geothermal energy in volcanoes and other areas, between the magma of active volcanoes and the air on the ground. , there are often temperature differences of hundreds of degrees Celsius or even greater.

Even humans using relatively primitive machinery can utilize this part of energy, but due to cost considerations, not many use this part of energy.

It is naturally easier for the gods to absorb this part of energy with the help of spiritual energy and techniques.

Therefore, the various fires on the continent, especially those active volcanoes, have been unknowingly occupied by the gods who broke the taboo and came to the human world.

The gods do not interfere in the human world, but because the harm caused by interfering in the human world is greater than the benefits. Now that the human world has greater benefits, naturally there is nothing to worry about.

The more powerful gods choose a place closer to the underground, where the temperature is higher. Although the temperature difference is not as large as the surface, their ability can directly communicate with the surface and utilize the greater energy in those locations.

These are generally the Lord God and the Supreme God. Their use of energy is relatively peaceful. At least on the surface, it will not cause much damage to the planet. Geothermal energy is extremely huge. Even the Supreme God cannot use it at the highest efficiency. How much would it change the climate of the entire planet.

But those lower-level gods have a greater impact. They cannot go deep underground to use the huge geothermal energy. They can only use the magma near the volcanic crater closer to the surface, and the huge gap between the magma and the atmosphere. temperature difference to obtain energy.

But doing so will inevitably cause the magma from which they draw energy to rapidly cool down, and will also cause the temperature of the atmosphere to increase.

The latter actually does not cause much of a problem. The total amount of the planet's atmosphere is extremely large. Simple volcanic eruptions will not cause global warming. What can really affect the climate is the greenhouse gases released after volcanic eruptions.

In comparison, simply releasing the heat from magma will have minimal impact on global temperatures.

If they simply use the energy in the magma, these gods will not cause any harm to the human world. They may even gradually solidify the magma, strengthen the cracks in the earth's crust, and reduce the frequency of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

It's just that the gods cannot use this energy so honestly. The number of volcanoes on the planet is limited, and the amount of magma that can reach the surface is very small.

This part of the energy is really too small compared to the huge energy hidden underground. Even the gods can absorb it for a while. But it won’t be long before it is completely sucked dry.

At that time, they will not be able to go deep underground to practice like the Supreme God. In the absence of a large amount of energy sources, the progress will become extremely slow.

In fact, it is not difficult to solve this problem. That is to artificially create volcanic eruptions. The volcanic eruptions that can occur on the surface of the planet are very exaggerated.

The Siberian Traps event that once occurred on Earth created a magma ocean several kilometers deep that now covers almost the entire Siberian region. It is even more outrageous than the deepest oceans today.

Although the gods did not intend to cause such trouble, in order to ensure the stability of their energy sources, active volcanoes in various places, including dormant volcanoes, began to move to varying degrees, and some began to erupt directly. Some areas where the crust is relatively fragile but do not have volcanoes themselves. Volcanoes also began to appear inexplicably.

A large amount of magma was drawn up from the ground and poured into the surface, providing the most convenient source of energy for the gods to extract energy.

The four current countries of mankind have all noticed these changes to a greater or lesser extent. Although the gods started on the other two continents on the opposite side of the sea. More are hidden under the sea, relying on the temperature difference caused by submarine volcanic eruptions to extract energy.

Theoretically, the ocean is more suitable for energy extraction than the continent. Seawater is a natural cooling liquid, which can measurably maintain the huge temperature difference between volcanoes and seawater. Extracting energy is easier than on land.

It's a pity that the gods don't like living under the sea. Before they became gods, they themselves were land creatures and were actually not adapted to the ocean environment.

So even if the environment under the sea is better, many low-level gods still choose volcanoes on land.

In addition, another important reason why many of the gods choose to land is that the ocean on this planet has an owner, and that is Tang San. He is the real God of the Sea, and his duty is to control the ocean.

As the largest cooling pool on the planet, how could he not see the huge value of the ocean? So he almost dominated the entire ocean. Only those who smile at you and have an extremely close relationship with you are allowed to practice in the ocean.

If only it caused a volcanic eruption in the ocean. That would only change the pH of the seawater in an area, affecting the survival of organisms in the area, but would have a much smaller impact on people on land. But a large number of gods were driven out of the ocean.

After they came to land and triggered volcanic eruptions, the disasters caused were more serious.

Many coastal areas are actually in volcanic and seismic zones, and these areas are precisely the most prosperous areas. Heavy casualties have occurred during geological activities.

The most serious disaster occurred in the Douling Republic. A large coastal city was directly in the center of the cracked earth, and half of the city sank into the ground.

This also makes the Douling Republic the most wary of this series of natural disasters. In contrast, the other three empires believe that the Douling Republic has destroyed the roots of the nobility and has made the world miserable and the people are in dire straits (actually it is only the nobility who are being persecuted). The natural disasters are nothing more than divine punishment.

Because the Douluo people have truly seen the existence of gods, they are still relatively superstitious. They believe that what the Douluo Republic has done is outraged by both humans and gods, and that it is natural for them to be condemned by God.

Even the people of the Douling Republic themselves have similar doubts. Fortunately, the Douling Republic's ability to respond to disasters is much stronger than that of the traditional empire, and its mobilization ability is hundreds of times stronger.

As a country, it is an unshirkable responsibility to provide shelter for the people living in this country in disasters. People have dedicated a considerable part of their freedom to form a country, and then the country has reason to make contributions to your contribution. To give back, even if the cost is far more than what they gave, they must save people first.

It was also the behavior of united response in the face of natural disasters that allowed the Douling Republic to successfully survive the disaster, and even gain the trust of the people during the disaster.

After all, taking huge risks and spending huge amounts of manpower and material resources to rescue victims is something that no empire would ever do.

However, a huge price was paid. While conducting rescue and disaster relief operations, considerable attention was paid to the cause of the accident, and a special investigation team was formed to investigate the incident.

Vincent is one of the leaders of the survey team. He is responsible for recording the current level of volcanic activity in the coastal zone, trying to estimate the next possible occurrence in that area, and transferring personnel in advance.

In contrast, the other three empires did not pay much attention to this aspect. The reason is that the rulers of the country are all strong. They can easily escape when faced with such earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, even if they cannot By flying and running, you can easily escape from densely populated cities. The interests of vested interests will not be harmed, and naturally they will not pay attention to your arrival there.

Ordinary people, no matter how many mud-legged people die, what does it have to do with them? Vincent himself is one of the ordinary people. His wife works in the school and the children also study in the local school. They were extremely vulnerable before they were there, which also made his investigation extremely meticulous.

During a data comparison, he discovered that there were extremely abnormal phenomena in the volcanic activity along your coast.

Based on nearby locations, it is speculated that the volcano should be becoming more active, but according to the results of two tests, the volcano's activity is declining rapidly, and the water level in the lava lake in the crater is declining rapidly. At the same time, the temperature also began to drop. A lot of magma solidified.

This phenomenon can be said to be very abnormal. He soon reported the data and attracted the attention of the investigation department. On this continent, there are all kinds of extraordinary powers, even volcanoes, earthquakes, etc. Natural disasters may also occur as a result of man-made disasters.

This extremely abnormal phenomenon immediately aroused great vigilance among the people in charge of the investigation. They directly chose to report it to the top of the country and requested that armed personnel be dispatched to surround the volcano to prevent any accidents from happening.

Facts have proved that their decision is meaningful. During the survey, the signs of cooling of the volcano became more and more obvious. The original active volcano was rapidly transforming into an extinct volcano. There seemed to be something inside the magma that was rapidly absorbing heat.

The entire mountain peak has become hot due to unknown influences. As the volcano gradually cools down, you have installed some large-scale equipment and began to scan the interior of the mountain in more detail. During the scanning process, they finally discovered something. The abnormal energy reaction inside the mountain and the extremely huge energy means that there is an extremely powerful individual hidden here.

In terms of pure energy intensity, it is stronger than the Super Douluo, and even vaguely surpasses the Extreme Douluo in the records. After scanning this phenomenon, the troops on the scene immediately requested support.

They were no longer able to deal with an opponent of this level, and the scanning of the large instrument also attracted the attention of a third-level god inside the mountain. For a time, a magma lake formed inside the volcano. It became choppy.

Although the principle of the gods is not to interfere with the creatures living on the ground as much as possible, this rule is just a piece of paper with little enforcement power. After most of the provinces have come to the human world, this rule has There is no more binding force.

After mortals provoke themselves, they will undoubtedly fight back. Especially in the Douling Republic, with the establishment of the country and the development of education, the power of faith provided every year has become less and less.

This also made the gods increasingly dissatisfied. Since there was a lack of faith in this area, it was natural to punish them.

Therefore, this third-level god did not take any care when he moved his hands, and directly caused the eruption of the volcano. If it were before practicing the cultivation technique, it would be impossible for a mere third-level god to cause a volcanic eruption.

Their crude way of using energy would prevent them from triggering an eruption unless they encountered an extremely unstable volcano, but now they have more refined control over their extraordinary power and know how to harness the power of nature.

The crater exploded directly, and a large amount of magma spurted out. Vincent was at the scene of the investigation. Standing in front of the instrument to report the parameters, he watched in despair as the magma covered him like a huge palm falling from the sky. It's almost like closing your eyes and waiting to die.

Just when he thought he was dead, the soldier responsible for protecting him pushed him down. The shield he carried was activated passively, which prevented him from being thrown to death. He rolled all the way down the mountain, but he was pushed to the ground. The soldier was completely swallowed by the magma.

Obviously the other party believed that Vincent, who held important data, was more important. When danger approached, he subconsciously chose to save people.

At the same time, the first head-on conflict between man and god also occurred. The arrogant god emerged from the boiling crater with his fiery red figure, and strips of magma surrounded him like ribbons.

Thick smoke rose behind him, covering the sky, and the fiery red magma that swallowed everything flowed out like blood, completely covering the entire mountain peak.

The pressure of God surpassed all Titled Douluo, and every warrior present had difficulty breathing due to the oppression, but they still reported the coordinates of the enemy immediately and pointed their weapons at... God!

[To be continued]

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